"What every man wants" Correction, What every man needs…..
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Vote Kelsi please
This delightful young lady deserves the chance of a life time so if you got time can you please vote for her.
Kelsi here (Sharron’s daughter)
I don’t know if you know but I am in with a one in five shot to go to South Africa for the Football world cup!
It is an AMAZING opportunity, if I win I get to go to South Africa, be a flag bearer for the NZ vs Italy game and get a mean prize package.
But I need your help, it is a competition, I have got myself this far but it is now held on votes.
Follow this here link http://www.3news.co.nz/Programmes/CampbellLive/tabid/283/www.3news.co.nz/tabid/1378/Default.aspx
And vote for me!!! (Kelsi Henderson)…even encourage your friends as well?
I also have a video posted on the page so feel free to watch (:
This is a truly amazing, once in a life time opportunity, so I just hope that you all will jump on and place a vote, it will only take up 1minute of your time.
p.s. Mum gets to come with me if we win so she’ll be stoked if you vote!
Thank you
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Two Years Today Since Andrew's Abduction & Disappearance
By Andrew´s Daddy
Ken Thompson
24 April, 2010
Andrew is now approaching his sixth birthday (19th August). I haven't seen him or heard anything about him since he was three. Perhaps there are people who have heard something (such as Melinda's family or perhaps someone in a womens group) but for some reason they will not let me know about his welfare.
I have no idea where Andrew is & I have no idea whether or not he or his mother (Melinda) are still alive.
Like all little kids, Andrew wants to be with both his parents. He wants to be with his dad & learn from him, just like kids do all over the world.
Melinda knows I would never harm Andrew. She must remember the lengths I went to to make sure any insect or bug that came into our home was treated humanely. Why would someone who cares so much for any form of life intentionally harm his own child? Melinda knows this is true.
I am lighting a candle to commemorate Andrew's abduction & disappearance tonight & I will be saying a little prayer for him. I'd like others to do the same.
I would like to thank all the people from countries all over the world who have joined the Global Search for Andrew campaign.
Andrew will be found & he will be reunited with his dad & the rest of his family. The longer this takes, the more difficult it will be for Andrew.
I will not give up.
I also want to help Melinda. She must know by now that she has made a terrible mistake. All she needs to do is contact someone & this whole thing can be sorted out.
Media Release
Dec 20, 2008
Ken Thompson
24 April, 2010
Two Years Today Since Andrew's Abduction & Disappearance
Today has been a very difficult day emotionally. It marks two years since Andrew's abduction & disappearance.
Andrew is now approaching his sixth birthday (19th August). I haven't seen him or heard anything about him since he was three. Perhaps there are people who have heard something (such as Melinda's family or perhaps someone in a womens group) but for some reason they will not let me know about his welfare.
I have no idea where Andrew is & I have no idea whether or not he or his mother (Melinda) are still alive.
Like all little kids, Andrew wants to be with both his parents. He wants to be with his dad & learn from him, just like kids do all over the world.
Melinda knows I would never harm Andrew. She must remember the lengths I went to to make sure any insect or bug that came into our home was treated humanely. Why would someone who cares so much for any form of life intentionally harm his own child? Melinda knows this is true.
I am lighting a candle to commemorate Andrew's abduction & disappearance tonight & I will be saying a little prayer for him. I'd like others to do the same.
I would like to thank all the people from countries all over the world who have joined the Global Search for Andrew campaign.
Andrew will be found & he will be reunited with his dad & the rest of his family. The longer this takes, the more difficult it will be for Andrew.
I will not give up.
I also want to help Melinda. She must know by now that she has made a terrible mistake. All she needs to do is contact someone & this whole thing can be sorted out.
Media Release
Dec 20, 2008
Andrew THOMPSON Missing Child - Global Search
Friday, April 23, 2010
ANZAC Day and the cultural war
ANZAC Day commemorates the sacrifices of New Zealanders and Australians in war. Last year we looked at the role ANZACs played in defeating the Turks and Germans in the Holy Land in “The Road to Jerusalem”
Today there is a rapid shift in our culture which is often moving people away from God. For example, technology makes access to porn easier than it has ever been before. Also, children can be more affected by “group think” and bullying because their peers are so networked. Sgt Malarkey from the “Band of Brothers” mini series wrote about the situation in the USA in 2004 that, “We are engaged in cultural war for the soul of this nation”.
It is important to understand the times we are living in and what our role is. How can we help others on their spiritual journey so that their destination is being with God?
“The Pacific” is now screening. The rather gratuitous use of bad language detracts from a fast-paced series that shows just how vast the Pacific war was.
The mini series “Band of Brothers” has had a big impact previously. Sgt Don Malarkey was a key source for the series. He was also a close friend of Fritz Niland, and Don’s recollection of the saga of the four Niland brothers was the basis for the “Saving Private Ryan” film.
