Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Bullshit the decisive issue in US 2008 presidential campaign
As in previous election cycles, bullshit rules the day. Shuttleworth Research Center rep Kip O'Leary explains.
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UK ; PM Gordon Brown response to F4J petition
Dear All,
Earlier this year, Matt O'Connor created a petition to the British Prime Minister regarding "Equal Parenting" and "Opening Secret Family Courts".
On April 14 of this year, I signed this petition and the Prime Minister's response, received today, is set out below.
My thoughts at this time are completely unchanged and you already know what they are.........
Terry Lear - Toronto
"The Quickest Way To End A War Is To Lose It" and "LOSING THE WAR IS NOT AN OPTION"
----- Original Message -----
From: "10 Downing Street"
To: "e-petition signatories"
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 12:30 PM
Subject: Government response to petition 'sharedparenting'
You signed a petition asking the Prime Minister to "Tackle Young Offending By Introducing A Presumption Of Shared Parenting And Opening Secret Family Courts."
The Prime Minister's Office has responded to that petition and you can view it here:
Prime Minister's Office: Petition information -
If you would like to opt out of receiving further mail on this or any other petitions you signed, please email:
23 October 2007
We received a petition asking:
"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Tackle Young Offending By Introducing A Presumption Of Shared Parenting And Opening Secret Family Courts."
Details of petition:
"Britain is in breakdown. Family breakdown. The secret family courts are creating a 'Generation X' of children. Children who are turning to crime. A lost generation growing up without the love and discipline of their fathers. We the undersigned call for the urgent introduction of mandatory mediation before couples go to court, a legal presumption of shared parenting combined with a fully transparent system of justice that can restore public confidence in the discredited family justice system."
Read the Government's response:
Thank you for signing the e-petition concerning family breakdown, the legal presumption of shared parenting, mediation and the opening of the 'secret' family courts.
The Government know from research that where parental separation is handled badly the effects can be damaging for children. Where parents decide that they should end their own relationship, the Government aims to help them come to an agreement about the future arrangements for their children in a way that does not expose children to ongoing parental conflict. Where it is safe, the Government believes it is usually in the child's best interests that both parents have a continued parenting role in the upbringing and development of the child.
Research has also found that it is the nature of contact with the non-resident parent rather than frequency of contact that is most likely to make a difference to a child's well-being. Regularity and consistency, the relationship between the child and non-resident parent, the degree to which the non-resident parent engages in authoritative parenting and the degree to which the child is caught up in parental conflict are key factors in a child's well-being.
Regarding an automatic presumption in law of equal contact/shared parenting for both parents, the Government believes that the current legal position is right - the welfare of the child must be paramount in any question relating to their upbringing. We intend to retain this principle set out in section 1 of the Children Act 1989. This requires that, when determining questions relating to the upbringing of a child, the court must give paramount consideration to the welfare of the child. A legal presumption of 'equal' parenting would be putting parents' rights before the child's welfare. As the law stands, the courts can, and sometimes do, make orders for 50:50 shared residence, if in their view, that is in the best interests of the child concerned.
With reference to mediation, the Government supports mediation in appropriate cases and is actively encouraging its use as an alternative to contested court cases. The Government does not, however, believe that mediation should be made compulsory but is instead committed to ensure that everyone involved in family proceedings, whether publicly funded or not, is aware of the advantages of mediation as a means of resolving family disputes.
You might like to know that parties applying for public funding under the Community Legal Service are already required to attend a meeting with a mediator to consider mediation. This requirement may be waived if there are special circumstances such as domestic violence or the case is very urgent.
In addition, the Government will make changes to court rules and application forms to facilitate referrals to family mediation where the court considers this would be beneficial. Also, when the Children and Adoption Act 2006 is fully implemented, the court will be able to direct parties to attend a meeting to learn about mediation in cases where it considers this is appropriate.
In 2006 the Government consulted widely on the principles of openness in family courts. Children who had gone through the family court process told us that it is important that their identities are not revealed, and their right to privacy and anonymity is maintained. Therefore, we announced that the media will not be allowed into family courts as of right, but, along with any others with an interest, will be able to apply to the court to attend. Instead, the Government announced it would focus on the information coming out of family courts, and would test the costs and benefits of providing a copy of the full transcript of the judgement in certain cases to the parties involved, retaining it for the children when old enough, and making it available anonymously online.
A second consultation closed in October this year which asked questions about whether the law should be changed so that disclosure of information about family law proceedings heard in private will be permitted primarily for the purpose for which the information is disclosed rather than what information can be disclosed or to whom it can be disclosed. The Government also consulted on whether the identity of a child should be protected after the end of proceedings, unless there is an order to the contrary on welfare grounds. The Government's response to this consultation will be published in due course.
Dear Mr Burns
Thank you for your message to the Prime Minister which you sent through the Downing Street website (
If you did not send this message, please contact the Downing Street web team at
Once you have confirmed your email, your message will be passed to Downing Street staff to read. Although the PM is unable to answer emails personally, all your messages are read and the PM is given a report on the issues raised, along with a selection of messages.
The Number 10 Web Team
Here is the text we received:
RE: Prime Minister
Why are you hell bent on destroying the role of the father in the all important childhood nurturing years ? Children need the paternal influence, so they can enjoy meaningful bonds of love and stability. It is only fair that a loving dad is able to connect emotionally with his kids, because he helps them to grow up to be balanced individuals and valuable members of society. Time to stop listening to radical feminists and start prioritizing the children. Kids need dads too.
Kind regards
P J Burns
New Zealand
Dear All,
Earlier this year, Matt O'Connor created a petition to the British Prime Minister regarding "Equal Parenting" and "Opening Secret Family Courts".
On April 14 of this year, I signed this petition and the Prime Minister's response, received today, is set out below.
My thoughts at this time are completely unchanged and you already know what they are.........
Terry Lear - Toronto
"The Quickest Way To End A War Is To Lose It" and "LOSING THE WAR IS NOT AN OPTION"
----- Original Message -----
From: "10 Downing Street"
To: "e-petition signatories"
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 12:30 PM
Subject: Government response to petition 'sharedparenting'
You signed a petition asking the Prime Minister to "Tackle Young Offending By Introducing A Presumption Of Shared Parenting And Opening Secret Family Courts."
The Prime Minister's Office has responded to that petition and you can view it here:
Prime Minister's Office: Petition information -
If you would like to opt out of receiving further mail on this or any other petitions you signed, please email:
23 October 2007
We received a petition asking:
"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Tackle Young Offending By Introducing A Presumption Of Shared Parenting And Opening Secret Family Courts."
Details of petition:
"Britain is in breakdown. Family breakdown. The secret family courts are creating a 'Generation X' of children. Children who are turning to crime. A lost generation growing up without the love and discipline of their fathers. We the undersigned call for the urgent introduction of mandatory mediation before couples go to court, a legal presumption of shared parenting combined with a fully transparent system of justice that can restore public confidence in the discredited family justice system."
Read the Government's response:
Thank you for signing the e-petition concerning family breakdown, the legal presumption of shared parenting, mediation and the opening of the 'secret' family courts.
The Government know from research that where parental separation is handled badly the effects can be damaging for children. Where parents decide that they should end their own relationship, the Government aims to help them come to an agreement about the future arrangements for their children in a way that does not expose children to ongoing parental conflict. Where it is safe, the Government believes it is usually in the child's best interests that both parents have a continued parenting role in the upbringing and development of the child.
Research has also found that it is the nature of contact with the non-resident parent rather than frequency of contact that is most likely to make a difference to a child's well-being. Regularity and consistency, the relationship between the child and non-resident parent, the degree to which the non-resident parent engages in authoritative parenting and the degree to which the child is caught up in parental conflict are key factors in a child's well-being.
Regarding an automatic presumption in law of equal contact/shared parenting for both parents, the Government believes that the current legal position is right - the welfare of the child must be paramount in any question relating to their upbringing. We intend to retain this principle set out in section 1 of the Children Act 1989. This requires that, when determining questions relating to the upbringing of a child, the court must give paramount consideration to the welfare of the child. A legal presumption of 'equal' parenting would be putting parents' rights before the child's welfare. As the law stands, the courts can, and sometimes do, make orders for 50:50 shared residence, if in their view, that is in the best interests of the child concerned.
With reference to mediation, the Government supports mediation in appropriate cases and is actively encouraging its use as an alternative to contested court cases. The Government does not, however, believe that mediation should be made compulsory but is instead committed to ensure that everyone involved in family proceedings, whether publicly funded or not, is aware of the advantages of mediation as a means of resolving family disputes.
You might like to know that parties applying for public funding under the Community Legal Service are already required to attend a meeting with a mediator to consider mediation. This requirement may be waived if there are special circumstances such as domestic violence or the case is very urgent.
In addition, the Government will make changes to court rules and application forms to facilitate referrals to family mediation where the court considers this would be beneficial. Also, when the Children and Adoption Act 2006 is fully implemented, the court will be able to direct parties to attend a meeting to learn about mediation in cases where it considers this is appropriate.
In 2006 the Government consulted widely on the principles of openness in family courts. Children who had gone through the family court process told us that it is important that their identities are not revealed, and their right to privacy and anonymity is maintained. Therefore, we announced that the media will not be allowed into family courts as of right, but, along with any others with an interest, will be able to apply to the court to attend. Instead, the Government announced it would focus on the information coming out of family courts, and would test the costs and benefits of providing a copy of the full transcript of the judgement in certain cases to the parties involved, retaining it for the children when old enough, and making it available anonymously online.
A second consultation closed in October this year which asked questions about whether the law should be changed so that disclosure of information about family law proceedings heard in private will be permitted primarily for the purpose for which the information is disclosed rather than what information can be disclosed or to whom it can be disclosed. The Government also consulted on whether the identity of a child should be protected after the end of proceedings, unless there is an order to the contrary on welfare grounds. The Government's response to this consultation will be published in due course.
Dear Mr Burns
Thank you for your message to the Prime Minister which you sent through the Downing Street website (
If you did not send this message, please contact the Downing Street web team at
Once you have confirmed your email, your message will be passed to Downing Street staff to read. Although the PM is unable to answer emails personally, all your messages are read and the PM is given a report on the issues raised, along with a selection of messages.
The Number 10 Web Team
Here is the text we received:
RE: Prime Minister
Why are you hell bent on destroying the role of the father in the all important childhood nurturing years ? Children need the paternal influence, so they can enjoy meaningful bonds of love and stability. It is only fair that a loving dad is able to connect emotionally with his kids, because he helps them to grow up to be balanced individuals and valuable members of society. Time to stop listening to radical feminists and start prioritizing the children. Kids need dads too.
Kind regards
P J Burns
New Zealand
Thursday, December 27, 2007
D4j struck out regarding employment .
A large amount of noise and malicious rhetoric has been directed at me for claiming the invalids benefit from a government that I continually criticize. I have tried my best to seek employment in the area of reuniting families so the children are not stressed, however my efforts and training programmes were all a waste of time as the fob off bureaucratic paper trail proves. The gender bias and totally unfair government will not think outside the square and try and seek common sense alternatives that strive for mediation rather than lengthy litigation in the sordid world of the Family Court gravy train of misery. I do not allow the unlawful gender discrimination by a radical feminist government to deter my objective and I am currently supporting, fathers, mothers, gran mums, gran dads and several children trapped in the coldly callous and confusing world of the Kangaroo Court system and a dangerously dysfunctional CYFS.
Anyway, at least I tried to get a job. I hate being unemployed as I can offer New Zealand so much, but whatever here is a fob off paper trail that proves I tried to gain meaningful and constructive employment.
State Services Commission
21 December 2006
Dear Peter
Mainstream Supported Employment Programme
I am pleased to confirm as a result of the application recently made on your behalf by Adie McLaughlin of Workbridge, you are now eligible to participate in the Mainstream Supported Employment Programme. The eligibility is valid for 12 months, unless you become employed for more than 15 hours a week during this time.
Mainstream Placements are arranged by disability sector agencies such as Workbridge, and not by the State Services Commission. This means it is the role of Adie McLachlan to negotiate the possibility of a Mainstream placement with a potential employer on your behalf. You should discuss your employment preferences with Adie McLachlan. Please be patient because finding a placement can take several months.
Mainstream eligibility does not necessarily guarantee that a position will be found for you by Workbridge. Although there are several State sector organisations eligible to employ Mainstream participants, they are no obligation to do so. The number of people on the Mainstream Programme has grown considerably recently, as the number of people approved for eligibility. This has put pressure on the availability of placements.
Please note that funding will not be reserved for individual prospective Mainstream participants because, placement can, and often does, take some time to organise.
If placement is negotiated, Adie McLachlan will notify you and also complete the remaining Mainstream paperwork. A letter and information pack from the Mainstream Programme will then be sent to you.
My best wishes to you in the meantime
Yours sincerely
Pam MacNeill
Mainstream Programme Manager.
Work and Income
16 May 2007.
Dear Peter
I refer to your letter 12 March 2007, and subsequent conversation with Wendy Rabbidge our Social Development Manager.
Thank you for enquiry about the possibility of establishing a position that would provide mediation between clients and government agencies through the Mainstream supported Employment Programme.
We have now explored possible options, and wish to advise that unfortunately we are not able to assist you. However, I understand from your conversations with Wendy that you have a particular interest in the judicial area, so would suggest that you approach the Department of Corrections and Ministry Of Justice about opportunities they may have available.
We would also strongly encourage you to talk with staff at Workbridge about other alternatives.
Again, I would like to thank you for your enquiry, and we wish you all the best in securing employment within your area of interest.
Yours sincerely
John Henderson
Regional Commissioner for Social Development.
Office of Hon Damien O’Connor
5 June 2007.
On behalf of the Hon Damien O’Connor, Minister of Corrections, I acknowledge with thanks your letter dated 30 May 2007, regarding your request for employment.
Please note that employment matters are the responsibility of the Chief Executive of the Department of Corrections and the Minister of Corrections does not have authority to intervene.
The minister has therefore referred your letter to his officials at the Department for a direct response. You may expect a reply in due course.
Thank you for taking the time to contact the Minister.
Yours sincerely
Samuel King
Private Secretary: Corrections
Office of Hon Mark Burton
6 June 2007
Dear Peter
On behalf of Hon Mark Burton, Minister for Justice, thank you for your letter of 30 may 2007 regarding employment opportunities.
The Minister has forwarded your letter to the Ministry’s human resources department for their consideration.
Yours sincerely
Mark Devereux
Private Secretary - Justice
Department Of Corrections
13 June 2007.
Dear Mr Burns
I refer to your letter 30 May to the Minister of Corrections. It has been forwarded to the Department for response, as employment matters are the responsibility of the Chief Executive rather than the Minister.
Thank you for enquiry, however the Department does not have the type of position you have described in your letter. If you wish to be considered for an alternative position, all current vacancies in the Department can be found at
Yours sincerely
Katrina Casey
General Manager
Probation and offender Services
Ministry of Justice
2 July 2007
Dear Peter
I refer to your letter to the Minister of Justice dated 30 May 2007 regarding employment in your area of expertise – reuniting families. As you will be aware the minister has asked me to reply directly to your letter.
All employment opportunities within the Ministry of Justice are advertised externally. These opportunities are posted on our Internet Site so I would suggest you visit the site on a regular basis to determine whether you wish to apply for any available in the Canterbury area. The address of this site is
I have forwarded your CV and letter to the Regional Manger Southern, Murray Smith, so that he is aware of your interest in any relevant roles that might be available in the Canterbury area.
Enclosed is a copy of a position description for a Family Court Co-ordinator role, for your information. I have provided this to give you an indication of the types of roles the Ministry has that may be of interest you given your background and expertise.
