When will the world understand that parental alienation is insidious. Children are not made to be used as weapons of war by irrational adults. Hey Judge leave those kids alone!
"Additionally, our consultation to date has revealed that the issue of parental alienation (usually involving fathers) vis-à-vis their children is a cause for concern and we are determined to do all we can to deal with it."
Reform of family and child care law
The Government has issued a white paper on reform of family and child care law.
A statement by the Ministry for Justice and the Ministry for Family, Youth and Community Affairs recalls that last year it was announced that a Family Law Working Group had been set up in order to put forward proposals for law reform, which were intended to help those undergoing parental separation better to resolve disputes.
"We said any proposals would focus strongly on what children need and how parents can be assisted better to meet those needs during and after relationship breakdown. We noted that there were 121 divorces in Gibraltar in 2006 and many more separations. These are significant numbers for a small community," they say.
And add: "The reality however is that whilst a marriage may end the family continues. The relationship as husband and wife or partners ends with divorce or separation, but the relationship as mother and father continues a lifetime. The biggest single factor in the children’s adjustment to their parents’ divorce or separation is how well the parents restructure their relationship to continue to meet the needs of the child.
"Additionally, our consultation to date has revealed that the issue of parental alienation (usually involving fathers) vis-à-vis their children is a cause for concern and we are determined to do all we can to deal with it."
The Family Law Group has now completed the task and Parts 1 to VII of the Children Act deal with this aspect of our work. The Children’s Act, however, is much more and is intended to provide a comprehensive legislative framework to protect all children in Gibraltar and overhaul child care law in the process. The proposals are therefore wide ranging and they include:
• Providing better outcomes for children of separating or divorcing parents;
• Keeping parents who are separating or divorcing properly informed of the alternatives open to them and, indeed, helping those parents to help their children;
• Ensuring that parents are treated equally in respect of the children and that both parents accept responsibility for their children;
• Minimizing acrimony among parents;
• Giving grandparents rights (inter alia) in relation to children in care;
• Overhauling the powers to protect children from abuse or neglect and better protecting children;
• Overhauling child care law both by the state and by private individuals.
Whilst the draft Bill contains a number of provisions relating to the financial arrangements, in relation to children these issues will be dealt with in a separate modernized Matrimonial Causes Act which will deal with issues such as maintenance, property arrangements and other financial issues. There is now widespread support amongst child care social workers, lawyers and groups acting on behalf of children and parents for early reform. We therefore ask for people’s views on the proposed Bill which the Government will introduce as legislation as soon as we have considered those views and the Parliamentary timetable allows. The consultation process in relation to this White Paper will remain open for three months, said ministers Daniel feetham and Jaime Netto.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Dutch study indicates PAS is a REAL worry for parents
The New Zealand Family Court will not accept the existence of PAS? You go figure!
New Dutch research study on the Parental Alienation Syndrome in the Netherlands found it to be a much bigger problem then was previously estimated:
See: Esma Kaplan - Research study - Parental Alienation in the Netherlands (2008)
Some of the main conclusions of the Dutch study on Parental Alienation are:
• 72% of Dutch separated fathers believe PAS is a problem.
• 64% of mothers believe PAS is a problem
• According to father's PAS is a severe problem in 21% of cases
• But according to mothers PAS is only a severe problem in 10% of cases.
• Overall fathers consider serious PAS twice as big a problem as mothers
At the referred link above, machine translations of this new Dutch language research study are made available in English, French, German and Spanish:
New Dutch research study on the Parental Alienation Syndrome in the Netherlands found it to be a much bigger problem then was previously estimated:
See: Esma Kaplan - Research study - Parental Alienation in the Netherlands (2008)
Some of the main conclusions of the Dutch study on Parental Alienation are:
• 72% of Dutch separated fathers believe PAS is a problem.
• 64% of mothers believe PAS is a problem
• According to father's PAS is a severe problem in 21% of cases
• But according to mothers PAS is only a severe problem in 10% of cases.
• Overall fathers consider serious PAS twice as big a problem as mothers
At the referred link above, machine translations of this new Dutch language research study are made available in English, French, German and Spanish:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Judge Boshier you owe me a big apology.
Principal Family Court Judge Boshier
PO Box 10 –167
October 13th 2008.
Your Honour,
My Family Court case (FP/003/59/01 FAM-2003-009-001936) has been a major depressive episode since malicious/false allegations of sexual child abuse and domestic violence were made by the maternal family in 2000 and 2001.
I am the legal guardian of my 15-year-old daughter after she appeared on my doorstep out of the blue last year. The liars in the Family Court had to amend the malicious protection order! The malicious protection order is responsible for 14 criminal convictions, time spent in prison, incarceration as a forensic patient under a Court directed Compulsory Mental Health Order, and over 200 Court Hearings!
Unfortunately your corrupt low life Family Court is responsible for destroying her life. Now she is a very traumatised young lady who has serious behavioural problems due to the professional scum that brainwashed her in the adversarial litigation world of the Family Court gravy train. These evil creeps have taught her how to hate and how to be dishonest. The disgusting tactics used make the Nazis seem tame!
I have pleaded with your office for assistance since 2002, only to be fobbed off time and time again. My daughter is in serious trouble with police and I was wondering why her disgusting state appointed lawyer Adrienne Edwards is not assisting child A? Oh learned judge; can you explain to me why the bias child counsel has never contacted child A since she came into my full time care? While you are at it can you explain why this bias pig has never witnessed the loving interactions between a dad and his severely affected children? Four children destroyed by your evil court!
Your despicable Family Court is responsible for the death of my mother three years ago this November! The actions of a Family Court specialist report writer John Watson deserve a jail sentence. The Court has created immense heartbreak for my four New Zealand born children and is directly responsible for the current anti social behaviours displayed by my eldest daughter.
Well-done sir, your Family Court has created yet another potential criminal. How do you sleep at night? I wish you could feel the roar of pain that your insidious court inflicts upon an innocent father. I have wept so many tears due to the unfairness of the sinister Family Court I am exhausted and beaten to a pulp emotionally, mentally and psychologically. Where is my assistance in difficult times trying to set healthy boundaries with my out of control daughter! Unfortunately it is all too late for that, because my daughter is ruined for life, thanks to you!
You owe me a big apology!
PO Box 10 –167
October 13th 2008.
Your Honour,
My Family Court case (FP/003/59/01 FAM-2003-009-001936) has been a major depressive episode since malicious/false allegations of sexual child abuse and domestic violence were made by the maternal family in 2000 and 2001.
I am the legal guardian of my 15-year-old daughter after she appeared on my doorstep out of the blue last year. The liars in the Family Court had to amend the malicious protection order! The malicious protection order is responsible for 14 criminal convictions, time spent in prison, incarceration as a forensic patient under a Court directed Compulsory Mental Health Order, and over 200 Court Hearings!
Unfortunately your corrupt low life Family Court is responsible for destroying her life. Now she is a very traumatised young lady who has serious behavioural problems due to the professional scum that brainwashed her in the adversarial litigation world of the Family Court gravy train. These evil creeps have taught her how to hate and how to be dishonest. The disgusting tactics used make the Nazis seem tame!
I have pleaded with your office for assistance since 2002, only to be fobbed off time and time again. My daughter is in serious trouble with police and I was wondering why her disgusting state appointed lawyer Adrienne Edwards is not assisting child A? Oh learned judge; can you explain to me why the bias child counsel has never contacted child A since she came into my full time care? While you are at it can you explain why this bias pig has never witnessed the loving interactions between a dad and his severely affected children? Four children destroyed by your evil court!
Your despicable Family Court is responsible for the death of my mother three years ago this November! The actions of a Family Court specialist report writer John Watson deserve a jail sentence. The Court has created immense heartbreak for my four New Zealand born children and is directly responsible for the current anti social behaviours displayed by my eldest daughter.
Well-done sir, your Family Court has created yet another potential criminal. How do you sleep at night? I wish you could feel the roar of pain that your insidious court inflicts upon an innocent father. I have wept so many tears due to the unfairness of the sinister Family Court I am exhausted and beaten to a pulp emotionally, mentally and psychologically. Where is my assistance in difficult times trying to set healthy boundaries with my out of control daughter! Unfortunately it is all too late for that, because my daughter is ruined for life, thanks to you!
You owe me a big apology!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Bloodied Relations
I have seen the very real existence of parental alienation syndrome in case after case where one parent is enraged at the other and proceeds to poison the children against the “enemy” parent.
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Friday, October 24, 2008
Suicide Toll Surpasses Road Deaths.
For even more info on suicide from Dr Viv Roberts link below .We presented this information to Families Commissioner two years ago, as part of a NZ Fathers Coalition delegation. It was another wasted meeting with another brain dead Wellington bureaucratic fool. Suicide prevention measures have been put on the back burner by a minority agenda criminal government.The last Suicide Prevention Conference I attended was hijacked by activist homosexuals! New Zealand is no longer the land of milk and honey, because the bent sinister and selfish socialists stole the money.
Go http://www.matariki.kimfiles.com/vids_research.html
Suicide toll surpasses road deaths
By LANE NICHOLS - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 25 October 2008
More people took their own lives than died in road crashes in the past year, new coroners' figures show.
In the year to the end of June, 511 suicides were reported to coroners - 1.4 self-inflicted deaths a day.
Suicides accounted for more than one-in-three coroners' cases, though a suicide prevention agency says numbers have fallen dramatically in the past decade.
The preliminary figures are revealed in coroners' files on nearly 1500 "violent and unnatural" deaths since a new coronial system was introduced last year. Till now there has been a two-year lag on official suicide statistics.