During a visit to Focus on the Family headquarters in Colorado Springs, I saw this letter and medal. Don Malarkey is still alive and is a committed Christian. His comparison of his WWII experience with what we are facing today is insightful. This is the letter:
Our Battle
Today there is a rapid shift in our culture which is often moving people away from God. For example, technology makes access to porn easier than it has ever been before. Also, children can be more affected by “group think” and bullying because their peers are so networked. Sgt Malarkey from the “Band of Brothers” mini series wrote about the situation in the USA in 2004 that, “We are engaged in cultural war for the soul of this nation”.
It is important to understand the times we are living in and what our role is. How can we help others on their spiritual journey so that their destination is being with God?
“The Pacific” is now screening. The rather gratuitous use of bad language detracts from a fast-paced series that shows just how vast the Pacific war was.
During a visit to Focus on the Family headquarters in Colorado Springs, I saw this letter and medal. Don Malarkey is still alive and is a committed Christian. His comparison of his WWII experience with what we are facing today is insightful. This is the letter:
Sgt Don Malarkey, 1 April 2004
Dear Mr Dobson
In the early hours of June 6, 1944, I parachuted into occupied France along with the 101st Airborne. As the battle against Fascism raged we were not sure what the eventual outcome would be. On numerous occasions we were surrounded and outnumbered. At Bastogne we nearly ran out of ammunition and other critical supplies, but we held out and defeated the enemy, freeing Europe for a rebirth of liberty.
We are engaged in cultural war for the soul of this nation. Focus on the Family is in the frontlines of the alliance fighting for the preservation of the family. Sometimes we feel surrounded, outnumbered, and nearly out of ammo – but take courage. Rally the troops and inspire our hearts. We know who wins this divine conflict.
On behalf of Stronger Families for Oregon I give you this World War II Victory medal as a symbol of the eventual victory we shall attain.
Tech Sgt. “Easy” Company
506th Parachute Infantry, 101 Airborne
One of the “Band of Brothers”
We are engaged in cultural war for the soul of this nation. Focus on the Family is in the frontlines of the alliance fighting for the preservation of the family. Sometimes we feel surrounded, outnumbered, and nearly out of ammo – but take courage. Rally the troops and inspire our hearts. We know who wins this divine conflict.
On behalf of Stronger Families for Oregon I give you this World War II Victory medal as a symbol of the eventual victory we shall attain.
Tech Sgt. “Easy” Company
506th Parachute Infantry, 101 Airborne
One of the “Band of Brothers”
Letter and Medal at Focus on the Family Don Malarkey
Today Focus on the Family NZ continues the battle right here in New Zealand. Promise Keepers is working with Focus on the Family to promote Dr Allan Meyers "Valiant Man" course to help men understand manhood and prepare them for healthy sexuality.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Kids suffer when parents divorce
Kids suffer when parents divorce
http://www.albertle atribune. com/news/ 2010/apr/ 17/kids-suffer- when-parents- divorce/
Published Saturday, April 17, 2010
I am currently involved with a child custody case where a father is battling the system to remain in his daughter’s life. He is being unjustly persecuted by the mother, her attorney and her family because he isn’t a deadbeat dad and wants equal time and say in his daughter’s life.
What is wrong with this picture?
Because the father doesn’t have the finances to pay attorney fees, he has been forced to represent himself and suffer the wrath of the mother’s attorney. I can see where parents with or without legal representation can become so overwhelmed with the entire situation that tragedies like the recent ones occur.
Our current system is encouraging deadbeat parents! We, as human beings, must decide that every individual in this wonderful country deserves the same rights in and out of court. This has to be addressed before more innocent children have to suffer by losing one or both parents to death or imprisonment!
Paula Schwarz
Friday, April 16, 2010
Duped dads win back child payments
I do believe the Ausy Family Court is showing a healthy respect for fatherhood and the truth. Fairs fair.These lying mothers are so common in the gender bias Family Court. False allegations can remain permanent -often destroying the credibility of an otherwise innocent and genuine dad.
The Australian
16 April 2010
Duped dads win back child payments
By Patricia Karvelas
Men are using a new law to win back hundreds of thousands of dollars paid in child support for children they later discovered were not theirs.
New figures obtained by The Australian reveal that since January 2007, 48 men have won back a total of $434,378.64 paid through the Child Support Agency.
The men used DNA testing to prove they were not the biological fathers of children they had been supporting. One man got back more than $70,000 by proving children were not his.
But among the 48 orders, the sums to be repaid by mothers ranged down to less than $20.
Section 143 of the Child Support (Assessment) Act, requires the Family Court to consider issuing orders for repayment where paternity is successfully challenged and child support has been paid.
Child Support Agency deputy secretary Philippa Godwin said the agency had received no complaints about the process, but women's groups are outraged by the numbers.
"Where parentage has been satisfied for child support purposes, but a parent believes they are not a parent of a child, they can apply to a court for a declaration that a child support assessment cannot be made against them for that child," Ms Godwin said.
