Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Over $10 Billion (Australia) spent yearly on false domestic violence and child abuse claims
Over $10 Billion (Australia) spent yearly on false domestic violence and child abuse claims
As a victim of false allegations of domestic violence and child abuse I do wonder what the actual cost to the taxpayer was. I mean to say 10 years of hellish litigation, prison,mental wards,lawyers, cops,judges, all riding the big gravy train lie. Not to mention the replies from government ministers that could wallpaper a three bedroom home! My case would have to be in the millions. Money well spent dumb arse kiwi court system.Yeah right! RIP mum.
This is a fact (Google it)... In Australia, over $15 Billion (Australian) is spent administering domestic violence and child abuse claims. Recent reports and even statements from retired judges claim that 80% of DV and abuse claims going through the family court are false. That means over $10B a year is wasted on false accusations.
After talking to police and child services, this is what I have been told "off the record":
* it is the position of the police (at least in Queensland), NOT to prosecute women for making false statements to police, because it would "deter women who are genuinely concerned about their children";
* the police Child Protection Unit get dozens of parents in each week, accused of molesting their children. Most of the complaints are completely false;
* the Family Court takes a "cautious approach" to abuse allegations, which generally means that a parent accused is guilty until proven innocent - and believe me, its not easy proving you DIDNT molest your kids;
* the average time through Family Court is around 18mths to 2years. Generally, during this time, one parent has NO contact with their children;
* domestic violence is a key point with the Family Court Act, which is why so many people use false allegations in the Family Court. One retired judge estimated around 80% of allegations are false. One judge publically ridiculed him, just was later found to have connections to womens groups;
* every statistic you read from mens groups and womens groups is false. These groups get millions of dollars in funding just by turning parents against each other. So they make up a lot of rubbish statistics. I have seen judges talk down to lawyers just for trying to use statistics in court;
* for years, women's groups pushed the idea that women hide their bruises, keep their assaults secret etc. Their websites portrayed abused women and children, all pushing stereotypes to condition us into believing domestic violence was primarily men against women. Now, studies show than female violence against men is just as common, yet our society accepts that women can assault men. Domestic violence in same sex relationships has only just been focused on.
* no matter how badly the false allegation affect the innocent, the guilty party is almost never fined or charged;
* we have been conditioned to believe that women hide their bruises and keep their abuse quiet, so now women do not need a single bit of evidence when making an application for a DVO. If you want to defend a DVO, you can expect to pay $10,000-50,000 (which you will not get back). Thats an extra $10-50,000 for a divorce lawyer for almost no work. The women can then go into court the next week and make another application;
* the "no evidence required" attitude to domestic violence applies to women who use domestic violence as an excuse for murdering their husbands;
* Child Support and Centrelink will tell you "off the record" that DVOs are used extensively because they stop one parent going within 50/100m of the other parent. So, one parent can easily use them to stop the other parent having any contact and then call CL and CS to say they are now having 100% care - and maximise their payments. Because temporary DVOs are usually handed out without the other party even knowing, the first time they may know this is happening is when CS calls them to "re-assess" their circumstances;
* despite professional psychologists being employed to produce family assessments and reports, a LOT of Family Reports are dismissed as biased;
* despite this disgrace in the court system, judges received salaries of between $300,000 and $350,000 pa from tax payers!
* corruption between judges is so rife, a Global Corruption Report was produced by Transparency International in 2007. A simple Google search on "family court corruption" or "judicial corruption" will show extensive world-wide corruption.
I know people on here will argue with me about these points. But you can walk into any police station and ask about this and they will tell you its true. Domestic violence is a joke. This is why people are being pushed to the limits and having psychological breakdowns, holding their children hostage and throwing themselves off bridges.
After talking to police and child services, this is what I have been told "off the record":
* it is the position of the police (at least in Queensland), NOT to prosecute women for making false statements to police, because it would "deter women who are genuinely concerned about their children";
* the police Child Protection Unit get dozens of parents in each week, accused of molesting their children. Most of the complaints are completely false;
* the Family Court takes a "cautious approach" to abuse allegations, which generally means that a parent accused is guilty until proven innocent - and believe me, its not easy proving you DIDNT molest your kids;
* the average time through Family Court is around 18mths to 2years. Generally, during this time, one parent has NO contact with their children;
* domestic violence is a key point with the Family Court Act, which is why so many people use false allegations in the Family Court. One retired judge estimated around 80% of allegations are false. One judge publically ridiculed him, just was later found to have connections to womens groups;
* every statistic you read from mens groups and womens groups is false. These groups get millions of dollars in funding just by turning parents against each other. So they make up a lot of rubbish statistics. I have seen judges talk down to lawyers just for trying to use statistics in court;
* for years, women's groups pushed the idea that women hide their bruises, keep their assaults secret etc. Their websites portrayed abused women and children, all pushing stereotypes to condition us into believing domestic violence was primarily men against women. Now, studies show than female violence against men is just as common, yet our society accepts that women can assault men. Domestic violence in same sex relationships has only just been focused on.
* no matter how badly the false allegation affect the innocent, the guilty party is almost never fined or charged;
* we have been conditioned to believe that women hide their bruises and keep their abuse quiet, so now women do not need a single bit of evidence when making an application for a DVO. If you want to defend a DVO, you can expect to pay $10,000-50,000 (which you will not get back). Thats an extra $10-50,000 for a divorce lawyer for almost no work. The women can then go into court the next week and make another application;
* the "no evidence required" attitude to domestic violence applies to women who use domestic violence as an excuse for murdering their husbands;
* Child Support and Centrelink will tell you "off the record" that DVOs are used extensively because they stop one parent going within 50/100m of the other parent. So, one parent can easily use them to stop the other parent having any contact and then call CL and CS to say they are now having 100% care - and maximise their payments. Because temporary DVOs are usually handed out without the other party even knowing, the first time they may know this is happening is when CS calls them to "re-assess" their circumstances;
* despite professional psychologists being employed to produce family assessments and reports, a LOT of Family Reports are dismissed as biased;
* despite this disgrace in the court system, judges received salaries of between $300,000 and $350,000 pa from tax payers!
* corruption between judges is so rife, a Global Corruption Report was produced by Transparency International in 2007. A simple Google search on "family court corruption" or "judicial corruption" will show extensive world-wide corruption.
I know people on here will argue with me about these points. But you can walk into any police station and ask about this and they will tell you its true. Domestic violence is a joke. This is why people are being pushed to the limits and having psychological breakdowns, holding their children hostage and throwing themselves off bridges.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Kiwi teens' death rate second highest in Western World.
Kiwi teens' death rate second highest in Western World.
Though statistics published this week show youth suicides in New Zealand had dropped by more than a third since 1995, the country still had the highest male suicide rate among 27 countries analysed
To me this sad statistic is appalling in the so called land of milk and honey. The continual demonization of the male species through successive gender bias governments has greatly affected the self esteem of our young lads. The media don't help matters as they continue to portray men as bumbling idiots through gender bias advertising that saturates our TV screens. Boys at school are trained to suppress their feelings unless they're homosexuals with a victim mentality.. Kiwi society couldn't careless about the overwhelming struggles young heterosexual males face, because they're far too interested in saving a beached whale or a native snail species. Nobody cares about the young dudes who are on the killing fields of life in New Zealand. How could this country get so bad for our youth? Anybody that says they're proud to be a kiwi is a fool. This country is a social disaster but the kiwi attitude is she'll be right, so we can expect more young boys to slaughter themselves. Kiwi authorities have put this issue and the disgraceful child abuse statistics in the far too hard basket.