In the same 12month period, 87 fewer vehicle accident deaths were referred for coroners' investigations than suicides. Drowning was the next biggest type of death, with 101 cases, followed by head injury (66), homicide (64) and sudden infant death syndrome (50).
Chief coroner Judge Neil MacLean said the new figures provided interesting comparisons. Raw data about suicides was "rather shocking".
"Suicide is actually more common than I think is widely appreciated and it's only when a family is directly affected by it that they actually realise the awful extent of it. All I see is the end result. No matter how often you see it, you still ask yourself the question: `How could that be the catalyst for someone to take their own life?"'
Suicides were often a combination of factors such as depression, drugs or relationship breakups.
"But you look at it individually and say: `Surely that's not enough to warrant the most drastic step'."
The aftermath was traumatic for families, who often blamed themselves or felt ashamed, Judge MacLean said.
He suspected vehicle accident deaths had outnumbered suicides in previous years, but more people were now surviving crashes.
"The survivability of serious motor vehicle crashes is getting better all the time, and I suspect that airbags and seatbelts alone have made a huge difference." However, crash death figures potentially included "autocides" - where drivers took their own lives - which were notoriously hard to identify, he said.
There were 422 road deaths last year. Suicide Prevention Information NZ director Merryn Statham said suicide numbers had fallen 19 per cent since 1997 but outnumbered road deaths for several years.
New Zealand had high teenage suicide rates when compared internationally, but 80 per cent of Kiwis who took their own lives were over 24.
For even more info on suicide from Dr Viv Roberts link below .We presented this information to Families Commissioner two years ago, as part of a NZ Fathers Coalition delegation. It was another wasted meeting with another brain dead Wellington bureaucratic fool. Suicide prevention measures have been put on the back burner by a minority agenda criminal government.The last Suicide Prevention Conference I attended was hijacked by activist homosexuals! New Zealand is no longer the land of milk and honey, because the bent sinister and selfish socialists stole the money.
Go http://www.matariki.kimfiles.com/vids_research.html
Suicide toll surpasses road deaths
By LANE NICHOLS - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 25 October 2008
More people took their own lives than died in road crashes in the past year, new coroners' figures show.
In the year to the end of June, 511 suicides were reported to coroners - 1.4 self-inflicted deaths a day.
Suicides accounted for more than one-in-three coroners' cases, though a suicide prevention agency says numbers have fallen dramatically in the past decade.
The preliminary figures are revealed in coroners' files on nearly 1500 "violent and unnatural" deaths since a new coronial system was introduced last year. Till now there has been a two-year lag on official suicide statistics.
In the same 12month period, 87 fewer vehicle accident deaths were referred for coroners' investigations than suicides. Drowning was the next biggest type of death, with 101 cases, followed by head injury (66), homicide (64) and sudden infant death syndrome (50).
Chief coroner Judge Neil MacLean said the new figures provided interesting comparisons. Raw data about suicides was "rather shocking".
"Suicide is actually more common than I think is widely appreciated and it's only when a family is directly affected by it that they actually realise the awful extent of it. All I see is the end result. No matter how often you see it, you still ask yourself the question: `How could that be the catalyst for someone to take their own life?"'
Suicides were often a combination of factors such as depression, drugs or relationship breakups.
"But you look at it individually and say: `Surely that's not enough to warrant the most drastic step'."
The aftermath was traumatic for families, who often blamed themselves or felt ashamed, Judge MacLean said.
He suspected vehicle accident deaths had outnumbered suicides in previous years, but more people were now surviving crashes.
"The survivability of serious motor vehicle crashes is getting better all the time, and I suspect that airbags and seatbelts alone have made a huge difference." However, crash death figures potentially included "autocides" - where drivers took their own lives - which were notoriously hard to identify, he said.
There were 422 road deaths last year. Suicide Prevention Information NZ director Merryn Statham said suicide numbers had fallen 19 per cent since 1997 but outnumbered road deaths for several years.
New Zealand had high teenage suicide rates when compared internationally, but 80 per cent of Kiwis who took their own lives were over 24.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Deadbeat Governments Asleep At The Wheel !
Dads On the Air
Peter van de Voorde
October 2008
In matters that demand urgent action, 'deadbeat' governments of the western democracies have become the masters of inaction. For many years these inept governments have allowed the cowboys, bullies and psychopaths of the International finance industry to run amok and dictate how the system operate. The predictable result has seen the collapse of the global financial system and the destruction of the financial security of millions of hard working people around the world. Suddenly we witness a panic-stricken reaction by these same 'deadbeat' governments whose ignorance and inaction caused this disaster in the first place.
There are other areas of concern that have also continued to be ignored and will undoubtedly cause much social upheaval in the future. The subject of social justice is something governments pay much lip service to, but ultimately results in very little action on the ground. One of the greatest areas of concern is the way western governments have mishandled the complex issues surrounding Family Law. Again we witness how the cowboys, bullies and psychopaths of the lucrative divorce industry, have been allowed to take control and run riot for decades. Yet again we see the lives and future of many millions of innocent men, women and children around the globe, destroyed in the process.
Following thirty five years of unimpeded, relentless growth of the International Family Law industry and its mercenaries, we are now starting to see the horrific ramifications of long term widespread International government ignorance and inaction. Many millions of decent, responsible parents and other loving family members are forcibly being removed from their biological children against their will around the globe, at levels that meet the criteria of a pandemic.
One of the problems here is that of the sophisticated brainwashing that has been inflicted on the unsuspecting media, public, bureaucrats and politicians alike. Apart from some tokenism, Governments generally have chosen not to receive policy advice on Family Law matters from credible independent sources. Rather, they seek guidance from their own self-interested bias bureaucracies and senior advisers, or from the family law industry itself. No matter how accurate it may be, cautious and politically in-correct family law advice is not welcomed by governments in the western democracies, nor is it widely reported.
There are other reasons too, why the public hears so little in detail from those who approach family law issues rationally. The so-called family law 'experts' who dominate the debate, do so in a self serving manner, which has nothing to do with delivering justice and equality, but everything to do with maintaining the status quo. Operating intensely on several fronts, most are to do with the intimidation of those speaking out, and the withholding of information, in order to stifle debate.
Firstly, most government employees are gagged from making public comment on contentious issues. Governments prefer to employ government agencies, and making use of their own in house public relations experts, to craft carefully tailored manipulative press releases.
Secondly, researchers are under intense pressure to conform to the prevailing paradigm of feminist propaganda and alarmism, if they wish to receive funding for their research.
Thirdly, self-serving members of the establishment who have a vested interest in maintaining the current badly flawed family law industry, continuously speak in declamatory terms about those who dare to challenge them. The broader community and the mainstream media unquestionably accept this melodramatic propaganda as fact.
Fourthly, we see the suppression of important information on the operations of the family courts, child support agencies and the health profession, which would expose the gross injustices of the system and the horrific effects of the systematic persecution of its victims.
This secrecy gives great cause for community concern. The question that needs to be asked is, why is this information kept secret from the community? What are they hiding? Why are they so afraid? Why are more questions not being asked in our parliaments? This is the same 'deadbeat' governmental ignorance and ineptitude, that brought about the collapse of the global financial system.
Our Governments urgently need to recast the sources from which it draws its advice on family laws. The shrill alarmism of its public advisers, and the often fundamentalist feminist policy initiatives, bubbling up from the depths of the civil service, have all long ago been detached from reality. The international family law industry is an obscene collection of self interest groups, hell bent on ripping as much of the financial resources of unsuspecting separating parents as possible, as acknowledged in a plethora of reports. Every one of the many artificial remedies put forward by successive governments, have proved a costly failure and a complete waste of time and resources. Clearly, the wrong horses are being backed.
Myth making government spin doctors have been elevated to god like status, and their deceitful mythical rhetoric is promoted as gospel and used by those who are benefiting from their ill-gotten gains stripped from separating families. Only a handful of investigative journalists have taken the time to seek out the truth, as these stories tend to be viewed as being politically in-correct and unfashionable, and are not easy to sell in the current climate.
As mooted recently by so many around the globe, perhaps the time has come for the governments of the western democracies, to start sourcing their family law policy making information, from those in the community who are the most disadvantaged and suffering the worst excesses of cruelty from those at the centre of the present debacle. Continuing to source this information from those that are profiteering from this gross travesty of justice, and who themselves are the perpetrators, shows an alarming lack of governmental understanding of the complex issues at hand.
If this enlightenment of our legislators and the media were to occur, then at least, there is the possibility that some real solutions are likely to emerge for breaking the current impasse. This gross betrayal of public trust by so many in positions of influence, makes the great and pretentious look very small and impotent. In fact in the complex area of family law, our political legislators continue to perform in a manner commensurate with those lacking the intellectual aptitude to count to ten.
The voices of reason are as thin on the ground as a cold beer in the middle of the Sahara. How much longer are we going to tolerate this holocaust of our cherished family bonds with our children? How much longer do we continue to sit back and silently accept the propaganda put out by the spin doctors employed by our 'deadbeat' governments?
What can you as an individual do to bring about change?
We can do much, particularly since historically, nothing this unjust is sustainable and therefore change is inevitable. However this problem is not going to resolve itself, and we can see how inept governments are, at solving complex problems. So it is up to us, first and foremost, to start driving the debate and setting the agenda.