"As part of determining this application, the court can order a DNA test to determine paternity of the child. The results of the test will be considered by the court in deciding whether to make the declaration."
Hundreds of tests have proved that an aggrieved man is, in fact, the biological father of the child in question.
Sole Parents Union president Kathleen Swinbourne said the new laws were hurting children at the centre of DNA disputes.
"What does this say to children about being wanted, being loved, being parented? What does this do to children whose fathers turn around and say, `I'm not your daddy anymore, I don't want you'," she said.
"The effect of this on children must be devastating. And that's to say nothing about the financial circumstances mothers find themselves in in trying to continue to support their children while trying to pay back child support."
Ms Swinbourne said she did not accept the argument that men should be entitled to change their role in children's lives based on biology.
"If you've raised these children and parented them, you can't turn around later and change your mind. It doesn't matter what the DNA says."
Men's Rights Agency director Sue Price said it was about time that men who had been duped by former partners were able to remedy the situation.
"I think it's a good thing that children are able to know the biological father rather than their pretend father," she said. "I think it's essential that they should be able to have the money repaid to them. Why should they have to pay for another man's child?"
The Australian
16 April 2010
Duped dads win back child payments
By Patricia Karvelas
Men are using a new law to win back hundreds of thousands of dollars paid in child support for children they later discovered were not theirs.
New figures obtained by The Australian reveal that since January 2007, 48 men have won back a total of $434,378.64 paid through the Child Support Agency.
The men used DNA testing to prove they were not the biological fathers of children they had been supporting. One man got back more than $70,000 by proving children were not his.
But among the 48 orders, the sums to be repaid by mothers ranged down to less than $20.
Section 143 of the Child Support (Assessment) Act, requires the Family Court to consider issuing orders for repayment where paternity is successfully challenged and child support has been paid.
Child Support Agency deputy secretary Philippa Godwin said the agency had received no complaints about the process, but women's groups are outraged by the numbers.
"Where parentage has been satisfied for child support purposes, but a parent believes they are not a parent of a child, they can apply to a court for a declaration that a child support assessment cannot be made against them for that child," Ms Godwin said.
"As part of determining this application, the court can order a DNA test to determine paternity of the child. The results of the test will be considered by the court in deciding whether to make the declaration."
Hundreds of tests have proved that an aggrieved man is, in fact, the biological father of the child in question.
Sole Parents Union president Kathleen Swinbourne said the new laws were hurting children at the centre of DNA disputes.
"What does this say to children about being wanted, being loved, being parented? What does this do to children whose fathers turn around and say, `I'm not your daddy anymore, I don't want you'," she said.
"The effect of this on children must be devastating. And that's to say nothing about the financial circumstances mothers find themselves in in trying to continue to support their children while trying to pay back child support."
Ms Swinbourne said she did not accept the argument that men should be entitled to change their role in children's lives based on biology.
"If you've raised these children and parented them, you can't turn around later and change your mind. It doesn't matter what the DNA says."
Men's Rights Agency director Sue Price said it was about time that men who had been duped by former partners were able to remedy the situation.
"I think it's a good thing that children are able to know the biological father rather than their pretend father," she said. "I think it's essential that they should be able to have the money repaid to them. Why should they have to pay for another man's child?"
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The fight for Mens Rights in Welfare and Justice.
The fight for Mens Rights in Welfare and Justice.
16th April - Takapuna Site Office-AUCKLAND
Daniel Ryder – 021-036-9895, Jim Bailey – 027-429-0055, Kerry Bevin, Jim Bagnall + Others
64 Anzac Ave, Takapuna
Friday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
19th April -Sydenham Site Office--CHRISTCHURCH
Daniel Ryder – 021-036-9895, Kerry Bevin, George + Others
Cnr Elgin and Colombo Sts
Monday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
20th April - Takapuna site office- AUCKLAND
Jim Bailey – 027-429-0055, Jim Bagnall + Others
64 Anzac Ave, Takapuna
Tuesday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
20th April - Southern Regional Office- CHRISTCHURCH
Daniel Ryder – 021-036-9895 and FAMILY, Kerry Bevin, George + Others
195 Hereford Street, Christchurch
Tuesday - 10.00 -1.30pm+
21st April - Papanui Site Office- CHRISTCHURCH
Daniel Ryder – 021-036-9895 and FAMILY, Kerry Bevin, George + others
7 Winston Avenue, Papanui
Wednesday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
23rd April - Takapuna Site Office- AUCKLAND
The JimB’s, + Others – Jim Bailey’s 62 B/Day on the Job
64 Anzac Ave, Takapuna
Friday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
23rd April-- Parliament-Beehive- WELLINGTON
Daniel Ryder – 021-036-9895, Kerry Bevin, George + others
Molesworth Street, Wellington
Friday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
16th April - Takapuna Site Office-AUCKLAND
Daniel Ryder – 021-036-9895, Jim Bailey – 027-429-0055, Kerry Bevin, Jim Bagnall + Others
64 Anzac Ave, Takapuna
Friday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
19th April -Sydenham Site Office--CHRISTCHURCH
Daniel Ryder – 021-036-9895, Kerry Bevin, George + Others
Cnr Elgin and Colombo Sts
Monday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
20th April - Takapuna site office- AUCKLAND
Jim Bailey – 027-429-0055, Jim Bagnall + Others
64 Anzac Ave, Takapuna
Tuesday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
20th April - Southern Regional Office- CHRISTCHURCH
Daniel Ryder – 021-036-9895 and FAMILY, Kerry Bevin, George + Others
195 Hereford Street, Christchurch
Tuesday - 10.00 -1.30pm+
21st April - Papanui Site Office- CHRISTCHURCH
Daniel Ryder – 021-036-9895 and FAMILY, Kerry Bevin, George + others
7 Winston Avenue, Papanui
Wednesday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
23rd April - Takapuna Site Office- AUCKLAND
The JimB’s, + Others – Jim Bailey’s 62 B/Day on the Job
64 Anzac Ave, Takapuna
Friday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
23rd April-- Parliament-Beehive- WELLINGTON
Daniel Ryder – 021-036-9895, Kerry Bevin, George + others
Molesworth Street, Wellington
Friday - 10.00 -1.00pm+
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Suicides prompt child custody shakeup
About bloody time Boshier.Try being on the sharp end of false allegations.
