By Greg Evensen
June 26, 2012
It is our fault folks. We ignored all of the symptoms. When America needed us the most, we were nowhere to be found. And now, we push the ball of blame around like a rotten onion. So, where have we come to? Irrelevance and oblivion. Welcome to the New World Order and Obama’s dictatorship. Most in and out of the church just flat out don’t care. That is why we have Obama in the first place.
This week I received the following letter. It is replicated here exactly as I got it. My response follows. It explains precisely why we are where we are today and how any hope for a “new” America is tragically non-existent.Hi Greg,“I just love listening to you and Pastor Butch on the radio. Last week, I spoke in ----------- at ----------- ---------- Church. We had a great time! I heard you say that you were going to ------------- also. I pray for the mighty move of the Holy Spirit in His power in your ministry down there!I am from -------------------, --------, and am a pastor at the ------------- Community Church. I called you earlier today and wanted your point of view. What was going through the Founding Father’s minds that they would go to war with Great Britain for their freedom? Why would their liberty and freedom be more important to them than someone else’s life? Tying right to our nation today: Would our Founding Fathers be saying, “Enough is enough” and go to war again?A friend asked me that question the other day and neither of us felt like our history education was good enough to have a good/complete answer. I hope you can see the intent of my questions and have some good answers. Thank you very much!Pastor -----Dear Pastor ----The Founders knew that kingly dictatorship is not moral, nor free. It is certainly not spiritual freedom either.They knew that the Pilgrims and the Puritans came here to seek the freedom they could not find in England, so they sought it here as a mission field. We have lost all connection to that understanding, especially in the pulpits of America. It is now about not offending anyone----just butts and bucks. The Founder’s freedom and indeed our freedom today is contingent upon the willingness of some to defend freedom with their lives. Many talk, few act.Your first question is almost chilling in its detachment from any cognitive understanding about the depth to which those men clearly understood the price of their desire for absolute liberty. It also explains the selfish and deplorable condition of our citizenry at the hands of an ignorant school system and church. How could one contemplate even asking that first question? Nothing in written history suggests that the Founder’s assumed their lives were more important than others, nor that they were unwilling to put their names, lives, fortunes, sacred honor, families, futures and all else on the line for many in the colonies who were ignorant, lazy and unwilling to secure sovereignty for generations yet unborn, just like millions in America today. The Founders were realists. They knew that throughout all of history, people had to stand for an ideal that was righteous and fight unto death if need be to defend it. Only in our generation, have we been so stupidly maligned to believe that freedom just continues to be free for the asking, like government checks and the daily moral outrage of your “free” choice. Are we so ignorant of sacrifice that we ask that kind of question??Would our Founder’s have said “Enough is enough and go to war again? The short answer is---absolutely, yes—and they would have done so several times between 1789 and now. For those who have used, abused, neglected and defamed America with their sin, foul lives, and ignorant knowledge of history’s catalog of right and wrong, there is of course, a different answer. Drugs, corruption, abortion, homosexuality, I will not dignify it by even stipulating its context. We live daily with its truth, reality, and tragic consequences.I believe they would have fought with the Confederacy to overturn outrageous tariffs imposed on the commerce from the south. They would have done so after the debasement of the value of silver in the 1880’s.They would have most certainly gone to war to stop the Federal Reserve Act, the 16th amendment, the 17th amendment, WWI, the New Deal, the UN, Police Actions in Korea, Viet Nam, and all of the other insider, blood profits, socialistic, communistic selling out of our nation by Congress, the Presidents and the complicity of the military industrial behemoth. They would be stupefied watching us today. Forced Obama health care, bank bailouts, European bank bailouts, mercenary invasions of other nations at will, encouraging illegal entry into this country via Mexico and Executive Orders that should result in treason trials for those involved in dictatorship conspiracies overwhelming Washington, D.C.Finally, the Founder’s would be in utter despair to see that their dreams, desires, sacrifice and moral standards all lie about the country in tatters, right along with the flag.Respectfully, ----- the time has come and gone to debate these concepts. The time has come for the pulpits in America to call the nation to prayer, supplication, fasting and a soul deep recommitment to those ideals the Founder’s tried to incorporate into our young nation. The republic is dead. I do not want it back in the condition we found it in. I will not fight for it as it is now. I will, however, fight its enemies both foreign and domestic, to hand my children and all of our grandchildren something more than what we have become, if God is willing. If God has had enough, then prepare to do battle against the dark forces that took our homes, communities and churches while we were asleep. Listen very carefully, sir, that day is just ahead. Convince yourself that it is not at you life’s peril. Preach that it is, to your spiritual credit. Do so, and you will be among a very few who have stepped out of the darkness and into the light. I will meet you there, if you are willing to lean the meaning of what I have written, preach it, and grab your musket. -End of my response.This is the problem as you have witnessed on this page. It is certainly not just a small town pastor who is trying, but coming up short. It is the rest of us who have just let the body blows keep coming.It is the hard facial slaps of government bullies every day beating us to our knees. What will it take, my friends? We have very little time left before the boot falls upon us for the last time.