Ignorant politicians are drawn from an ignorant community, so we cannot expect our current crop of politicians to provide the answers, it is wholly and solely up to all of us to educate the community. There are many ways an informed community can send the strong message to our politicians, that 'we will no longer tolerate the state forcibly removing children from the love, care and protection of responsible parents'. It is possible,
Peter van de Voorde, is a presenter, researcher and co-producer, of popular weekly radio program 'DADS ON THE AIR, AUSTRALIA'
Dads On the Air
Peter van de Voorde
October 2008
In matters that demand urgent action, 'deadbeat' governments of the western democracies have become the masters of inaction. For many years these inept governments have allowed the cowboys, bullies and psychopaths of the International finance industry to run amok and dictate how the system operate. The predictable result has seen the collapse of the global financial system and the destruction of the financial security of millions of hard working people around the world. Suddenly we witness a panic-stricken reaction by these same 'deadbeat' governments whose ignorance and inaction caused this disaster in the first place.
There are other areas of concern that have also continued to be ignored and will undoubtedly cause much social upheaval in the future. The subject of social justice is something governments pay much lip service to, but ultimately results in very little action on the ground. One of the greatest areas of concern is the way western governments have mishandled the complex issues surrounding Family Law. Again we witness how the cowboys, bullies and psychopaths of the lucrative divorce industry, have been allowed to take control and run riot for decades. Yet again we see the lives and future of many millions of innocent men, women and children around the globe, destroyed in the process.
Following thirty five years of unimpeded, relentless growth of the International Family Law industry and its mercenaries, we are now starting to see the horrific ramifications of long term widespread International government ignorance and inaction. Many millions of decent, responsible parents and other loving family members are forcibly being removed from their biological children against their will around the globe, at levels that meet the criteria of a pandemic.
One of the problems here is that of the sophisticated brainwashing that has been inflicted on the unsuspecting media, public, bureaucrats and politicians alike. Apart from some tokenism, Governments generally have chosen not to receive policy advice on Family Law matters from credible independent sources. Rather, they seek guidance from their own self-interested bias bureaucracies and senior advisers, or from the family law industry itself. No matter how accurate it may be, cautious and politically in-correct family law advice is not welcomed by governments in the western democracies, nor is it widely reported.
There are other reasons too, why the public hears so little in detail from those who approach family law issues rationally. The so-called family law 'experts' who dominate the debate, do so in a self serving manner, which has nothing to do with delivering justice and equality, but everything to do with maintaining the status quo. Operating intensely on several fronts, most are to do with the intimidation of those speaking out, and the withholding of information, in order to stifle debate.
Firstly, most government employees are gagged from making public comment on contentious issues. Governments prefer to employ government agencies, and making use of their own in house public relations experts, to craft carefully tailored manipulative press releases.
Secondly, researchers are under intense pressure to conform to the prevailing paradigm of feminist propaganda and alarmism, if they wish to receive funding for their research.
Thirdly, self-serving members of the establishment who have a vested interest in maintaining the current badly flawed family law industry, continuously speak in declamatory terms about those who dare to challenge them. The broader community and the mainstream media unquestionably accept this melodramatic propaganda as fact.
Fourthly, we see the suppression of important information on the operations of the family courts, child support agencies and the health profession, which would expose the gross injustices of the system and the horrific effects of the systematic persecution of its victims.
This secrecy gives great cause for community concern. The question that needs to be asked is, why is this information kept secret from the community? What are they hiding? Why are they so afraid? Why are more questions not being asked in our parliaments? This is the same 'deadbeat' governmental ignorance and ineptitude, that brought about the collapse of the global financial system.
Our Governments urgently need to recast the sources from which it draws its advice on family laws. The shrill alarmism of its public advisers, and the often fundamentalist feminist policy initiatives, bubbling up from the depths of the civil service, have all long ago been detached from reality. The international family law industry is an obscene collection of self interest groups, hell bent on ripping as much of the financial resources of unsuspecting separating parents as possible, as acknowledged in a plethora of reports. Every one of the many artificial remedies put forward by successive governments, have proved a costly failure and a complete waste of time and resources. Clearly, the wrong horses are being backed.
Myth making government spin doctors have been elevated to god like status, and their deceitful mythical rhetoric is promoted as gospel and used by those who are benefiting from their ill-gotten gains stripped from separating families. Only a handful of investigative journalists have taken the time to seek out the truth, as these stories tend to be viewed as being politically in-correct and unfashionable, and are not easy to sell in the current climate.
As mooted recently by so many around the globe, perhaps the time has come for the governments of the western democracies, to start sourcing their family law policy making information, from those in the community who are the most disadvantaged and suffering the worst excesses of cruelty from those at the centre of the present debacle. Continuing to source this information from those that are profiteering from this gross travesty of justice, and who themselves are the perpetrators, shows an alarming lack of governmental understanding of the complex issues at hand.
If this enlightenment of our legislators and the media were to occur, then at least, there is the possibility that some real solutions are likely to emerge for breaking the current impasse. This gross betrayal of public trust by so many in positions of influence, makes the great and pretentious look very small and impotent. In fact in the complex area of family law, our political legislators continue to perform in a manner commensurate with those lacking the intellectual aptitude to count to ten.
The voices of reason are as thin on the ground as a cold beer in the middle of the Sahara. How much longer are we going to tolerate this holocaust of our cherished family bonds with our children? How much longer do we continue to sit back and silently accept the propaganda put out by the spin doctors employed by our 'deadbeat' governments?
What can you as an individual do to bring about change?
We can do much, particularly since historically, nothing this unjust is sustainable and therefore change is inevitable. However this problem is not going to resolve itself, and we can see how inept governments are, at solving complex problems. So it is up to us, first and foremost, to start driving the debate and setting the agenda.
Ignorant politicians are drawn from an ignorant community, so we cannot expect our current crop of politicians to provide the answers, it is wholly and solely up to all of us to educate the community. There are many ways an informed community can send the strong message to our politicians, that 'we will no longer tolerate the state forcibly removing children from the love, care and protection of responsible parents'. It is possible,
Peter van de Voorde, is a presenter, researcher and co-producer, of popular weekly radio program 'DADS ON THE AIR, AUSTRALIA'
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Moble phone radiation 'fries sperm'
http://news. ninemsn.com. au/article. aspx?id=650087
Mobile phone radiation 'fries sperm'
17:35 AEST Mon Oct 20 2008
By Tamara McLean
Men who talk for hours on their mobile phone could be jeopardising their chance of fathering a child, Australian research suggests.
An experiment on semen has revealed evidence of DNA damage after 16 hours of exposure to radiation similar to the output of a mobile phone.
The preliminary study, presented at a fertility conference in Brisbane on Tuesday, is the first of its kind, and supports US research showing heavy mobile phone users have up to 40 per cent lower sperm counts than lighter users.
Researchers at the University of Newcastle built a device to irradiate sperm at the same radio frequency as mobile telephone calls.
Professor John Aitken, director of the university's Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, said they were able to accurately identify high levels of DNA fragmentation in the sperm.
"After 16 hours exposure, there was clear evidence of DNA damage," Prof Aitken said.
"This is a very early finding from our analysis, but it does raise concerns."
DNA damage in spermatozoa has been associated with decreased fertility, increased risk of miscarriage and various kinds of disease in offspring, including childhood cancer, and a number of neurological disorders such as autism, bipolar disorder and spontaneous schizophrenia.
In the study, damage was caused by oxidative stress, when the generation of free radicals exceeds the body's own anti-oxidant defence mechanisms.
Prof Aitken said it was well known that sperm DNA fragmentation is predominantly triggered by oxidative stress which may arise from infection, smoking or older age, but there has been little research about the link with mobile phones.
Unsaturated fatty acids in foods such as margarine were also known to trigger free radicals and potential oxidative stress, he said.
"We also suspect components of acne treatment may give rise to potential free radical effects, but we have yet to find a dermatologist willing to participate in such a study," he said.
The team said if oxidative stress causes DNA damage to sperm, anti-oxidant treatments might provide a cure.
A recent German study suggested that seat warmers fitted in many luxury model cars may also be damaging sperm by raising scrotum temperature above optimal semen production conditions.
Mobile phone radiation 'fries sperm'
17:35 AEST Mon Oct 20 2008
By Tamara McLean
Men who talk for hours on their mobile phone could be jeopardising their chance of fathering a child, Australian research suggests.
An experiment on semen has revealed evidence of DNA damage after 16 hours of exposure to radiation similar to the output of a mobile phone.
The preliminary study, presented at a fertility conference in Brisbane on Tuesday, is the first of its kind, and supports US research showing heavy mobile phone users have up to 40 per cent lower sperm counts than lighter users.
Researchers at the University of Newcastle built a device to irradiate sperm at the same radio frequency as mobile telephone calls.
Professor John Aitken, director of the university's Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development, said they were able to accurately identify high levels of DNA fragmentation in the sperm.
"After 16 hours exposure, there was clear evidence of DNA damage," Prof Aitken said.
"This is a very early finding from our analysis, but it does raise concerns."
DNA damage in spermatozoa has been associated with decreased fertility, increased risk of miscarriage and various kinds of disease in offspring, including childhood cancer, and a number of neurological disorders such as autism, bipolar disorder and spontaneous schizophrenia.
In the study, damage was caused by oxidative stress, when the generation of free radicals exceeds the body's own anti-oxidant defence mechanisms.
Prof Aitken said it was well known that sperm DNA fragmentation is predominantly triggered by oxidative stress which may arise from infection, smoking or older age, but there has been little research about the link with mobile phones.
Unsaturated fatty acids in foods such as margarine were also known to trigger free radicals and potential oxidative stress, he said.
"We also suspect components of acne treatment may give rise to potential free radical effects, but we have yet to find a dermatologist willing to participate in such a study," he said.
The team said if oxidative stress causes DNA damage to sperm, anti-oxidant treatments might provide a cure.
A recent German study suggested that seat warmers fitted in many luxury model cars may also be damaging sperm by raising scrotum temperature above optimal semen production conditions.