God, please help us save our young men.
Being a teenager in New Zealand is more dangerous than in most other developed countries, a new study has shown. ... Read More
Friday, April 27, 2012
Ready to fight the real ‘war against women’?
A well written article that highlights the promotion of women by the sick media as nothing more than pretty bimbos who have to look sexy. Ironically not to long ago feminism was all the rage. Words like decency and respect are unknown in places like Hollywood and abortion clinics where they mass produce the ultimate exploitation of women. Sadly these women cannot understand they're being manipulated by dark forces that will haunt them for a life time. With media sex on the rise, abortion statistics sky rocketing, porn number one on the Internet, rampant teenage pregnancies, STD being the new age growth industry and appalling child abuse statistics I can safely say the Western World has well and truly stuffed up things for future generations.
God help us all.
Ready to fight the real ‘war against women’? |
God help us all.
Ready to fight the real ‘war against women’? |
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
A few facts regarding sexual assault.
I work with recently published an article that you may be interested in entitled, “25Facts to Share At Your School During Sexual Assault Awareness Month".
I thought perhaps you'd beinterested in sharing this article with your readers? After having followedyour blog for a while, I feel that this one article would align well with yourblog's subject matter. If interested, here's the link for your convenience: (
Either way, I hope you continue puttingout great content through your blog. It has been a sincere pleasure to read.Thanks for your time!
Florine Church
I work with recently published an article that you may be interested in entitled, “25Facts to Share At Your School During Sexual Assault Awareness Month".
I thought perhaps you'd beinterested in sharing this article with your readers? After having followedyour blog for a while, I feel that this one article would align well with yourblog's subject matter. If interested, here's the link for your convenience: (
Either way, I hope you continue puttingout great content through your blog. It has been a sincere pleasure to read.Thanks for your time!
Florine Church
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
UK - The Rise of the DIY divorce.
It is sad that family separations involving children always cause heartbreak for the vulnerable children who often cannot comprehend why mum and dad can't live together. Divorce is the new age trend with few couples going the distance together these days.
Lawyers must be kept out of divorce and child access issues. Lawyers are blood sucking fat pigs who thrive on meandering litigation in the gravy train Family Court. These lawyers are the lowest of the low. They are ALL lying filth, so it makes sense to sort things out without these greedy pricks.
Why pay a leech lawyer, who is nothing more than a skilled liar, whose only objective is to extract money from family misery?
Rise of the DIY divorce: Hard-up couples causing court chaos by representing themselves amid cutbacks
The recession and upcoming cuts to legal aid is putting immense pressure on family courts as litigants shun solicitors to go it alone.
Full Story:
Lawyers must be kept out of divorce and child access issues. Lawyers are blood sucking fat pigs who thrive on meandering litigation in the gravy train Family Court. These lawyers are the lowest of the low. They are ALL lying filth, so it makes sense to sort things out without these greedy pricks.
Why pay a leech lawyer, who is nothing more than a skilled liar, whose only objective is to extract money from family misery?
Rise of the DIY divorce: Hard-up couples causing court chaos by representing themselves amid cutbacks
The recession and upcoming cuts to legal aid is putting immense pressure on family courts as litigants shun solicitors to go it alone.
Full Story:
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The sick laugh is on you judge Cunningham.
The psychologist noted she had developed "a strong sense of doubt about her own self worth".
She was also pulling her hair - a behavioural disturbance" associated with stress.
What were you thinking judge Cunningham, did you not think about the harm to the victim, was it not serious enough to warrant prison for a obvious paedophile? All because some high profile jerk makes you laugh! Look here lady, you are totally unfit to be passing judgement from behind a bench. You are a total waste of taxpayers money. No wonder normal people despise the judiciary.As far as I am concerned, you are disgrace to New Zealand and wish you leave the country asap.
The man pleaded guilty last March to performing an indecent act on the child, who was in bed with him and his wife, but walked away without conviction in September.
Auckland District Court judge Philippa Cunningham ruled the consequences of a conviction would outweigh the offending and said the man was a talented New Zealander.
She said there was "a low consciousness of action" because he was drunk, took into account his guilty plea and said he was remorseful and unlikely to reoffend.
Cunningham also took into account the negative publicity he had received, in spite of his identity and that of his family being suppressed, as well as the impact on his career.
She said the consequences of the incident had been "little short of dire" and that a conviction would compound those consequences.
Letting him go without a conviction meant he could to try and restore his reputation and allow him "the opportunity to persuade people that they should give him work".
It would also help his relationship with his children.
In a High Court decision released yesterday, Justice Murray Gilbert ruled the man should be resentenced.
Gilbert agreed with Crown submissions that the consequences of a conviction did not outweigh the offending, that the judge did not take into account that the guilty plea meant the man had admitted he intended to carry out an indecent act on his daughter, and said the fact the man was drunk should not have been a factor in the original decision.
No date has been set for resentencing.
The impact on the man's daughter was severe, the judgement shows.
According to a victim impact statement prepared by a child psychologist, she has twice been referred to Auckland Sexual Abuse Help since the offending and felt some responsibility for the incident.
The psychologist noted she had developed "a strong sense of doubt about her own self worth".
She was also pulling her hair - a behavioural disturbance" associated with stress.
The man's lawyer, Marie Dyhrberg, would not comment on the decision this morning.
The man and his family have permanent name suppression to protect the girl.
She was also pulling her hair - a behavioural disturbance" associated with stress.
What were you thinking judge Cunningham, did you not think about the harm to the victim, was it not serious enough to warrant prison for a obvious paedophile? All because some high profile jerk makes you laugh! Look here lady, you are totally unfit to be passing judgement from behind a bench. You are a total waste of taxpayers money. No wonder normal people despise the judiciary.As far as I am concerned, you are disgrace to New Zealand and wish you leave the country asap.
LATEST: A comedian
discharged without conviction after admitting he sexually assaulted his young
daughter will be resentenced.
The man pleaded guilty last March to performing an indecent act on the child, who was in bed with him and his wife, but walked away without conviction in September.
Auckland District Court judge Philippa Cunningham ruled the consequences of a conviction would outweigh the offending and said the man was a talented New Zealander.
She said there was "a low consciousness of action" because he was drunk, took into account his guilty plea and said he was remorseful and unlikely to reoffend.
Cunningham also took into account the negative publicity he had received, in spite of his identity and that of his family being suppressed, as well as the impact on his career.
She said the consequences of the incident had been "little short of dire" and that a conviction would compound those consequences.
Letting him go without a conviction meant he could to try and restore his reputation and allow him "the opportunity to persuade people that they should give him work".
It would also help his relationship with his children.
In a High Court decision released yesterday, Justice Murray Gilbert ruled the man should be resentenced.
Gilbert agreed with Crown submissions that the consequences of a conviction did not outweigh the offending, that the judge did not take into account that the guilty plea meant the man had admitted he intended to carry out an indecent act on his daughter, and said the fact the man was drunk should not have been a factor in the original decision.