Thank you for your interest in working for the Ministry of Justice
Yours sincerely
Janine Hearn
General Manager, Human Resources.
Inland Revenue
12 July 2007
Notice of refund
Westpac New Zealand Government Branch
Wellington NZ
Pay Mr Peter Burns to the order of One Dollar and 39 cents.
In conclusion ;
You know where they can shove their $1.39 Cheque and I hope 2008 provides me with the opportunity to join the work force again ?
Only time will tell
Anyway, at least I tried to get a job. I hate being unemployed as I can offer New Zealand so much, but whatever here is a fob off paper trail that proves I tried to gain meaningful and constructive employment.
State Services Commission
21 December 2006
Dear Peter
Mainstream Supported Employment Programme
I am pleased to confirm as a result of the application recently made on your behalf by Adie McLaughlin of Workbridge, you are now eligible to participate in the Mainstream Supported Employment Programme. The eligibility is valid for 12 months, unless you become employed for more than 15 hours a week during this time.
Mainstream Placements are arranged by disability sector agencies such as Workbridge, and not by the State Services Commission. This means it is the role of Adie McLachlan to negotiate the possibility of a Mainstream placement with a potential employer on your behalf. You should discuss your employment preferences with Adie McLachlan. Please be patient because finding a placement can take several months.
Mainstream eligibility does not necessarily guarantee that a position will be found for you by Workbridge. Although there are several State sector organisations eligible to employ Mainstream participants, they are no obligation to do so. The number of people on the Mainstream Programme has grown considerably recently, as the number of people approved for eligibility. This has put pressure on the availability of placements.
Please note that funding will not be reserved for individual prospective Mainstream participants because, placement can, and often does, take some time to organise.
If placement is negotiated, Adie McLachlan will notify you and also complete the remaining Mainstream paperwork. A letter and information pack from the Mainstream Programme will then be sent to you.
My best wishes to you in the meantime
Yours sincerely
Pam MacNeill
Mainstream Programme Manager.
Work and Income
16 May 2007.
Dear Peter
I refer to your letter 12 March 2007, and subsequent conversation with Wendy Rabbidge our Social Development Manager.
Thank you for enquiry about the possibility of establishing a position that would provide mediation between clients and government agencies through the Mainstream supported Employment Programme.
We have now explored possible options, and wish to advise that unfortunately we are not able to assist you. However, I understand from your conversations with Wendy that you have a particular interest in the judicial area, so would suggest that you approach the Department of Corrections and Ministry Of Justice about opportunities they may have available.
We would also strongly encourage you to talk with staff at Workbridge about other alternatives.
Again, I would like to thank you for your enquiry, and we wish you all the best in securing employment within your area of interest.
Yours sincerely
John Henderson
Regional Commissioner for Social Development.
Office of Hon Damien O’Connor
5 June 2007.
On behalf of the Hon Damien O’Connor, Minister of Corrections, I acknowledge with thanks your letter dated 30 May 2007, regarding your request for employment.
Please note that employment matters are the responsibility of the Chief Executive of the Department of Corrections and the Minister of Corrections does not have authority to intervene.
The minister has therefore referred your letter to his officials at the Department for a direct response. You may expect a reply in due course.
Thank you for taking the time to contact the Minister.
Yours sincerely
Samuel King
Private Secretary: Corrections
Office of Hon Mark Burton
6 June 2007
Dear Peter
On behalf of Hon Mark Burton, Minister for Justice, thank you for your letter of 30 may 2007 regarding employment opportunities.
The Minister has forwarded your letter to the Ministry’s human resources department for their consideration.
Yours sincerely
Mark Devereux
Private Secretary - Justice
Department Of Corrections
13 June 2007.
Dear Mr Burns
I refer to your letter 30 May to the Minister of Corrections. It has been forwarded to the Department for response, as employment matters are the responsibility of the Chief Executive rather than the Minister.
Thank you for enquiry, however the Department does not have the type of position you have described in your letter. If you wish to be considered for an alternative position, all current vacancies in the Department can be found at
Yours sincerely
Katrina Casey
General Manager
Probation and offender Services
Ministry of Justice
2 July 2007
Dear Peter
I refer to your letter to the Minister of Justice dated 30 May 2007 regarding employment in your area of expertise – reuniting families. As you will be aware the minister has asked me to reply directly to your letter.
All employment opportunities within the Ministry of Justice are advertised externally. These opportunities are posted on our Internet Site so I would suggest you visit the site on a regular basis to determine whether you wish to apply for any available in the Canterbury area. The address of this site is
I have forwarded your CV and letter to the Regional Manger Southern, Murray Smith, so that he is aware of your interest in any relevant roles that might be available in the Canterbury area.
Enclosed is a copy of a position description for a Family Court Co-ordinator role, for your information. I have provided this to give you an indication of the types of roles the Ministry has that may be of interest you given your background and expertise.
Thank you for your interest in working for the Ministry of Justice
Yours sincerely
Janine Hearn
General Manager, Human Resources.
Inland Revenue
12 July 2007
Notice of refund
Westpac New Zealand Government Branch
Wellington NZ
Pay Mr Peter Burns to the order of One Dollar and 39 cents.
In conclusion ;
You know where they can shove their $1.39 Cheque and I hope 2008 provides me with the opportunity to join the work force again ?
Only time will tell
Soldier in Box Surprises His Daughters for Christmas
"A father just home from Iraq surprises his little girls by hiding in a big gift box at their school."
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
God 6.0
God 6.0 softer, gentler and completely compatible. Brought to you by todays Christians.
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Dads are important to the Christmas message too.
25 December 2007 09:00
Dads are important to the Christmas message too, says the Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Rev Graham James.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Back in January 1951 in a cottage hospital in the far south west of England, a father wanted to be present at the birth of his second child.
Whoever was in charge of the labour ward considered fathers a nuisance. They simply got in the way. So at my birth (for it was me!) my dad wasn't there. It was nearly twenty-four hours later that he first saw me. We were very close so I don't think it affected our relationship. But he always felt a strange deprivation at missing the birth of his children.
By October 1980 things had changed. That was when our first child, Rebecca, was born. By then fathers were expected to be present. We were even encouraged to go to one or two antenatal classes. I've never forgotten feeling slightly intimidated in a room full of pregnant women. They seemed so powerful. They were in control of the future as they prepared to give birth to the next generation. I don't think I paid much attention to the instructions. Julie, my wife, was working as a midwife at that very hospital. I assumed she would tell me what to do when the time came. She did!
In those days I was working as a vicar in Welwyn Garden City. One Saturday evening we had a big church dinner for 200 people. It was a great celebration. I arrived home just before midnight, exhausted but elated. My wife's first words to me were “Get me to the hospital, the baby's coming”.
It wasn't an easy birth. Just before 6am Rebecca was born. That gave me time to get back and take the 8am service. (My children have helpfully fitted in their births with my diary). The previous evening we'd hoped for new life in the parish. I told the congregation that the vicarage family had done its bit already.
It was the deepest joy to be present at the birth of my children. I'm not sure I was much use. But it taught me a lot about the close connection between suffering and joy.
We know nothing about how long Mary was in labour before Jesus was born. The circumstances were hardly ideal. But Jesus isn't unique simply because he came into the world in rather mucky surroundings without medical assistance. That's been true for most children When ours were born, we were surrounded by every sort of medical facility. Even so, I realised a woman's labour is well named. Hard work and anguish lined Julie's face. But what amazed me was the complete change in her expression as soon as Rebecca was put into her arms. It's an occupational hazard to think of biblical verses at such times. I couldn't get a verse from John's gospel out of my mind.
“When a woman is in labour, she has pain because her hour has come. But when her child is born, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy of having brought a child into the world” (John 16.21)
Our Christmas cribs, nativity plays, and even some of the carols we sing sidestep Mary's anguished labour. That's a pity. And Joseph is often given only a bit part. He must have fulfilled the role of midwife, to a degree I would have found frightening. The circumstances are troubling too. Displaced from home, Mary and Joseph are in what must have seemed unfriendly territory. It was soon to become more hostile still. They escape and seek asylum in Egypt to avoid Herod's murderous threats.
Joseph takes centre stage in this bit of the story. Despite the tradition of the virgin birth in Christianity, Joseph isn't incidental. That's worth thinking about at a time when there seems to be confusion, even a crisis, about what it means to be a father today.
It's undeniable that there are plenty of loving single parent families where children flourish. Some single parents are the fathers, of course. But we seem to find it hard to define what it is that fathers bring to the family party.
People now say that as long as children are loved and wanted it doesn't matter about the gender or number of their parents. I find it hard to believe that fathers are quite so expendable.
To reduce fatherhood to the provision of a sperm bank would be a terrible impoverishment. The ideal must be that a child grows in relationship with both a man and a woman who love each other and love that child. We know that our human shortcomings mean that such families may even be a minority.
But we also know the social, economic and spiritual cost of family breakdown. The fact that children can flourish in other circumstances shouldn't make us shy to express an ideal. If we begin to marginalize fathers again, we'll regret it.
We should also remember the happiest families all have a shadow side. None of us avoids suffering. Grief, bereavement, arguments, tensions and rows - even the most loving of human families will experience them. Read the gospels and you'll find the family of Jesus wasn't exempt from these things.
The birth of Christ isn't some sort of sentimental escape from the world. God doesn't come to a perfect family where everything runs smoothly. Christians believe this is God's son being born, painfully and joyfully, as that weakest and most dependent of all creatures, a human baby. This is the birth of the love of God. That's the good news of Christmas.
We can scarcely get our minds round it. It reverses all our expectations. If God is almighty, how is his love found in this weak and vulnerable child? If God's fatherhood is like this, what might it say to those of us who are human fathers let alone mothers and children as well? It might just make us a bit more tender.
A very happy Christmas to you all.
+ Graham Norvic: The Rt. Revd. Graham James, Lord Bishop of Norwich
25 December 2007 09:00
Dads are important to the Christmas message too, says the Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Rev Graham James.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Back in January 1951 in a cottage hospital in the far south west of England, a father wanted to be present at the birth of his second child.
Whoever was in charge of the labour ward considered fathers a nuisance. They simply got in the way. So at my birth (for it was me!) my dad wasn't there. It was nearly twenty-four hours later that he first saw me. We were very close so I don't think it affected our relationship. But he always felt a strange deprivation at missing the birth of his children.
By October 1980 things had changed. That was when our first child, Rebecca, was born. By then fathers were expected to be present. We were even encouraged to go to one or two antenatal classes. I've never forgotten feeling slightly intimidated in a room full of pregnant women. They seemed so powerful. They were in control of the future as they prepared to give birth to the next generation. I don't think I paid much attention to the instructions. Julie, my wife, was working as a midwife at that very hospital. I assumed she would tell me what to do when the time came. She did!
In those days I was working as a vicar in Welwyn Garden City. One Saturday evening we had a big church dinner for 200 people. It was a great celebration. I arrived home just before midnight, exhausted but elated. My wife's first words to me were “Get me to the hospital, the baby's coming”.
It wasn't an easy birth. Just before 6am Rebecca was born. That gave me time to get back and take the 8am service. (My children have helpfully fitted in their births with my diary). The previous evening we'd hoped for new life in the parish. I told the congregation that the vicarage family had done its bit already.
It was the deepest joy to be present at the birth of my children. I'm not sure I was much use. But it taught me a lot about the close connection between suffering and joy.
We know nothing about how long Mary was in labour before Jesus was born. The circumstances were hardly ideal. But Jesus isn't unique simply because he came into the world in rather mucky surroundings without medical assistance. That's been true for most children When ours were born, we were surrounded by every sort of medical facility. Even so, I realised a woman's labour is well named. Hard work and anguish lined Julie's face. But what amazed me was the complete change in her expression as soon as Rebecca was put into her arms. It's an occupational hazard to think of biblical verses at such times. I couldn't get a verse from John's gospel out of my mind.
“When a woman is in labour, she has pain because her hour has come. But when her child is born, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy of having brought a child into the world” (John 16.21)
Our Christmas cribs, nativity plays, and even some of the carols we sing sidestep Mary's anguished labour. That's a pity. And Joseph is often given only a bit part. He must have fulfilled the role of midwife, to a degree I would have found frightening. The circumstances are troubling too. Displaced from home, Mary and Joseph are in what must have seemed unfriendly territory. It was soon to become more hostile still. They escape and seek asylum in Egypt to avoid Herod's murderous threats.
Joseph takes centre stage in this bit of the story. Despite the tradition of the virgin birth in Christianity, Joseph isn't incidental. That's worth thinking about at a time when there seems to be confusion, even a crisis, about what it means to be a father today.
It's undeniable that there are plenty of loving single parent families where children flourish. Some single parents are the fathers, of course. But we seem to find it hard to define what it is that fathers bring to the family party.
People now say that as long as children are loved and wanted it doesn't matter about the gender or number of their parents. I find it hard to believe that fathers are quite so expendable.
To reduce fatherhood to the provision of a sperm bank would be a terrible impoverishment. The ideal must be that a child grows in relationship with both a man and a woman who love each other and love that child. We know that our human shortcomings mean that such families may even be a minority.
But we also know the social, economic and spiritual cost of family breakdown. The fact that children can flourish in other circumstances shouldn't make us shy to express an ideal. If we begin to marginalize fathers again, we'll regret it.
We should also remember the happiest families all have a shadow side. None of us avoids suffering. Grief, bereavement, arguments, tensions and rows - even the most loving of human families will experience them. Read the gospels and you'll find the family of Jesus wasn't exempt from these things.
The birth of Christ isn't some sort of sentimental escape from the world. God doesn't come to a perfect family where everything runs smoothly. Christians believe this is God's son being born, painfully and joyfully, as that weakest and most dependent of all creatures, a human baby. This is the birth of the love of God. That's the good news of Christmas.
We can scarcely get our minds round it. It reverses all our expectations. If God is almighty, how is his love found in this weak and vulnerable child? If God's fatherhood is like this, what might it say to those of us who are human fathers let alone mothers and children as well? It might just make us a bit more tender.
A very happy Christmas to you all.
+ Graham Norvic: The Rt. Revd. Graham James, Lord Bishop of Norwich
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Why Men Are Never Depressed

Men Are Just Happier People--
Your last name stays put.
The garage is all yours.
Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack.
You can never be pregnant.
Car mechanics tell you the truth.
The world is your urinal.
You never have to drive to another petrol station restroom because this one is just too icky.
You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
Same work, more pay.
Wrinkles add character.
People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
One mood all the time.
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
You know stuff about tanks and engines. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
You can open all your own jars.
You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
You can dress up as Batman and protest on the steps of Parliament .
You can put 333 Kids Need Dads Too stickers around Parliament including 33 inside locked doors as a visitor on a Parliamentary tour .
Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack ( unless you are Tuku Morgan ). Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You never have strap problems in public.
You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
Everything on your face stays its original colour.
The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
You only have to shave your face and neck.
You can play with toys all your life.
One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one colour for all seasons.
You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife.
You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache and protruding bristles.
You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.
No wonder men are happier.
Send this to the women who can handle it and to the men who will enjoy reading it

Monday, December 24, 2007
Baby laughing
This is appropriate for Christmas Day . It's what on the inside that counts . Dom and Bing bring so much joy . Enjoy .
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Hillary Clinton ; Deadbeat Politics Comes Home
Thanks to Dave Usher for this article...
Hillary: Deadbeat Politics Comes Home
By David Usher
21 December 2007
Christmas is the season when feminist judges and aspiring prosecutors appease the Pink Aristocracy by rounding up all those guys who can't afford to pay fixed-sums of "child support" demanded to finance feminist divorce-for-the-hell-of-it. Combine this jolly style of secular Mussolinism with a Presidential election, and it all comes straight back down the chimney.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, the latest thought-provoking example for your reading pleasure:
The New York Daily News reports that Hillary's youngest brother, Anthony Rodham, is a deadbeat to the tune of $158,000 child support alimony and interest .