Glenn's E-Newsletter/Week in Review (10/21/08): Madonna Play
It doesn't matter how wealthy, powerful and privileged a woman is, in divorce some women still love to play the victim. Latest case in point--Madonna.
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Monday, October 20, 2008
globeandmail.com - On divorce and dysfunction: Hollywood editor
Amateur psych diagnosis A whole chapter devoted to the controversial diagnosis of "parental alienation syndrome," which involves one parent poisoning a ...
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my published comment;I can assure any readers that parental alienation is a dangerous tool used by vengeful and vindictive maternal families who use false allegations and the adversarial litigation gravy train Family Court to keep the sad children away from a heartbroken dad.
read more | digg story
my published comment;I can assure any readers that parental alienation is a dangerous tool used by vengeful and vindictive maternal families who use false allegations and the adversarial litigation gravy train Family Court to keep the sad children away from a heartbroken dad.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Feminist Morons Promoted by the PCE
Feminist Morons Promoted by the PCE
Posted by;"australianfamilymovement"
Hello, brothers and sisters.
It's said that every little girl dreams about growing up to be a prince. This fantasy is widespread and seems to defy time.
In actuality, little girls don't dream about becoming a prince but a princess. The point was made to show the stupidity of feminist grammar and feminist beliefs.
Feminists are morons.
There will be no place for feminists in the coming Australia that we are building now.
When we take power, all feminists will be tried and those found guilty of crimes against Nature, or crimes against humanity, or crimes against the State, which is the people, will be given a long gaol sentence or the worst of them will be given the death penalty. And the death penalty will be public hanging or public beheading. It is wonderful to imagine those criminal feminists crying seeking the protection of men, the same men they've complained about for years,as they are led to their deaths on the gallows. Imagine them swinging, dancing on air when the floor drops from underneath them.
This will happen. It cannot be forestalled because the forces at work now will grow until the cleansing civil war cleans our society. The forces at work now are primal forces that give meaning to the Earth and our lives. They are basic, fundamental forces which make seem very unimportant all the superficial banalities of supposedly cultured and civilized existence. The forces at work now are War and financial turmoil and the loss of identity by influx of alien migrants and the clear and obvious lies told to us by those we have trusted in the media. All these are making our society a very different place than it was just a few years ago.
Ten years ago, if someone were to complain about Asians taking over Australia, they were called racist and people would pretend not to like him. Now, they agree with him that Asians in Australia are a problem and that there numbers are too great and getting greater.
Five years ago, even though individuals were getting poorer, corporate wealth and concomitant statistics alleged Australia to be a very rich place. Now people are struggling to put bread on the table, and their investments have nearly halved so that they are now worth not much more than when their money was invested. Some people's money has gone altogether.
Ten years ago, political correctness was uncontested, men and women were equal; all races were equal and to prove it we could love multiculturism and spend a lot of government (our) money on those races that pretended not to be; consumerism was good except that it mightn't be said to be, cheap imported furniture from China that looked shiny was as good as any White made piece with proper joinery work done years before. In fact, it was better because one could change styles every year for not much money.
Five years ago, all these things were still said to be good at an official level, but people began doubting about their truths.
For instance, what is the point of multiculturalism if it means bringing Muslim people into Australia while we go and blow up their country or kill them over there, or support the US who was/is doing the same thing. Either multiculturalism is bad or the War in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan is bad. It's not logical to kill people in their country and then bring their relatives to our country and expect them to be very "nice".
And with feminism, what is the point of being a man in the army killing people for what's called the safety of our country and people if when a soldier comes home all he gets from his wife or girlfriend as he wipes off the blood and guts of the enemy off his uniform is how women can do everything men can do and how they don't get paid as much and all men have done is oppress women which is wrong because all "males" and all "females" are equal.
And consumerist capitalism has been saying that if you buy this bit of shiny rubbish you'll feel really good, and that if you get yourself into debt you'll feel great, in fact, the deeper in debt,the better you'll feel.
But we know that these politically correct tenets aren't true. And because we know them, anyone who still tells us that political correctness is good, or politically correct things are good, anyone who says these things we regard with suspicion and as someone who is lying to us for his own purposes. Like the media.
People are watching less and less TV. Hallelujah! May it continue. The TV lies. We in the Australian Family Movement call TV the thief of Time. It robs your precious Life away from you. It tells you lies.
The TV and press are part of the ruling Politically Correct Establishment (PCE) of International Business, International Finance and International Media.
The PCE promote causes that are seen as destructive of generally White society and particularly the White man. He is the greatest threat to them, though many in the PCE are White, themselves.
Having triumphed in the second world war they started to implement their plans to break down Western society – for what it was worth then, certainly more than now, but by no means brilliant – by promoting social causes and activities which were destructive as constructive; by promoting economic causes and activities which were destructive as constructive; and by promoting personal and community standards of behaviour which involved discipline, long-sightedness, and neglect of sensuality as too hard, unrewarding and destructive, while substituting ease, comfort, short-sightedness, wastefulness, and softness as good.
A true Nietzschean reversal of relatively hard values to slave values.
And thus feminism gained credence and acceptability as all the fattest and ugliest women started to complain about everything that men did. Whatever men did, it wasn't good enough. Whatever men did, women could do as well. Men had in historical times ruled via the Patriarchy. Men secretly only promoted other men to power positions in war, government and economy and thus oppressed women to remain athome. Men kept women pregnant and thus ended the competition with women, in which women could do everything at least as well as men. Men and women were born equal, it was only that society, which was rule by oppressive men, forced girls to play with dolls and boys to play with soldiers that made boys grow into dominant ruling men and girls into submissive oppressed women. Women were made to wear high heels and wear make-up and lipstick by the nasty men, and skirts as well. The all-dominant man got to wear the "power" clothes which are the trousers!
And Man is an assertion of "male" dominance, and woman, of "female" submission and also asserts some sort of genetic difference with "woman" some sort of dependent of "Man" because "woman" has the word "man" in it. But because we're all really the same, according to feminists, it would be much better to use the term "person" and differentiate by using "male" or "female" before it. So there aren't, according to feminists, men and women, but only "male" and "female" persons, or "males" and "females".
This flight of fancy was taken as fact and promoted thus by the mediaand "liberalist" institutions like academia. And soft academics who couldn't read Greek, and those Christian academics who bastardized Plato to make his philosophy fit Christian bigotry, found in Plato, more than any other philosopher an alleged equalitarianism between men and women. And they teach now by way of excerpt – which is de rigeur for all university courses – that Plato one of the greatest thinkers of all times was not just an equalitarian but a feminist! Nothing could be further from the truth. We brothers and sisters of the Australian Family Movement know this having studied the Greek, itself, and have seen Plato's very unequalitarian racism and his very apparent, what's called, sexism. But Plato did talk favourably about women and said that they could do what men can do, but not as well. And that women were to do what was suited to their natures and men to do what was suited to theirs.
It is hard to believe, but this feminist lie is taken as fact still by many feminists and would-be intellectuals.
But now, feminists don't speak about such absurdities as much. Now feminists talk about equal rights at work and the "glass-ceiling" which is supposed to exist in the corporate world. After all, we're all born with two arms, two legs, a head, etc. So we're not really unequal are we?
At date of writing, there is a feminist call by parliament to allow women to serve on the front-line in war time. If we're all equal, how can this be a bad or unwise thing?
Well, we all know the answer to that.
But what, I, your Leader, will do is give you some other answers as well, which will give you genuine knowledge about women and women's roles in society and the value and benefit of women, as well as their deficiencies, and foolishnesses.
I will do this in another lecture.
In another lecture, we will also discuss what Plato and Nietzsche and other favourite philosophers said about women.
Posted by;"australianfamilymovement"
Hello, brothers and sisters.
It's said that every little girl dreams about growing up to be a prince. This fantasy is widespread and seems to defy time.
In actuality, little girls don't dream about becoming a prince but a princess. The point was made to show the stupidity of feminist grammar and feminist beliefs.
Feminists are morons.
There will be no place for feminists in the coming Australia that we are building now.
When we take power, all feminists will be tried and those found guilty of crimes against Nature, or crimes against humanity, or crimes against the State, which is the people, will be given a long gaol sentence or the worst of them will be given the death penalty. And the death penalty will be public hanging or public beheading. It is wonderful to imagine those criminal feminists crying seeking the protection of men, the same men they've complained about for years,as they are led to their deaths on the gallows. Imagine them swinging, dancing on air when the floor drops from underneath them.
This will happen. It cannot be forestalled because the forces at work now will grow until the cleansing civil war cleans our society. The forces at work now are primal forces that give meaning to the Earth and our lives. They are basic, fundamental forces which make seem very unimportant all the superficial banalities of supposedly cultured and civilized existence. The forces at work now are War and financial turmoil and the loss of identity by influx of alien migrants and the clear and obvious lies told to us by those we have trusted in the media. All these are making our society a very different place than it was just a few years ago.
Ten years ago, if someone were to complain about Asians taking over Australia, they were called racist and people would pretend not to like him. Now, they agree with him that Asians in Australia are a problem and that there numbers are too great and getting greater.
Five years ago, even though individuals were getting poorer, corporate wealth and concomitant statistics alleged Australia to be a very rich place. Now people are struggling to put bread on the table, and their investments have nearly halved so that they are now worth not much more than when their money was invested. Some people's money has gone altogether.
Ten years ago, political correctness was uncontested, men and women were equal; all races were equal and to prove it we could love multiculturism and spend a lot of government (our) money on those races that pretended not to be; consumerism was good except that it mightn't be said to be, cheap imported furniture from China that looked shiny was as good as any White made piece with proper joinery work done years before. In fact, it was better because one could change styles every year for not much money.