No date has been set for resentencing.
The impact on the man's daughter was severe, the judgement shows.
According to a victim impact statement prepared by a child psychologist, she has twice been referred to Auckland Sexual Abuse Help since the offending and felt some responsibility for the incident.
The psychologist noted she had developed "a strong sense of doubt about her own self worth".
She was also pulling her hair - a behavioural disturbance" associated with stress.
The man's lawyer, Marie Dyhrberg, would not comment on the decision this morning.
The man and his family have permanent name suppression to protect the girl.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
16 Arguments in Support of Shared Parenting
What the Latest Research is Saying about the Best Interests of Children
Published on April 16, 2012 by Edward Kruk, Ph.D. in Co-Parenting After Divorce
I have long maintained that a more child-focused approach to resolving parenting disputes after separation and divorce is needed to reduce harm to children and ensure their well-being. Usually, when parents cannot agree on parenting matters, they take their case to a judge for a resolution. The court then applies a "best interests of the child" standard in its decision-making in regard to kids’ future living arrangements. The problem is, however, that this standard is extremely vague and indeterminate, based on projective speculation about which parent might in future be the “better” parent, and thus subject to judicial bias and error. Judges not trained in child development and family dynamics are given unfettered discretion, and this results in unpredictable outcomes based on idiosyncratic biases and subjective value judgment.
Our current system of resolving disputes child custody rarely considers either children’s needs from children’s own perspective, or current research on child custody outcomes. What is needed is a new standard, a "best interests of the child from the perspective of the child" standard, and an approach to child custody determination that is built on a strong foundation of empirical research.
My recent article in the American Journal of Family Therapy, "Arguments for an Equal Parental Responsibility Presumption in Contested Child Custody," outlines sixteen distinct arguments in support of a shared parental responsibility presumption in contested child custody, which are presented from a child-focused perspective, with clinical and empirical evidence in support of each argument contrasted to the conflicting evidence. The shared parental responsibility alternative addresses the problems associated with judicial bias and error. The sixteen arguments are as follows:
1. Shared parenting preserves children’s relationships with both parents
2. Shared parenting preserves parents’ relationships with their children
3. Shared parenting decreases parental conflict and prevents family violence
4. Shared parenting reflects children’s preferences and views about their needs and best interests
5. Shared parenting reflects parents’ preferences and views about their children’s needs and best interests
6. Shared parenting reflects child caregiving arrangements before divorce
7. Shared parenting enhances the quality of parent-child relationships
8. Shared parenting decreases parental focus on “mathematizing time” and reduces litigation
9. Shared parenting provides an incentive for inter-parental negotiation, mediation and the development of parenting plans
10. Shared parenting provides a clear and consistent guideline for judicial decision-making
11. Shared parenting reduces the risk and incidence of parental alienation
12. Shared parenting enables enforcement of parenting orders, as parents are more likely to abide by an equal parental responsibility order
13. Shared parenting addresses social justice imperatives regarding protection of children’s rights
14. Shared parenting addresses social justice imperatives regarding parental authority, autonomy, equality, rights and responsibilities
15. The discretionary best interests of the child / sole custody model is not empirically supported
16. A rebuttable legal presumption of shared parenting responsibility is empirically supported
Many of these findings run counter to now-outdated research and prevailing practice wisdom in the field of divorce. However, there is an emergent consensus within the divorce research community that in the great majority of contested cases of child custody, where family violence is not a factor, children's needs and interests are best served by preserving meaningful relationships with both of their parents. Children need and want both parents in their lives, beyond the constraints of "visitation" relationships and "primary caregiver" arrangements. Shared parenting is a viable and desirable alternative in this regard, and “in the best interests of the child from the perspective of the child.”
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Robots to marry and reproduce in Russia?
Robots to marry and reproduce in Russia?
Can gay robots reproduce poofter ants?

Russian robots are set to prove they are no strangers to human emotions. The first-ever marriage between a loving couple of robotic creatures is scheduled to take place in Moscow.
There will be no banquet in honor of Apitcompych and Fiolenta – but they will be wearing wedding gowns.
What they cannot live without is energy, though. Now, instead of exchanging wedding rings, the newly-weds will have their flash cards plugged into each other’s sockets.
In fact, the bridegroom, Apitcompych, has a real man’s job, working as an administrator at a computer equipment store. He sorts the goods, communicates with the customers by e-mail and Skype, and finds friends on social networks.
The robot actually met his fiancée on Facebook. When Cupid shot a love arrow for Apitcompych and Fiolenta, the couple immediately decided to put an official stamp on their relationship. Many wonder, whether they are in such a hurry because Fiolenta is expecting.
Whatever the reason, the forthcoming robotic wedding is meant to serve as a role model for young people who wait too long to settle down and start families, often opting for ‘virtual love’ on the Internet.
There will be no banquet in honor of Apitcompych and Fiolenta – but they will be wearing wedding gowns.
What they cannot live without is energy, though. Now, instead of exchanging wedding rings, the newly-weds will have their flash cards plugged into each other’s sockets.
In fact, the bridegroom, Apitcompych, has a real man’s job, working as an administrator at a computer equipment store. He sorts the goods, communicates with the customers by e-mail and Skype, and finds friends on social networks.
The robot actually met his fiancée on Facebook. When Cupid shot a love arrow for Apitcompych and Fiolenta, the couple immediately decided to put an official stamp on their relationship. Many wonder, whether they are in such a hurry because Fiolenta is expecting.
Whatever the reason, the forthcoming robotic wedding is meant to serve as a role model for young people who wait too long to settle down and start families, often opting for ‘virtual love’ on the Internet.
Monday, April 16, 2012
SkyCity carpark is the new kids play ground?
It's a sad indictment on a John Key government that allows SkyCity to saturate Auckland with more pokie machines. You think the two faced wimpish Key and his twisted cronies would see the problematic nature of providing a facility for addicted gamblers. This government is exactly the same as the Klarkula regime of absolute power , they are devoid of common sense and couldn't give a stuff about anything else other than reelection and protecting their deluded egos. SkyCity has National in their back pocket and it won't be long before the greedy wayward Nats put pokie machines in school cafeterias. As for CYF, they're so dysfunctional they're dangerous to all children. No doubt these kids will be abused while in the care of the disgraceful government department. It's little wonder we lead the Western World in child abuse.
What a sick country run by bent polticial scum of the earth.
Poor kids.
A couple who allegedly left their five children in a van in the SkyCity carpark while they gambled have reportedly been charged in relation to the incident.
The couple will appear in court next month, facing charges of leaving their children unattended, the New Zealand Herald said.
The children, whose ages ranged from five months to eight-years-old, were allegedly found alone in a van in the SkyCity carpark around 11am on a Sunday February 26.
They were placed in Child Youth and Family care after the alleged incident.
A CYF spokesperson said they were "safe and well" and were immediately taken into care once contacted by police.
SkyCity said their surveillance recordings indicated the children had been locked in the vehicle for about 45 minutes.
A couple returning to their car heard the children crying and notified SkyCity security staff.
Staff found the parents upstairs gambling in the casino.
The family was taken to Auckland central police station.
Peter Treacy, SkyCity's general counsel, said while incidents of this kind do occasionally occur, they were rare.