It is known that Rodham is "cash strapped", as is customary in the majority of feminist-styled "deadbeat dad" cases.
Click on the link below to access the story.
Anthony married the daughter of radical-feminist legislator Barbara Boxer. Needless to say, a marriage made in pink hell will probably also end that way.
Perhaps Democrats and Republicans alike can learn important lessons from this case. For starters: feminism eats all men for dinner - regardless of party affiliation - including guys on both sides of the aisle who were stupid enough to be foot-servants or henchmen helping feminists destroy the institution of marriage. That's what men get for allowing themselves to be dragged around by the male appendage.
Feminism promoted Hillary into her unearned candidacy for President of the United States. To appear politically-saleable (since marriage is actually important in the minds of voters), she had to ignore Bill's philandering - which also gave her sanctified privilege to commit acts of domestic violence against her husband - and additionally to wreak many acts of feminist legislative terrorism on the American plebiscite (and expect Bill to do the same). Now feminism has come full-circle to bite her in the nether end. (Please make special note of the strangeness cult feminism has inflicted on the American people as well, who often have not the finances or political connections to survive it).
This case presents a fascinating political conundrum. Normally, judges and prosecutors often lock up poor deadbeat hostages knowing that a close relative, usually the parents, will cash in their retirement savings to free the hostage. With this very large arrearage Anthony Rodham is near the top of America's hostage list. He should have been watching Oprah in the can for some time now.
So why is he not writing letters from jail right now? If Boxer pushes for incarceration (to make Hillary and Bill pay), the Democratic party would instantly implode. Boxer appears to be withholding her endorsement of Hillary as the not-so-subtle wedge to push the Clintons into buying her brother out of penury. After all, Bill Clinton could redeem Hillary's brother from the proceeds of just one speaking engagement (not so easy for the rest of us). Isn't it lovely when feminist Goliaths extort their peers in the middle of a Presidential race?
Deadbeat feminist politics hurts everyone. Once everyone realizes that child support must be ordered as a percentage of actual income, and limited to items that actually "are" child support, we will end entitled destruction of marriage. While most folks do not know enough to verbalize the details, they know in the guts and soul it is wrong.
Feminist federal laws destroy about half of all marriages regardless of one's party affiliation or rank in the party. The span of entitlements enticing women to legally trade husbands like whites once traded slaves is vast and powerful. This being the case, it is astonishing that neither party has adopted a strong marriage values agenda in either the congressional or Presidential races.
In closing: a word of advice for aspiring deadbeat politicians. Anybody who shills feminist policy in the future will have a short political career. Many prosecutors and politicians have lost races trying to play this card. If you don't believe me, just ask former Senators John Ashcroft or Jim Talent what dragged them down. Those who are running with both sides of their brains functioning will find that Marriage Values policies will capture the minds and hearts of the majority of voters. Marriage Values policy will resolve the majority of Congress's intractable legislative problems, such as poverty and health care coverage, which Congress can never possibly resolve via feminist approaches.
David R. Usher is Senior Policy Analyst for the True Equality Network, and President of the American Coalition for Fathers and
Children, Missouri Coalition.
Hillary: Deadbeat Politics Comes Home
By David Usher
21 December 2007
Christmas is the season when feminist judges and aspiring prosecutors appease the Pink Aristocracy by rounding up all those guys who can't afford to pay fixed-sums of "child support" demanded to finance feminist divorce-for-the-hell-of-it. Combine this jolly style of secular Mussolinism with a Presidential election, and it all comes straight back down the chimney.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, the latest thought-provoking example for your reading pleasure:
The New York Daily News reports that Hillary's youngest brother, Anthony Rodham, is a deadbeat to the tune of $158,000 child support alimony and interest .
It is known that Rodham is "cash strapped", as is customary in the majority of feminist-styled "deadbeat dad" cases.
Click on the link below to access the story.
Anthony married the daughter of radical-feminist legislator Barbara Boxer. Needless to say, a marriage made in pink hell will probably also end that way.
Perhaps Democrats and Republicans alike can learn important lessons from this case. For starters: feminism eats all men for dinner - regardless of party affiliation - including guys on both sides of the aisle who were stupid enough to be foot-servants or henchmen helping feminists destroy the institution of marriage. That's what men get for allowing themselves to be dragged around by the male appendage.
Feminism promoted Hillary into her unearned candidacy for President of the United States. To appear politically-saleable (since marriage is actually important in the minds of voters), she had to ignore Bill's philandering - which also gave her sanctified privilege to commit acts of domestic violence against her husband - and additionally to wreak many acts of feminist legislative terrorism on the American plebiscite (and expect Bill to do the same). Now feminism has come full-circle to bite her in the nether end. (Please make special note of the strangeness cult feminism has inflicted on the American people as well, who often have not the finances or political connections to survive it).
This case presents a fascinating political conundrum. Normally, judges and prosecutors often lock up poor deadbeat hostages knowing that a close relative, usually the parents, will cash in their retirement savings to free the hostage. With this very large arrearage Anthony Rodham is near the top of America's hostage list. He should have been watching Oprah in the can for some time now.
So why is he not writing letters from jail right now? If Boxer pushes for incarceration (to make Hillary and Bill pay), the Democratic party would instantly implode. Boxer appears to be withholding her endorsement of Hillary as the not-so-subtle wedge to push the Clintons into buying her brother out of penury. After all, Bill Clinton could redeem Hillary's brother from the proceeds of just one speaking engagement (not so easy for the rest of us). Isn't it lovely when feminist Goliaths extort their peers in the middle of a Presidential race?
Deadbeat feminist politics hurts everyone. Once everyone realizes that child support must be ordered as a percentage of actual income, and limited to items that actually "are" child support, we will end entitled destruction of marriage. While most folks do not know enough to verbalize the details, they know in the guts and soul it is wrong.
Feminist federal laws destroy about half of all marriages regardless of one's party affiliation or rank in the party. The span of entitlements enticing women to legally trade husbands like whites once traded slaves is vast and powerful. This being the case, it is astonishing that neither party has adopted a strong marriage values agenda in either the congressional or Presidential races.
In closing: a word of advice for aspiring deadbeat politicians. Anybody who shills feminist policy in the future will have a short political career. Many prosecutors and politicians have lost races trying to play this card. If you don't believe me, just ask former Senators John Ashcroft or Jim Talent what dragged them down. Those who are running with both sides of their brains functioning will find that Marriage Values policies will capture the minds and hearts of the majority of voters. Marriage Values policy will resolve the majority of Congress's intractable legislative problems, such as poverty and health care coverage, which Congress can never possibly resolve via feminist approaches.
David R. Usher
Children, Missouri Coalition.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas Message from President Bush
Merry Christmas Message from President Bush
The following Christmas message has just been released by US President George W. Bush:
Christmas 2007
"But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High...his kingdom will never end.'"
Luke 1:30-33
During the Christmas season, our thoughts turn to the source of joy and hope born in a humble manger on a holy night more than 2,000 years ago. Each year, Christians everywhere celebrate this single life that changed the world and continues to change hearts today. The simple and inspiring story of the birth of Jesus fills our souls with gratitude for the many blessings in our lives and promises that God's purpose is justice and His plan is peace.
At this special time of year, we give thanks for Christ's message of love and mercy, and we are reminded of our responsibility to serve. America is blessed to have fine citizens who reach out with a compassionate hand to help brothers and sisters in need. We also remember our brave men and women in uniform who have volunteered to defend us in distant lands. Many of those who have answered the call of duty will spend Christmas far from home and separated from family. We honor their sacrifice, ask God to watch over them and their families, and pray for their safe return.
Christmas is a time to rejoice and remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Laura and I pray your Christmas will be blessed with family and fellowship, and we wish you a day of glad tidings. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas Message from President Bush
The following Christmas message has just been released by US President George W. Bush:
Christmas 2007
"But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High...his kingdom will never end.'"
Luke 1:30-33
During the Christmas season, our thoughts turn to the source of joy and hope born in a humble manger on a holy night more than 2,000 years ago. Each year, Christians everywhere celebrate this single life that changed the world and continues to change hearts today. The simple and inspiring story of the birth of Jesus fills our souls with gratitude for the many blessings in our lives and promises that God's purpose is justice and His plan is peace.
At this special time of year, we give thanks for Christ's message of love and mercy, and we are reminded of our responsibility to serve. America is blessed to have fine citizens who reach out with a compassionate hand to help brothers and sisters in need. We also remember our brave men and women in uniform who have volunteered to defend us in distant lands. Many of those who have answered the call of duty will spend Christmas far from home and separated from family. We honor their sacrifice, ask God to watch over them and their families, and pray for their safe return.
Christmas is a time to rejoice and remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Laura and I pray your Christmas will be blessed with family and fellowship, and we wish you a day of glad tidings. Merry Christmas.
A Christmas Wish from young John .
A Christmas Wish
Christmas is only a few days away and John, aged 7, lies in his bed thinking about his gran and granda. He was enjoying the thoughts of last Christmas when all the family had had a great time.
'It is ages since I saw them and I love granda to play football or cricket with me. Staying the weekend with them is magic! Gran always bakes special cakes for me. I really miss them both. When I ask daddy where they are and why we don't see them anymore, he just says "that's the way it is".
The last time they were round there was a big argument and a lot of crying. I think they have fallen out.
When I fall out with my friends, my mum always says "try to make up again – nothing is ever that bad" and we usually do. Maybe I should say that to mum and dad about gran and granda? What has happened that is so terrible?
My pals at school ask why my gran or granda does not bring me to school anymore. Some say that if they have fallen out, I will never see them again which makes me so sad. One boy keeps shouting, "nobody wants you" to it and me makes me wonder if it was my fault that they fell out.
Maybe I should try and put it right and say I'm sorry. I know they live a long way from us but I'm going to try and find them on Saturday. I will get up early and use my pocket money for bus fares.
Saturday came. John had hidden his backpack at the bottom of the stairs. He had his breakfast as usual, then told his parents he was going to play with his pal across the road. He slipped out with the backpack and headed for the bus stop at the bottom of the road and got on the first bus that came. He tried to remember the road his dad drove whey they did go round to see gran and granda, but it was all strange. So he got off that bus and got on another one. The bus came into a shopping centre that he did not recognise and everyone got off.
There were lots of people rushing about and Santa was going round say Merry Christmas to everyone. The centre was all lit up with Christmas lights. John was feeling frightened and lost and began to want his mum and dad.
A policeman spotted him and asked him who he was with. "I am trying to find my gran and granda but I think I'm lost," replied the lad. The policeman asked where he lived then phoned his mum and dad. They got the shock of their lives to discover where their son was and raced to him.
John thought they would angry with him, but they were only too happy that he was alright. "I was trying to find my gran and granda to tell them I was sorry if it was my fault you have fallen out," he told them. At this his mum burst into tears. Holding him tight she told him what had happened was not his fault. It was just adults being silly.
When they got home, mum and dad promised they would sort out the problems between them and gran and granda.
The very next day was Sunday. After dinner, there was a knock on the door and John rushed to open it thinking it was one of his pals. There in the doorway stood gran and granda. John was stunned. "well, are you not going to let us in?" said gran.
John threw himself at them and mum and dad joined them with tears all round. "We will have a great Christmas now" John thought.
Jimmy Deuchars.
"Bringing Families Together"
Merry Christmas
Christmas is only a few days away and John, aged 7, lies in his bed thinking about his gran and granda. He was enjoying the thoughts of last Christmas when all the family had had a great time.
'It is ages since I saw them and I love granda to play football or cricket with me. Staying the weekend with them is magic! Gran always bakes special cakes for me. I really miss them both. When I ask daddy where they are and why we don't see them anymore, he just says "that's the way it is".
The last time they were round there was a big argument and a lot of crying. I think they have fallen out.
When I fall out with my friends, my mum always says "try to make up again – nothing is ever that bad" and we usually do. Maybe I should say that to mum and dad about gran and granda? What has happened that is so terrible?
My pals at school ask why my gran or granda does not bring me to school anymore. Some say that if they have fallen out, I will never see them again which makes me so sad. One boy keeps shouting, "nobody wants you" to it and me makes me wonder if it was my fault that they fell out.
Maybe I should try and put it right and say I'm sorry. I know they live a long way from us but I'm going to try and find them on Saturday. I will get up early and use my pocket money for bus fares.
Saturday came. John had hidden his backpack at the bottom of the stairs. He had his breakfast as usual, then told his parents he was going to play with his pal across the road. He slipped out with the backpack and headed for the bus stop at the bottom of the road and got on the first bus that came. He tried to remember the road his dad drove whey they did go round to see gran and granda, but it was all strange. So he got off that bus and got on another one. The bus came into a shopping centre that he did not recognise and everyone got off.
There were lots of people rushing about and Santa was going round say Merry Christmas to everyone. The centre was all lit up with Christmas lights. John was feeling frightened and lost and began to want his mum and dad.
A policeman spotted him and asked him who he was with. "I am trying to find my gran and granda but I think I'm lost," replied the lad. The policeman asked where he lived then phoned his mum and dad. They got the shock of their lives to discover where their son was and raced to him.
John thought they would angry with him, but they were only too happy that he was alright. "I was trying to find my gran and granda to tell them I was sorry if it was my fault you have fallen out," he told them. At this his mum burst into tears. Holding him tight she told him what had happened was not his fault. It was just adults being silly.
When they got home, mum and dad promised they would sort out the problems between them and gran and granda.
The very next day was Sunday. After dinner, there was a knock on the door and John rushed to open it thinking it was one of his pals. There in the doorway stood gran and granda. John was stunned. "well, are you not going to let us in?" said gran.
John threw himself at them and mum and dad joined them with tears all round. "We will have a great Christmas now" John thought.
Jimmy Deuchars.
"Bringing Families Together"
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Kept from your kids; New Weapon in tug-of-war love cases
I found the article in the SST rather thought provoking and I tend to agree with the legal comment of both lawyers who state psychological abuse is already well covered within current domestic violence legislation. Existing law contained in the Act, Section 3 “ Meaning of Domestic violence” already adequately protects any parent worried about any sort of violence in the household. Section 13 of the Act states “ Application without notice protection order” can be obtained immediately by the any parent who is fearful about irrational behaviour affecting the safety and welfare of the children. Police, CYFS, Victim Support Counsellors, and lawyers will aid the concerned parent who becomes the applicant to proceedings from day one and advise her with her many options. The other party to proceedings, the respondent (dad) is stuffed from day one, as he is not viewed as a credible human being let alone a decent dad. He becomes what is know as a violent deadbeat dad and often the family court will decide he needs mental health treatment and a judge can sign him into a maximum security mental hospital for three months over Christmas time.
Dad, as the respondent and often reluctant client to family court proceedings is served with court orders barring immediate contact to his family because interim custody is automatically awarded to applicant once violence is alleged. Mum soon becomes a custodial parent and the father is tossed into the overwhelming world of grief as a non- –custodial parent, round cells, court, judges, lawyers, psychologists, anger management classes, cells and the impossible task of trying to initiate meaningful access to his children. Fathers who have formed stable and healthy bonds of love with their children can be a caring thoughtful dad’s one-day and in a prison cell the next, all on the balance of probabilities that psychological abuse was damaging the children in the household.
Often a father can experience extreme heartache when he is told by a court system that he is not worthy of contact with his children and supervised access in the presence of security guards is a degrading, harrowing and traumatic ordeal for a sad dad and his frightened kids.
I fear the further emphasis on the introduction of psychological abuse “ as a lever by warring partners” could further provide ammunition for a vindictive and vengeful partner. Once again, this is not in the child’s best interests. Children are a cash cow file number for the lecherous professionals who claim they’ll acting in the “ child’s best interests”. Yeah right, children are used as weapons of war in a winner take all court system that has no regard for future damage children. .