Five years ago, all these things were still said to be good at an official level, but people began doubting about their truths.
For instance, what is the point of multiculturalism if it means bringing Muslim people into Australia while we go and blow up their country or kill them over there, or support the US who was/is doing the same thing. Either multiculturalism is bad or the War in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan is bad. It's not logical to kill people in their country and then bring their relatives to our country and expect them to be very "nice".
And with feminism, what is the point of being a man in the army killing people for what's called the safety of our country and people if when a soldier comes home all he gets from his wife or girlfriend as he wipes off the blood and guts of the enemy off his uniform is how women can do everything men can do and how they don't get paid as much and all men have done is oppress women which is wrong because all "males" and all "females" are equal.
And consumerist capitalism has been saying that if you buy this bit of shiny rubbish you'll feel really good, and that if you get yourself into debt you'll feel great, in fact, the deeper in debt,the better you'll feel.
But we know that these politically correct tenets aren't true. And because we know them, anyone who still tells us that political correctness is good, or politically correct things are good, anyone who says these things we regard with suspicion and as someone who is lying to us for his own purposes. Like the media.
People are watching less and less TV. Hallelujah! May it continue. The TV lies. We in the Australian Family Movement call TV the thief of Time. It robs your precious Life away from you. It tells you lies.
The TV and press are part of the ruling Politically Correct Establishment (PCE) of International Business, International Finance and International Media.
The PCE promote causes that are seen as destructive of generally White society and particularly the White man. He is the greatest threat to them, though many in the PCE are White, themselves.
Having triumphed in the second world war they started to implement their plans to break down Western society – for what it was worth then, certainly more than now, but by no means brilliant – by promoting social causes and activities which were destructive as constructive; by promoting economic causes and activities which were destructive as constructive; and by promoting personal and community standards of behaviour which involved discipline, long-sightedness, and neglect of sensuality as too hard, unrewarding and destructive, while substituting ease, comfort, short-sightedness, wastefulness, and softness as good.
A true Nietzschean reversal of relatively hard values to slave values.
And thus feminism gained credence and acceptability as all the fattest and ugliest women started to complain about everything that men did. Whatever men did, it wasn't good enough. Whatever men did, women could do as well. Men had in historical times ruled via the Patriarchy. Men secretly only promoted other men to power positions in war, government and economy and thus oppressed women to remain athome. Men kept women pregnant and thus ended the competition with women, in which women could do everything at least as well as men. Men and women were born equal, it was only that society, which was rule by oppressive men, forced girls to play with dolls and boys to play with soldiers that made boys grow into dominant ruling men and girls into submissive oppressed women. Women were made to wear high heels and wear make-up and lipstick by the nasty men, and skirts as well. The all-dominant man got to wear the "power" clothes which are the trousers!
And Man is an assertion of "male" dominance, and woman, of "female" submission and also asserts some sort of genetic difference with "woman" some sort of dependent of "Man" because "woman" has the word "man" in it. But because we're all really the same, according to feminists, it would be much better to use the term "person" and differentiate by using "male" or "female" before it. So there aren't, according to feminists, men and women, but only "male" and "female" persons, or "males" and "females".
This flight of fancy was taken as fact and promoted thus by the mediaand "liberalist" institutions like academia. And soft academics who couldn't read Greek, and those Christian academics who bastardized Plato to make his philosophy fit Christian bigotry, found in Plato, more than any other philosopher an alleged equalitarianism between men and women. And they teach now by way of excerpt – which is de rigeur for all university courses – that Plato one of the greatest thinkers of all times was not just an equalitarian but a feminist! Nothing could be further from the truth. We brothers and sisters of the Australian Family Movement know this having studied the Greek, itself, and have seen Plato's very unequalitarian racism and his very apparent, what's called, sexism. But Plato did talk favourably about women and said that they could do what men can do, but not as well. And that women were to do what was suited to their natures and men to do what was suited to theirs.
It is hard to believe, but this feminist lie is taken as fact still by many feminists and would-be intellectuals.
But now, feminists don't speak about such absurdities as much. Now feminists talk about equal rights at work and the "glass-ceiling" which is supposed to exist in the corporate world. After all, we're all born with two arms, two legs, a head, etc. So we're not really unequal are we?
At date of writing, there is a feminist call by parliament to allow women to serve on the front-line in war time. If we're all equal, how can this be a bad or unwise thing?
Well, we all know the answer to that.
But what, I, your Leader, will do is give you some other answers as well, which will give you genuine knowledge about women and women's roles in society and the value and benefit of women, as well as their deficiencies, and foolishnesses.
I will do this in another lecture.
In another lecture, we will also discuss what Plato and Nietzsche and other favourite philosophers said about women.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
DV victims may get defence for murder
my published comment;This is disturbing and another door opened for women to exact revenge on men without consequences.
Domestic violence victims may get defence for murder
By Patrick Lion
14 October 2008
Victims of domestic violence who kill their abuser will be able to claim a defence against murder or manslaughter charges under new laws.
The so-called "battered person" defence for homicide trials is scheduled to be introduced next year, after the Bligh Government approved changes to the Criminal Code.
The proposal comes after a recent Queensland Law Reform Commission>report on the defence of accident and provocation recommended the creation of a separate defence for seriously abusive relationships.
The move received mixed support from interest groups, but Attorney-General Kerry Shine described the overhaul as groundbreaking.
It would also apply to family violence involving adults, children and both genders.
"This is an important change that allows juries to specifically consider the impact that domestic violence or serious abuse in a relationship may have upon a person," Mr Shine said.
The law is expected to be introduced in the first half of next year while the Government considered its response to other recommendations.
The QLRC report recommended no changes to the excuse of accident but called for several changes to the partial defence of provocation.
Queensland Homicide Victims Support Group chief executive Jonty Bush reserved judgment on the domestic violence proposal, saying the move was a contentious issue.
"On the one hand, people ask is there ever a reason to take another's life?" Ms Bush said.
"On the other, when people are regularly beaten and subjected to life-threatening and humiliating experiences, they may not see any other option."
Queensland Bar Association honorary secretary Roger Traves, SC, supported the reform, saying the current law was too narrow because the terms dealt only with acts in the heat of passion caused by sudden provocation.
"The defence of provocation in NSW is broader than that in Queensland and we would welcome reform of these laws," he said.
Opposition justice spokesman Mike Horan said he wanted to see the detail but was concerned about murder defences based on past behaviour.
"Murder is murder and we have to be very careful. It may lull people into thinking they have the right to shoot or murder someone for things that have happened in the past," he said.
Should battery be a murder defence? Have your say. here: http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,20797,24489791-3102,00.html#comments
Domestic violence victims may get defence for murder
By Patrick Lion
14 October 2008
Victims of domestic violence who kill their abuser will be able to claim a defence against murder or manslaughter charges under new laws.
The so-called "battered person" defence for homicide trials is scheduled to be introduced next year, after the Bligh Government approved changes to the Criminal Code.
The proposal comes after a recent Queensland Law Reform Commission
The move received mixed support from interest groups, but Attorney-General Kerry Shine described the overhaul as groundbreaking.
It would also apply to family violence involving adults, children and both genders.
"This is an important change that allows juries to specifically consider the impact that domestic violence or serious abuse in a relationship may have upon a person," Mr Shine said.
The law is expected to be introduced in the first half of next year while the Government considered its response to other recommendations.
The QLRC report recommended no changes to the excuse of accident but called for several changes to the partial defence of provocation.
Queensland Homicide Victims Support Group
"On the one hand, people ask is there ever a reason to take another's life?" Ms Bush said.
"On the other, when people are regularly beaten and subjected to life-threatening and humiliating experiences, they may not see any other option."
Queensland Bar Association
"The defence of provocation in NSW is broader than that in Queensland and we would welcome reform of these laws," he said.
Opposition justice spokesman Mike Horan said he wanted to see the detail but was concerned about murder defences based on past behaviour.
"Murder is murder and we have to be very careful. It may lull people into thinking they have the right to shoot or murder someone for things that have happened in the past," he said.
Should battery be a murder defence? Have your say. here:
Friday, October 17, 2008
Frank Simons book, Courts From Hell
Frank Simons, author of the recently published book "Courts From Hell:
Family InJustice In Canada", is pleased to announce that his book is now available throughout North America at major retailers including Chapters, Indigo, Coles, Amazon, and other on-line booksellers.
Until the election: "COURTS FROM HELL" Family InJustice In Canada can be
downloaded (PDF, 1.5MB) FREE at:
From the release:
Public support is needed to save the Canadian Family. Over recent years the dysfunctional Canadian Family Justice system through biased custody orders have deprived over 1 million children of the ability to love and be loved equally by both parents. This is causing them, the Canadian Family and society at large irreparable harm.
The intent of the book "Courts From Hell", Family InJustice In Canada is to help expose and educate the public to the unfair treatment of families after divorce by a system driven by the greed of a self serving divorce industry at the expense of Canada's children.
If the public was aware of the corruption in the Family Justice System, changes could come in a heartbeat. For the over $6 Billion a year spent by taxpayers and families in crises there is absolutely no value. It's time to Get Families Out Of Court.
I wonder if some years ago while aboriginal children were being taken away from their families, the government of the day knew it was wrong. I suspect so but they didn't have the moral fortitude to act. Does this really need to be repeated again? Can we change the future or simply wait for another PM to again apologize for the devastation to families and our society caused by inaction?