This July 4th, we should hold three flags, the Christian Flag, the Gadsden Flag, and the white flag of surrender. Choose one to burn and carry the other two through the ranks of people gathered around you. Let the revolution begin on that day. Maybe the distant sounds of fife and drum will remind us that courage, truth, honor, and a commitment to moral freedom will begin the long road ahead until the bully is defeated. The alternative is unthinkable and not worth living for. I will not surrender. I will not retreat. Now is the time, the day, and the hour. As always fellow citizens, remain steady---very, very, steady.© 2012 Greg Evensen - All Rights ReservedGreg Evensen is a former Kansas State Trooper awarded the Governor’s Award for heroism. He has produced two DVD’s, nine hours of training for families attempting to prepare for a breakdown of the national structure and the “grid.” His 400 page “survival Manual” that is also available as a complete companion guide to the DVD’s for dealing with these disruptions is now available along with his inspirational musical CD’s including “The Sovereignty Papers,” a three hour narrative of Greg’s book at his website store www.theheartlandusa.comGreg is also traveling the nation assisting concerned Americans by conducting “in-field” training sessions at farms, ranches, churches, and rural homesteads where groups of attendees learn how to defend their homes and master 25 topic areas that will give them the “edge” when the lights go out.Website: TheHeartLandUSAE-Mail:
Greg Evensen -- America Died While we in the Church Slept
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Reading this article I couldn't help thinking I should write a post titled Christchurch Died While We In The Chuch Slept. Never before has our obiliterated city needed devine intervention so bad.Only the Holy Spirit through a caring Church can help the many quake victims who are lost in space.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Unprepared fathers should stay away from sex
Nii Mohenu reminded fathers who neglect their children to their fate to see it as a violation of God's law and must be ready to bear the consequences
If only one decent New Zealand politician would say something like this? Yeah right!
The Abokobi Mantse, Nii Samuel Adjetey Mohenu, has urged the youth who are not of age and substance to stay away from the act of baby making.
He observed that children who are brought into the world any how mostly suffer in life as the parents may not be in any gainful employment to give them a secured home for proper upbringing.
Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency at Abokobi in the Greater Accra Region as the world marks "Fathers Day", Nii Mohenu attributed most of the social problems in the country to unwarranted pregnancies as a result unplanned and premarital sex.
He asked parents to educate their children on sex so that they prepare themselves adequately before venturing into the act.
The traditional ruler observed that the present generation has the license to do whatever they like in the name of western ideals such as "human rights', and called on society to regulate the conduct of young ones to ensure a holistic society.
Nii Mohenu reminded fathers who neglect their children to their fate to see it as a violation of God's law and must be ready to bear the consequences.
He however commended some fathers in Ghana for living up to their responsibilities.
Nii Mohenu advised children to honour their fathers especially in times of old age in order to receive more blessings from them.
If only one decent New Zealand politician would say something like this? Yeah right!
The Abokobi Mantse, Nii Samuel Adjetey Mohenu, has urged the youth who are not of age and substance to stay away from the act of baby making.
He observed that children who are brought into the world any how mostly suffer in life as the parents may not be in any gainful employment to give them a secured home for proper upbringing.
Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency at Abokobi in the Greater Accra Region as the world marks "Fathers Day", Nii Mohenu attributed most of the social problems in the country to unwarranted pregnancies as a result unplanned and premarital sex.
He asked parents to educate their children on sex so that they prepare themselves adequately before venturing into the act.
The traditional ruler observed that the present generation has the license to do whatever they like in the name of western ideals such as "human rights', and called on society to regulate the conduct of young ones to ensure a holistic society.
Nii Mohenu reminded fathers who neglect their children to their fate to see it as a violation of God's law and must be ready to bear the consequences.