This focus on law change is totally unnecessary and more ambulance at the bottom of hill mentality. This is detrimental to the child’s best interests as it is sending the wrong message to parents. I would have thought the Family Court should be far better concerned about the common sense early intervention truthful mediation approach rather than adding more laws into the cauldron. A meeting of the minds by caring people could eliminate adversity in so many cases and it would ease the stress for children considerably. It would also stop false allegations in their tracks, which would benefit the children immensely. Sadly the Ministry of Justice is going down litigation road again and lawyers, psychologists and counselors will be the big winners again. Kids and dads the losers again.
Some fathers’ experience gender bias within a family court system that can meander slowly down litigation road for years. The longer the case can drag on for the more money the gravy train in the family court can accumulate. The court appointed children’s lawyers earn in excess of $350 per hour and the applicant to proceedings is the recipient of legal aid. Psychological report cost thousands upon thousands, however not one of them ever bother to witness the love and joyous occasions between a shafted dad and his beautiful daughters when he is luckily enough to have the pious court give him a privileged access visit. Its sad and heart - rending! The court fails to recognize parental alienation syndrome as a legitimate weapon of war because the court actually encourages lengthy and complicated litigation. The longer the period the father is denied access the better chance they have of rubber stamping the lie. Who said a lie cannot run far because it has short legs? Obviously they not have been a client of the sinister family court. In my case; 200 Court appearances resulting from a family court case that started in 2001 because a judge said; Mr Burns was rather obsessive and psychologically abusive to his partner…”
Family Law needs a radical rethink because the damage to the children and fathers is horrific.
Kept from your kids
New weapon in tug-of-love cases
Sunday Star Times | Sunday, 16 December 2007
Warring parents are set to gain a new lever to bar their partner from access to the children. Ruth Laugesen and Emma Page report.
Parents could be instantly banned from any contact with their children for months at a time under new proposals to allow claims of psychological abuse to be treated in the same way as allegations of violence in family breakdowns.
And, in much the same way as the anti-smacking debate divided opinion, experts are warning the proposals could cause problems for the Family Court when it tries to decide the difference between psychological abuse and normal and necessary parental control.
Under current laws, violence allegations result in an immediate, temporary ban on the accused parent from having access to his or her children, or having only supervised access, until the allegations can be heard a process which can take months. The law change would mean a claim of psychological abuse would be treated the same way.
The proposal, in a Ministry of Justice discussion paper released last week, suggests widening the Care of Children Act to recognise psychological abuse as another form of violence.
About 10,500 applications for day-to-day care are made each year and at this time of year, family lawyers are also dealing with an influx of calls over Christmas Day access arrangements.
About 125,000 Kiwi families with dependent children are headed by a solo parent and one in six New Zealand children lives in a blended family with a step-parent.
South Auckland lawyer Paul Maskell, chair of the Law Society's family law section, said it often took three months for the truth of an allegation to be settled. And he said that although widening the definition of violence to include psychological abuse had some merits, it also carried the risk that it would be used as a lever by warring partners.
"It will make that task harder for judges to determine whether children are safe when you extend that definition. Physical violence is pretty easy to identify it is or it isn't. One wants to be able to ensure the right evidence is available for the court in the first place," he said.
The paper said psychological abuse could include "intimidation, harassment, controlling behaviour, threats of physical abuse and also includes causing or allowing a child to see or hear the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a person with whom the child has a domestic relationship".
"The nature of parental control and responsibility for children may make it difficult in some situations to determine whether a parent is abusive or simply exercising necessary parental control," the discussion paper said.
Expanding the definition might lead to an increase in allegations and counter-allegations of violence and also to an increase in orders for supervised contact or orders of no contact between the violent party and the child. "The impact of such orders can be significant, severely limiting or preventing contact between a parent and a child," the paper said.
However, Auckland family lawyer Geoff Harrison said he believed the law change would make no difference.
He said judges already took into account a wide range of information relating to a child's welfare and the parent's attitude when they decided who would look after a child or have access. This included psychological abuse.
Dad, as the respondent and often reluctant client to family court proceedings is served with court orders barring immediate contact to his family because interim custody is automatically awarded to applicant once violence is alleged. Mum soon becomes a custodial parent and the father is tossed into the overwhelming world of grief as a non- –custodial parent, round cells, court, judges, lawyers, psychologists, anger management classes, cells and the impossible task of trying to initiate meaningful access to his children. Fathers who have formed stable and healthy bonds of love with their children can be a caring thoughtful dad’s one-day and in a prison cell the next, all on the balance of probabilities that psychological abuse was damaging the children in the household.
Often a father can experience extreme heartache when he is told by a court system that he is not worthy of contact with his children and supervised access in the presence of security guards is a degrading, harrowing and traumatic ordeal for a sad dad and his frightened kids.
I fear the further emphasis on the introduction of psychological abuse “ as a lever by warring partners” could further provide ammunition for a vindictive and vengeful partner. Once again, this is not in the child’s best interests. Children are a cash cow file number for the lecherous professionals who claim they’ll acting in the “ child’s best interests”. Yeah right, children are used as weapons of war in a winner take all court system that has no regard for future damage children. .
This focus on law change is totally unnecessary and more ambulance at the bottom of hill mentality. This is detrimental to the child’s best interests as it is sending the wrong message to parents. I would have thought the Family Court should be far better concerned about the common sense early intervention truthful mediation approach rather than adding more laws into the cauldron. A meeting of the minds by caring people could eliminate adversity in so many cases and it would ease the stress for children considerably. It would also stop false allegations in their tracks, which would benefit the children immensely. Sadly the Ministry of Justice is going down litigation road again and lawyers, psychologists and counselors will be the big winners again. Kids and dads the losers again.
Some fathers’ experience gender bias within a family court system that can meander slowly down litigation road for years. The longer the case can drag on for the more money the gravy train in the family court can accumulate. The court appointed children’s lawyers earn in excess of $350 per hour and the applicant to proceedings is the recipient of legal aid. Psychological report cost thousands upon thousands, however not one of them ever bother to witness the love and joyous occasions between a shafted dad and his beautiful daughters when he is luckily enough to have the pious court give him a privileged access visit. Its sad and heart - rending! The court fails to recognize parental alienation syndrome as a legitimate weapon of war because the court actually encourages lengthy and complicated litigation. The longer the period the father is denied access the better chance they have of rubber stamping the lie. Who said a lie cannot run far because it has short legs? Obviously they not have been a client of the sinister family court. In my case; 200 Court appearances resulting from a family court case that started in 2001 because a judge said; Mr Burns was rather obsessive and psychologically abusive to his partner…”
Family Law needs a radical rethink because the damage to the children and fathers is horrific.
Kept from your kids
New weapon in tug-of-love cases
Sunday Star Times | Sunday, 16 December 2007
Warring parents are set to gain a new lever to bar their partner from access to the children. Ruth Laugesen and Emma Page report.
Parents could be instantly banned from any contact with their children for months at a time under new proposals to allow claims of psychological abuse to be treated in the same way as allegations of violence in family breakdowns.
And, in much the same way as the anti-smacking debate divided opinion, experts are warning the proposals could cause problems for the Family Court when it tries to decide the difference between psychological abuse and normal and necessary parental control.
Under current laws, violence allegations result in an immediate, temporary ban on the accused parent from having access to his or her children, or having only supervised access, until the allegations can be heard a process which can take months. The law change would mean a claim of psychological abuse would be treated the same way.
The proposal, in a Ministry of Justice discussion paper released last week, suggests widening the Care of Children Act to recognise psychological abuse as another form of violence.
About 10,500 applications for day-to-day care are made each year and at this time of year, family lawyers are also dealing with an influx of calls over Christmas Day access arrangements.
About 125,000 Kiwi families with dependent children are headed by a solo parent and one in six New Zealand children lives in a blended family with a step-parent.
South Auckland lawyer Paul Maskell, chair of the Law Society's family law section, said it often took three months for the truth of an allegation to be settled. And he said that although widening the definition of violence to include psychological abuse had some merits, it also carried the risk that it would be used as a lever by warring partners.
"It will make that task harder for judges to determine whether children are safe when you extend that definition. Physical violence is pretty easy to identify it is or it isn't. One wants to be able to ensure the right evidence is available for the court in the first place," he said.
The paper said psychological abuse could include "intimidation, harassment, controlling behaviour, threats of physical abuse and also includes causing or allowing a child to see or hear the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a person with whom the child has a domestic relationship".
"The nature of parental control and responsibility for children may make it difficult in some situations to determine whether a parent is abusive or simply exercising necessary parental control," the discussion paper said.
Expanding the definition might lead to an increase in allegations and counter-allegations of violence and also to an increase in orders for supervised contact or orders of no contact between the violent party and the child. "The impact of such orders can be significant, severely limiting or preventing contact between a parent and a child," the paper said.
However, Auckland family lawyer Geoff Harrison said he believed the law change would make no difference.
He said judges already took into account a wide range of information relating to a child's welfare and the parent's attitude when they decided who would look after a child or have access. This included psychological abuse.
Study links brain defects to pedophilia
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Study links brain defects to pedophilia
Missing Tissue; Psychiatrist says he was taken aback by results
Tom Blackwell, National Post Published: Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A Canadian study involving MRI brain scans has uncovered intriguing new evidence that pedophiles are compelled to commit their reviled crimes because of neurological flaws.
The brains of such offenders seem to contain considerably less white matter than those of non-sexual criminals, the research concluded. That missing tissue could indicate a breakdown in the neurological network that processes erotic signals -- leading to an abnormal attraction to children, the authors theorize.
Dr. James Cantor, the psychologist who led the study, said he was taken aback by the variations between the pedophiles and non-sexual offenders.
"It's actually quite a dramatic difference," he said. "I expected ... to find some tiny little area of the brain that might be different between one group and the other. Instead I found these large swaths of material that was very low in volume [in pedophiles]."
Those brain deficiencies might be caused by something that harmed the fetus while their mothers were pregnant. If so, identifying that influence could help prevent the creation of potential new pedophiles, said the paper just published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Outside experts raised some questions about the validity of the results, but said the findings, if borne out with more research, would be a major step forward in understanding sexual impulses generally.
"If it turns out to be found in everyone who has this problem, it would [point to] the mechanism for not only normal sexual interest but abnormal sexual interest too," said Paul Federoff, a psychologist at the Royal Ottawa Hospital who works with pedophiles. "That would be a huge development."
However, he said the research shows only a correlation between the brain deficiency and pedophilia, not necessarily a cause-and-effect relationship.
Scientists have traditionally believed that having a sexual preference for children was the result of environmental factors, such as sexual abuse or other trauma in childhood.
The focus of Dr. Cantor's research, though, has been exploring possible biological causes. Other studies he conducted, for instance, have found that pedophiles are more likely to be left-handed and have low IQs, both potential indicators of a neurological deficit.
For the latest research, he had MRI brain scans performed on 65 people he identified as pedophiles, and a control group of 62 criminals with no history of sexual offences.
Digital analysis of the MRI images indicated that the pedophiles tended to have smaller volumes of white matter over a relatively large area of the brain.
In simple terms, white matter is like the computer cable that links segments of grey matter, the brain's computers. The areas of white matter where pedophiles had deficiences happen to connect cortical regions that, other research suggests, process and respond to sexual clues. It is possible pedophiles have a disconnection, or insufficient connection, in that sexual-response network, the paper says.
That may either lead to pedophilia directly, or make people more susceptible to the problem if they are victims of outside influences, like child abuse, the study suggests.
Dr. Patrick Baillie, a Calgary psychologist who works with pedophiles, said the research is far from definitive, partly because some of those Dr. Cantor considered pedophiles may not truly meet the definition.
However, he said the notion of a neurological explanation for pedophilia makes sense to him. It might be the brain differences are caused by outside trauma at a young age, and the sexual preferences of that age are "locked in" for life, Dr. Baillie said.
Dr. Cantor said his arguments in favour of a biological explanation for pedophiles seem to resonate both with victims and parents of the offenders, based on letters he has received. Mothers of pedophiles have told him they were relieved to think that it was not necessarily something they did to their sons that turned them into sexual offenders.
Study links brain defects to pedophilia
Missing Tissue; Psychiatrist says he was taken aback by results
Tom Blackwell, National Post Published: Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A Canadian study involving MRI brain scans has uncovered intriguing new evidence that pedophiles are compelled to commit their reviled crimes because of neurological flaws.
The brains of such offenders seem to contain considerably less white matter than those of non-sexual criminals, the research concluded. That missing tissue could indicate a breakdown in the neurological network that processes erotic signals -- leading to an abnormal attraction to children, the authors theorize.
Dr. James Cantor, the psychologist who led the study, said he was taken aback by the variations between the pedophiles and non-sexual offenders.
"It's actually quite a dramatic difference," he said. "I expected ... to find some tiny little area of the brain that might be different between one group and the other. Instead I found these large swaths of material that was very low in volume [in pedophiles]."
Those brain deficiencies might be caused by something that harmed the fetus while their mothers were pregnant. If so, identifying that influence could help prevent the creation of potential new pedophiles, said the paper just published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Outside experts raised some questions about the validity of the results, but said the findings, if borne out with more research, would be a major step forward in understanding sexual impulses generally.
"If it turns out to be found in everyone who has this problem, it would [point to] the mechanism for not only normal sexual interest but abnormal sexual interest too," said Paul Federoff, a psychologist at the Royal Ottawa Hospital who works with pedophiles. "That would be a huge development."
However, he said the research shows only a correlation between the brain deficiency and pedophilia, not necessarily a cause-and-effect relationship.
Scientists have traditionally believed that having a sexual preference for children was the result of environmental factors, such as sexual abuse or other trauma in childhood.
The focus of Dr. Cantor's research, though, has been exploring possible biological causes. Other studies he conducted, for instance, have found that pedophiles are more likely to be left-handed and have low IQs, both potential indicators of a neurological deficit.
For the latest research, he had MRI brain scans performed on 65 people he identified as pedophiles, and a control group of 62 criminals with no history of sexual offences.
Digital analysis of the MRI images indicated that the pedophiles tended to have smaller volumes of white matter over a relatively large area of the brain.
In simple terms, white matter is like the computer cable that links segments of grey matter, the brain's computers. The areas of white matter where pedophiles had deficiences happen to connect cortical regions that, other research suggests, process and respond to sexual clues. It is possible pedophiles have a disconnection, or insufficient connection, in that sexual-response network, the paper says.
That may either lead to pedophilia directly, or make people more susceptible to the problem if they are victims of outside influences, like child abuse, the study suggests.
Dr. Patrick Baillie, a Calgary psychologist who works with pedophiles, said the research is far from definitive, partly because some of those Dr. Cantor considered pedophiles may not truly meet the definition.
However, he said the notion of a neurological explanation for pedophilia makes sense to him. It might be the brain differences are caused by outside trauma at a young age, and the sexual preferences of that age are "locked in" for life, Dr. Baillie said.
Dr. Cantor said his arguments in favour of a biological explanation for pedophiles seem to resonate both with victims and parents of the offenders, based on letters he has received. Mothers of pedophiles have told him they were relieved to think that it was not necessarily something they did to their sons that turned them into sexual offenders.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas soldier
T'was the night before Christmas,
He lived all alone,
In a one bedroom house,
Made of plaster and stone.
I had come down the chimney,
With presents to give,
And to see just who,
In this home did live.
I looked all about,
A strange sight I did see,
No tinsel, no presents,
Not even a tree.
No stocking by the mantle,
Just boots filled with sand,
On the wall hung pictures,
Of far distant lands.