He said SkyCity has strict procedures in place for these type of events which includes calling police immediately, advising the Department of Internal Affairs and issuing the parent or guardian with a trespass notice.
In the past year, 1.76 million vehicles have been parked in the car park and staff have uncovered seven incidents of children being left in cars in that time.
What a sick country run by bent polticial scum of the earth.
Poor kids.
A couple who allegedly left their five children in a van in the SkyCity carpark while they gambled have reportedly been charged in relation to the incident.
The couple will appear in court next month, facing charges of leaving their children unattended, the New Zealand Herald said.
The children, whose ages ranged from five months to eight-years-old, were allegedly found alone in a van in the SkyCity carpark around 11am on a Sunday February 26.
They were placed in Child Youth and Family care after the alleged incident.
A CYF spokesperson said they were "safe and well" and were immediately taken into care once contacted by police.
SkyCity said their surveillance recordings indicated the children had been locked in the vehicle for about 45 minutes.
A couple returning to their car heard the children crying and notified SkyCity security staff.
Staff found the parents upstairs gambling in the casino.
The family was taken to Auckland central police station.
Peter Treacy, SkyCity's general counsel, said while incidents of this kind do occasionally occur, they were rare.
He said SkyCity has strict procedures in place for these type of events which includes calling police immediately, advising the Department of Internal Affairs and issuing the parent or guardian with a trespass notice.
In the past year, 1.76 million vehicles have been parked in the car park and staff have uncovered seven incidents of children being left in cars in that time.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
US man jailed for child support for baby that wasn't his
"When you step outside the will of God, you put yourself in a position for bad things to happen. And, that’s what happened to me,” he said.
DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - DNA testing has cleared scores of wrongfully convicted inmates in Texas, hundreds across the nation. Now, it’s helping to clear wrongfully accused dads; and, in a Dallas man’s case, freeing him from jail.
Barry Wallace remembers missing the ordinary things in life when he was in jail like home cooked meals and time with his wife and kids.
Barry was jailed in January in Tarrant County as a “Deadbeat Dad,” owing more than $50,000 in child support payments for a child he said was never his.
He was still in jail Monday. “It’s been very hard on me, my wife, my kids. Knowing I’m in here for something I shouldn’t be in here for is very hard. Very stressful,” he said.
Barry and his wife Lorrie live in Dallas. They have two children together. But during a separation in 2006, a Fort Worth woman entered the picture.
“Young, dumb, foolish. ‘Went out to the club with some fellows one night. Met the girl,” he said. “One thing led to another. A two night stand. Next thing you know, she’s saying, ‘Hey, you’re the father,’” he remembers.
But a new Texas law allowed Barry to set the record straight. His attorney purchased a drugstore, DNA paternity kit. He secured the proper chain of custody and then sent in the samples.
The results, back in just a few days, showed zero probability that Barry was the father. He was freed from jail at 10:30 Monday night.
Sitting comfortably at home on Tuesday, Barry marveled at his change of circumstances. “Wow. It was like, ‘Whew!’ ‘Just to get to see my family. Hug my wife. Hug my kids. It was awesome,” he said.
The ordeal that had started six years ago had effected the entire family.
Lorrie Wallace said, “The torment I felt and went through day after day, night after night. It was just a nightmare and I was waking up from it. Finally. It was over.”
“The worst part was being a single mother,” she said.
Though he was released from his parental responsibility over the child, Texas law said Barry still owed $50,000 in back child support.
Then, something amazing happened.
Dennis Fuller, Barry’s Attorney, said, “By grace, the woman he owed $50,000 worth of child support to agreed to relinquish that child support.”
The woman gave up her claim to the money. “It definitely is a miracle for me. It really is,” Barry said.
She didn’t have to. “That needs to be written into the state law,” Fuller said.
Judge Nancy Berger of the 322nd Family Law Court terminated the parent-child relationship when the DNA results showed the child was not his. Judge Berger supports the new law and not just for parents. “I think a child has a right to know who the parents are when they’re being raised,” the judge said.
And Barry Wallace has his own children to raise.
Barry still owes some money though – more than $1,300 to the Attorney General’s Office court and administration fees and medical care for the mother.
Barry, who’s 31, realizes his story is a cautionary tale.
“When you step outside the will of God, you put yourself in a position for bad things to happen. And, that’s what happened to me,” he said.
“One simple act has led to a domino effect of chaos and torture and simply a nightmare and a headache in itself,” said Lorrie.
His attorney, Dennis Fuller, believes Barry’s case is a first, at least for Texas.
“I’ve asked the attorney general’s office. I’ve asked every judge. No one can find a case where someone’s been released under this new statute,” he said.
The new law gives other men who doubt their paternity until September 1 to file a claim. Time is running out.
“I’m ecstatic about the outcome for Barry Wallace. But, I’m also ecstatic that other people can hear about it and know this is out there. This is an option for them,” Fuller said.
CBS 11 has run a series of stories on the new law. It was Barry’s mother who heard about the change in the law from a story aired in February.
“She called her son’s wife and she said you need to get on the internet. You need to look at the statute change,” he said.
Barry had previously driven a truck for a living but had enrolled in radio broadcasting school. He was taking classes when he was arrested. But Providence smiled on him one more time. They saved his place for him.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
More lies as kids are slaughtered by pigs.
This country is a very unsafe environment for children. We have a callous government that allows child abuse to run rampant and they have the cheek to say paid parental leave is not affordable as a country. The politicians that make these sad and unstable decisions should be hung from the beehive for crimes against vulnerable kiwi children. I am astounded and appalled at the huge number of abortions this country allows and reading child abuse stats makes me cry. Murderous pigs who kill a living child in the womb should also be whipped then hung. These women are like our bent and twisted politicians, it's all about them, nothing else matters! Kids don't matter to egotistical politicians who only care about reelection'. Kiwi women kill, shag, kill,shag, kill,shag at will...
God help this seriously evil land of twisted liars.How could things get so bad in this country??
Poor kids.Something must be done to fix this land!
CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand, April 10, 2012 ( - A total of 877 women were admitted to hospital in New Zealand between 2009 and 2011 for treatment of post-abortion complications, reveal government documents obtained by Right to Life New Zealand. The total number of bed-days for the women involved totalled 1047.
There were a total of 52,120 abortions reported to the Abortion Supervisory Committee in 2009 to 2011. The hospital admittance rate for women being treated for complications arising from abortions was 1.68 percent. But this important information is not included in the Committee’s annual report to Parliament.
Right to Life NZ recently obtained the information from the Ministry of Health under the Official Information Act. Information on the nature and severity of the complications is not available. According to the pro-life group, these important statistics reveal that abortions not only kill an unborn child but can result in damage to a woman’s health.
“Why was it necessary to utilise the Official Information Act to obtain important information concerning the health of women that should be freely available in the public domain?” asks the pro-life group.
Abortionists are required to report to the Committee any complications that result from abortions prior to the woman being discharged. It is noted that a number of the 877 women admitted for treatment for complications would have been admitted to hospital immediately following the abortion, however their hospitalisation is not required to be advised to the Committee. The remainder of the women would have been discharged from the abortion facility after their abortion and then subsequently readmitted to hospital.