He however commended some fathers in Ghana for living up to their responsibilities.
Nii Mohenu advised children to honour their fathers especially in times of old age in order to receive more blessings from them.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Evil CYFS gives girl HIV.
Since 2001 I have stated publically that the disgraceful government department CYFS is so dysfunctional it's dangerous to all kiwi children and nothing happens. Year after year this freakish misfit department harms vulnerable children. CYFS is a sad indictment and a total failure to so many children. Did the Nazi’s think up CYFS? I know the sinister creep Christchurch Family Court psychologist Doctor John Watson helped start the sordid department of family and children destroyers. He is pure evil (RIP Mum) CYFS must be eradicated for everybody’s sake.
Since 2001 I have stated publically that the disgraceful government department CYFS is so dysfunctional it's dangerous to all kiwi children and nothing happens. Year after year this freakish misfit department harms vulnerable children. CYFS is a sad indictment and a total failure to so many children. Did the Nazi’s think up CYFS? I know the sinister creep Christchurch Family Court psychologist Doctor John Watson helped start the sordid department of family and children destroyers. He is pure evil (RIP Mum) CYFS must be eradicated for everybody’s sake.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Study: Father's Day Must Be Every Day
Study: Father's Day Must Be Every Day - Critical For Child's Development

Teaching the ways of the world: If a child perceives her father as having higher prestige, he may be more influential in her life than the child's mother.
Professor Rohner added that research shows the same parts of the brain are activated when people feel rejected as when they suffer physical pain.
He added: ‘Unlike physical pain, however, people can psychologically relive the emotional pain of rejection over and over for years.’
His research shows a father’s input is particularly important for behavior and can influence if a child later drinks to excess, takes drugs or suffers mental health problems.
Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust, said: ‘This study underlines the importance of intact and stable families where both the father and the mother are committed to bringing up their children together.
‘Successive governments have failed to recognize the fact that men and women are different and that they parent differently.’
He criticized ministers for ‘pretending that one parent is as good as two, or that two parents of the same sex are as good as two natural parents of the opposite sex’.
This week, the Coalition announced penalties for mothers who fail to allow former partners to maintain a proper relationship with their children, including jail. A right to ‘shared parenting’ following family breakdown will also be enshrined in law.
"This study has revealed nothing that we did not know," said Joel Leyden, Director of Fathers 4 Justice Israel.
"In fact it has reinforced other recent studies that illustrate that dads are just as important as moms. These are facts that politicians, family courts and social workers are now coming to terms with."
Leyden adds that the greatest challenge is PAS - Parental Alienation Syndrome, where the mother falsely accuses the father of child abuse and the family courts deny or reduce visitation without even investigating the false charges. The father may slowly accept this unnatural distance and the child will have lost a caring, loving and responsible father.
Leyden is pushing for a law in Israel which would require prison time for any mother found guilty of alienating her children from their father.
In January 2012 Israel Justice Minister Yaakov Neeman declared that divorced parents must now share custody of children. Neeman accepted recommendations by the Schnit Committee that joint parental custody be ordered in divorce cases involving young children, which the law defines as those up to age 6. Until now, most divorced fathers in Israel became visitors, being limited to seeing their children only a few hours a week.
Study: Father's Day Must Be Every Day - Critical For Child's Development

By Rebecca Matok
Israel News Agency
Israel News Agency
Jerusalem, Israel
--- June 17, 2012 ... A father's love and presence is as important to a child’s
emotional development as a mother’s, a large-scale study has
Investigating the cases of more than 10,000 sons and daughters revealed how a cold or distant father can damage a child’s life, sometimes for decades to come.
The review of 36 studies from around the world concluded that a father's love is at least as important to youngsters as that of their mothers. Researcher Professor Ronald Rohner said that fatherly love is key to development and hopes his findings will motivate more men to become involved in caring for their offspring.
‘In the US, England and Europe, we have assumed for the past 300 years that all children need for normal healthy development is a loving relationship with their mother,’ he said.
‘And that dads are there as support for the mother and to support the family financially but are not required for the healthy development of the children. But that belief is fundamentally wrong. We have to start getting away from that idea and realize the dad’s influence is as great, and sometimes greater, than the mother’s.’
His conclusions came after he examined data from studies in which children and adults were asked how loving their parents were.