RIP Good dads.
Suicides prompt child custody shakeup
By NATHAN BEAUMONT - The Dominion Post
A high suicide rate among people involved in Family Court custody proceedings has prompted the country's top family judge to shake up the system.
The court is speeding up the way it deals with childcare disputes, particularly when they involve potential violence or abuse.
Principal Family Court Judge Peter Boshier said too many people were losing hope when cases dragged on, and were taking their own lives. "If they can't see a solution in sight then what started off as depression becomes full-on hopelessness. I am driven by a desire to give people a light at the end of the tunnel."
Between May 2008 and June last year, 18 people died from suspected suicide. Judge Boshier had anecdotal evidence that suggested the pattern was continuing.
Cases involving family break-ups often resulted in bitter disputes between parents.
"Some parents use the court as a battleground to vent their frustrations with the other parent, and being able to do that is more important than concentrating on the real issue.
"This can cause considerable delay in resolving the issues, which can be harmful to the welfare of the children caught in the middle of these conflicts."
From Monday, the more than 27,000 cases filed each year that relate to children will enter the court's new early intervention process.
Cases in which there are safety concerns for children will be treated swiftly.
Parents in non-urgent cases will be sent to counselling. If this fails they will move on to lawyer-assisted mediation and then a conference before a judge.
If the parents are still unable to reach an agreement the case will go to a full hearing before a judge, with wait times no longer than a month.
Judge Boshier said the new system would be quicker, cheaper and more effective than the old one, once Justice Ministry staff and lawyers adjusted to the changes.
"The . . . process is a landmark for the court and will be one of its most significant reforms since the Family Court was created in 1981.
"We have struggled to control our custody conflicts for a long time and there are still too many cases that are taking too long to proceed through the system. Children need stability restored to their lives after the trauma of family break up. It is vital to their welfare that the conflict surrounding them is reduced . . . as soon as possible."
Mental Health Foundation chief executive Judi Clements was delighted at the changes, which would reduce families’ stress and anxiety. “I applaud the move.”
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Law Society spokesman Paul Maskell said the group also supported the move. “Cases will come to judges much sooner and many families will get results from court a lot more quickly.”
RIP Good dads.
Suicides prompt child custody shakeup
By NATHAN BEAUMONT - The Dominion Post
A high suicide rate among people involved in Family Court custody proceedings has prompted the country's top family judge to shake up the system.
The court is speeding up the way it deals with childcare disputes, particularly when they involve potential violence or abuse.
Principal Family Court Judge Peter Boshier said too many people were losing hope when cases dragged on, and were taking their own lives. "If they can't see a solution in sight then what started off as depression becomes full-on hopelessness. I am driven by a desire to give people a light at the end of the tunnel."
Between May 2008 and June last year, 18 people died from suspected suicide. Judge Boshier had anecdotal evidence that suggested the pattern was continuing.
Cases involving family break-ups often resulted in bitter disputes between parents.
"Some parents use the court as a battleground to vent their frustrations with the other parent, and being able to do that is more important than concentrating on the real issue.
"This can cause considerable delay in resolving the issues, which can be harmful to the welfare of the children caught in the middle of these conflicts."
From Monday, the more than 27,000 cases filed each year that relate to children will enter the court's new early intervention process.
Cases in which there are safety concerns for children will be treated swiftly.
Parents in non-urgent cases will be sent to counselling. If this fails they will move on to lawyer-assisted mediation and then a conference before a judge.