In 2010, Right to Life obtained from the Committee under the Official Information Act, statistics of complications reported by abortionists to the Committee in 2010.The information revealed that there were a total of 73 complications reported in the performance of 17,550 abortions; a complication rate of 0.42 percent. These statistics are collated by Statistics New Zealand on behalf of the Committee. The Abortion Supervisory Committee does not include these statistics in its annual report to Parliament on the grounds that the incidence of complication is so small and not worthy of report.
Right to Life believes that there is considerable under reporting of complications by abortionists that give women a false impression that abortion is a safe procedure. The Committee also excludes from its annual report to Parliament any statistical information on the number of women who are admitted to hospital for the treatment of a complication arising from abortion. The Committee has for many years congratulated abortionists for their skill in providing the women of New Zealand with “safe” abortions.
There are many complications both physical and psychological that damage a woman’s health. Right to Life sought information under the Official information Act from the Ministry of Health on the number of women who were admitted to hospital for psychiatric treatment following an abortion. But they were advised that this information is not recorded.
A study of the medical records of 56,741 California Medicaid patients revealed that women who had abortions were 160 per cent more likely than women delivering a baby to be hospitalised for psychiatric treatment in the first 90 days following abortion or delivery. Rates of psychiatric treatment remained significantly higher for at least four years. A five year retrospective study in two Canadian provinces found that 25 per cent of women who had had abortions made visits to psychiatrists and were more likely than others to require admission to a psychiatric hospital.
The Committee has a statutory duty under the Contraception Sterilisation and Abortion Act to provide an annual report to Parliament. Section 14 states that the Committee has a duty “to monitor, analyse, collate, and disseminate information relating to the performance of abortions in New Zealand.”
“Why is information about the number of women admitted to Hospital for the treatment of complications resulting from an abortion not included in the Committee’s annual report to Parliament?” asks Right to Life NZ. “How does the Committee reconcile a complication rate of 0.42 per cent with a hospital admittance rate of 1.68 per cent? (which is four times higher!)”
“What action is the Committee taking to ensure that all complications resulting from an abortion prior to the discharge of the woman are notified to the Committee? Why does the Ministry of Health not record the admittance of women to a psychiatric hospital for treatment as a result of having an abortion?”
God help this seriously evil land of twisted liars.How could things get so bad in this country??
Poor kids.Something must be done to fix this land!
CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand, April 10, 2012 ( - A total of 877 women were admitted to hospital in New Zealand between 2009 and 2011 for treatment of post-abortion complications, reveal government documents obtained by Right to Life New Zealand. The total number of bed-days for the women involved totalled 1047.
There were a total of 52,120 abortions reported to the Abortion Supervisory Committee in 2009 to 2011. The hospital admittance rate for women being treated for complications arising from abortions was 1.68 percent. But this important information is not included in the Committee’s annual report to Parliament.
Right to Life NZ recently obtained the information from the Ministry of Health under the Official Information Act. Information on the nature and severity of the complications is not available. According to the pro-life group, these important statistics reveal that abortions not only kill an unborn child but can result in damage to a woman’s health.
“Why was it necessary to utilise the Official Information Act to obtain important information concerning the health of women that should be freely available in the public domain?” asks the pro-life group.
Abortionists are required to report to the Committee any complications that result from abortions prior to the woman being discharged. It is noted that a number of the 877 women admitted for treatment for complications would have been admitted to hospital immediately following the abortion, however their hospitalisation is not required to be advised to the Committee. The remainder of the women would have been discharged from the abortion facility after their abortion and then subsequently readmitted to hospital.
In 2010, Right to Life obtained from the Committee under the Official Information Act, statistics of complications reported by abortionists to the Committee in 2010.The information revealed that there were a total of 73 complications reported in the performance of 17,550 abortions; a complication rate of 0.42 percent. These statistics are collated by Statistics New Zealand on behalf of the Committee. The Abortion Supervisory Committee does not include these statistics in its annual report to Parliament on the grounds that the incidence of complication is so small and not worthy of report.
Right to Life believes that there is considerable under reporting of complications by abortionists that give women a false impression that abortion is a safe procedure. The Committee also excludes from its annual report to Parliament any statistical information on the number of women who are admitted to hospital for the treatment of a complication arising from abortion. The Committee has for many years congratulated abortionists for their skill in providing the women of New Zealand with “safe” abortions.
There are many complications both physical and psychological that damage a woman’s health. Right to Life sought information under the Official information Act from the Ministry of Health on the number of women who were admitted to hospital for psychiatric treatment following an abortion. But they were advised that this information is not recorded.
A study of the medical records of 56,741 California Medicaid patients revealed that women who had abortions were 160 per cent more likely than women delivering a baby to be hospitalised for psychiatric treatment in the first 90 days following abortion or delivery. Rates of psychiatric treatment remained significantly higher for at least four years. A five year retrospective study in two Canadian provinces found that 25 per cent of women who had had abortions made visits to psychiatrists and were more likely than others to require admission to a psychiatric hospital.
The Committee has a statutory duty under the Contraception Sterilisation and Abortion Act to provide an annual report to Parliament. Section 14 states that the Committee has a duty “to monitor, analyse, collate, and disseminate information relating to the performance of abortions in New Zealand.”
“Why is information about the number of women admitted to Hospital for the treatment of complications resulting from an abortion not included in the Committee’s annual report to Parliament?” asks Right to Life NZ. “How does the Committee reconcile a complication rate of 0.42 per cent with a hospital admittance rate of 1.68 per cent? (which is four times higher!)”
“What action is the Committee taking to ensure that all complications resulting from an abortion prior to the discharge of the woman are notified to the Committee? Why does the Ministry of Health not record the admittance of women to a psychiatric hospital for treatment as a result of having an abortion?”
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Miserable Nats let children down again.
This miserable government bleat on about a trivial amount invested into our greatest assets our children, but they can hand out millions to idle maori who put the public coffers thru the pokie machines.. Hey Nutional you callous creeps, sadly we already boast appalling child abuse statistics that do not seem to worry you careless fools. Show the public you care about kiwi kids and give children time to develop strong bonds of love with their parents. You will pay the price if you let us down this time, believe me.
Its a sad indictment on a regime that will not try and develop balanced children so we can build stronger communities,which will, in the long term save New Zealand $billions $
This miserable government bleat on about a trivial amount invested into our greatest assets our children, but they can hand out millions to idle maori who put the public coffers thru the pokie machines.. Hey Nutional you callous creeps, sadly we already boast appalling child abuse statistics that do not seem to worry you careless fools. Show the public you care about kiwi kids and give children time to develop strong bonds of love with their parents. You will pay the price if you let us down this time, believe me.
Its a sad indictment on a regime that will not try and develop balanced children so we can build stronger communities,which will, in the long term save New Zealand $billions $
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
You've suffered'care',so you lose your child
You've suffered 'care', so you lose your child - Telegraph
Social workers judge that being brought up in care makes you unfit to be a parent.
I thought you'd like this:
After reading this story and from my own heartbreaking personal experience of the child protection agencies I am totally convinced they are satanic by nature. These cruel government scum enjoy destroying good parents and gran parents. These social workers are evil filth! If you look at the low moral calibre of the callous creeps that work within these agencies one can conclude they excel at the fractured family industry, which just keeps on producing dysfunctional children, who yearn to make a bond of love with a parent that cares.