With medals and badges,
Awards of all kinds,
A sober thought,
Came through my mind.
For this house was different,
It was dark and dreary,
I found the home of a soldier,
Once I could see clearly.
The soldier lay sleeping,
Silent, alone,
Curled up on the floor,
In this one bedroom home.
The face was so gentle,
The room in such disorder,
Not how I pictured,
A Canadian soldier.
Was this the hero,
Of whom I'd just read?,
Curled up on a poncho,
The floor for a bed?
I realized the families,
That I saw this night,
Owed their lives to these soldiers,
Who were willing to fight.
Soon round the world,
The children would play,
And grownups would celebrate,
A bright Christmas Day.
They all enjoyed freedom,
Each month of the year,
Because of the soldiers,
Like the one lying here.
I couldn't help wonder,
How many lay alone,
On a cold Christmas Eve,
In a land far from home.
The very thought brought
A tear to my eye,
I dropped to my knees,
And started to cry.
The soldier awakened,
And I heard a rough voice,
'Santa, don't cry.
This life is my choice.
I fight for freedom,
I don't ask for more,
My life is my God,
My country, my corps.'
The soldier rolled over,
And drifted to sleep,
I couldn't control it,
I continued to weep.
I kept watch for hours,
So silent and still,
And we both shivered,
From the cold night's chill.
I didn't want to leave,
On that cold, dark night,
This guardian of honor,
So willing to fight.
Then the soldier rolled over,
With a voice, soft and pure,
Whispered, 'Carry on Santa,
It's Christmas Day, all is secure.'
One look at my watch,
And I knew he was right,
'Merry Christmas my friend,
And to all a good night.'
This poem was written by a peace keeping soldier stationed overseas.
The following is his request. I think it is reasonable.
PLEASE: Would you do me the kind favor of sending this to as many people as you can? Christmas will be coming soon and some credit is due to our Canadian service men and women for our being able to celebrate these festivities. Let's try in this small way to pay a tiny bit of what we owe. Make people stop and think of our heroes, living and dead, who sacrificed themselves for us.
It is interesting to note that more than 400 Kiwi soldiers will serve in missions this Christmas and top brass have expressed concerns that forces are stretched .
He lived all alone,
In a one bedroom house,
Made of plaster and stone.
I had come down the chimney,
With presents to give,
And to see just who,
In this home did live.
I looked all about,
A strange sight I did see,
No tinsel, no presents,
Not even a tree.
No stocking by the mantle,
Just boots filled with sand,
On the wall hung pictures,
Of far distant lands.
With medals and badges,
Awards of all kinds,
A sober thought,
Came through my mind.
For this house was different,
It was dark and dreary,
I found the home of a soldier,
Once I could see clearly.
The soldier lay sleeping,
Silent, alone,
Curled up on the floor,
In this one bedroom home.
The face was so gentle,
The room in such disorder,
Not how I pictured,
A Canadian soldier.
Was this the hero,
Of whom I'd just read?,
Curled up on a poncho,
The floor for a bed?
I realized the families,
That I saw this night,
Owed their lives to these soldiers,
Who were willing to fight.
Soon round the world,
The children would play,
And grownups would celebrate,
A bright Christmas Day.
They all enjoyed freedom,
Each month of the year,
Because of the soldiers,
Like the one lying here.
I couldn't help wonder,
How many lay alone,
On a cold Christmas Eve,
In a land far from home.
The very thought brought
A tear to my eye,
I dropped to my knees,
And started to cry.
The soldier awakened,
And I heard a rough voice,
'Santa, don't cry.
This life is my choice.
I fight for freedom,
I don't ask for more,
My life is my God,
My country, my corps.'
The soldier rolled over,
And drifted to sleep,
I couldn't control it,
I continued to weep.
I kept watch for hours,
So silent and still,
And we both shivered,
From the cold night's chill.
I didn't want to leave,
On that cold, dark night,
This guardian of honor,
So willing to fight.
Then the soldier rolled over,
With a voice, soft and pure,
Whispered, 'Carry on Santa,
It's Christmas Day, all is secure.'
One look at my watch,
And I knew he was right,
'Merry Christmas my friend,
And to all a good night.'
This poem was written by a peace keeping soldier stationed overseas.
The following is his request. I think it is reasonable.
PLEASE: Would you do me the kind favor of sending this to as many people as you can? Christmas will be coming soon and some credit is due to our Canadian service men and women for our being able to celebrate these festivities. Let's try in this small way to pay a tiny bit of what we owe. Make people stop and think of our heroes, living and dead, who sacrificed themselves for us.
It is interesting to note that more than 400 Kiwi soldiers will serve in missions this Christmas and top brass have expressed concerns that forces are stretched .
Sunday, December 16, 2007
NZ ; PM Name Change
The Labour Party snakes are going insane !
Tane Says:
December 17th, 2007 at 2:24 pm
I quite liked blogblog’s take on Boscawen’s last effort, which pleaded hysterically, ‘Answer My Question, Prime Minister!’
Yep, he’s like Dad4Justice with money:
Boscawen - Dad4Justice with Money
John Boscawen has descended into Dad4Justice-style raving in his latest anti-EFB ad.
I love the title ‘Answer My Question, Prime Minister!’. As if the leader of a country has nothing better to do than address the rants of a rich loon.
In the terribly boring ad (do he and Key use the same production people?), Boscawen says he’s now spent $190,000 in his campaign.
He tries to show this isn’t just one man’s crazy crusade by saying that $45,000 (less than a quarter) of that money came from other donors, and $5,000 of that came from fundraising at the rallies, which truend out less than 5,000 people in total.
So, campaign funding: $145,000 from Mr Boscawen (5.4 times the median annual income, incidentally), $40,000 from secret backers, $5,000 from the few people who cared enough to march for half an hour on the issue ($1 per person). Sounds like a one-man campaign to me.
December 17th, 2007 at 2:24 pm
I quite liked blogblog’s take on Boscawen’s last effort, which pleaded hysterically, ‘Answer My Question, Prime Minister!’
Yep, he’s like Dad4Justice with money:
Boscawen - Dad4Justice with Money
John Boscawen has descended into Dad4Justice-style raving in his latest anti-EFB ad.
I love the title ‘Answer My Question, Prime Minister!’. As if the leader of a country has nothing better to do than address the rants of a rich loon.
In the terribly boring ad (do he and Key use the same production people?), Boscawen says he’s now spent $190,000 in his campaign.
He tries to show this isn’t just one man’s crazy crusade by saying that $45,000 (less than a quarter) of that money came from other donors, and $5,000 of that came from fundraising at the rallies, which truend out less than 5,000 people in total.
So, campaign funding: $145,000 from Mr Boscawen (5.4 times the median annual income, incidentally), $40,000 from secret backers, $5,000 from the few people who cared enough to march for half an hour on the issue ($1 per person). Sounds like a one-man campaign to me.
d4j called a paedophile again :-(
Below is a section of a thread from the internet group The Briefing Room . I can say that I have had it with these snakes , like fugley who hid behind internet anonymity, keyboard cowards without apparent consequences ? Well for the sake of my children , justice is coming . Hell who said this was going to be a clean battle . It does really knock you back, heart wrenching - malicious comments like this , however some people call me a gangster of love and I 'll do anything to protect my children from evil . Thank you Andrei for stopping the thread . fugley you are beyond hope .
tbr ( today)
Sam that was the weakest girlish comment I think I have ever read . I hope you get that , oh by the way nice to see the Liarbore communists getting a slaying in the polls . Just think when they are rolled and justice is served you could be sharing a cell with dear leader ? Some girls do and some don't . What a wimpster Sam Sillymore .
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 08:35 AM
lol dad4justice your right Sams comment was weak and girlish . man those Labratbore communists deserve they're slaying for hating god I do think!!!! sam pinafore is a girl all right wimpster.
Posted by: Ryan Sproull | December 17, 2007 at 08:42 AM
Ryan ; the Holy spirit is going to put the right people in government and the secular fools will be lost for words . The revival starts downunder , sit back for the righteous ride that will shock many into faith .
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 08:57 AM
dad ; isnt that what Bishop Cryin Pamper-me said in the last election!!!?? he said density NZ would be running the country the wimpsters!!!! how long will we be waiting
Posted by: Ryan Sproull | December 17, 2007 at 09:01 AM
Ryan - clearly you are a nutbar not worth wasting my time with . What a sad case .Get a life . Goodbye queer.
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:03 AM
dad4justice u r gay lol
Posted by: Ryan Sproull | December 17, 2007 at 09:04 AM
Look ryan , like most nutbar trolls on this site you have whimsical mind that always bring the disorder of homosexuality into proceedings as calling something queer does not insinuate anal sex .
For example , what a queer looking pimple on the end of your nose Ryan ?
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:17 AM
For example ; isn't it queer that the majority of the country hates Helen Clark ?
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:18 AM
dad4justice , i agree brother!!! and gay means happy so why are you talking about anal sex wimpster!!! what a sad case .Get a life .
Posted by: Ryan Sproull | December 17, 2007 at 09:20 AM
Dear dad4justice,
You are a nut bar and a loser. The only spirit you imbibe is the secular alcohol.
BTW, who IS the peadophile who attacked his kids when mummy had done her best to protect them from nutbar daddy?
Posted by: fugley | December 17, 2007 at 09:27 AM
Ryan - you might as well give up now, as from my vantage point I think I won this fire fight well and truly . You are so easy , what a cruise victory is going too be .Try again when you twits can gather strength again .
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:28 AM
Nice fugley my two teenage daughters whom I have full custody think you are rather sad . Ouch that hurt - bye bye twitters !!
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:30 AM
Ian or whomever - I want fugleys IP address as my daughters are going to POLICE !!
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:31 AM
Fucken hell, Fugley, that's pretty brutal.
Posted by: Ryan Sproull | December 17, 2007 at 09:32 AM
Western Springs or Westpac Trust Stadium?
Posted by: Cass | December 17, 2007 at 10:18 AM
This thread is now closed
Posted by: andrei | December 17, 2007 at 11:08 AM
tbr ( today)
Sam that was the weakest girlish comment I think I have ever read . I hope you get that , oh by the way nice to see the Liarbore communists getting a slaying in the polls . Just think when they are rolled and justice is served you could be sharing a cell with dear leader ? Some girls do and some don't . What a wimpster Sam Sillymore .
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 08:35 AM
lol dad4justice your right Sams comment was weak and girlish . man those Labratbore communists deserve they're slaying for hating god I do think!!!! sam pinafore is a girl all right wimpster.
Posted by: Ryan Sproull | December 17, 2007 at 08:42 AM
Ryan ; the Holy spirit is going to put the right people in government and the secular fools will be lost for words . The revival starts downunder , sit back for the righteous ride that will shock many into faith .
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 08:57 AM
dad ; isnt that what Bishop Cryin Pamper-me said in the last election!!!?? he said density NZ would be running the country the wimpsters!!!! how long will we be waiting
Posted by: Ryan Sproull | December 17, 2007 at 09:01 AM
Ryan - clearly you are a nutbar not worth wasting my time with . What a sad case .Get a life . Goodbye queer.
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:03 AM
dad4justice u r gay lol
Posted by: Ryan Sproull | December 17, 2007 at 09:04 AM
Look ryan , like most nutbar trolls on this site you have whimsical mind that always bring the disorder of homosexuality into proceedings as calling something queer does not insinuate anal sex .
For example , what a queer looking pimple on the end of your nose Ryan ?
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:17 AM
For example ; isn't it queer that the majority of the country hates Helen Clark ?
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:18 AM
dad4justice , i agree brother!!! and gay means happy so why are you talking about anal sex wimpster!!! what a sad case .Get a life .
Posted by: Ryan Sproull | December 17, 2007 at 09:20 AM
Dear dad4justice,
You are a nut bar and a loser. The only spirit you imbibe is the secular alcohol.
BTW, who IS the peadophile who attacked his kids when mummy had done her best to protect them from nutbar daddy?
Posted by: fugley | December 17, 2007 at 09:27 AM
Ryan - you might as well give up now, as from my vantage point I think I won this fire fight well and truly . You are so easy , what a cruise victory is going too be .Try again when you twits can gather strength again .
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:28 AM
Nice fugley my two teenage daughters whom I have full custody think you are rather sad . Ouch that hurt - bye bye twitters !!
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:30 AM
Ian or whomever - I want fugleys IP address as my daughters are going to POLICE !!
Posted by: dad4justice | December 17, 2007 at 09:31 AM
Fucken hell, Fugley, that's pretty brutal.
Posted by: Ryan Sproull | December 17, 2007 at 09:32 AM
Western Springs or Westpac Trust Stadium?
Posted by: Cass | December 17, 2007 at 10:18 AM
This thread is now closed
Posted by: andrei | December 17, 2007 at 11:08 AM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Paedophile dupes CYFS and Family Court !!
This is typical from a deluded Family Court . Judges sit behind benches and read lies from well paid lawyers and psychologists . These people are under instruction to mandate ideology's within the feminazi court structure by politicians . For example, the then associate Minister of Justice Lianne Dalziel 2002 address to the Christchurch Family court . The manager of the court was so disgusted he resigned and was replaced by one of Helen's girls . The Family Court does not act in the child's best interests, as it is a gravy train of deceit and the children are the victims . The professional leaches suck blood money while the children get STD's as 12 year olds . If only people knew the sordid world of the terrible Family Court ? Talk about angry and sad !!
Q ;How could a dysfunctional Family Court allow this to happen?
A; The Family Court in my case has killed my mother in 2005 and helped both my daughters get sexually abused by their court protected Gran dad. !!! My two daughters have had a court appointed lawyer called Adrienne Edwards, since 2001 and this pus ridden maggot has not once cared a hoot about my daughters terrible predicament .
She gets thousands upon thousands of tax payers dollars so she can destroy my credibility .You know not once has she witnessed my interaction with my beautiful daughters . She is evil !! The Family Court is a pit full of dirty low life vipers .CYFS are that dysfunctional they are dangerous . I will make them ALL accountable . I am going to exact revenge on that insidious child abuse factory .It is a place devoid of genuine credibility and moral substance .
Man molests daughter in CYF care
Child, Youth and Family (CYF) has conceded it was duped by a paedophile who was able to molest his daughter after being given unsupervised access to her.
The man, who is from a small South Island town, last month admitted two charges of indecently assaulting a girl under 12 and four of unlawful sexual connection with a girl under 12, involving two girls.
Judge Michael Crosbie has asked the Crown to investigate the possibility of preventive detention for the man, 42, who will be sentenced on February 22.
The man's former partner and mother of one of the girls has criticised CYF for allowing him access to their daughter in 2003, despite knowing of his convictions for indecent assault.
"I started making waves years ago," she said.
"But three days a week he was given the opportunity to pick my daughter up from school and have her all afternoon.
"It's just disgusting."
CYF southern regional director John Henderson said the government agency had known of the man's offending, despite him changing the spelling of his name, but he was granted unsupervised access by the Family Court after undertaking treatment programmes.
"For the vast majority of the time his daughter has been in our care, the offender was granted only supervised access, however, a reassessment of the access arrangements in 2003 resulted in the Family Court approving unsupervised access as he had progressed well in his therapy," he said.
"All those working with this family are horrified at what has happened. We are all searching for answers and seeking to understand how those in expert fields have been duped by this man."
The offending began when the girls were aged five and six and stopped when the man was sent to jail on an unrelated matter.
The sexual offending was revealed after his release when he again made sexual advances to his daughter.
Henderson said an access safety plan had been developed this year with CYF, which meant the man was never left alone with his daughter and there was to be no skin contact apart from a kiss on the cheek on arriving and leaving.
"Despite this, within only five days of his release from prison (this year) the offender took advantage of small moments of inattention, such as turning away to make a coffee, to inappropriately touch his daughter on her back and leg," Henderson said.