If the parents are still unable to reach an agreement the case will go to a full hearing before a judge, with wait times no longer than a month.
Judge Boshier said the new system would be quicker, cheaper and more effective than the old one, once Justice Ministry staff and lawyers adjusted to the changes.
"The . . . process is a landmark for the court and will be one of its most significant reforms since the Family Court was created in 1981.
"We have struggled to control our custody conflicts for a long time and there are still too many cases that are taking too long to proceed through the system. Children need stability restored to their lives after the trauma of family break up. It is vital to their welfare that the conflict surrounding them is reduced . . . as soon as possible."
Mental Health Foundation chief executive Judi Clements was delighted at the changes, which would reduce families’ stress and anxiety. “I applaud the move.”
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Law Society spokesman Paul Maskell said the group also supported the move. “Cases will come to judges much sooner and many families will get results from court a lot more quickly.”
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Family Court changes announced
Boshier speaks of "considerable delay in resolving the issues". That is the understatement of the century. If only an early intervention service had listened and read factual evidence that proved the Family Court protection orders placed on me were maliciously obtained by a sinister family then it might have saved the New Zealand taxpayer a couple of million dollars .The false allegations were promoted by the gender bias Family Court who seemed to thrive on the seven year case,which painfully become a meandering gravy train of meaningless and heartbreaking litigation.My four children were destroyed by a callous and cold Family court of deceit and lies.My mother died a heartbroken paternal grand mother because she was denied access to her alienated two grand daughters. What about the widespread destruction caused by the so called lying professionals in my case Judge Boshier?
Justice is coming Boshier!
A shake-up of Family Court processes will speed up child care cases, with those involving abuse or violence to receive urgent attention.
Principal Family Court Judge Peter Boshier, who announced the changes today, said cases involving family break-ups often saw bitter disputes between parents.
"This can cause considerable delay in resolving the issues, which can be harmful to the welfare of the children caught in the middle of these conflicts."
From Monday the more than 27,000 cases filed each year which relate to children will enter the court's new Early Intervention Process.
Where there are issues of safety for children they will be treated urgently with judges taking responsibility to ensure issues are dealt with swiftly.
Parties in non-urgent cases will be sent to counselling. If this fails they will move on to a lawyer-assisted mediation, then a conference before a judge.
Where the parents are still unable to reach an agreement the case will go before a full hearing under a judge, with wait times no longer than a month.
Judge Boshier said the new system would be quicker, cheaper and more effective than the old ways once Ministry of Justice staff and lawyers adjusted to the changes.
"The Early Intervention Process is a landmark for the court and will be one of its most significant reforms since the Family Court was created in 1981.
"Children need stability restored to their lives after the trauma of family break up, and it is vital to their welfare that the conflict surrounding them is reduced as much and as soon as possible."
Justice is coming Boshier!
A shake-up of Family Court processes will speed up child care cases, with those involving abuse or violence to receive urgent attention.
Principal Family Court Judge Peter Boshier, who announced the changes today, said cases involving family break-ups often saw bitter disputes between parents.
"This can cause considerable delay in resolving the issues, which can be harmful to the welfare of the children caught in the middle of these conflicts."
From Monday the more than 27,000 cases filed each year which relate to children will enter the court's new Early Intervention Process.
Where there are issues of safety for children they will be treated urgently with judges taking responsibility to ensure issues are dealt with swiftly.
Parties in non-urgent cases will be sent to counselling. If this fails they will move on to a lawyer-assisted mediation, then a conference before a judge.
Where the parents are still unable to reach an agreement the case will go before a full hearing under a judge, with wait times no longer than a month.
Judge Boshier said the new system would be quicker, cheaper and more effective than the old ways once Ministry of Justice staff and lawyers adjusted to the changes.
"The Early Intervention Process is a landmark for the court and will be one of its most significant reforms since the Family Court was created in 1981.
"Children need stability restored to their lives after the trauma of family break up, and it is vital to their welfare that the conflict surrounding them is reduced as much and as soon as possible."
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
God Hates Judges by Ann Coulter
This story reflects sadly on how low society has plummeted into the depths of despair..Can't we show respect for our fallen soldiers? Anyway the world is mad and Ann hits the nail on the head when describing idiotic lawyers ;
"Thanks to idiot lawyers, who think it makes them sound smart to say "Black is white" and "Up is down," one of the biggest problems in society today is the refusal to draw lines."
God Hates Judges
by Ann Coulter
In an opinion that may have been written by Heidi Montag, a federal court of appeals recently threw out a jury verdict in favor of a father, Albert Snyder, who had sued protesters at his son Matthew's funeral for intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Solely because Matthew was a Marine, a Kansas-based cult, consisting mostly of members of a single family, traveled to Maryland in order to stand outside Matthew's funeral with placards saying things like, "God Loves Dead Soldiers," "God Hates You," "You're Going to Hell," "Semper Fi Fags," "Thank God for Dead Soldiers," "Thank God for IEDs" and "God Hates Fags."