Until the election call, an all party vote was to be scheduled in the House of Commons on a Private Members Motion M-483 initiated by conservative MP Maurice Vellacott of Saskatoon to amend the divorce act to include a presumption of equal parenting after divorce.
Currently, only the Conservative party has shown any support for the family and equal parenting. Please demand your MP makes the right of the children to have both natural parents (Equal Parenting) after divorce a priority on their election agenda.
If ever an issue deserved non partisan political support, the health of the Canadian Family is that issue. Change will never come from the top down but from the bottom up. When you see abuse of power, you've got to speak.
Please encourage everyone you know to cast a vote for Families and Equal Parenting in the upcoming election.
Over the coming months, I look forward to meeting many of you at book signings in your neighbourhoods.
The Canadian Family... It's About Time
Frank Simons
For more information please see:
Family InJustice In Canada", is pleased to announce that his book is now available throughout North America at major retailers including Chapters, Indigo, Coles, Amazon, and other on-line booksellers.
Until the election: "COURTS FROM HELL" Family InJustice In Canada can be
downloaded (PDF, 1.5MB) FREE at:
From the release:
Public support is needed to save the Canadian Family. Over recent years the dysfunctional Canadian Family Justice system through biased custody orders have deprived over 1 million children of the ability to love and be loved equally by both parents. This is causing them, the Canadian Family and society at large irreparable harm.
The intent of the book "Courts From Hell", Family InJustice In Canada is to help expose and educate the public to the unfair treatment of families after divorce by a system driven by the greed of a self serving divorce industry at the expense of Canada's children.
If the public was aware of the corruption in the Family Justice System, changes could come in a heartbeat. For the over $6 Billion a year spent by taxpayers and families in crises there is absolutely no value. It's time to Get Families Out Of Court.
I wonder if some years ago while aboriginal children were being taken away from their families, the government of the day knew it was wrong. I suspect so but they didn't have the moral fortitude to act. Does this really need to be repeated again? Can we change the future or simply wait for another PM to again apologize for the devastation to families and our society caused by inaction?
Until the election call, an all party vote was to be scheduled in the House of Commons on a Private Members Motion M-483 initiated by conservative MP Maurice Vellacott of Saskatoon to amend the divorce act to include a presumption of equal parenting after divorce.
Currently, only the Conservative party has shown any support for the family and equal parenting. Please demand your MP makes the right of the children to have both natural parents (Equal Parenting) after divorce a priority on their election agenda.
If ever an issue deserved non partisan political support, the health of the Canadian Family is that issue. Change will never come from the top down but from the bottom up. When you see abuse of power, you've got to speak.
Please encourage everyone you know to cast a vote for Families and Equal Parenting in the upcoming election.
Over the coming months, I look forward to meeting many of you at book signings in your neighbourhoods.
The Canadian Family... It's About Time
Frank Simons
For more information please see:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Liam Magill movie in the pipeline?
The smart talk around town s that Sam Neil is rumoured to have snagged a starring role in a locally produced movie "Ultimate Betrayal"
The movie is based on the "BOOK" is a true story of Melbourne man Liam Magill who was the centre of a heart wrenching Paternity Fraud Case that reached the highest court in Australia in 2006.
Zoe Carides is rumoured to be cast as Melbourne Solicitor Vivien Mavropoulos.
This follows the recent trend of real life personal dramas being brought to life on the screen, hot on the heels of the Australian TV series Underbelly, based on the real life underground crime network operating in Melbourne .
Link to Book is below:
AND : In Addition, there is a political party in Queensland who are naming their branch The Liam Magill Branch of the Non Custodial Parents Party ( not officially registered as yet) because they needed to get permission from Liam- which he gave a few days ago. Just a coincidence that the movie news and this came almost simultaneously. Thats an unusual thing to do huh ? In any case the public are still talking about the Magill case to this very day and the appalling injustice. Its still being discussed on talk back radio . .....Regards C.
Ultimate Betrayal
*Paternity Fraud Exposed in Australia* by/ US Author Lea Anna Cooper/
The Liam Magill paternity fraud case is a tragic story of injustice in Australian Legal History. No one who has the full facts of this story can come to any other conclusion other than “the Australian legal system failed Liam Magill miserably” by conveniently and deliberately side stepping and white washing his case hence allowing the perpetrator Meredith McClelland to go unpunished for her crime of paternity fraud.
The Magill case is still vividly etched in the minds and hearts of everyone to this very day. The appalling decision which was handed down by Australia’s highest court in November 2006, is still being condemned internationally by honest, moral men and women
In 2000, DNA tests results revealed that 2 of the 3 children born during the Magill’s 4 year marriage were not fathered by Liam Magill. Forced DNA tests in 2001 confirmed that Meredith McClelland’s long term lover Derek Rowe had in fact fathered the 2 youngest children.
The marriage of Meredith & Liam was a marriage made in hell and was destined to fail. Only one of the parties in 1988 took the sacred marriage vows seriously and it was not Meredith McClelland.
*Liam Magill suffered one injustice after another in the many years that followed, *beginning in 1988 on his wedding day with his new wife Meredith rushing from the altar to deliver a personal gift to her previous soul mate/ lover Shane Gannon. A humiliating & public gesture which took place in front of all the invited guests. **
To the family of Meredith McClelland from Sea Lake in Victoria who used their bully boy tactics and their position to intimidate & silence Liam when rumors of the paternity fraud first surfaced in 1995.
To the relevant child support authority who refused to refund Liam the massive overpayments of child support after the DNA test results excluded him as being the father of 2 of the children. And the total failure of the same incompetent authority who claimed to pursue the absent biological father Mr Derek Rowe for the financial support of his own 2 offspring was *“problematic” *
To Australian’s High Court Judge with a ‘conflict of interest’ failing to excuse herself by being honest about her own paternity case some years earlier. J Susan Crennan should have never been allowed to judge anything in the Magill case.
Read about the deception minus penitence, fraud and infidelity without remorse or guilt and Meredith’s dishonesty, swindle, lack of passion, and misleading self-devotion which decayed her children’s lives.
One very honest Australian citizen - Liam Magill was denied “a fair go” and every senior Minister in authority in Canberra that had the power to intervene in the Magill case,* failed* to do so.
*Ultimate Betrayal can be downloaded at www.LeaAnnaCoopersEastofEden.com*
The smart talk around town s that Sam Neil is rumoured to have snagged a starring role in a locally produced movie "Ultimate Betrayal"
The movie is based on the "BOOK" is a true story of Melbourne man Liam Magill who was the centre of a heart wrenching Paternity Fraud Case that reached the highest court in Australia in 2006.
Zoe Carides is rumoured to be cast as Melbourne Solicitor Vivien Mavropoulos.
This follows the recent trend of real life personal dramas being brought to life on the screen, hot on the heels of the Australian TV series Underbelly, based on the real life underground crime network operating in Melbourne .
Link to Book is below:
AND : In Addition, there is a political party in Queensland who are naming their branch The Liam Magill Branch of the Non Custodial Parents Party ( not officially registered as yet) because they needed to get permission from Liam- which he gave a few days ago. Just a coincidence that the movie news and this came almost simultaneously. Thats an unusual thing to do huh ? In any case the public are still talking about the Magill case to this very day and the appalling injustice. Its still being discussed on talk back radio . .....Regards C.
Ultimate Betrayal
*Paternity Fraud Exposed in Australia* by/ US Author Lea Anna Cooper/
The Liam Magill paternity fraud case is a tragic story of injustice in Australian Legal History. No one who has the full facts of this story can come to any other conclusion other than “the Australian legal system failed Liam Magill miserably” by conveniently and deliberately side stepping and white washing his case hence allowing the perpetrator Meredith McClelland to go unpunished for her crime of paternity fraud.
The Magill case is still vividly etched in the minds and hearts of everyone to this very day. The appalling decision which was handed down by Australia’s highest court in November 2006, is still being condemned internationally by honest, moral men and women
In 2000, DNA tests results revealed that 2 of the 3 children born during the Magill’s 4 year marriage were not fathered by Liam Magill. Forced DNA tests in 2001 confirmed that Meredith McClelland’s long term lover Derek Rowe had in fact fathered the 2 youngest children.
The marriage of Meredith & Liam was a marriage made in hell and was destined to fail. Only one of the parties in 1988 took the sacred marriage vows seriously and it was not Meredith McClelland.
*Liam Magill suffered one injustice after another in the many years that followed, *beginning in 1988 on his wedding day with his new wife Meredith rushing from the altar to deliver a personal gift to her previous soul mate/ lover Shane Gannon. A humiliating & public gesture which took place in front of all the invited guests. **
To the family of Meredith McClelland from Sea Lake in Victoria who used their bully boy tactics and their position to intimidate & silence Liam when rumors of the paternity fraud first surfaced in 1995.
To the relevant child support authority who refused to refund Liam the massive overpayments of child support after the DNA test results excluded him as being the father of 2 of the children. And the total failure of the same incompetent authority who claimed to pursue the absent biological father Mr Derek Rowe for the financial support of his own 2 offspring was *“problematic” *
To Australian’s High Court Judge with a ‘conflict of interest’ failing to excuse herself by being honest about her own paternity case some years earlier. J Susan Crennan should have never been allowed to judge anything in the Magill case.
Read about the deception minus penitence, fraud and infidelity without remorse or guilt and Meredith’s dishonesty, swindle, lack of passion, and misleading self-devotion which decayed her children’s lives.
One very honest Australian citizen - Liam Magill was denied “a fair go” and every senior Minister in authority in Canberra that had the power to intervene in the Magill case,* failed* to do so.
*Ultimate Betrayal can be downloaded at www.LeaAnnaCoopersEastofEden.com*
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Relationship Examiner: Custody Battles-Who Gets the Kids?