"The two incidents occurred in a matter of seconds and were so quick the foster parent did not see this happening.
"At no time was the offender left alone in a room with his daughter. Her caregivers are extremely protective and loving. This was very devious and blatant behaviour."
The young girl then disclosed the offending to her foster mother and also made a full disclosure of sexual abuse by her father prior to his recent imprisonment.
It was the first time that she had told anyone about the previous abuse.
Henderson defended the foster parents' care of the girl, saying CYF had full confidence in them.
"She has been with her foster parents for several years and we believe that the attachment and bond she has with her foster parents strengthened her ability to tell us the full story."
Q ;How could a dysfunctional Family Court allow this to happen?
A; The Family Court in my case has killed my mother in 2005 and helped both my daughters get sexually abused by their court protected Gran dad. !!! My two daughters have had a court appointed lawyer called Adrienne Edwards, since 2001 and this pus ridden maggot has not once cared a hoot about my daughters terrible predicament .
She gets thousands upon thousands of tax payers dollars so she can destroy my credibility .You know not once has she witnessed my interaction with my beautiful daughters . She is evil !! The Family Court is a pit full of dirty low life vipers .CYFS are that dysfunctional they are dangerous . I will make them ALL accountable . I am going to exact revenge on that insidious child abuse factory .It is a place devoid of genuine credibility and moral substance .
Man molests daughter in CYF care
Child, Youth and Family (CYF) has conceded it was duped by a paedophile who was able to molest his daughter after being given unsupervised access to her.
The man, who is from a small South Island town, last month admitted two charges of indecently assaulting a girl under 12 and four of unlawful sexual connection with a girl under 12, involving two girls.
Judge Michael Crosbie has asked the Crown to investigate the possibility of preventive detention for the man, 42, who will be sentenced on February 22.
The man's former partner and mother of one of the girls has criticised CYF for allowing him access to their daughter in 2003, despite knowing of his convictions for indecent assault.
"I started making waves years ago," she said.
"But three days a week he was given the opportunity to pick my daughter up from school and have her all afternoon.
"It's just disgusting."
CYF southern regional director John Henderson said the government agency had known of the man's offending, despite him changing the spelling of his name, but he was granted unsupervised access by the Family Court after undertaking treatment programmes.
"For the vast majority of the time his daughter has been in our care, the offender was granted only supervised access, however, a reassessment of the access arrangements in 2003 resulted in the Family Court approving unsupervised access as he had progressed well in his therapy," he said.
"All those working with this family are horrified at what has happened. We are all searching for answers and seeking to understand how those in expert fields have been duped by this man."
The offending began when the girls were aged five and six and stopped when the man was sent to jail on an unrelated matter.
The sexual offending was revealed after his release when he again made sexual advances to his daughter.
Henderson said an access safety plan had been developed this year with CYF, which meant the man was never left alone with his daughter and there was to be no skin contact apart from a kiss on the cheek on arriving and leaving.
"Despite this, within only five days of his release from prison (this year) the offender took advantage of small moments of inattention, such as turning away to make a coffee, to inappropriately touch his daughter on her back and leg," Henderson said.
"The two incidents occurred in a matter of seconds and were so quick the foster parent did not see this happening.
"At no time was the offender left alone in a room with his daughter. Her caregivers are extremely protective and loving. This was very devious and blatant behaviour."
The young girl then disclosed the offending to her foster mother and also made a full disclosure of sexual abuse by her father prior to his recent imprisonment.
It was the first time that she had told anyone about the previous abuse.
Henderson defended the foster parents' care of the girl, saying CYF had full confidence in them.
"She has been with her foster parents for several years and we believe that the attachment and bond she has with her foster parents strengthened her ability to tell us the full story."
Friday, December 14, 2007
Who Needs Credit Cards
Dear dad4justice,
In case you missed it, Wal-Mart began selling pink
panties adorned with "Who Needs Credit Cards." This
caused an uproar, and Wal-Mart removed them from
its stores.,2933,316580,00.html
Why the uproar? Because the truth hurts. These four
words expose how mothers train their daughters to
act with men, right?
Every girl in a bar EXPECTING men to buy her a drink
is implying the same thing. Every girl who pulls the
routine is implying the same thing. But, when it's
written on the crotch of panties, it's too accurate.
It exposes the truth. The truth hurts.
The uproar occurred because this message is as
inappropriate on girls' panties as it is in the
behavior of women in dating and marriage. If girls
don't want to be thought of as whores, they must stop
acting like them. They must pay on dates, and stop
EXPECTING to be wined & dined & vacationed & kept.
Tune in at 4PM ET/1PM PT to "Your World with Neil
Cavuto" to watch me debate this with Lis Wiehl.
MHR Enterprises
PO Box 33086
Los Gatos, CA 95031-3086
In case you missed it, Wal-Mart began selling pink
panties adorned with "Who Needs Credit Cards." This
caused an uproar, and Wal-Mart removed them from
its stores.,2933,316580,00.html
Why the uproar? Because the truth hurts. These four
words expose how mothers train their daughters to
act with men, right?
Every girl in a bar EXPECTING men to buy her a drink
is implying the same thing. Every girl who pulls the
routine is implying the same thing. But, when it's
written on the crotch of panties, it's too accurate.
It exposes the truth. The truth hurts.
The uproar occurred because this message is as
inappropriate on girls' panties as it is in the
behavior of women in dating and marriage. If girls
don't want to be thought of as whores, they must stop
acting like them. They must pay on dates, and stop
EXPECTING to be wined & dined & vacationed & kept.
Tune in at 4PM ET/1PM PT to "Your World with Neil
Cavuto" to watch me debate this with Lis Wiehl.
MHR Enterprises
PO Box 33086
Los Gatos, CA 95031-3086
Canada - Problematic in pink
Problematic in pink
The Liberals’ new ‘Pink Book’ would encourage more bias against men
KAREN SELICK National Post
The Liberal Women’s Caucus — the 21 female Liberal MPs headed by Belinda Stronach, pictured, — is attempting to woo women voters with its recently released Pink Book, Volume II. The biggest headline-grabber of its many policy prescriptions was that the Divorce Act should be amended. This suggestion may make the Liberals lose as many male votes as they gain female votes. In fact, when the ramifications are explained to Canadian women, they too may find the proposals repugnant enough to reject.
Among the suggestions is to amend the Divorce Act to include “consideration of family violence in determining [child] custody.” Currently, the Divorce Act says more generally that the court “shall take into consideration only the best interests of the child of the marriage as determined by reference to the condition, means, needs and other circumstances of the child.” Additionally, “the court shall not take into consideration the past conduct of any person unless the conduct is relevant to the ability of that person to act as a parent of a child.”
Do the members of the Liberal Women’s Caucus fancy themselves the only people wise enough to know that spouses shouldn’t assault other family members, and that doing so might traumatize their children or at least set a bad example for them? As a family-law practitioner for more than two decades, I have never seen a lawyer or judge suggest that evidence of a parent’s violence toward other members of his or her household would be irrelevant in determining custody arrangements.
In response to this, members of the Liberal Women’s Caucus might argue that it would do no harm to specifically direct the court’s attention to domestic violence, since courts are already considering it anyway.
I disagree. The impact of the proposed change would be subtle, but nevertheless real and harmful. It would elevate domestic violence to a new level of prominence in the minds of custody-seeking parents and litigious lawyers. It would encourage over-anxious or vindictive spouses to make spurious or inflated claims.
False allegations of violence are already a serious problem in family law. I have had numerous male clients report that their wives had threatened to concoct tales of violence, or to exaggerate minor i nci dents into something bigger. Some women even attempt to provoke their husbands into physical violence, taunting, “Go ahead, hit me,” as they stand with phone in hand, eager to call police.
There are men who fabricate, too, but in my experience, they are far fewer. Even men who have been genuinely assaulted by their wives are often so mortified by the experience that they prefer to conceal it.
Currently, Ontarians threaten to fabricate tales of violence most often for the purpose of getting their spouses to leave the house. That’s because Ontario’s Family Law Act specifically instructs the court to consider domestic violence in deciding whether to make an order barring someone from re-entering his home. Changing the Divorce Act’s custody provisions would give them just one more reason to lie and exaggerate about domestic violence.
The Liberal Women’s Caucus also proposes repealing subsection 16(10) of the Divorce Act. This provision currently requires the court to give children “as much contact with each spouse as is consistent with the [child’s] best interests.” In deciding who gets custody, the court is required to consider the willingness of each parent to facilitate the other parent’s contact with the child. The language of the subsection is superficially gender-neutral But since most mothers end up getting custody, its practical effect is mostly to encourage women to permit visits from fathers.
This section, in my view, is a powerful force for good. Who could reasonably object to the notion that children need abundant contact with both parents? Who could think it’s bad to encourage parent-child relationships? The Liberal Women’s Caucus, apparently.
Has it never occurred to them that their proposals might become selffulfilling prophecies — that the more women treat men like violent brutes, the more frustrated and belligerent toward women men will become?
Let’s hope this grandstanding, vote-seeking proposal backfires on its Liberal authors.
Karen Selick practices law in Belleville, Ont.
“...But what about women's violence? If feminists (and the media) don't take women's violence seriously, why should men take women's opinions seriously? After all, according to ideological feminists' own definition of hate crimes, violence is merely an opinion acted out, a view expressed by behaviour”.
Jerry A. Boggs US Activist
“Male Matters”
Jeremy Swanson
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: (613) 237-1320 ext 2438
"You Need to Join. You Need to Fight. You Need to Join to Fight"
The Liberals’ new ‘Pink Book’ would encourage more bias against men
KAREN SELICK National Post
The Liberal Women’s Caucus — the 21 female Liberal MPs headed by Belinda Stronach, pictured, — is attempting to woo women voters with its recently released Pink Book, Volume II. The biggest headline-grabber of its many policy prescriptions was that the Divorce Act should be amended. This suggestion may make the Liberals lose as many male votes as they gain female votes. In fact, when the ramifications are explained to Canadian women, they too may find the proposals repugnant enough to reject.
Among the suggestions is to amend the Divorce Act to include “consideration of family violence in determining [child] custody.” Currently, the Divorce Act says more generally that the court “shall take into consideration only the best interests of the child of the marriage as determined by reference to the condition, means, needs and other circumstances of the child.” Additionally, “the court shall not take into consideration the past conduct of any person unless the conduct is relevant to the ability of that person to act as a parent of a child.”
Do the members of the Liberal Women’s Caucus fancy themselves the only people wise enough to know that spouses shouldn’t assault other family members, and that doing so might traumatize their children or at least set a bad example for them? As a family-law practitioner for more than two decades, I have never seen a lawyer or judge suggest that evidence of a parent’s violence toward other members of his or her household would be irrelevant in determining custody arrangements.
In response to this, members of the Liberal Women’s Caucus might argue that it would do no harm to specifically direct the court’s attention to domestic violence, since courts are already considering it anyway.
I disagree. The impact of the proposed change would be subtle, but nevertheless real and harmful. It would elevate domestic violence to a new level of prominence in the minds of custody-seeking parents and litigious lawyers. It would encourage over-anxious or vindictive spouses to make spurious or inflated claims.
False allegations of violence are already a serious problem in family law. I have had numerous male clients report that their wives had threatened to concoct tales of violence, or to exaggerate minor i nci dents into something bigger. Some women even attempt to provoke their husbands into physical violence, taunting, “Go ahead, hit me,” as they stand with phone in hand, eager to call police.
There are men who fabricate, too, but in my experience, they are far fewer. Even men who have been genuinely assaulted by their wives are often so mortified by the experience that they prefer to conceal it.
Currently, Ontarians threaten to fabricate tales of violence most often for the purpose of getting their spouses to leave the house. That’s because Ontario’s Family Law Act specifically instructs the court to consider domestic violence in deciding whether to make an order barring someone from re-entering his home. Changing the Divorce Act’s custody provisions would give them just one more reason to lie and exaggerate about domestic violence.
The Liberal Women’s Caucus also proposes repealing subsection 16(10) of the Divorce Act. This provision currently requires the court to give children “as much contact with each spouse as is consistent with the [child’s] best interests.” In deciding who gets custody, the court is required to consider the willingness of each parent to facilitate the other parent’s contact with the child. The language of the subsection is superficially gender-neutral But since most mothers end up getting custody, its practical effect is mostly to encourage women to permit visits from fathers.
This section, in my view, is a powerful force for good. Who could reasonably object to the notion that children need abundant contact with both parents? Who could think it’s bad to encourage parent-child relationships? The Liberal Women’s Caucus, apparently.
Has it never occurred to them that their proposals might become selffulfilling prophecies — that the more women treat men like violent brutes, the more frustrated and belligerent toward women men will become?
Let’s hope this grandstanding, vote-seeking proposal backfires on its Liberal authors.
Karen Selick practices law in Belleville, Ont.
“...But what about women's violence? If feminists (and the media) don't take women's violence seriously, why should men take women's opinions seriously? After all, according to ideological feminists' own definition of hate crimes, violence is merely an opinion acted out, a view expressed by behaviour”.
Jerry A. Boggs US Activist
“Male Matters”
Jeremy Swanson
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: (613) 237-1320 ext 2438
"You Need to Join. You Need to Fight. You Need to Join to Fight"
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Gore caught lying - Commentary by Joseph Farah
"The United Kingdom court ruling smacking down Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth' as shameless political fantasy unfit for schoolchildren elicited an interesting reaction from the former vice president." Did Algore challenge the ruling? No. But, he did make unsubstantiated accusations about the concerned parent who brought the case to court!
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Lionel Richards
Lionel Richards was indeed a great man of compassion and kindness. I never did met up with Lionel and I thank Dave E for alerting me to the Australian Fathers4Justice group, as I live in Christchurch - New Zealand. Lionel controlled this group in the early days before his sad departure. He could feel the pain and heartbreak expressed within the Internet group. I was having a real rough, rough , rough time with the law at the time, as a victim of false sexual and domestic violence allegations. Then out of the blue Lionel rung me from Western Australia – 21 May 2005. What a man of wisdom and inspiration , he talked me around, as I was dwelling in stinking thinking mode, what's that M.A.S.H theme song ? RIP dude , happy bowling upstairs .
I wish to thank you Dave E sincerely , for alerting me to the support network available for fathers suffering from over zealous authorities in a gender bias Kangaroo Court.
New Zealand has a feminazi Prime Minister ,so being a father's right activist puts me at the number one slot black book mark. SIS ,lots of phone clicks and blog attack Press articles etc..etc... talk about spooks lurking behind every corner . Oh the book , one day I hope ? The price of freedom is constant vigilance and it pays to be ever so careful critiquing the pathetic nanny state moronic braindead government boreholes. These sinister political socialist show ponies indulge in policy that is both nonsensical and family destructive. The modus operandi of feminazi types who use unscrupulous tactics is simple once a bent PM has put all the right people in the right places , simple - eh girls .For example , the head researcher at the Families Commission is a radical feminist . People like H1 & H2 are just childless utopian deluded pelican politicians, who gobble up all the money and think they are supreme beings , untouchable in the real world because they hate men and the family ,accountability, common sense and freedom of expression . Hey big sick sisterhood system leave our kids alone you jack booted demented witches !!
In solidarity brothers - parent power rules
Cheers from down under
d4j kiwi Batman
" Its better to be defeated on principle than to win on lies." -Arthur Calwell
To post to this group, send email to
Roger Knight
You were a good man, Lionel. We will miss you. Go with God. _________________...
Posted for members who never knew Lionel ... and those who have forgotten about him.
I remember Lionel spending all night tracking an American father down who had posted to a forum that he could no longer face living without his children. Lionel found his phone number eventually, called him and talked him out of taking his life.