But wait, it gets funnier.
The cult's leader/father is Fred Phelps, who calls America a "sodomite nation of flag-worshipping idolaters." Since you won't read it anyplace else, Phelps has run for public office five times -- as a Democrat.
The Fred Phelps cult members travel around the country and hold vile signs outside military funerals because they believe that the reason American soldiers die in wars is that God hates the U.S.A. because it tolerates homosexuals.
I'll leave it to others to speculate as to why the very thought of male homosexuality gets Fred Phelps into such a lather.
Snyder has appealed his case to the Supreme Court, and now the court will have to decide whether the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED) can ever exist in a country with a First Amendment.
Unlike many legal concepts, the tort of IIED is not an obscure legal doctrine written in pig Latin. It means what it says: speech or conduct specifically intended to inflict emotional distress. The usual description of the tort of IIED is that a reasonable man viewing the conduct would react by saying, "That's outrageous!"
The Second Restatement of Torts (196 5) defines IIED as conduct "so outrageous in character, and so extreme in degree, as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency, and to be regarded as atrocious, and utterly intolerable in a civilized community."
As a respected New York judge, Judith Kaye, described it, "The tort is as limitless as the human capacity for cruelty." Inasmuch as IIED claims are made based on all manner of insults, rudeness, name-calling and petty affronts, the claim is often alleged, but rarely satisfied.
But if a group of lunatics standing outside the funeral of a fallen American serviceman with hateful signs about the deceased does not constitute intentional infliction of emotional distress, then there is no such tort recognizable in America anymore.
The protesters weren't publishing their views in a magazine, announcing them on a "Morning Zoo" radio program, proclaiming them on some fringe outlet like "Countdown With Keit h Olbermann" -– or even standing on a random street corner. Their protest was held outside a funeral for the specific purpose of causing pain to the deceased's loved ones.
But the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals noticed that the cult's malicious signs contained words, and that words are "speech" ... which is protected by the First Amendment! (Or was it the Seventh?) Anyway, that was basically the end of the court's analysis.
True, speech will often be involved in inflicting emotional distress on someone, say, for example, standing outside a funeral with signs that say "God Hates You!"
Similarly, words are used in committing treason ("The Americans are over here!"), robbery ("Your money or your life!") and sexual harassment ("Have sex with me or you're fired."). Copyright law prohibits speech that uses someone else's words, and insider trading and trade-secrets laws prohibit the use of words revealing insider information or trade secrets.
The fact that "speech" was involved in the Fred Phelps cult's assault on Matthew Snyder's funeral is a mundane and irrelevant fact. The question is: Did that speech constitute intentional infliction of emotional distress? Hey, look! That reasonable man over there is nodding his head "yes." If so, the First Amendment is as irrelevant as it is to a copyright law violation.
The Supreme Court has upheld shockingly restrictive bans on speech outside of abortion clinics: content-based restrictions on the speech of pro-lifers singing, "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world."
Is abortion more sacrosanct than a son's funeral? Is singing "Jesus loves the little children" deserving of less First Amendment protection than p lacards saying, "God Loves Dead Soldiers"? Hey, reasonable man over there -- got a minute?
Even the Fred Phelps cult's "epic" posted online and accusing the Snyders of raising their son badly, which would seem to have the strongest claim to First Amendment protection, would not be protected in other contexts. Last week in Massachusetts, nine teenagers were criminally charged with cyberbullying, based in part on malicious postings about the victim on their Facebook pages.
Thanks to idiot lawyers, who think it makes them sound smart to say "Black is white" and "Up is down," one of the biggest problems in society today is the refusal to draw lines. Here's a nice bright line: Holding malevolent signs outside the funeral of an American serviceman who died defending his country constitutes intentional infliction of emotional distress.
"Thanks to idiot lawyers, who think it makes them sound smart to say "Black is white" and "Up is down," one of the biggest problems in society today is the refusal to draw lines."
God Hates Judges
by Ann Coulter
In an opinion that may have been written by Heidi Montag, a federal court of appeals recently threw out a jury verdict in favor of a father, Albert Snyder, who had sued protesters at his son Matthew's funeral for intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Solely because Matthew was a Marine, a Kansas-based cult, consisting mostly of members of a single family, traveled to Maryland in order to stand outside Matthew's funeral with placards saying things like, "God Loves Dead Soldiers," "God Hates You," "You're Going to Hell," "Semper Fi Fags," "Thank God for Dead Soldiers," "Thank God for IEDs" and "God Hates Fags."
But wait, it gets funnier.
The cult's leader/father is Fred Phelps, who calls America a "sodomite nation of flag-worshipping idolaters." Since you won't read it anyplace else, Phelps has run for public office five times -- as a Democrat.
The Fred Phelps cult members travel around the country and hold vile signs outside military funerals because they believe that the reason American soldiers die in wars is that God hates the U.S.A. because it tolerates homosexuals.