Justice should indeed be blind and deaf to all but the pertinent information of a child custody case; a loving parent who cares deeply for his or her child and has only their best interest at heart.
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Husband Literally Cuts House in Two.
No this is not a joke. Husband Literally Cuts House in Two. Estranged Couple Were Married for 40 years.
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Ex attacks over possum custody
Wednesday, 08 October 2008
Ex attacks over possum custody, police say it's not OK
A woman was arrested after she kicked in the door of her ex-partner's home, then kicked him, in a dispute over custody of a possum.
When police arrived at the Hamilton house about 7.30am yesterday, they found a 21-year-old woman had kicked in the door of her ex-partner's home, then kicked him - all over a custody dispute for the estranged couple's pet possum.
The woman was arrested while her former partner was left with custody of the oblivious marsupial.
While conceding yesterday's incident was unusual, the officer in charge of the Hamilton Family Violence Investigation Team, Detective Sergeant Andy Bu Bear, said there were more serious underlying issues.
"Over recent months we've noticed a small increase in the number of male victims reporting to us that they have been the victims of domestic violence.
"It's hard to put a finger on just why this has occurred, it could be a byproduct of advertising campaigns telling people that family violence is not OK or due to societal changes resulting in men feeling more confident in reporting these incidents," he said.
With about 50 percent of all homicides in New Zealand believed to be linked in some way to family violence, police took all reported incidents seriously, Mr Bu Bear said.
"It's of great concern that for many years around half of this country's homicides have been linked to family violence," said Mr Bu Bear.
"This is clearly unacceptable and the message is simple - family violence is not OK."
Wednesday, 08 October 2008
Ex attacks over possum custody, police say it's not OK
A woman was arrested after she kicked in the door of her ex-partner's home, then kicked him, in a dispute over custody of a possum.
When police arrived at the Hamilton house about 7.30am yesterday, they found a 21-year-old woman had kicked in the door of her ex-partner's home, then kicked him - all over a custody dispute for the estranged couple's pet possum.
The woman was arrested while her former partner was left with custody of the oblivious marsupial.
While conceding yesterday's incident was unusual, the officer in charge of the Hamilton Family Violence Investigation Team, Detective Sergeant Andy Bu Bear, said there were more serious underlying issues.
"Over recent months we've noticed a small increase in the number of male victims reporting to us that they have been the victims of domestic violence.
"It's hard to put a finger on just why this has occurred, it could be a byproduct of advertising campaigns telling people that family violence is not OK or due to societal changes resulting in men feeling more confident in reporting these incidents," he said.
With about 50 percent of all homicides in New Zealand believed to be linked in some way to family violence, police took all reported incidents seriously, Mr Bu Bear said.
"It's of great concern that for many years around half of this country's homicides have been linked to family violence," said Mr Bu Bear.
"This is clearly unacceptable and the message is simple - family violence is not OK."
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Protester vows to hang at judge's home
Protester vows to hang at judge's home
By Dan Evans, 28/09/2008
A FATHERS’ rights protester is planning to commit suicide by hanging himself outside a judge’s home, the News of the World can reveal.
The unidentified dad is said to be suffering from terminal cancer and “has nothing to lose any more”.
The “martyr” for Real Fathers For Justice—a spin-off of defunct group Fathers 4 Justice—is targeting the judge who denied him access to his kids.
RFFJ campaign director Mike Kelly denied that the man’s grim vow was a crass publicity stunt. He said: “We are actively trying to persuade him to take a different course of action.
“He’s doing it to force the Government to discuss the problems with the family law system.”
A source inside the group said: “This activist has not seen his children for years. As he feels there’s nothing more he can do to see them before he dies, he’s going out with a grand gesture. That will involve killing himself at the home of the judge in his case. Plans are quite advanced.”
The source claimed RFFJ is “more hardcore” than Fathers 4 Justice, adding: “These are desperate guys who feel the legal system has unfairly blocked their right to a family life.”
Mr Kelly said FIVE of its members had taken their lives in just three years.
Ministry of Justice spokesman said: “The Government firmly believes children should NOT be denied meaningful contact with their other parent, where this is safe.”
By Dan Evans, 28/09/2008
A FATHERS’ rights protester is planning to commit suicide by hanging himself outside a judge’s home, the News of the World can reveal.
The unidentified dad is said to be suffering from terminal cancer and “has nothing to lose any more”.
The “martyr” for Real Fathers For Justice—a spin-off of defunct group Fathers 4 Justice—is targeting the judge who denied him access to his kids.
RFFJ campaign director Mike Kelly denied that the man’s grim vow was a crass publicity stunt. He said: “We are actively trying to persuade him to take a different course of action.
“He’s doing it to force the Government to discuss the problems with the family law system.”
A source inside the group said: “This activist has not seen his children for years. As he feels there’s nothing more he can do to see them before he dies, he’s going out with a grand gesture. That will involve killing himself at the home of the judge in his case. Plans are quite advanced.”
The source claimed RFFJ is “more hardcore” than Fathers 4 Justice, adding: “These are desperate guys who feel the legal system has unfairly blocked their right to a family life.”
Mr Kelly said FIVE of its members had taken their lives in just three years.
Ministry of Justice spokesman said: “The Government firmly believes children should NOT be denied meaningful contact with their other parent, where this is safe.”
Monday, October 6, 2008
World dominated by evil : NZ victim's dad
World dominated by evil: NZ victim's dad
Wednesday, 1 October, 2008
The father of a New Zealand woman murdered when she interrupted an office burglar in London says respect and decency have given way to a society dominated by money, evil and destruction.
US national Matthew Fagan was sentenced to life imprisonment yesterday after he was found guilty at the Old Bailey of murdering Cathy Marlow, 28, when she caught him stealing computers from her office.
Marlow's brother, Brendan, read out an emotional victim impact statement from their father, Bernie, who said Fagan had destroyed a whole family unit.
He told the court: "I feel as though all the things I have taught the children about love, respect and being a thoroughly decent human being is wasted in our society," Britain's The Daily Telegraph reported.
"We live in a world dominated by money, hatred, evil and destruction."
The court also learned the victim's mother, Claire, lost her battle against cancer within months of her daughter's death.
The court heard Fagan, 33, was bankrupt after being sacked as a web production executive from Research Now, the marketing firm where he worked alongside Cathy Marlow.
In January last year, using an old security pass, he raided the offices in Stockwell, south London.
But Marlow, who worked for the company as a finance manager, caught him after going into the office to catch up on work following a holiday.
Fagan hit her with a hammer, throttled her with her scarf, then dumped her body in an office shower cubicle.
Fagan was jailed for a minimum of 26 years.
World dominated by evil: NZ victim's dad
Wednesday, 1 October, 2008
The father of a New Zealand woman murdered when she interrupted an office burglar in London says respect and decency have given way to a society dominated by money, evil and destruction.
US national Matthew Fagan was sentenced to life imprisonment yesterday after he was found guilty at the Old Bailey of murdering Cathy Marlow, 28, when she caught him stealing computers from her office.
Marlow's brother, Brendan, read out an emotional victim impact statement from their father, Bernie, who said Fagan had destroyed a whole family unit.
He told the court: "I feel as though all the things I have taught the children about love, respect and being a thoroughly decent human being is wasted in our society," Britain's The Daily Telegraph reported.
"We live in a world dominated by money, hatred, evil and destruction."
The court also learned the victim's mother, Claire, lost her battle against cancer within months of her daughter's death.
The court heard Fagan, 33, was bankrupt after being sacked as a web production executive from Research Now, the marketing firm where he worked alongside Cathy Marlow.
In January last year, using an old security pass, he raided the offices in Stockwell, south London.
But Marlow, who worked for the company as a finance manager, caught him after going into the office to catch up on work following a holiday.
Fagan hit her with a hammer, throttled her with her scarf, then dumped her body in an office shower cubicle.
Fagan was jailed for a minimum of 26 years.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Divorce American Style
Alec Baldwin’s attack on the family law system is also a sad memoir of a marriage gone desperately sour.
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Lawyers face test of honesty( joke of the century)
Speaking of unscrupulous lawyers’ fees, can anybody tell me why a judge would direct a lawyer (Christchurch Barrister Adrienne Edwards) to represent my children when she has never bothered to take the time to watch the interaction between dad and daughters? After all, we are clients of the cesspit Family Court. Her malicious actions show that she is guilty of blatant unlawful gender discrimination and malfeasance. She has done nothing to help my daughters, who have significant problems resulting from so much adversarial litigation, professional brainwashing and false allegations. Her bill would be significant after such a long period(2001), lots and lots of invoices sent to the legal aid cash cow, while the forced clients of the evil Family Court languish in poverty!Lawyers excel with lies, because they can feed from all the misery and heartbreak. Stuff the blood money!You are filthy greedy mongrels. How do they sleep at night?
http://www.smh. com.au/news/ national/ lawyers-bills- face-test- of-honesty/ 2008/10/03/ 1223013791373. html
The Sydney Morning Herald
4 October 2008
Lawyers' bills face test of honesty
By Kate McClymont and Jennifer Cooke
Lawyers' practice of billing clients in six-minute units is under threat amid wholesale changes to reduce over-charging in the profession.
The nation's attorneys-general have united to develop new legislation to protect clients from excessive legal charges.
In June, the Herald published a series about allegations of over-charging by the state's largest specialised personal injury firm, Keddies Lawyers.
This week the parliamentary secretary assisting the NSW Attorney-General, John Hatzistergos, sent a letter to a Keddies client saying the Government was aware of his concerns about the firm's professional conduct and that a review into the profession's system of charging was under way.