In Memory of Lionel Richards
Lionel Richards, founder of the Ozydads Network, has died from a heart attack at the age of 56. He will be sadly missed. Lionel was known across Australia and indeethanks to the internet across the world for his tireless efforts on the part of separated fathers and separated families. Lionel was the bloke who would ring you up when no one else cared, a notoriously manic night owl with a heart the size of the rock. Women devestated by the notorious bastardry of the Family Court and the Child Support Agency were amongst his staunchest fans. He worked tirelessly for separated fathers and their children. Ian Windsor, a father from Canberra, summed up many people's feelings: "I am not ashamed to admit that I shed a tear for Lionel Richards yesterday when I read of his untimely death. Lionel was a humble but great man with a passion for changing Family Law to allow good fathers to continue their responsibility of raising their children after separation on an equal basis with the children's mother.
I was impressed by his sincerity, forthrightness and his quickness in analysing complicated concepts and reducing them into simple English. One among many crucial points he raised was the commonality of good fathers being wrongly accused of child abuse and domestic violence post separation when their behaviour during the marriage had never been in question.
Sadly, very few legislators, judges, lawyers and other experts shared Lionel's passion for fatherhood. None recognised his expertise in child custody matters and the importance of separated fathers being fully involved in their children's lives.
Lionel was a good man who loved his children and who worked tirelessly for others. His passing is a great loss to the country and he will be sadly missed. My deepest condolences to Lionel's children on the loss of their father."
Ozydads Network was a home away from home. A small piece of Cyber World is dedicated to addressing the Anti-Father bias in the Family Law arena and support network filling the gaps between sparse to non existent Father's Crisis facilities available. Lionel believed the Status of fathers had sadly sunk to an all time low, partly deserved but largely due to a vicious attack by radical Gender Feminists who have hijacked the Women's movement to further their Misandrist agenda. You can visit for more detail.
Lionel ran a number of chat lines which provided comfort to many people during the long night hours. They included not just Ozydads but others dedicated to various groups, including victims of Parental Alienation with the StopPAS e-group. He believed PAS is Emotional Child Abuse. There was also the FamilyRules Exchange at
The OzyDads network supported the Child's Right to both Parents, endorsing 50/50 Shared Parenting as the default position in Family Law.
Lionel Richards was also a founding member of the Shared Parenting Council of Australia.
He also for a period ran the famous cafe Captain Munchies; a notorious hangout for people who needed a chast in the middle of the night.
In one of his many incarnations, he ran against the WA Attorney General in the seat of Fremantle as an independent focussed on father's issues.
In a statement he said: "On top of many local issues, my primary platform is Men's Health Issues and the Status of Fathers. It includes items like:
* The Gender Neutrality of Spousal Violence / Child Abuse and need to create Domestic Violence Shelters for MALE VICTIMS and their children.
* The FAILURE of the Family Court of WA to deliver reasonable outcomes and the misandrist gender bias of it's industry professionals.
* An opportunity now exists for the tail to wag the dog as WA did not surrender Family Law powers to the Federal Government in 1975 along with the rest of Australia and it is possible for WA to lead the way in Family Law reform by amending the Family Court Act of WA (1977) legislating to provide a rebuttable presumption of EQUAL TIME SHARED CUSTODY or PARALLEL PARENTING in cases of entrenched conflict.
My platform hinges on the old adage that prevention is better than cure. We need support services for men so they don't crash and we need support services for children of broken families, and we need these services yesterday. We must change the focus on how Family Law is dealt with by removing the gender bias that is causing so much grief.:
As Attorney General Jim McGinty enacted Domestic Violence legislation which is anti-family and based on only HALF of the WHOLE TRUTH, that some men perpetrate violence on their wives, but he totally ignored the OTHER HALF of the truth being that some women also perpetrate violence on their husbands. I am very disappointed that the Government and the Opposition have totally ignored these "hot potato" issues that need to be addressed and resolved."
Why would anyone stand as an independent candidate on a platform of Men's Health issues and the Status of Fathers against a sitting cabinet minister in a safe seat? Because Men's issues don't just impact on men, but also on their children, their entire family and the community at large, which has to handle the enormous human and financial cost when things go wrong.
OzyDads is not a self-pity group but a self-help support network that grew out of necessity from a grassroots beginning. Even though our membership numbers over a thousand men and some women, our members have largely been emotionally raped and asset stripped by the misandrist Family Law industry, so unfortunately this will be very much limited to a shoestring campaign. Even if I don't win the seat of Fremantle, I hope to shake it sufficiently to bring the issues of Men's Health and the Status of Fathers in the family onto the front burner of the political hotplate and demonstrate to the major powers that these issues ARE of real importance in the minds of the electorate.
This is not so much about Father's (or Mother's) rights but about the CHILDREN'S right to love and be loved by BOTH parents freely and without limitation.
Well Lioinel didn't oust the Attorney General of WA, but at least he had the guts to have a go.
Here are some other tributes:
It is with considerable sadness that I relay the news that Lionel Richards, father of three teenagers (Carl, Amy & Andrew), friend, activist and founder of the OzyDads Network, passed away on Saturday 6th August 2005 from a heart attack.
Lionel had previously had some heart issues, about 3-4 years ago, and had recuperated from those, with some rest. He appeared in good health and spirits when I met with him in June, in Melbourne, on a stopover on his way home from the Canberra demonstration. As usual, he was fired with his vision and passion to reach out and to help others in practical ways and our conversation covered the broad range of people and activities that Lionel was involved with.
Lionel (ex-Captain Munchies restaurant) in Fremantle, loved his children and was passionate about them and their welfare, and often spoke of them. He worked tirelessly for them ... and for many other separated parents and their children, both locally in the Fremantle, Armadale and Perth areas and around Australia and the world. He loved people and enjoyed helping them.
Lionel founded the OzyDads network about 5 years ago and was able to connect and help many people virtually (on the internet) and locally. He will be greatly missed as a man, as a father, as a friend, as an helper of others who came along side them and supported and advised them and as an activist.
Lindsay Jackel
Oh what a very sad day today is and remembered by all of us in these groups that one man helped to bring together.
Passed away today 6/8/2005 from a heart attack.
I wept after getting the phone call this afternoon, his poor children, he has helped sooo many of us in all different ways and had so much more life left in him to live.
I want to thank you Lionel Richards for making my husband and I stronger, to believe in ourselves, that we have rights, that our children have rights and that together all of us in the groups can make a difference if we believe in what we are fighting for and believe in each other.
I believe in your power you gave to us Lionel and I promise this, to keep up the fight and to help empower others going through the same things. I promise to help as many people as humanly possible to empower themselves and stand up for their children and their rights.
You once advised me to write a poem how I felt and I did and it all summed up in one sentence didn't it:
Rest in peace Lionel and thank you from my soul and my husbands for touching our lives and many others you gave always of yourself to help and never gave up fighting for all of our rights, thank you.
Love always and forever.
We are sorry and saddened to hear of Lionel's passing. Unfortunately we cannot attend his funeral as we are in Tasmania. Lionel helped our family immensely and will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time.
Cheree and Kent
My wife and I were deeply saddened to hear of Lionel's passing from a heart attack on Saturday evening.
He worked tirelessly and selflessly to help many men and women defeat the biased system and he battled constantly to improve Family Law.
His efforts will long be remembered by many.
We must continue the struggle or his efforts will have been in vain.
We must ensure that the Ozydads network, F4J and SPCA remain active.
Our thoughts are with Lionel's family at this sad and distressing time.
Jeff and Penny
The Fatherhood Foundation team and our many associates around the nation send their sympathy and love to this wonderful family. We salute you and your father for playing an important role in the restoration of fatherhood in the nation. Lionel was a fearless leader in the men's movement and gave his time and resources to his brothers who were caught in the grist mill of the family law system. Lionel will be irreplaceable as both a father, and a fighter for justice, but is our hope and prayer that many others will arise to take his place to fight for equality and the restoration of fatherhood in Australia today.
Yours faithfully
Warwick & Alison Marsh, Fatherhood Foundation
Dads in Distress everywhere send their sympathy to family and friends and we want you to know that Lionel has made a difference to our lives and that of our children's lives. We are so often caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey, especially the goodness of the people we meet on the way. We are pleased we were fortunate enough to meet Lionel. Thank you Lionel for being there when we needed you . . .
Tony Miller Founder Dads in Distress
I wish to thank you Dave E sincerely , for alerting me to the support network available for fathers suffering from over zealous authorities in a gender bias Kangaroo Court.
New Zealand has a feminazi Prime Minister ,so being a father's right activist puts me at the number one slot black book mark. SIS ,lots of phone clicks and blog attack Press articles etc..etc... talk about spooks lurking behind every corner . Oh the book , one day I hope ? The price of freedom is constant vigilance and it pays to be ever so careful critiquing the pathetic nanny state moronic braindead government boreholes. These sinister political socialist show ponies indulge in policy that is both nonsensical and family destructive. The modus operandi of feminazi types who use unscrupulous tactics is simple once a bent PM has put all the right people in the right places , simple - eh girls .For example , the head researcher at the Families Commission is a radical feminist . People like H1 & H2 are just childless utopian deluded pelican politicians, who gobble up all the money and think they are supreme beings , untouchable in the real world because they hate men and the family ,accountability, common sense and freedom of expression . Hey big sick sisterhood system leave our kids alone you jack booted demented witches !!
In solidarity brothers - parent power rules
Cheers from down under
d4j kiwi Batman
" Its better to be defeated on principle than to win on lies." -Arthur Calwell
To post to this group, send email to
Roger Knight
You were a good man, Lionel. We will miss you. Go with God. _________________...
Posted for members who never knew Lionel ... and those who have forgotten about him.
I remember Lionel spending all night tracking an American father down who had posted to a forum that he could no longer face living without his children. Lionel found his phone number eventually, called him and talked him out of taking his life.
In Memory of Lionel Richards
Lionel Richards, founder of the Ozydads Network, has died from a heart attack at the age of 56. He will be sadly missed. Lionel was known across Australia and indeethanks to the internet across the world for his tireless efforts on the part of separated fathers and separated families. Lionel was the bloke who would ring you up when no one else cared, a notoriously manic night owl with a heart the size of the rock. Women devestated by the notorious bastardry of the Family Court and the Child Support Agency were amongst his staunchest fans. He worked tirelessly for separated fathers and their children. Ian Windsor, a father from Canberra, summed up many people's feelings: "I am not ashamed to admit that I shed a tear for Lionel Richards yesterday when I read of his untimely death. Lionel was a humble but great man with a passion for changing Family Law to allow good fathers to continue their responsibility of raising their children after separation on an equal basis with the children's mother.
I was impressed by his sincerity, forthrightness and his quickness in analysing complicated concepts and reducing them into simple English. One among many crucial points he raised was the commonality of good fathers being wrongly accused of child abuse and domestic violence post separation when their behaviour during the marriage had never been in question.
Sadly, very few legislators, judges, lawyers and other experts shared Lionel's passion for fatherhood. None recognised his expertise in child custody matters and the importance of separated fathers being fully involved in their children's lives.
Lionel was a good man who loved his children and who worked tirelessly for others. His passing is a great loss to the country and he will be sadly missed. My deepest condolences to Lionel's children on the loss of their father."
Ozydads Network was a home away from home. A small piece of Cyber World is dedicated to addressing the Anti-Father bias in the Family Law arena and support network filling the gaps between sparse to non existent Father's Crisis facilities available. Lionel believed the Status of fathers had sadly sunk to an all time low, partly deserved but largely due to a vicious attack by radical Gender Feminists who have hijacked the Women's movement to further their Misandrist agenda. You can visit for more detail.
Lionel ran a number of chat lines which provided comfort to many people during the long night hours. They included not just Ozydads but others dedicated to various groups, including victims of Parental Alienation with the StopPAS e-group. He believed PAS is Emotional Child Abuse. There was also the FamilyRules Exchange at
The OzyDads network supported the Child's Right to both Parents, endorsing 50/50 Shared Parenting as the default position in Family Law.
Lionel Richards was also a founding member of the Shared Parenting Council of Australia.
He also for a period ran the famous cafe Captain Munchies; a notorious hangout for people who needed a chast in the middle of the night.
In one of his many incarnations, he ran against the WA Attorney General in the seat of Fremantle as an independent focussed on father's issues.
In a statement he said: "On top of many local issues, my primary platform is Men's Health Issues and the Status of Fathers. It includes items like:
* The Gender Neutrality of Spousal Violence / Child Abuse and need to create Domestic Violence Shelters for MALE VICTIMS and their children.
* The FAILURE of the Family Court of WA to deliver reasonable outcomes and the misandrist gender bias of it's industry professionals.
* An opportunity now exists for the tail to wag the dog as WA did not surrender Family Law powers to the Federal Government in 1975 along with the rest of Australia and it is possible for WA to lead the way in Family Law reform by amending the Family Court Act of WA (1977) legislating to provide a rebuttable presumption of EQUAL TIME SHARED CUSTODY or PARALLEL PARENTING in cases of entrenched conflict.
My platform hinges on the old adage that prevention is better than cure. We need support services for men so they don't crash and we need support services for children of broken families, and we need these services yesterday. We must change the focus on how Family Law is dealt with by removing the gender bias that is causing so much grief.:
As Attorney General Jim McGinty enacted Domestic Violence legislation which is anti-family and based on only HALF of the WHOLE TRUTH, that some men perpetrate violence on their wives, but he totally ignored the OTHER HALF of the truth being that some women also perpetrate violence on their husbands. I am very disappointed that the Government and the Opposition have totally ignored these "hot potato" issues that need to be addressed and resolved."
Why would anyone stand as an independent candidate on a platform of Men's Health issues and the Status of Fathers against a sitting cabinet minister in a safe seat? Because Men's issues don't just impact on men, but also on their children, their entire family and the community at large, which has to handle the enormous human and financial cost when things go wrong.
OzyDads is not a self-pity group but a self-help support network that grew out of necessity from a grassroots beginning. Even though our membership numbers over a thousand men and some women, our members have largely been emotionally raped and asset stripped by the misandrist Family Law industry, so unfortunately this will be very much limited to a shoestring campaign. Even if I don't win the seat of Fremantle, I hope to shake it sufficiently to bring the issues of Men's Health and the Status of Fathers in the family onto the front burner of the political hotplate and demonstrate to the major powers that these issues ARE of real importance in the minds of the electorate.
This is not so much about Father's (or Mother's) rights but about the CHILDREN'S right to love and be loved by BOTH parents freely and without limitation.
Well Lioinel didn't oust the Attorney General of WA, but at least he had the guts to have a go.
Here are some other tributes:
It is with considerable sadness that I relay the news that Lionel Richards, father of three teenagers (Carl, Amy & Andrew), friend, activist and founder of the OzyDads Network, passed away on Saturday 6th August 2005 from a heart attack.
Lionel had previously had some heart issues, about 3-4 years ago, and had recuperated from those, with some rest. He appeared in good health and spirits when I met with him in June, in Melbourne, on a stopover on his way home from the Canberra demonstration. As usual, he was fired with his vision and passion to reach out and to help others in practical ways and our conversation covered the broad range of people and activities that Lionel was involved with.
Lionel (ex-Captain Munchies restaurant) in Fremantle, loved his children and was passionate about them and their welfare, and often spoke of them. He worked tirelessly for them ... and for many other separated parents and their children, both locally in the Fremantle, Armadale and Perth areas and around Australia and the world. He loved people and enjoyed helping them.
Lionel founded the OzyDads network about 5 years ago and was able to connect and help many people virtually (on the internet) and locally. He will be greatly missed as a man, as a father, as a friend, as an helper of others who came along side them and supported and advised them and as an activist.
