Sunday, April 11, 2010

Family Court changes announced

 Boshier speaks of "considerable delay in resolving the issues". That is the understatement of the century. If only an early intervention service had listened and read factual evidence that proved the Family Court protection orders placed on me were maliciously obtained by a sinister family then it might have saved the New Zealand taxpayer a couple of million dollars .The false allegations were promoted by the gender bias Family Court who seemed to thrive on the seven year case,which painfully become a meandering gravy train of meaningless  and heartbreaking litigation.My four children were destroyed by a callous and cold Family court of deceit and lies.My mother died a heartbroken paternal grand mother because she was denied access to her alienated two grand daughters. What about the widespread destruction caused by the so called lying professionals in my case Judge Boshier?

Justice is coming Boshier!

A shake-up of Family Court processes will speed up child care cases, with those involving abuse or violence to receive urgent attention.
Principal Family Court Judge Peter Boshier, who announced the changes today, said cases involving family break-ups often saw bitter disputes between parents.
"This can cause considerable delay in resolving the issues, which can be harmful to the welfare of the children caught in the middle of these conflicts."
From Monday the more than 27,000 cases filed each year which relate to children will enter the court's new Early Intervention Process.
Where there are issues of safety for children they will be treated urgently with judges taking responsibility to ensure issues are dealt with swiftly.
Parties in non-urgent cases will be sent to counselling. If this fails they will move on to a lawyer-assisted mediation, then a conference before a judge.
Where the parents are still unable to reach an agreement the case will go before a full hearing under a judge, with wait times no longer than a month.
Judge Boshier said the new system would be quicker, cheaper and more effective than the old ways once Ministry of Justice staff and lawyers adjusted to the changes.
"The Early Intervention Process is a landmark for the court and will be one of its most significant reforms since the Family Court was created in 1981.
"Children need stability restored to their lives after the trauma of family break up, and it is vital to their welfare that the conflict surrounding them is reduced as much and as soon as possible."

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