Former Keddies clients alleged the firm had not only grossly overcharged them but retained hundreds of thousands of dollars of settlement money without their knowledge.
Several clients who suffered injuries in car accidents told the Herald they were never sent bills. One such client, a Chinese businessman, thought his total compensation payout was $50,000. He later discovered it was really $300,000, of which Keddies retained $250,000 for legal fees and expenses.
A spokesman for Mr Hatzistergos confirmed the states and territories had agreed to work together on the new legislation "to ensure that vulnerable consumers are protected from lawyers who overcharge and exploit them".
The profession's watchdog, the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner, is investigating numerous complaints by clients against Keddies. The firm, which made 14 staff including five lawyers redundant this week, maintains it has done nothing wrong and is confident the commissioner will dismiss all the complaints.
The commissioner, Steve Mark, is unable to comment on any cases before the commission but he said he would welcome any proposed changes as the present billing system was not working.
"The whole costing regime for the legal profession needs to be reviewed," Mr Mark said. Everything from cost assessment, gross overcharging and lawyers' billable hours needed to be overhauled.
He suggested that the system of charging in six-minute units be abandoned. And he said clients should be given the option of a firm quote "which would be a contractual agreement".
The overhaul was raised by the NSW Attorney-General at the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, held in New Zealand in July. Ministers from each state voted to refer it to a working group to develop legislation to combat overcharging and exploitation of clients.
Chris McGrath, a former butcher, who suffered brain damage in a motorcycle accident, was charged $48 for a welcome letter sent by Keddies. The firm was later ordered to repay him $85,000. The parties are negotiating.
"Keddies did a great job by me," Mr McGrath previously told the Herald. "I just think that their billing system is not so good."
A former client, Mohammed Tariq, felt moved to write a "thank you" to Keddies, only to be billed $49 for his lawyer to read it. And he and two family members were charged almost $600 for their solicitor to travel less than two kilometres.
"I'm grateful to the Attorney-General for initiating the review," Mr Tariq said yesterday.
Related (but dated, several months ago):
Letter of welcome cost $48
http://www.smh. com.au/news/ national/ letter-of- welcome-cost- 48/2008/06/ 13/1213321623878 .html
Lawyers dined, and the client still got a bill
http://www.smh. com.au/news/ national/ lawyers-dined- and-the-client- still-got- a-bill/2008/ 06/13/1213321620 688.html
Angry clients accuse barristers over fees
http://www.smh. com.au/news/ national/ angry-clients- accuse-barrister s-over-fees/ 2008/06/13/ 1213321620637. html
http://www.smh. com.au/news/ national/ lawyers-bills- face-test- of-honesty/ 2008/10/03/ 1223013791373. html
The Sydney Morning Herald
4 October 2008
Lawyers' bills face test of honesty
By Kate McClymont and Jennifer Cooke
Lawyers' practice of billing clients in six-minute units is under threat amid wholesale changes to reduce over-charging in the profession.
The nation's attorneys-general have united to develop new legislation to protect clients from excessive legal charges.
In June, the Herald published a series about allegations of over-charging by the state's largest specialised personal injury firm, Keddies Lawyers.
This week the parliamentary secretary assisting the NSW Attorney-General, John Hatzistergos, sent a letter to a Keddies client saying the Government was aware of his concerns about the firm's professional conduct and that a review into the profession's system of charging was under way.
Former Keddies clients alleged the firm had not only grossly overcharged them but retained hundreds of thousands of dollars of settlement money without their knowledge.
Several clients who suffered injuries in car accidents told the Herald they were never sent bills. One such client, a Chinese businessman, thought his total compensation payout was $50,000. He later discovered it was really $300,000, of which Keddies retained $250,000 for legal fees and expenses.
A spokesman for Mr Hatzistergos confirmed the states and territories had agreed to work together on the new legislation "to ensure that vulnerable consumers are protected from lawyers who overcharge and exploit them".
The profession's watchdog, the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner, is investigating numerous complaints by clients against Keddies. The firm, which made 14 staff including five lawyers redundant this week, maintains it has done nothing wrong and is confident the commissioner will dismiss all the complaints.
The commissioner, Steve Mark, is unable to comment on any cases before the commission but he said he would welcome any proposed changes as the present billing system was not working.
"The whole costing regime for the legal profession needs to be reviewed," Mr Mark said. Everything from cost assessment, gross overcharging and lawyers' billable hours needed to be overhauled.
He suggested that the system of charging in six-minute units be abandoned. And he said clients should be given the option of a firm quote "which would be a contractual agreement".
The overhaul was raised by the NSW Attorney-General at the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, held in New Zealand in July. Ministers from each state voted to refer it to a working group to develop legislation to combat overcharging and exploitation of clients.
Chris McGrath, a former butcher, who suffered brain damage in a motorcycle accident, was charged $48 for a welcome letter sent by Keddies. The firm was later ordered to repay him $85,000. The parties are negotiating.
"Keddies did a great job by me," Mr McGrath previously told the Herald. "I just think that their billing system is not so good."
A former client, Mohammed Tariq, felt moved to write a "thank you" to Keddies, only to be billed $49 for his lawyer to read it. And he and two family members were charged almost $600 for their solicitor to travel less than two kilometres.
"I'm grateful to the Attorney-General for initiating the review," Mr Tariq said yesterday.
Related (but dated, several months ago):
Letter of welcome cost $48
http://www.smh. com.au/news/ national/ letter-of- welcome-cost- 48/2008/06/ 13/1213321623878 .html
Lawyers dined, and the client still got a bill
http://www.smh. com.au/news/ national/ lawyers-dined- and-the-client- still-got- a-bill/2008/ 06/13/1213321620 688.html
Angry clients accuse barristers over fees
http://www.smh. com.au/news/ national/ angry-clients- accuse-barrister s-over-fees/ 2008/06/13/ 1213321620637. html
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Shelter Cuts Sandra Bernhard for Saying Palin Would Be Gang-
A women's shelter on Wednesday cut headliner Sandra Bernhard from its annual benefit after she said Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin would be gang-raped if she ever visited New York.
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Silly Sue Bradford is lost in utopian dreamworld
I asked Ms Bradford at a Select Committee if she thought that fathers' could be criminalized as a result of the anti smacking legislation? She walked out of the room without answering my question. Jimmy Mason is a good father waiting to face two criminal charges for smacking his toddler children in an effort to stop them getting run over on a busy inner city street. Sue Bradford is a drongo and a total wasted space who needs medical treatment for being a consummate liar. What kind of retard would vote for these twisted bias freaks? Do New Zealand a big favour and go and live somewhere else you insane bitch. The greens are a hypercritical bunch of spaced out meaningless fruit bats.
Bradford Encourages Parents to Carry On Smacking
In a stunning turnaround, Green MP Sue Bradford has told parents that smacking is not a criminal offence and implied that groups like Barnardos, Plunket, Every Child Counts and politicians who have said that the aim of the law was to ban parents physically punishing their children are misleading the public.
In a media release from the Green party today, Bradford says ‘smacking has never been a criminal offence, and still isn’t.’
Yet only last year, she told Newstalk ZB ‘it is already illegal to smack children but her bill removes a defence of reasonable force for the purpose of correction.’
And in the original 2003 media release from the Green party launching her amendment to section 59, it is entitled “Greens draw up their own anti-smacking bill” http://www.greens.org.nz/node/12844
“Sue Bradford is confused by her own law,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ, “and is misrepresenting the real effect and purpose of the anti-smacking law. She believes smacking is assault, yet more than 80% of NZ’ers continue to disagree.”
“Otherwise, we can only conclude that she is telling parents to carry on smacking and if investigated by police or CYF, parents should tell them that they don’t understand the law and to get lost. Yet parents are getting referred to CYF and the police by schools, neighbours, social workers, even their own kids, for light smacking.”
“If the politicians who designed the law are confused, where does that put parents who are simply trying to raise good kids without breaking the law,” says Mr McCoskrie.
Family First NZ continues to call on the politicians to change the law so that it clearly states that non-abusive smacking is not a crime (as wanted by 86% of NZ’ers according to today’s NZ Herald poll), and to then tackle the real causes of child abuse.
Bradford Encourages Parents to Carry On Smacking
In a stunning turnaround, Green MP Sue Bradford has told parents that smacking is not a criminal offence and implied that groups like Barnardos, Plunket, Every Child Counts and politicians who have said that the aim of the law was to ban parents physically punishing their children are misleading the public.
In a media release from the Green party today, Bradford says ‘smacking has never been a criminal offence, and still isn’t.’
Yet only last year, she told Newstalk ZB ‘it is already illegal to smack children but her bill removes a defence of reasonable force for the purpose of correction.’
And in the original 2003 media release from the Green party launching her amendment to section 59, it is entitled “Greens draw up their own anti-smacking bill” http://www.greens.org.nz/node/12844
“Sue Bradford is confused by her own law,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ, “and is misrepresenting the real effect and purpose of the anti-smacking law. She believes smacking is assault, yet more than 80% of NZ’ers continue to disagree.”
“Otherwise, we can only conclude that she is telling parents to carry on smacking and if investigated by police or CYF, parents should tell them that they don’t understand the law and to get lost. Yet parents are getting referred to CYF and the police by schools, neighbours, social workers, even their own kids, for light smacking.”
“If the politicians who designed the law are confused, where does that put parents who are simply trying to raise good kids without breaking the law,” says Mr McCoskrie.
Family First NZ continues to call on the politicians to change the law so that it clearly states that non-abusive smacking is not a crime (as wanted by 86% of NZ’ers according to today’s NZ Herald poll), and to then tackle the real causes of child abuse.
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