Lindsay Jackel
Oh what a very sad day today is and remembered by all of us in these groups that one man helped to bring together.
Passed away today 6/8/2005 from a heart attack.
I wept after getting the phone call this afternoon, his poor children, he has helped sooo many of us in all different ways and had so much more life left in him to live.
I want to thank you Lionel Richards for making my husband and I stronger, to believe in ourselves, that we have rights, that our children have rights and that together all of us in the groups can make a difference if we believe in what we are fighting for and believe in each other.
I believe in your power you gave to us Lionel and I promise this, to keep up the fight and to help empower others going through the same things. I promise to help as many people as humanly possible to empower themselves and stand up for their children and their rights.
You once advised me to write a poem how I felt and I did and it all summed up in one sentence didn't it:
Rest in peace Lionel and thank you from my soul and my husbands for touching our lives and many others you gave always of yourself to help and never gave up fighting for all of our rights, thank you.
Love always and forever.
We are sorry and saddened to hear of Lionel's passing. Unfortunately we cannot attend his funeral as we are in Tasmania. Lionel helped our family immensely and will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time.
Cheree and Kent
My wife and I were deeply saddened to hear of Lionel's passing from a heart attack on Saturday evening.
He worked tirelessly and selflessly to help many men and women defeat the biased system and he battled constantly to improve Family Law.
His efforts will long be remembered by many.
We must continue the struggle or his efforts will have been in vain.
We must ensure that the Ozydads network, F4J and SPCA remain active.
Our thoughts are with Lionel's family at this sad and distressing time.
Jeff and Penny
The Fatherhood Foundation team and our many associates around the nation send their sympathy and love to this wonderful family. We salute you and your father for playing an important role in the restoration of fatherhood in the nation. Lionel was a fearless leader in the men's movement and gave his time and resources to his brothers who were caught in the grist mill of the family law system. Lionel will be irreplaceable as both a father, and a fighter for justice, but is our hope and prayer that many others will arise to take his place to fight for equality and the restoration of fatherhood in Australia today.
Yours faithfully
Warwick & Alison Marsh, Fatherhood Foundation
Dads in Distress everywhere send their sympathy to family and friends and we want you to know that Lionel has made a difference to our lives and that of our children's lives. We are so often caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey, especially the goodness of the people we meet on the way. We are pleased we were fortunate enough to meet Lionel. Thank you Lionel for being there when we needed you . . .
Tony Miller Founder Dads in Distress
Where are the leaders ?
Where are the leaders?
By Davy Crockett
Have you seen the debates as this political season unfolds? In various settings presented by different news organizations, the candidates have had the opportunity to answer questions and to face off against each other, trying to gain the advantage.
It is interesting to see the various personalities emerge under intense questioning and pressure from their peers.
Sadly, we seem to have a dearth of strong leaders, men and women with a long track record of accomplishment and good ideas for dealing with the problems of our nation and the world; leaders with a consistent set of values and moral credibility. Certainly, the nation cries out for leadership as we deal with problems of national security, the economy, health care, a spiraling crime rate, etc.
The last presidential election and more recently the congressional elections revealed a nation divided on how to handle these issues. The “red states” and the “blue states,” as they were called, divide our populace in a way that I have not experienced in my life-time. This is occurring even while the nation is at war on various fronts in the world.
Our allies seem to mock our attempts to solve our problems, and many of our largest trading partners are openly hostile to our efforts to democratize the world. Congressional leaders are bailing out by retiring early or resigning, apparently having grown weary of the whole process.
So, concerned citizens read their newspapers and watch the news and wonder where it will all end and how will it affect them. Self interest is usually what motivates folks to pay attention or to get involved.
How will it turn out? Time will tell who the victor is in this race for the presidency and other high offices, but there are some things we can know as the days ahead come to pass.
First, the lack of unity will cause serious problems as we go forward. Jesus made it very plain in Matthew 12:25: “But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” This is an ominous warning, considering our divided condition today. Politically, we are in trouble.
The economy is on everyone’s mind, but the politicians and pundits don’t seem to have a clue as to the cause or the cure for our economic woes. Haggai the prophet wrote of such a time in Chapter 1:6: “You have sown much, and bring in little; you eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes.”
This seems to be a textbook description of our times. However, there is a time of good government coming which will actually solve all these problems. The prophet Isaiah wrote about it in an exciting way in Isaiah 9:6-7:
“For unto us a Child is born,
unto us a Son is given;
and the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
there will be no end,
upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
to order it and establish it with judgment and justice
from that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Notice, the “Lord of hosts” will bring this about, not by an election, but by sheer power as the Creator God. It will happen on His timetable according to His plan. It probably won’t occur on an election day and it won’t be brought about by the current crop of leaders.
By Davy Crockett
Have you seen the debates as this political season unfolds? In various settings presented by different news organizations, the candidates have had the opportunity to answer questions and to face off against each other, trying to gain the advantage.
It is interesting to see the various personalities emerge under intense questioning and pressure from their peers.
Sadly, we seem to have a dearth of strong leaders, men and women with a long track record of accomplishment and good ideas for dealing with the problems of our nation and the world; leaders with a consistent set of values and moral credibility. Certainly, the nation cries out for leadership as we deal with problems of national security, the economy, health care, a spiraling crime rate, etc.
The last presidential election and more recently the congressional elections revealed a nation divided on how to handle these issues. The “red states” and the “blue states,” as they were called, divide our populace in a way that I have not experienced in my life-time. This is occurring even while the nation is at war on various fronts in the world.
Our allies seem to mock our attempts to solve our problems, and many of our largest trading partners are openly hostile to our efforts to democratize the world. Congressional leaders are bailing out by retiring early or resigning, apparently having grown weary of the whole process.
So, concerned citizens read their newspapers and watch the news and wonder where it will all end and how will it affect them. Self interest is usually what motivates folks to pay attention or to get involved.
How will it turn out? Time will tell who the victor is in this race for the presidency and other high offices, but there are some things we can know as the days ahead come to pass.
First, the lack of unity will cause serious problems as we go forward. Jesus made it very plain in Matthew 12:25: “But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” This is an ominous warning, considering our divided condition today. Politically, we are in trouble.
The economy is on everyone’s mind, but the politicians and pundits don’t seem to have a clue as to the cause or the cure for our economic woes. Haggai the prophet wrote of such a time in Chapter 1:6: “You have sown much, and bring in little; you eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes.”
This seems to be a textbook description of our times. However, there is a time of good government coming which will actually solve all these problems. The prophet Isaiah wrote about it in an exciting way in Isaiah 9:6-7:
“For unto us a Child is born,
unto us a Son is given;
and the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
there will be no end,
upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
to order it and establish it with judgment and justice
from that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Notice, the “Lord of hosts” will bring this about, not by an election, but by sheer power as the Creator God. It will happen on His timetable according to His plan. It probably won’t occur on an election day and it won’t be brought about by the current crop of leaders.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Girls taught to value sex over achievement and intelligence
The Scotsman Mon 10 Dec 2007
Girls taught to value sex over achievement and intelligence
TEENAGE girls would rather be sexy than clever, according to a new book which blames celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears for the phenomenon.
Carol Platt Liebau, a leading political commentator in the US and the first female managing editor of Harvard Law Review, warned young women were being taught to believe "sexy" equates to empowered.
Advert for's football briefing
The author said "promiscuity and sexual aggression" were now being seen as the only way to achieve admiration.
And she suggested girls now competed for attention based on how much they were sexually willing to do for boys.
Women's groups last night also warned that the sexualisation of young girls was making them increasingly vulnerable.
Ms Liebau's book, Prude: How The Sex- Obsessed Culture Damages Girls, blames the music and videos of Spears, Aguilera and Lil' Kim, as well as films such as Cruel Intentions, for making teenagers value sexuality above all else.
She said: "The overwhelming lesson teenagers are now learning from the world around them is that being 'sexy' is the ultimate accolade, trumping intelligence, character and all other accomplishments. In a culture that celebrates Paris Hilton [and] thong underwear, there's scant modesty or achievement that isn't coupled with sex appeal. Girls are being led to believe that they're in control when it comes to sexual relationships.
"But they're actually living in a profoundly anti-feminist landscape where girls compete for attention on the basis of how much they are sexually willing to do for the boys. And living in an overly sexualised culture takes a toll on girls."
A spokeswoman for Rape Crisis Scotland said the sale of products such as junior pole-dancing kits was particularly concerning.
She said: "We are concerned about the over-sexualisation of children and the effect it has on women and girls' self-esteem. Young women do experience a lot of pressure to have sex."
A spokeswoman for Scottish Women Against Pornography said:
"It's setting young women and girls up as targets. It's a backlash to any sense of women's achievement. The idea that this is sexual liberation is just re-branding the same oppression."
Phillip Hodson, a fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy in London, said the influence of TV, the media and Hollywood had made society more focused on personal appearance.
But he added: "I think the problem is exaggerated. Nature wishes you to breed, so sexuality has always been there. What's wrong with being intelligent and taking care of yourself? But if you are just trading on your sexuality, the big question is what are you going to do when you lose your looks?"
• Prude: How The Sex-Obsessed Culture Damages Girls is released later this month.
PARIS Hilton shot to fame when her home-made sex video appeared on the internet.
The hotel dynasty heiress has since fronted various TV shows. She was jailed earlier this year for driving under the influence of alcohol. She has also feuded publicly with the actress Lindsay Lohan.
BRITNEY Spears, whose first taste of the limelight came on the wholesome Mickey Mouse Club, has never been far from controversy in recent years. She locked lips with Madonna at an awards show in 2003 and was snapped without any pants on before losing custody of her two children earlier this year.
CHRISTINA Aguilera's "girl next door" image vanished as she was transformed into a raunchy singer in the video for the 2002 hit single Dirrty.
She has been hailed for "making pregnancy sexy" after posing with her naked bump for a magazine.
LIL' Kim is best known in the UK for performing on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack hit Lady Marmalade in 2001 alongside Christina Aguilera.
Her songs have achieved notoriety for their X-rated and sexually upfront lyrics and her outrageous outfits have raised eyebrows.
This article:
Girls taught to value sex over achievement and intelligence
TEENAGE girls would rather be sexy than clever, according to a new book which blames celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears for the phenomenon.
Carol Platt Liebau, a leading political commentator in the US and the first female managing editor of Harvard Law Review, warned young women were being taught to believe "sexy" equates to empowered.
Advert for's football briefing
The author said "promiscuity and sexual aggression" were now being seen as the only way to achieve admiration.
And she suggested girls now competed for attention based on how much they were sexually willing to do for boys.
Women's groups last night also warned that the sexualisation of young girls was making them increasingly vulnerable.
Ms Liebau's book, Prude: How The Sex- Obsessed Culture Damages Girls, blames the music and videos of Spears, Aguilera and Lil' Kim, as well as films such as Cruel Intentions, for making teenagers value sexuality above all else.
She said: "The overwhelming lesson teenagers are now learning from the world around them is that being 'sexy' is the ultimate accolade, trumping intelligence, character and all other accomplishments. In a culture that celebrates Paris Hilton [and] thong underwear, there's scant modesty or achievement that isn't coupled with sex appeal. Girls are being led to believe that they're in control when it comes to sexual relationships.
"But they're actually living in a profoundly anti-feminist landscape where girls compete for attention on the basis of how much they are sexually willing to do for the boys. And living in an overly sexualised culture takes a toll on girls."
A spokeswoman for Rape Crisis Scotland said the sale of products such as junior pole-dancing kits was particularly concerning.
She said: "We are concerned about the over-sexualisation of children and the effect it has on women and girls' self-esteem. Young women do experience a lot of pressure to have sex."
A spokeswoman for Scottish Women Against Pornography said:
"It's setting young women and girls up as targets. It's a backlash to any sense of women's achievement. The idea that this is sexual liberation is just re-branding the same oppression."
Phillip Hodson, a fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy in London, said the influence of TV, the media and Hollywood had made society more focused on personal appearance.
But he added: "I think the problem is exaggerated. Nature wishes you to breed, so sexuality has always been there. What's wrong with being intelligent and taking care of yourself? But if you are just trading on your sexuality, the big question is what are you going to do when you lose your looks?"
• Prude: How The Sex-Obsessed Culture Damages Girls is released later this month.
PARIS Hilton shot to fame when her home-made sex video appeared on the internet.
The hotel dynasty heiress has since fronted various TV shows. She was jailed earlier this year for driving under the influence of alcohol. She has also feuded publicly with the actress Lindsay Lohan.
BRITNEY Spears, whose first taste of the limelight came on the wholesome Mickey Mouse Club, has never been far from controversy in recent years. She locked lips with Madonna at an awards show in 2003 and was snapped without any pants on before losing custody of her two children earlier this year.
CHRISTINA Aguilera's "girl next door" image vanished as she was transformed into a raunchy singer in the video for the 2002 hit single Dirrty.
She has been hailed for "making pregnancy sexy" after posing with her naked bump for a magazine.
LIL' Kim is best known in the UK for performing on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack hit Lady Marmalade in 2001 alongside Christina Aguilera.
Her songs have achieved notoriety for their X-rated and sexually upfront lyrics and her outrageous outfits have raised eyebrows.
This article:
Monday, December 10, 2007
Irish Blonde in a Casino
An attractive blonde from Cork arrived at the Casino and bet twenty-thousand Euros on a single roll of the dice.
She said, 'I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude'.
With that, she stripped from the neck down, rolled the dice and yelled, 'Come on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!'
As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed...'YES! YES! I WON, I WON!'
She hugged each of the dealers and then picked up her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed.
The dealers stared at each other dumbfounded. Finally, one of them asked, 'What did she roll?'
The other answered, 'I don't know - I thought you were watching.'
Not all Irish are stupid and not all blondes are dumb, but all men are men.
An attractive blonde from Cork arrived at the Casino and bet twenty-thousand Euros on a single roll of the dice.
She said, 'I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude'.
With that, she stripped from the neck down, rolled the dice and yelled, 'Come on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!'
As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed...'YES! YES! I WON, I WON!'
She hugged each of the dealers and then picked up her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed.
The dealers stared at each other dumbfounded. Finally, one of them asked, 'What did she roll?'
The other answered, 'I don't know - I thought you were watching.'
Not all Irish are stupid and not all blondes are dumb, but all men are men.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
12 Days of Christmas
On the first day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
A summons to stop my custody.
On the second day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody
On the third day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody
On the fourth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody
On the fifth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody
On the sixth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody
On the seventh day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
On the eight day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Eight separate motions
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
On the ninth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Nine Dates for hearings
Eight separate motions
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
On the tenth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Ten CYFS people
Nine Dates for hearings
Eight separate motions
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
On the eleventh day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Eleven Allegations
Ten CYFS people
Nine Dates for hearings
Eight separate motions
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
On the twelfth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Twelve Penal notices
Eleven Allegations
Ten CYFS people
Nine Dates for hearings
Eight separate motions
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
My ex love sent to me
A summons to stop my custody.
On the second day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody
On the third day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody
On the fourth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody
On the fifth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody
On the sixth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody
On the seventh day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
On the eight day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Eight separate motions
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
On the ninth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Nine Dates for hearings
Eight separate motions
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
On the tenth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Ten CYFS people
Nine Dates for hearings
Eight separate motions
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
On the eleventh day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Eleven Allegations
Ten CYFS people
Nine Dates for hearings
Eight separate motions
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
On the twelfth day of Christmas
My ex love sent to me
Twelve Penal notices
Eleven Allegations
Ten CYFS people
Nine Dates for hearings
Eight separate motions
Seven injunction papers
Six witness statements
Five policemen……………
Four solicitors letters
Three harassment charges
Two protection orders
And a summons to stop my custody.
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