Questions included if they were made to feel wanted or needed, if their parents went out of their way to hurt their feelings and if they felt loved. Those taking part also answered questions about their personality. These ranged from ‘I think about fighting or being mean’ to ‘I think the world is a good, happy place’.
Mothers who deny fathers access to the couple’s children after a break-up could be jailed.
Tallying the results showed that those rejected in childhood felt more anxious and insecure as well as hostile and aggressive.
Many of the problems carried over into adulthood, reported the study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Review.
Crucially, a father’s love was often just as important as a mother’s. In some cases, it was even more so. One reason for this may be that rejection is more painful when it comes from the parent the child regards as more powerful or respected.
'Children and adults everywhere - regardless of race, culture, and gender - tend to respond in exactly the same way when they perceived themselves to be rejected' Professor Rohner, of the University of Connecticut, US, said rejection in childhood has the most ‘strong and consistent effect on personality and development’.
He added: ‘Children and adults everywhere – regardless of race, culture, and gender – tend to respond in exactly the same way when they perceived themselves to be rejected.’
Professor Rohner said that children who feel unloved tend to become anxious and insecure, and this can make them needy. Anger and resentment can lead to them closing themselves off emotionally in an attempt to protect themselves from further hurt.
This may make it hard for them to form relationships. They can suffer from low self-esteem and find it difficult to handle stressful situations.
Investigating the cases of more than 10,000 sons and daughters revealed how a cold or distant father can damage a child’s life, sometimes for decades to come.
The review of 36 studies from around the world concluded that a father's love is at least as important to youngsters as that of their mothers. Researcher Professor Ronald Rohner said that fatherly love is key to development and hopes his findings will motivate more men to become involved in caring for their offspring.
‘In the US, England and Europe, we have assumed for the past 300 years that all children need for normal healthy development is a loving relationship with their mother,’ he said.
‘And that dads are there as support for the mother and to support the family financially but are not required for the healthy development of the children. But that belief is fundamentally wrong. We have to start getting away from that idea and realize the dad’s influence is as great, and sometimes greater, than the mother’s.’
His conclusions came after he examined data from studies in which children and adults were asked how loving their parents were.
Questions included if they were made to feel wanted or needed, if their parents went out of their way to hurt their feelings and if they felt loved. Those taking part also answered questions about their personality. These ranged from ‘I think about fighting or being mean’ to ‘I think the world is a good, happy place’.
Mothers who deny fathers access to the couple’s children after a break-up could be jailed.
Tallying the results showed that those rejected in childhood felt more anxious and insecure as well as hostile and aggressive.
Many of the problems carried over into adulthood, reported the study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Review.
Crucially, a father’s love was often just as important as a mother’s. In some cases, it was even more so. One reason for this may be that rejection is more painful when it comes from the parent the child regards as more powerful or respected.
'Children and adults everywhere - regardless of race, culture, and gender - tend to respond in exactly the same way when they perceived themselves to be rejected' Professor Rohner, of the University of Connecticut, US, said rejection in childhood has the most ‘strong and consistent effect on personality and development’.
He added: ‘Children and adults everywhere – regardless of race, culture, and gender – tend to respond in exactly the same way when they perceived themselves to be rejected.’
Professor Rohner said that children who feel unloved tend to become anxious and insecure, and this can make them needy. Anger and resentment can lead to them closing themselves off emotionally in an attempt to protect themselves from further hurt.
This may make it hard for them to form relationships. They can suffer from low self-esteem and find it difficult to handle stressful situations.
Teaching the ways of the world: If a child perceives her father as having higher prestige, he may be more influential in her life than the child's mother.
Professor Rohner added that research shows the same parts of the brain are activated when people feel rejected as when they suffer physical pain.
He added: ‘Unlike physical pain, however, people can psychologically relive the emotional pain of rejection over and over for years.’
His research shows a father’s input is particularly important for behavior and can influence if a child later drinks to excess, takes drugs or suffers mental health problems.
Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust, said: ‘This study underlines the importance of intact and stable families where both the father and the mother are committed to bringing up their children together.
‘Successive governments have failed to recognize the fact that men and women are different and that they parent differently.’
He criticized ministers for ‘pretending that one parent is as good as two, or that two parents of the same sex are as good as two natural parents of the opposite sex’.
This week, the Coalition announced penalties for mothers who fail to allow former partners to maintain a proper relationship with their children, including jail. A right to ‘shared parenting’ following family breakdown will also be enshrined in law.
