Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Letter to National Party regarding deadbeat dads.

National Spokeswomen on Family.

Dear Mrs Judith Collins

"Inland Revenue was letting "deadbeat dads" leave New Zealand without making arrangements to pay child support debts even when informed about flight details, National's Judith Collins said today."

Why not address the serious issues that cause these men to abandon their parental responsibilities?Why not look at the triggers that make fathers flee the country.Clearly you would like to criminalize fatherhood as your offensive rhetoric indicates.More ambulance at the bottom of the cliff ideologies. National have no contingency plans to address the widespread problems of kiwi fatherlessness, the lack of male role models and low self esteem issues for our young males trapped in a feminist school system.Boys leave school with their heads down these days as the politicians blame all societies problems on fathers deserting the ship.

I am continuing to contact my fellow activist, men and women, who believe you are helping to perpetrate one of the greatest civil rights abuses ever in New Zealand. Numbers and severity of abuse, including fulfilling all the components of the definitions of slavery, argue this point very well. Your unfair "deadbeat dad" stereotype is both disgusting and bloody offensive !I suggest you to lay off and tackle some real issues that impact on child poverty and child abuse,that would be far more beneficial too kiwi society rather than your constant put downs of fatherhood.

During the past decades the media and politicians often present fathers as bumbling idiots , marriage as warfare and women as sex objects, while heroes were old fashioned and most male characters could only resolve conflict through violence.

For years men have been bombarded from every side, and the beating took its toll, just have a glance at recent suicide statistics if you care, which I doubt, as politicians live in a privileged utopian bubble alienated from reality. Why don't you try and address the constant struggles that confront the ever increasingly poor masses of kiwi peasants, who are expected to live on peanuts from the corrupt administration. Surely you must realize poverty and child abuse go hand in hand.

What did these men do to justify the debtor's prisons, confiscation of property, money, future earnings, micro-managing where they work, for whom they work, how many jobs they work, etc.... if the divorce were "NO-FAULT"? And, who canceled the International Human Right legislation and the Bill of Rights when there was no national crisis in families until the courts and legislatures artificially created one? You know the answer to that question Judith, because you were employed in the De Family Court gravy train which is nothing more than a cess pool of lies and corruption ! You were once part of the adversarial court of injustice, so I expect your deadbeat dad mentality was learned at law school preached by another feminist leaning Professor of piffle.You are the typical De Family Court lawyer, that is , you have graduated in textbook gender bias genocide while cruising the judicial gravy train. Everybody knows the De Family Court is a sick joke for fathers.They should have the hooded hangman stationed outside every De Family Courthouse in New Zealand.No wonder honest lawyers stay well away from the evil court .Shame on the sinister and sick Kangaroo Court of destruction.

Child support should first be questioned as to lawfulness of taking children from an innocent parent and second as to who is the least stable parent ending a marriage for self-aggrandizement at the great cost to the children. Child poverty, abuse, sexual molestation, major psychological problems, teen pregnancy, promiscuity, drug addictions, perversions,infanticide, etc. all skyrocket when the children are taken from the father. Even 'bad dads' raise better and healthier citizens than single mothers.Responsible and caring dads set boundaries. So we pay women to destroy our children. That is really smart. Why don't you do a reality show called "Kiwi Babies for Profit" or "Aunty Helen's Welfare Whores" to document the major reality of meal ticket mummies (real deadbeats) who want others to pay for their sluttish behaviour. If a man has several children by several women, he is a considered a sub-human villain deadbeat. So why is it a stretch to label irresponsibly birthing women similarly. The public is beginning to ask the same questions as they see more good men destroyed than truly bad men punished.

Violent offenders have more rights than a divorced father who loves his children and has not changed jobs but is starving and behind on child support.For example, incarcerated prisoners, real serious offenders like homicidal maniacs get paid huge amounts of compensation for hurt feelings, while badly done over fathers in the wretched Family Court get nothing but a kick in the guts ! Injustice hurts big time Mrs Collins. You should have a yarn to any of my FOUR CHILDREN if you don't believe me!

Every time some faithless and foolish mother files for 'no-fault' divorce expecting money, power, and control over her husband enforced at the point of a gun, we are all supposed to automatically assume that he must be at fault so he must pay. We do this even when the woman claims a "NO-FAULT" DIVORCE.

If, as a businessman, the law stated that anyone I contract with can bail at anytime with "no fault" on my behalf, but can still receive all the benefits of the contract from me, this is fraud. If you believe this is fair, then I have a million-dollar contract I would like for you to sign with me so I can bail and still collect.

If I were fully informed of that fact of a unilateral cancellation with full compensation clause in your favour only I would not do business. Would you? Or would you expect that criminal fraud that attempts such behaviour to go to jail for committing her fraud. Why do we reward marital fraud.

The courts and legislators claim their draconian laws and enforcement is for "the best interest of the child". Yet women are the greatest abuses of children in our country, frequently not by mere 'margins' but by 'multipliers' when compared to biological fathers. Our courts and legislators remove protective and nurturing fathers and turn them into wallets much likes the Nazis turned Jews into lampshades.

No-Fault divorce should also mean no child-support and no child custody for the person filing this statement of intent to defraud. Why should we let our most unstable and fraudulent parents have the children and all the power to abuse that entails.

What would a politician like yourself, a former De Family Court gravy train lawyer leech care about fathers overwhelmed by unlawful gender discrimination by ALL Government agencies that callously claim to act in the "child's best interests." How hard are these dads to be pushed ? New Zealand suicide statistics give the answer.Keep driving dads away Judith and scratch your head when the traditional New Zealand FAMILY, that is, MUM & DAD & the CHILDREN is all but obliterated.

Kiwi family breakdown is the new age meal ticket for a huge fractured family industry.Other things may change us kiwi's but we start and end with FAMILY.
No wonder the absentee father is the curse of the day. Thanks for adding to the problem Judith !

Dad4justice, a dad forever, even when beat –dead !

" Its better to be defeated on principle than to win on lies." -Arthur Calwell


Anonymous said...

"Even 'bad dads' raise better and healthier citizens than single mothers"


People like Mark Lundy and Chris Kahui are scum of the earth and you should NOT be calling them 'bad dads'


dad4justice said...

Point taken person with no identity, forgot your name? Such is the internet, anyway I agree with you and I have no tolerance for infanticide or child abuse in ANY shape or form. Murdering scum that take out innocent children deserve to be jailed for the duration of their natural life. They should be doing hard labour daily and put in altogether, without the need for protection prisoners.Dog eat dog and save the taxpayer money. This would make these often incurable homicidal maniacs think twice,maybe? Watch the murder drop with me as Minister of Justice. Yeah right, dreams are free, back in the real world. My bad dad scenario was not in reference too any scumbag - bastard that kills children.

I have ZERO tolerance for kid murderers and abusers.They deserve far worse punishment than they're currently serving in New Zealand prisons on protection away from the mainstream prison population.

Bash the bastards and stop the pc namby pamby crap when dealing with these creeps.

Do have a good day Miss No Name.