I'll leave it to others to speculate as to why the very thought of male homosexuality gets Fred Phelps into such a lather.
Snyder has appealed his case to the Supreme Court, and now the court will have to decide whether the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED) can ever exist in a country with a First Amendment.
Unlike many legal concepts, the tort of IIED is not an obscure legal doctrine written in pig Latin. It means what it says: speech or conduct specifically intended to inflict emotional distress. The usual description of the tort of IIED is that a reasonable man viewing the conduct would react by saying, "That's outrageous!"
The Second Restatement of Torts (196 5) defines IIED as conduct "so outrageous in character, and so extreme in degree, as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency, and to be regarded as atrocious, and utterly intolerable in a civilized community."
As a respected New York judge, Judith Kaye, described it, "The tort is as limitless as the human capacity for cruelty." Inasmuch as IIED claims are made based on all manner of insults, rudeness, name-calling and petty affronts, the claim is often alleged, but rarely satisfied.
But if a group of lunatics standing outside the funeral of a fallen American serviceman with hateful signs about the deceased does not constitute intentional infliction of emotional distress, then there is no such tort recognizable in America anymore.
The protesters weren't publishing their views in a magazine, announcing them on a "Morning Zoo" radio program, proclaiming them on some fringe outlet like "Countdown With Keit h Olbermann" -– or even standing on a random street corner. Their protest was held outside a funeral for the specific purpose of causing pain to the deceased's loved ones.
But the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals noticed that the cult's malicious signs contained words, and that words are "speech" ... which is protected by the First Amendment! (Or was it the Seventh?) Anyway, that was basically the end of the court's analysis.
True, speech will often be involved in inflicting emotional distress on someone, say, for example, standing outside a funeral with signs that say "God Hates You!"
Similarly, words are used in committing treason ("The Americans are over here!"), robbery ("Your money or your life!") and sexual harassment ("Have sex with me or you're fired."). Copyright law prohibits speech that uses someone else's words, and insider trading and trade-secrets laws prohibit the use of words revealing insider information or trade secrets.
The fact that "speech" was involved in the Fred Phelps cult's assault on Matthew Snyder's funeral is a mundane and irrelevant fact. The question is: Did that speech constitute intentional infliction of emotional distress? Hey, look! That reasonable man over there is nodding his head "yes." If so, the First Amendment is as irrelevant as it is to a copyright law violation.
The Supreme Court has upheld shockingly restrictive bans on speech outside of abortion clinics: content-based restrictions on the speech of pro-lifers singing, "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world."
Is abortion more sacrosanct than a son's funeral? Is singing "Jesus loves the little children" deserving of less First Amendment protection than p lacards saying, "God Loves Dead Soldiers"? Hey, reasonable man over there -- got a minute?
Even the Fred Phelps cult's "epic" posted online and accusing the Snyders of raising their son badly, which would seem to have the strongest claim to First Amendment protection, would not be protected in other contexts. Last week in Massachusetts, nine teenagers were criminally charged with cyberbullying, based in part on malicious postings about the victim on their Facebook pages.
Thanks to idiot lawyers, who think it makes them sound smart to say "Black is white" and "Up is down," one of the biggest problems in society today is the refusal to draw lines. Here's a nice bright line: Holding malevolent signs outside the funeral of an American serviceman who died defending his country constitutes intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Crooked lawyers' force review of legal aid
Yes I agree, my forced nightmare started in July 2001 and many corrupt bottom feeder lawyers made heaps from the falsely obtained protection orders. They helped police stack lie upon lie which unfortunately saw the heartbreaking litigation meander on until 2008.
Many thanks to the dirty corrupt legal aid scum lawyer that were court directed to participate in my miscarriage of justice.
Thanks for nothing you
Thanks for destroying my family you low life Ashburton filth lawyers Paul Finnigan and Geoff Kean.
Thanks for acting against my best interests and helping to kill my mother Adrienne Edwards, Siobhan McNulty and the sly two faced pomy bastard Tony Grieg.
Justice is coming you dogs.
'Crooked lawyers' force review of legal aid
By COLIN ESPINER - The PressJustice Minister Simon Power will ask Cabinet to agree to sweeping changes to legal aid after revelations hundreds of crooked lawyers are ripping off taxpayers.
He has vowed "urgent structural change" to shore up public confidence in the system.
Power has asked justice officials to compile an urgent report on how quickly the Legal Services Agency can be disestablished and folded into the Ministry of Justice. Cabinet will consider the report on Monday.
The agency, set up in 1991, doled out $124 million to legal-aid lawyers last year for 95,000 applications.
In a damning report on its performance, Dame Margaret Bazley says that potentially tens of millions of dollars have been pocketed fraudulently by lawyers "gaming the system". At least 200 lawyers – possibly more – were involved in the practice, which Bazley described yesterday as "unscrupulous and corrupt".