"This study has revealed nothing that we did not know," said Joel Leyden, Director of Fathers 4 Justice Israel.
"In fact it has reinforced other recent studies that illustrate that dads are just as important as moms. These are facts that politicians, family courts and social workers are now coming to terms with."
Leyden adds that the greatest challenge is PAS - Parental Alienation Syndrome, where the mother falsely accuses the father of child abuse and the family courts deny or reduce visitation without even investigating the false charges. The father may slowly accept this unnatural distance and the child will have lost a caring, loving and responsible father.
Leyden is pushing for a law in Israel which would require prison time for any mother found guilty of alienating her children from their father.
In January 2012 Israel Justice Minister Yaakov Neeman declared that divorced parents must now share custody of children. Neeman accepted recommendations by the Schnit Committee that joint parental custody be ordered in divorce cases involving young children, which the law defines as those up to age 6. Until now, most divorced fathers in Israel became visitors, being limited to seeing their children only a few hours a week.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Help get my kids back
"Their mother had been stripped of custody rights after authorities found her to be involved in drugs and alcohol abuse.
They are being housed in a welfare home under New Zealand’s Ministry of Community Development"
FFS - Our tax pays for this bent woman to torment a decent father. Natural justice is a dirty concept around here.
I feel for this father who had his sons stolen by a vindictive and vengeful ex partner several years. Sadly the woman is protected here in feminaziland where things like the Hague Convention are ladies tissue papers or toilet paper for the unsavoury radical feminists who run our very sick and corrupt justice system.If a father abducted his two sons in New Zealand he would be in cell by lunchtime, just ask Ms Plod or Judge Dread. There is no fairness in the land of the long white lies.
They are being housed in a welfare home under New Zealand’s Ministry of Community Development"
FFS - Our tax pays for this bent woman to torment a decent father. Natural justice is a dirty concept around here.
I feel for this father who had his sons stolen by a vindictive and vengeful ex partner several years. Sadly the woman is protected here in feminaziland where things like the Hague Convention are ladies tissue papers or toilet paper for the unsavoury radical feminists who run our very sick and corrupt justice system.If a father abducted his two sons in New Zealand he would be in cell by lunchtime, just ask Ms Plod or Judge Dread. There is no fairness in the land of the long white lies.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Editorial : Paying the price for domestic disputes
User pays, well in my case I was forced into the Family Court through false allegations of child abuse made to CYS and false allegations of domestic violence made to the New Zealand police. I was assigned over 50 legal aid lawyers in what became a 10 year legal battle that killed my mother and destroyed my life. Everybody now knows it was a huge lie as the facts have seen my four children say - " how did you survive that decade dad." I will get the system back, I have to because it's in the best interests of my four children. The Family Court is a disgusting gravy train Kangaroo Court where only the lowest of the low leech blood money from decent fathers! You are going to be accountable one day Judge Dread. I feel very sorry for the heartless creeps that work in the sordid Family Court.
Editorial: Paying the price for domestic disputes
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Sorry I took daddy
Sorry I took daddy - Federal Magistrate Tom Altobelli
- by: Padraic Murphy
- From: Herald Sun
- June 07, 2012 12:00AM
A JUDGE has taken the extraordinary step of writing to two children involved in a custody dispute explaining why he gave sole custody to their mum even though he doesn't accept her claims their dad abused them.

Federal Magistrate Tom Altobelli published his decision on the court's website, ordering the boy, 11, and his sister, 6, to live with their mum and the dad's contact to be restricted to letters and birthday cards. Source: Supplied
Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
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DEAR X and Y, AFTER your mum and dad separated they could not agree about where you were to live. You were 10 and 6 at the time.
End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
Federal Magistrate Tom Altobelli published his decision on the court's website, ordering the boy, 11, and his sister, 6, to live with their mum and the dad's contact to be restricted to letters and birthday cards.
The judge's letter, which is to be opened once the children turn 14, is a plea that the children renew contact with the father, explaining that their mother's claims he abused them are false.
"At the time I had to decide the case your mum believed in her heart that your dad hurt you," he has written.
"My job is to look at all the information, and listen very carefully to what everybody says, including the experts. I decided that you had not been hurt by your dad," Mr Altobelli wrote.
"Even after I told your mum what I decided, I think she still believed in her heart that your dad had hurt you. This just goes to show that sometimes words do not change a person's heart.
