Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Michael Hickman traumatised by unwarranted injustice .

Here is an updated report on victimisation and revenge as it is taken out on victims of the German State Apparatus

Please distribute this report as widely as possible so that the world can know what is going on in Germany. Please take action against Germany if you are in a position to do so


My sixth anniversary report on Germany practices in regards to victims of International child abduction to Germany

For over 11 years since my children were unlawfully abducted to and retained in Germany in January 1996 I have been systematically mobbed and threatened by the German State Apparatus because I dared to speak out publicly against violations of fundamental freedoms and human rights, because I dared to speak out publicly against violations of civil and legal rights because I publicly spoke out against blatant crimes that we being committed against my minor children who had been unlawfully abducted to Germany, children that were being denied access to their entire English speaking family by German officials of the Jugendamt in Wilhelmshaven in collusion with the German family court.

Today the 13 July 2007 is the sixth anniversary of my arrival in Berlin, Germany to join Olivier Karrer of CEED INTERNATIONAL and a group of other protesters to protest the fact that German officials in particular the Germany Jugendamt were deliberately preventing us access to our children who had been unlawfully abducted to Germany. Our protest was in the form of a three week long Hungerstrike at the Alexanderplatz, Berlin.

Since then I have gained very much valuable personal knowledge as to exactly in every possible detail how the German system operates. As to how German authorities blatantly and deliberately mistreat and terrorise foreign parents who are victims of international child abduction to Germany.

Since then I have had ongoing dealings with Germany at every possible level from both within Germany as a resident as well as more recently from abroad. These dealings have been with German authorities in particular the Jugendamt, with the German justice system, with German politicians, with German officials such as the Jugendamt and immigration officials, with German organisations and with ordinary members of German society. These dealings have been with large numbers of German individuals at all levels.

In addition I have surveyed and sounded out over 30 thousand separate German individuals from all walks of life as to their views in regards to the way foreign parents who are victims of child abduction to Germany are being routinely treated in Germany. In particular I have surveyed the views of German politicians from all the political parties, police from all the German states, university professors in particular in the faculties of law and psychology, the German Press and TV, German attorneys of law. Last but not least I have surveyed a broad cross section of ordinary German society. The results of my surveys have been consistently uniform in their results, all have reacted in the same inhuman German manner, mostly they have either ignored me, or have attacked me, or have corrected my grammar, all appear to be more than happy with the disgusting inhuman way that foreign victims of international child abduction are routinely treated, how their rights are routinely violated in Germany. The most frequently asked question in response to my survey has been "what have you done wrong to be treated in this manner", the most uttered statement has been "what did you do wrong, as you would not have been treated in this manner if you had not done something wrong". The attitude in Germany is that you would not have been treated by German "officials" in the manner that you have been if you had not been in the wrong. The concept that your fundamental freedoms and human rights have been violated, that your civil and legal rights have been violated that heinous crimes have been committed against you appears to go totally unrecognised by all and sundry. It appears to be automatically accepted by German society that one as a foreigner deserves to be treated in this manner, that you have no rights whatsoever, because if you had not been in the wrong in the first instance then you would not have received such treatment in Germany. In addition xenophobia appears to be a key component in the attitudes displayed, how could a foreigner possibly be in the right? and a German be wrong comes through time and again. Most of those who I have had dealings with to date appear to have no regards for my human rights or legal whatsoever.

My experiences with all categories of German involved in my case in particular officials and politicians have been consistently uniform, the only exception has been a very small number of ordinary members of German society who have recognised that the manner in which I have been routinely treated is totally unacceptable and have given me support in one manner or another. Some of these German people have become very good friends of mine, friends who continue to supply me with valuable help and information.

The rest without exception have all acted in undivided unison to collectively deliberately and blatantly violate my fundamental freedoms and human rights in every manner possible, to violate my legal and civil rights in every manner possible. They have all acted with German system in the disgusting "German manner of doing things" well known to the world, they have all acted in close co-operation with one another to systematically, blatantly and deliberately deny me and my victim children our rights, to deny me and my victim children justice. I have been persecuted at every turn because I have dared to stand up for my rights and those of my children, because I demand justice. These individuals collectively with German precision have and continue to mob me to take out their revenge against me because I a victim of the German State Apparatus and it’s terror campaign against me have dared to and continue to publicly suggest that even I a foreigner have rights in Germany, that I a foreigner have any rights no matter where I may be.

The more that I have publicly protested my rights and those of my children the more that I have demanded to be treated justly the more the German authorities and politicians have gone out of their way to take out revenge against me, the more blatantly they have denied me my rights and have committed crimes against me as is well recorded. This form of intimidation and state sponsored psycho-terror very closely borders on the practices of Germany under the National Socialist Regime and the Communist Regime of the former East Germany, which is totally unacceptable in a so called free democratic society.

How I have been treated in general by the German State Apparatus and it’s proxies can be no co-incidence, certainly not such well orchestrated and systematic violations of human rights, violations of civil rights, violations of legal rights and outright crimes that have been committed against me. Such well planned and executed violations of human rights can only be possible with the fully approval and support and of the entire political and government structure of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The present situation is that with the fully knowledge and obvious fully approval, of the entire political and Government hierarchy of the Federal Republic of Germany most probably on direct orders from these individuals. Applications to the family court go unprocessed or are simply ignored. Crimes against me and my family go unprocessed or are simply ignored. Charges against prominent politicians for involvement in criminal collusion go unattended to or are simply ignored. Charges of criminal collusion against German family court judges go unprocessed or are simply ignored, Applications for residence go unprocessed or are simply ignored.

The most alarming aspect of what I have to report regarding the way I have been systematically and routinely mistreated by German officials etc. is very familiar to me as I was born and raised under the former Nazi National Party Regime in South Africa (Apartheid Regime), what I have experienced and continue to experience at the hands of all these German individuals is nothing different to the way that people of colour were blatantly and deliberately violated and abused by the Nazi Nationalist Party Regime and it’s agents in South Africa. Alarmingly what I have experienced and continue to experience in Germany could just as well have been happening under the National Socialist Regime (Nazi Regime) which was formerly in power in Germany. As a result of my well recorded and indisputable experiences in Germany it would appear to me that the spirit of Adolf Hitler and the old regime is still firmly in control of Germany at every possible level of the political establishment, government and of civil society.

What I an now reporting to you is no isolated case involving me only, what I have reported to you appears to be routine German practice when it comes to thousands of other victims of International child abduction to Germany. I have come to this conclusion in addition to other reasons as a result of what has been directly reported to me a hundred fold by other foreign victims following International child abduction to Germany. These victims unfortunately for one reason or the other, mostly due to threats and for the fear of reprisal by Germany and it’s state organs in particular the Jugendamt, have failed due to very well founded fear to record or report their horrific experiences with Germany and it’s officials to the world.

Report by

Michael Hickman

On the 13 July 2007

From Durban, South Africa


This email has been sent to you for your information and your action by

Michael Hickman
135 Torquay Avenue
Durban 4052
South Africa
Tel: +27820612593


This email can not be clasified as spam as it is legitimate political activism in regards to bringing the world attention to the violation of fundamental freedoms and human rights as well as criminal acts being committed by German politicians and officials

1 comment:

dad4justice said...

In solidarity Michael . No wonder resentment is high when fathers' can't see their children . How hard are good dads to be driven in the best interests of the child? Their suicides give the answer .So that's in the best interests of their children ! The Kangaroo de -family court is committed to ignoring wrongful behaviour from a vindictive female custodial parent .