Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On the UN - The female gender domination in the UN as the most gender racist organisation of our world

No wonder our former radical feminazi and deceitful lying low life Prime Minister Helen Clark and her lesbian lover Heather Simpson went to work for the disgusting UN.

On the UN - The female gender domination in the UN as the most gender racist organisation of our world

The UN is undoubtedly the most appalling gender racist organisation in our world today.
It works on "gender issues" and in their jargon socalled "gender equality issues and initiatives" from the perspective of the female gender only.
Funding is almost unilaterrally directed at funding for women and girls initiatives and issues only. From the bottom up to the socalled Millenium goals
Their organisation on gender issues is totally dominated by women only, mostly radical feminists. Radical feminists are spending billions in the UN on their issues only.
Men and Boys are nowhere in the UN represented independantly.
Below is just another example.

Peter Tromp
Father Knowledge Centre Europe


UN body to promote equality for women an historic initiative
2010 UN Media Release: Monday, 5 July 2010

Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Elizabeth Broderick, said today that the establishment of a single United Nations body to promote equality for women was momentous because it sent an international message that gender equality is and should be important to people and governments around the world.

Commissioner Broderick said UN Women will bring together the financial and human resources of four areas of the United Nations so that its impact on progressing gender equality would be increased.
“The establishment of UN Women is significant because it heralds an era where women and girls around the world will have a much stronger and more unified voice about the issues of inequality and discrimination that they face on a daily basis,” said Commissioner Broderick. “And these issues are often the very real issues of poverty, violence, inequality in work, discrimination on the basis of parenting responsibilities and low involvement in social decision-making processes.”
Commissioner Broderick said the issue of gender equality is an issue of human rights, something that is often forgotten in wider discussion on the subject.
“We forget that the gender equality issues that Australian women face, such as violence, poverty in retirement because of systemic failure to accrue life savings, inequality of pay and low levels of representation in the decision-making processes of our community, are in fact human rights breaches,” Commissioner Broderick said.

Commissioner Broderick said the establishment of UN Women was a positive development, and she looks forward to Australia’s ongoing involvement with it in working towards gender equality for women across the world.
Media contacts: Brinsley Marlay – 02 9284 9656 or 0430 366 529

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