Friday, October 12, 2007

Mums from Hell

Sad stuff and children deserve better. Why are the systems failing these children ? Why is child abuse numbers appalling in New Zealand ? Why don't the nanny state social engineer brigade get together in a meeting of the minds so this problem can be obliterated from the emotional landscape of many young victims ?

read more | digg story


Anonymous said...

You obviously aren't doing anything to help the problem.

dad4justice said...

Would you like me to post the affidavit from a teenage girl raped by a CYFS approved care giver ?

It was sad typing up her sad story , however we nailed the perpetrator who today is sitting in camp Rolly prison in a cell ?

Anonymous said...

Prison cells heh. Know anyone who has been in prison before D4J?

dad4justice said...

Yes I have been to prison as a falsely accused father on numerous occasions . In fact I nearly died while in custody ask para -medics at Greymouth and ask the two Paparoa Prison Doctors.

Why do you ask ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, post the affidavit.

But it won't prove anything. There's bad apples in our CYFS system - just like there's good daddies and bad daddies.

So you've been to prison? Why were you a bad daddy?

Anonymous said...

You nearly died while in custody? Got proof? No wait - got proof to show us?