"I told you this was a hard, sad case to decide. I decided that even though your dad really wanted you to live with him, it was best that you lived with mum, even though this might mean moving away from where you lived at the time.
"I knew your mum would look after you really well. I decided not to make your mum let you see your dad, even though your dad wanted this very much. I thought it would make things harder for you if I had done this."
The mother, in her 30s, and father, in his 40s, began their relationship in 2001 before separating in 2009 after what the court described as an unhappy relationship.
The mother became convinced the father had sexually abused their daughter, a view she reached after her own mother had seen a clairvoyant who had predicted the abuse.
The mother was given sole custody because the court ruled she was the better parent.
"Despite the mother's grossly distorted lens through which she views the father and the events that bring this matter to court, she is a more than adequate parent," Mr Altobelli wrote.
"Indeed that parenting capacity will most likely increase with relocation. Despite the father's good intentions, optimism and courageous position in this case, I am far less satisfied about his capacity to parent these children on the facts of this case."
Slater & Gordon lawyer Steven Edward said it was the first time in 25 years in family law he had seen a magistrate write a personal letter to children involved in custody case.
"I suppose families are more complex," he said.
Federal Magistrate Tom Altobelli's letter to two children
- by: Tom Altobelli
- From: Herald Sun
- June 07, 2012 12:00AM
DEAR X and Y, AFTER your mum and dad separated they could not agree about where you were to live. You were 10 and 6 at the time.
As a judge it was my job to make this decision. I had a lot of help from the lawyer who was representing you, and each of your parents, as well as an expert child psychiatrist.
Even with all of this help it was a hard, sad case to decide. This letter is to try to explain my decision to you, even though you probably wont read it for many years
Even with all of this help it was a hard, sad case to decide. This letter is to try to explain my decision to you, even though you probably wont read it for many years
Comments on this story
- Rowdy of Australia Posted at 4:02 PM June 07, 2012It would seem the father has lost his children forever. At 14 the children will be angry that their mother did this to them. This appears to be a travesty that words can't explain. It would appear there are many victims in this decision.
- Disgruntled Posted at 3:54 PM June 07, 2012How has the father received Justice by his decision? Writing a letter is just a sop to the Judge's conscience. The mother has won on every front despite the Judge knowing the father is innocent. Now CSA will step in and persecute the father for payments to the wife. When the children reach 14, the mother will just get the Court Order extended. Again the question must be asked, "How has the father received justice under the law?"
- Bridge Posted at 3:38 PM June 07, 2012Perhaps more magistrates should take a leaf out of this magistrates book. The law is not always that black & white, there can be so many sides to one story. I hope the letter he wrote opens up a pathway for these children to their father. Its never too late to be in each others lives.://
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Real Fathers for Justice - News » The GREAT SHARED PARENTING SWINDLE
Posted by: Stu G
The industry of kiddy - fiddling marches on:
The only changes coming are the slogans used
After years of delays, Committees, Family Justice Reviews etc etc the Government plans to amend Section 1 of the Children Act 1989 by inserting a couple of little prompts.
The changes to the Act will be along the lines of that parenting should be "shared" - and that children should have a "meaningful relationship" with both parents.
And that’s it.
No definition of “shared parenting.”
No definition of a “meaningful relationship”
No definition of when it should or should not happen.
In other words, we're back where we started. We have gone full circle without travelling anywhere, which is what normally happens if you don't think to unstick the brakes on one side of an old vehicle. Sometimes you need to use a hammer when the brakes are particularly stubborn. After several million years of evolution, a few Whitehall supremos and politicians are unable to define the concepts they themselves propose.
So, instead of endless wrangles in the courts, about what the undefined "best interests of the child" are, there's a New Era coming. Where we can have endless disputes about what the undefined concept of "sharing" means. Where obstructive resident parents will have free rein to say "there's a meaningful relationship - already".
Plus ca change...
Yesterday, a senior source likened the equivocal amendments to proclaiming that all washing machines should function perfectly - without providing a way to actually mend their standard fault. No principals are to be stated, no tools are to be issued, nothing is to be put right. Cases will still be maladministered en masse. There will be no significant change. Parents will still be advised not to litigate: and, parents will still not be given the tools (in the form of a workable definition) to enable them not to litigate. Every case will still be different. CAFCASS, unable to define how much contact there should be in contact cases, will still be flummoxed by how much contact there should be in shared parenting disputes.