In one of the hardest-hitting reports in Bazley's long career, the public service troubleshooter slated both the agency and the Law Society, saying they had a "dysfunctional" relationship and appeared either unable or unwilling to stop abuses in the system.
"Car-boot lawyers" were deliberately dragging out court cases, seeking unnecessary adjournments or changing pleas halfway through trials to maximise their fees. Some had no offices and operated out of interview rooms at court, she said.
"I have very serious concerns about what I found and I was appalled by the behaviour of some lawyers and their clients," Bazley said.
"Some lawyers appear to be acting corruptly and should be disbarred."
Every major and provincial court in the country was affected, although it was "much worse" in Manukau, where as much as 80 per cent of legal-aid lawyers were "gaming" the system, she said. "
She has advised against attempting prosecutions, however, saying it would be easier and more effective to change the system.
Accused people, 63 per cent of whom were repeat clients of the agency, were also gaming the system, including the practice of "musical lawyers", which involved dismissing counsel near the end of lengthy or complicated trials to delay going to jail.
Bazley is recommending a mix of public and privately-provided legal aid, with a public defender model using a pool of experienced lawyers set up in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch.
In other centres, legal aid lawyers should be grouped under a senior lawyer responsible for quality. She recommended that legal aid work should be bulk-funded.
Repeat clients or those who dismissed their counsel should lose the right to appoint their own lawyer, Bazley said, while high-cost cases such as murder trials should be overseen by a senior public servant
Power said he was "shocked" by Bazley's report.
"I'm deeply concerned about what Dame Margaret has found. What she has identified goes to the very centre of the integrity of our legal system. Things must change, and fast," Power said. "The Government will consider the report and move very quickly on it. I intend to raise initial issues at Cabinet on Monday as a matter of urgency."
Power said while the Government could make structural changes, it was up to the Law Society to weed dodgy lawyers out of the system.
Law Society president John Marshall QC said he welcomed Bazley's report, which reflected much of the society's own position.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Judge criticises slackness
dad4justice thought you would be interested in the following item from nzherald.co.nz:
Monday, April 5, 2010
Who will protect innocent from bad protection orders?
No one could argue that women do need protection from dangerous men who would do them harm. But who is going to protect those men who are unjustly accused?Too many times we hear stories of women claiming to be afraid, and if they’re convincing enough they will be identified as victims and “protected.” In cases where there is no real evidence of abuse, more scrutiny should be given to these claims. Professional counselors can get to the bottom of these things quickly, and much more accurately, than the court system.
They can easily identify parental alienation syndrome, where one parent manipulates the children against the other one.
Everyone seems to agree that there are evil people in every aspect of society. Well, guess what? They know how to use the family court system, too. And those protection orders are used by judges to help decide on custody issues, so this is not without consequence for the accused.
Let’s just make sure we’re doing the right thing on both sides of this issue, so that kids are not denied access to good dads because their moms have decided to move on with their lives.
Bill Robeson, Newark
No one could argue that women do need protection from dangerous men who would do them harm. But who is going to protect those men who are unjustly accused?Too many times we hear stories of women claiming to be afraid, and if they’re convincing enough they will be identified as victims and “protected.” In cases where there is no real evidence of abuse, more scrutiny should be given to these claims. Professional counselors can get to the bottom of these things quickly, and much more accurately, than the court system.
They can easily identify parental alienation syndrome, where one parent manipulates the children against the other one.
Everyone seems to agree that there are evil people in every aspect of society. Well, guess what? They know how to use the family court system, too. And those protection orders are used by judges to help decide on custody issues, so this is not without consequence for the accused.
Let’s just make sure we’re doing the right thing on both sides of this issue, so that kids are not denied access to good dads because their moms have decided to move on with their lives.
Bill Robeson, Newark
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Parental Alienation Awareness Day
Sadly the nasty Family Court of New Zealand will not accept the existence of parental alienation.They actually help promote alienation by meandering litigation working on the theory that the longer the painful case drags on the more blood money they can extort from all the misery. The Family Court of New Zealand is a cesspit of lies and disgusting so called professionals who are nothing more than pious villains.Take my daughters lawyer Adrienne Edwards who told despicable lies to various judges for seven years or the vile two faced psychologist John Watson, who disobeyed a direct order from a police owned judge John to keep my mother out of proceedings. Parental alienation is a valuable tool for these creeps who fester the Family Court. The damage to my family is beyond repair but the " civil court "does not care. I cannot clear my name.I cannot get justice for my mum.. If only the general public knew the heartbreak the Family Court can cause when they listen to false allegations. Parental alienation is hurtful stuff.
What shall I do to extract Natural Justice, an eye for a eye eh Judge.
RIP Mum.
Parental Alienation Awareness Day - www.record-bee.com
What shall I do to extract Natural Justice, an eye for a eye eh Judge.
RIP Mum.
Parental Alienation Awareness Day - www.record-bee.com
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