Sad stuff. Who needs horror movies when you got child protection services in action!!!
Social workers judge that being brought up in care makes you unfit to be a parent.
I thought you'd like this:
After reading this story and from my own heartbreaking personal experience of the child protection agencies I am totally convinced they are satanic by nature. These cruel government scum enjoy destroying good parents and gran parents. These social workers are evil filth! If you look at the low moral calibre of the callous creeps that work within these agencies one can conclude they excel at the fractured family industry, which just keeps on producing dysfunctional children, who yearn to make a bond of love with a parent that cares.
Sad stuff. Who needs horror movies when you got child protection services in action!!!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Public protection orders
The issue here is whether a scum of the earth paedophile deserves protection of his human rights or the public of New Zealand deserve protection from this depraved animal? How can a human being inflict so much heartbreak on so many without showing any remorse does endorse the existance of satan and his evil intentions.
Cilly Crusher Collins a head strung ex civil family court lawyer is blowing more smoke and wind with absurdities like " civil detention" and "as soon as possible". There is nothing civil about a feminist infested gender bias family court, however I would like to see this beast incarcerated for the rest of his natural life. Unfortuntely New Zealand already has appalling child abuse statistics, so it does make sense to keep high risk sexual offenders locked down. Children deserve a safe New Zealand.
On the other hand it does set a dangerous precedent, because the dumbo keystone cops will determine who stays locked up. Our pathetic plods are thicker than concrete tunnel pillars. Anybody thinking about the term police state would be right on the money. The Nats are going to nail that while in term. Just watch and ask Cilly Crusher if you can get public protection orders served on the Black Power and Mongrel Mob? Yeah right. Nats are two faced wimps!
But a legal expert says National's attempts to create a "civil detention''
regime could face challenges on human rights grounds.
If the legislation is to be ready in time to prevent the release of Blenheim rapist Stewart Murray Wilson, the government could also have to shortcut the normal legislative steps, something that would be "bad parliamentary process'', Otago University law professor Andrew Geddis said.
Wilson has served 18 years of a 21-year sentence for a catalogue of sexual and violent crimes against women and girls over the two decades leading up to his sentencing in 1996.
As he was sentenced under old laws, Wilson cannot be kept in prison beyond September 1. By contrast, an offender who committed the same crimes today could be sentenced to "preventive detention'', with little or no prospect of ever leaving prison.
Last November Prime Minister John Key and then-Corrections Minister Collins unveiled a new "civil detention'' regime that would allow prisoners such as Wilson to be held beyond the end of their sentence, on the grounds of public safety.
Collins told the Sunday Star-Times the legislation was under development as a stand alone bill, and would be introduced to the house "as soon as possible''.
She rejected any suggestion concerns over human rights were delaying work on the bill, and said the draft legislation would be "assessed for consistency with the human rights affirmed in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990''.
Collins would not be drawn on whether the legislation could be enacted swiftly enough to prevent Wilson's release.
She said the bill's "public protection orders'' weren't designed to target a specific individual, and were expected to apply to "between five and 12 offenders over a 10-year period, the majority of them child sex offenders''.
Colin MacKay, the retired Blenheim detective who led the 18-month investigation into Wilson's crimes, told the Star-Times he feared Wilson was at high risk of reoffending.
He said he was a great believer in the philosophy that once a prisoner had served their sentence they should be able to put their past behind them, but Wilson was "an exception'', whose offending took place over decades, and who had never accepted any responsibility for his crimes.
Wilson's crimes came to light after he was approached by a current affairs reporter to discuss the death of his infant son, Mervyn. The brain-damaged baby had been born prematurely on the day Wilson beat his de facto wife unconscious.
A television producer reported Wilson to the Children and Young Persons Service after learning his daughter did not attend school, and appeared to be poorly looked after.
Police became involved soon after.
Cilly Crusher Collins a head strung ex civil family court lawyer is blowing more smoke and wind with absurdities like " civil detention" and "as soon as possible". There is nothing civil about a feminist infested gender bias family court, however I would like to see this beast incarcerated for the rest of his natural life. Unfortuntely New Zealand already has appalling child abuse statistics, so it does make sense to keep high risk sexual offenders locked down. Children deserve a safe New Zealand.
On the other hand it does set a dangerous precedent, because the dumbo keystone cops will determine who stays locked up. Our pathetic plods are thicker than concrete tunnel pillars. Anybody thinking about the term police state would be right on the money. The Nats are going to nail that while in term. Just watch and ask Cilly Crusher if you can get public protection orders served on the Black Power and Mongrel Mob? Yeah right. Nats are two faced wimps!
Justice Minister Judith Collins is scrambling to push through a new law aimed
at keeping a handful of high-risk sexual offenders behind bars, including the
rapist known as the "Beast of Blenheim'', who will otherwise be released in five
If the legislation is to be ready in time to prevent the release of Blenheim rapist Stewart Murray Wilson, the government could also have to shortcut the normal legislative steps, something that would be "bad parliamentary process'', Otago University law professor Andrew Geddis said.
Wilson has served 18 years of a 21-year sentence for a catalogue of sexual and violent crimes against women and girls over the two decades leading up to his sentencing in 1996.
As he was sentenced under old laws, Wilson cannot be kept in prison beyond September 1. By contrast, an offender who committed the same crimes today could be sentenced to "preventive detention'', with little or no prospect of ever leaving prison.
Last November Prime Minister John Key and then-Corrections Minister Collins unveiled a new "civil detention'' regime that would allow prisoners such as Wilson to be held beyond the end of their sentence, on the grounds of public safety.
Collins told the Sunday Star-Times the legislation was under development as a stand alone bill, and would be introduced to the house "as soon as possible''.
She rejected any suggestion concerns over human rights were delaying work on the bill, and said the draft legislation would be "assessed for consistency with the human rights affirmed in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990''.
Collins would not be drawn on whether the legislation could be enacted swiftly enough to prevent Wilson's release.
She said the bill's "public protection orders'' weren't designed to target a specific individual, and were expected to apply to "between five and 12 offenders over a 10-year period, the majority of them child sex offenders''.
Colin MacKay, the retired Blenheim detective who led the 18-month investigation into Wilson's crimes, told the Star-Times he feared Wilson was at high risk of reoffending.
He said he was a great believer in the philosophy that once a prisoner had served their sentence they should be able to put their past behind them, but Wilson was "an exception'', whose offending took place over decades, and who had never accepted any responsibility for his crimes.
Wilson's crimes came to light after he was approached by a current affairs reporter to discuss the death of his infant son, Mervyn. The brain-damaged baby had been born prematurely on the day Wilson beat his de facto wife unconscious.
A television producer reported Wilson to the Children and Young Persons Service after learning his daughter did not attend school, and appeared to be poorly looked after.
Police became involved soon after.
Friday, April 6, 2012
After judge tells arrested pro-life activist ‘your God’s wrong,’ lawyers file appeal |
Who the hell does this judge think it is? How dare a mere human declare in a position of power that our creator is wrong! I hope this deluded judge gets treatment for its bad mental health.
After judge tells arrested pro-life activist ‘your God’s wrong,’ lawyers file appeal |
After judge tells arrested pro-life activist ‘your God’s wrong,’ lawyers file appeal |
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Sex offender blames twin brother.