Lord Justice Coleridge’s warnings were prophetic. New procedures; old principals i.e. none at all. The current and next generations of children now head for the same past: lots of untrained, meddling court officers and social workers and judges operating without clear guidance and principles. And, even before an applicant-parent gets to a court system that won’t have changed a bit, there’ll be the barriers and severe delays of “Mediation” and “Parental Information Programs.” Where mediation favours the obstructive parent, and the PIP courses lecture parents on the concepts of shared parenting and meaningful contact - without being able to define them. Children will continue to be separated from their non resident parents for long enough to succumb to parental alienation; then social workers and judges will decide cases using the discredited “wishes and feelings” doctrine - aided and abetted by CAFCASS. Which still won't have worked out what sort of recommendations it should make in what circumstances.
The Government never needed a new Act of Parliament to change the way that the Courts applied the law. All it needed was to change the way that the courts applied it. That task is and was straightfortward. It's procedure. A template for a new model-court system to deliver shared parenting sits neatly within the current legal framework. The proposal had and has the support of senior judges, two governments, the Family Law Bar Association and leading child development specialists. But, instead of useful change, it looks like we're heading for more talk. But no trousers. It's empty spin. The same old procrastination. The same old bollocks.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
NZ Herald is foaming more misandry!
The vast majority of child abuse is perpetrated by men.
This is a typical LIE from a newspaper that has a miserable - misandry - mandate. The hatred and oppression of males is normal for this gutter filth newspaper. No doubt radical feminists and girlymen work at such a rubbish media sick joke. How can we fix the insidious problems of child abuse when you have hateful ideologies working on the destruction of fatherhood? We can never have equality and equal opportunity until the truthful facts about gender violence is accepted by a balanced society. It is a male and female problem, just look at recent research on the subject. Can somebody tell the nasty gender bias Herald that just released data shows that in 2010, 35 % of the apprehensions for assault on a child were females.I wouldn't wipe my arse on such a crap publication let alone read the stupid thing. The media are liars.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Frugal Dad - Love Helps
Love Helps
I'd love to hear what your readers think, so if you enjoy it and would like to share it with them, you are absolutely welcome to!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Woman Wins Appeal Over Insane Smacking Law
Surely it's way past time for the parents and grand parents in New Zealand to demand an end to this nonsense legislation. The anti smacking bill was drawn up by radical homosexuals and totally unfit parents,then forced down our throats by these sly - liberal - socialist - engineers.The mental law is a complete failure for the kiwi family. Key, Klark, Bradford, just look at the calibre of the creeps who feed us the insane bullshit. You can't trust those three mongrels. Just look at the disgusting unreported lewd antics of Peter Davis in the Klark Absolute Power era!! The audacity of these deluded politicians is beyond belief, no wonder I don't vote these days. The facts will emerge about Peter Davis and John Key will leave politics. Just watch.
Remember the case of Jimmy Mason? The poor bloke was spotted by some jackbooted dyke cop and hauled through the courts for smacking his kids. He got off after Appeal Court ruling. Now this mother. When will it end? In the meantime parents and grandparents are living on the edge as big brother bureaucracy erodes basic parental rights. Governments fear families, as they have the strongest bonds of loyalty, which makes them harder to control. It's not rocket science eh Satan!
Break up the Family and the gravy judicial train makes another killing.
The New Zealand family is under attack from liberal stinking thinking.
Enough is enough, time to clean up our elected leaders.
Remember the case of Jimmy Mason? The poor bloke was spotted by some jackbooted dyke cop and hauled through the courts for smacking his kids. He got off after Appeal Court ruling. Now this mother. When will it end? In the meantime parents and grandparents are living on the edge as big brother bureaucracy erodes basic parental rights. Governments fear families, as they have the strongest bonds of loyalty, which makes them harder to control. It's not rocket science eh Satan!
Break up the Family and the gravy judicial train makes another killing.
The New Zealand family is under attack from liberal stinking thinking.
Enough is enough, time to clean up our elected leaders.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Rate your experience with dishonest childrens lawyer
I dedicate this post to the two twisted lying filth child counsel lawyer state funded scum, who told lies to the Family Court on behalf of my daughters . My confused and vulnerable daughters were 6 and 8 years old at the time. Chris Robertson from Ashburton and Adrienne Edwards from Christchurch, well done you helped kill my mother with your deception. I hope you both rot in hell you dirty animals.
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