As my readers know, I get real angry when I see manipulative lying scum of the earth slip through the sick system so they can apply their pedophile poison onto innocent and vulnerable children. In the ideal world, I would be a judge sentencing this creep. He would serve 10 years hard labour then I might think about his release. Then again on the day I could sentence the depraved animal to death.
New Zealander's must realize that we are gold medalists at child abuse and the judiciary couldn't give a flying frig! It's way past time we got real tough on these kid fuckers.
A sex offender who faked a CV to work with children fobbed off a suspicious principal who confronted him about his convictions by saying he had a twin brother.
The man, revealed as Te Rito Henry Miki, 40, today admitted using a false CV and birth certificate to work in six schools, two of which were in Auckland.
He also pleaded guilty to four charges of breaching a protection order, which prevented him working with children.
Miki's name suppression was lifted at the Auckland District Court this morning, but his aliases and the names of the schools at which he worked are still suppressed.
Judge Philippa Sinclair convicted Miki and remanded him in custody until sentencing on May 18. A new forgery charge laid by police today will also be dealt with then.
Education Minister Hekia Parata said today she was pleased to hear Miki had plead guilty.
"I think it gives certainty for the whole school sector but for those schools in particular as to what the current situation is."
She supported suppression of the names of the schools Miki had worked at.
"I don't think it is necessary for the public to know, the school are taking care of their particular school communities."
Court documents show that at least two principals became suspicious of Miki since he began working in schools in 2007.
At one school, Miki faked a brain tumour and said he was leaving the teaching profession when the principal aired his concerns.
The next school decided to employ Miki despite being told about his previous convictions and multiple aliases while doing reference checks.
"The principal has confronted the defendant who dismissed the claims stating he had a twin brother who was responsible for the convictions," a court summary reads.
It wasn't until the police became involved with Miki that his true identity was discovered by the principal who then terminated his employment.
After Miki left, the principal then went through his belongings and discovered documentation in another man's name.
The man was a friend of Miki's who had a legitimate teaching qualification.
Miki applied to change his friend's name, then notified the organisation who granted the qualification and the New Zealand Teaching Council of the name change, which he used to gain employment.
Despite these discoveries, it appears neither principal nor the police notified the Teaching Council about Miki's actions.
He was subsequently able to teach under the same alias at two Auckland schools, one for nearly more than a year.
Miki was finally arrested when he was identified by a member of the public earlier this year, when she reportedly spotted him driving a van-load of schoolchildren.
The person, who knew of the man's criminal history, rang the school principal and because she understood he was using a false name, provided the school with a photograph that confirmed his identity.
By that time, Miki had worked at three schools in the Bay of Plenty, one in Taranaki, and two in Auckland.
The schools involved have a combined roll of 2258 children.
At the time of the alleged offending, he was supposed to be adhering to an extended supervision order that normally requires an offender to be subject to parole-type conditions for up to 10 years after release.
A ministerial inquiry into how Miki was hired to work at multiple schools was on track to make an interim report at the end of the month, Parata said.
Inquiry head Mel Smith had found it difficult to speak to key witnesses with the case before the court, prompting him to seek an extension.
Former chief executive of the Education Review Office, Judith Aitken, has been appointed to help Smith with the inquiry.
New Zealander's must realize that we are gold medalists at child abuse and the judiciary couldn't give a flying frig! It's way past time we got real tough on these kid fuckers.
A sex offender who faked a CV to work with children fobbed off a suspicious principal who confronted him about his convictions by saying he had a twin brother.
The man, revealed as Te Rito Henry Miki, 40, today admitted using a false CV and birth certificate to work in six schools, two of which were in Auckland.
He also pleaded guilty to four charges of breaching a protection order, which prevented him working with children.
Miki's name suppression was lifted at the Auckland District Court this morning, but his aliases and the names of the schools at which he worked are still suppressed.
Judge Philippa Sinclair convicted Miki and remanded him in custody until sentencing on May 18. A new forgery charge laid by police today will also be dealt with then.
Education Minister Hekia Parata said today she was pleased to hear Miki had plead guilty.
"I think it gives certainty for the whole school sector but for those schools in particular as to what the current situation is."
She supported suppression of the names of the schools Miki had worked at.
"I don't think it is necessary for the public to know, the school are taking care of their particular school communities."
Court documents show that at least two principals became suspicious of Miki since he began working in schools in 2007.
At one school, Miki faked a brain tumour and said he was leaving the teaching profession when the principal aired his concerns.
The next school decided to employ Miki despite being told about his previous convictions and multiple aliases while doing reference checks.
"The principal has confronted the defendant who dismissed the claims stating he had a twin brother who was responsible for the convictions," a court summary reads.
It wasn't until the police became involved with Miki that his true identity was discovered by the principal who then terminated his employment.
After Miki left, the principal then went through his belongings and discovered documentation in another man's name.
The man was a friend of Miki's who had a legitimate teaching qualification.
Miki applied to change his friend's name, then notified the organisation who granted the qualification and the New Zealand Teaching Council of the name change, which he used to gain employment.
Despite these discoveries, it appears neither principal nor the police notified the Teaching Council about Miki's actions.
He was subsequently able to teach under the same alias at two Auckland schools, one for nearly more than a year.
Miki was finally arrested when he was identified by a member of the public earlier this year, when she reportedly spotted him driving a van-load of schoolchildren.
The person, who knew of the man's criminal history, rang the school principal and because she understood he was using a false name, provided the school with a photograph that confirmed his identity.
By that time, Miki had worked at three schools in the Bay of Plenty, one in Taranaki, and two in Auckland.
The schools involved have a combined roll of 2258 children.
At the time of the alleged offending, he was supposed to be adhering to an extended supervision order that normally requires an offender to be subject to parole-type conditions for up to 10 years after release.
A ministerial inquiry into how Miki was hired to work at multiple schools was on track to make an interim report at the end of the month, Parata said.
Inquiry head Mel Smith had found it difficult to speak to key witnesses with the case before the court, prompting him to seek an extension.
Former chief executive of the Education Review Office, Judith Aitken, has been appointed to help Smith with the inquiry.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Judge Philippa Cunningham supports child abuse.
This mad judge should be in the dock for sentencing. What the hell was the mad maggot thinking. Why the taxpayer pay these deluded creeps is beyond my comprehension?!
Comedian child sex case reviewed
A High Court judge is deciding whether a well-known Kiwi comedian who admitted performing a sex act on his four-year-old daughter will be resentenced for his crime.
The man pleaded guilty in March last year to performing an indecent act on a child, but was discharged without conviction by Judge Philippa Cunningham in August.
Judge Cunningham said the consequences of a conviction would outweigh the gravity of the offence against the four-year-old, noting the man was a talented comedian who made people laugh.
Protesters picketed outside the court at the time.
On Wednesday the Crown appealed to Justice Murray Gilbert at Auckland's High Court to grant a judicial review of the case.
The comedian's lawyer, Marie Dyhrberg, told NZ Newswire that Justice Gilbert was likely to announce his decision later this month.
If he decides Judge Cunningham made an error in law in discharging the man, the comedian may be sent back to court to be sentenced again.
The man has permanent name suppression to protect the victim.
The man got into bed with his partner and their daughter after a night out drinking.
He pulled down the girl's pyjama pants and pull-up nappy and started kissing her.
When his partner awoke, he told her: "I thought it was you."
She called police.
The couple have separated and the man has supervised visits with his two daughters.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
FFS! A sex offender drove a school bus?
Only in New Zealand! No wonder we are gold medalists in child abuse. The callous bureaucratic machine does not care about kiwi children. Mistake after mistake. Poor kids.
A convicted child sex offender who used to work as a school principal has been jailed for further offending against a child - and details have emerged of how he was mistakenly allowed to work as a school bus driver.
Despite his background, Maurice William Cudby, 72, was cleared by the Land Transport Safety Authority to drive a school bus in the 1990s, the High Court at Wanganui was told yesterday.
Cudby was appearing in court for sentence on six counts of sexual offending against a boy, occurring over nine years from 1998 to 2007.
Cudby had earlier pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting a boy aged under 12, inducing a boy under 12 to perform an indecent act, two counts of sexual violation, sexual violation and indecently assaulting a boy aged between 12-16.
Justice Jillian Mallon sentenced Cudby to 12 years jail, saying he was to serve no less than six years.
The raft of offending against the boy began just after Cudby was released from prison for sexual offending against seven young girls.
n 1993 he was convicted of 12 charges representing indecencies against seven girls aged between seven and 10, committed between 1977 and 1993 when he was a school principal and sole charge teacher of a rural school. For that offending, he received a sentence of five years imprisonment.
Yesterday, the court heard how LTSA checks failed to identify Cudby's past and he got a job driving a school bus in the late 1990s.
Cudby said he had listed his sexual convictions on his application but somehow they were either ignored or had slipped through the cracks.
However, his past came to light after a member of the public recognised him as a known child sex offender. They were horrified he was driving a school bus and reported him.
The bus company immediately dismissed him, the court was told.
Justice Mallon said Cudby had groomed the boy from the time the child was six years old until he was aged 15.
The judge described the grooming as an aggravating factor, a huge breach of trust and repeating offending.
"It seems that you learned nothing from your earlier offending even though you received treatment in prison for your sexual offending."
Justice Mallon said Cudby simply could not stop himself.
"Apart from pleading guilty, there is nothing else that demonstrates any remorse at all.
"You were predatory and opportunistic... you have a very limited appreciation of your offending,"she said.
Cudby's age alone was not a mitigating factor, she said.
"So it's good that you pleaded guilty. Your sustained grooming of this boy has caused him serious harm. You have caused all these children serious harm."
A convicted child sex offender who used to work as a school principal has been jailed for further offending against a child - and details have emerged of how he was mistakenly allowed to work as a school bus driver.
Despite his background, Maurice William Cudby, 72, was cleared by the Land Transport Safety Authority to drive a school bus in the 1990s, the High Court at Wanganui was told yesterday.
Cudby was appearing in court for sentence on six counts of sexual offending against a boy, occurring over nine years from 1998 to 2007.
Cudby had earlier pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting a boy aged under 12, inducing a boy under 12 to perform an indecent act, two counts of sexual violation, sexual violation and indecently assaulting a boy aged between 12-16.
Justice Jillian Mallon sentenced Cudby to 12 years jail, saying he was to serve no less than six years.
The raft of offending against the boy began just after Cudby was released from prison for sexual offending against seven young girls.
n 1993 he was convicted of 12 charges representing indecencies against seven girls aged between seven and 10, committed between 1977 and 1993 when he was a school principal and sole charge teacher of a rural school. For that offending, he received a sentence of five years imprisonment.
Yesterday, the court heard how LTSA checks failed to identify Cudby's past and he got a job driving a school bus in the late 1990s.
Cudby said he had listed his sexual convictions on his application but somehow they were either ignored or had slipped through the cracks.
However, his past came to light after a member of the public recognised him as a known child sex offender. They were horrified he was driving a school bus and reported him.
The bus company immediately dismissed him, the court was told.
Justice Mallon said Cudby had groomed the boy from the time the child was six years old until he was aged 15.
The judge described the grooming as an aggravating factor, a huge breach of trust and repeating offending.
"It seems that you learned nothing from your earlier offending even though you received treatment in prison for your sexual offending."
Justice Mallon said Cudby simply could not stop himself.
"Apart from pleading guilty, there is nothing else that demonstrates any remorse at all.
"You were predatory and opportunistic... you have a very limited appreciation of your offending,"she said.
Cudby's age alone was not a mitigating factor, she said.
"So it's good that you pleaded guilty. Your sustained grooming of this boy has caused him serious harm. You have caused all these children serious harm."
So who's your daddy?
So who’s the daddy? Ethics dilemma over sperm donor boom
Independent (UK) 2 April 2012
The gift of life is not immune to pecuniary incentives. Charities working with sperm and egg donors report a boom in enquiries from potential volunteers as new regulations allow fertility clinics to make more generous payments. From today, men will be able to collect £35 per visit for their sperm, up from £15, and women will be paid £750 for their eggs, a threefold rise on the previous amount of £250. The new rates, agreed by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) following a public consultation last year, are intended to boost the number of donors to meet rising demand. But they have also focused attention on the question of transparency in donation after decades in which the biological origins of tens of thousands of children have been kept secret. Donor anonymity was removed in 2005 and children born from gametes (sperm and eggs) used since that date will have the right to learn the identity of their biological parent when they reach the age of 18. But they can only do so if the parents who brought them up tell them about their origins. A survey conducted prior to the law change found 28 per cent of children conceived from donor sperm and 40 per cent conceived from donor eggs had been told by the age of seven. An inquiry by the Nuffield Council for Bioethics is to examine why parents choose not to tell their children and whether the information is so important, for medical as well as psychological reasons, that doctors and social workers should be involved.
Independent (UK) 2 April 2012
The gift of life is not immune to pecuniary incentives. Charities working with sperm and egg donors report a boom in enquiries from potential volunteers as new regulations allow fertility clinics to make more generous payments. From today, men will be able to collect £35 per visit for their sperm, up from £15, and women will be paid £750 for their eggs, a threefold rise on the previous amount of £250. The new rates, agreed by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) following a public consultation last year, are intended to boost the number of donors to meet rising demand. But they have also focused attention on the question of transparency in donation after decades in which the biological origins of tens of thousands of children have been kept secret. Donor anonymity was removed in 2005 and children born from gametes (sperm and eggs) used since that date will have the right to learn the identity of their biological parent when they reach the age of 18. But they can only do so if the parents who brought them up tell them about their origins. A survey conducted prior to the law change found 28 per cent of children conceived from donor sperm and 40 per cent conceived from donor eggs had been told by the age of seven. An inquiry by the Nuffield Council for Bioethics is to examine why parents choose not to tell their children and whether the information is so important, for medical as well as psychological reasons, that doctors and social workers should be involved.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Women more likely to be perpetrators of abuse as well as victims
I was once assaulted by an ex partner when she pushed me threw a back door window . I badly cut my arm. I told them at the hospital that I tripped and fell because I knew the feminist driven police would laugh at me. Is there a female assaults male charge in the criminal justice act judge dread? Does the Western World know what gender balance means? What chance do our future generations have? Sad stuff.
Say no more!
Women more likely to be perpetrators of abuse as well as victims
Say no more!
Women more likely to be perpetrators of abuse as well as victims
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