In the case, the country's most senior family court judge, Sir Mark Potter, decided that a man who brought up the boy believing him to be his own child was entitled to parental rights - even though he has turned out not be the father.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Restraining Orders Out of Control
Forget the 4th amendment. Just fill out a form and the cops will show up by surprise and pull your husband out on the street with only the clothes on his back, forbidden to contact you even directly for at least a week.
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Saturday, July 26, 2008
'Happy Parents Day'
Dear friends,
As I understand it tomorrow will be 'Parents Day'
I would like to wish each and every Parent 'Happy Parents Day'
In as much as I would like to write something wonderful.
Today, I don’t believe I have it in me to write anything I would even consider positive.
It’s been 9 long years next month since I’ve seen my Daughter.
So, if nothing else I’d like to encourage those of us who have not seen our children to keep the faith! And never give up the fight for good!!
Put a Smile on and kick some ass!
Happy Parent’s Day to you all!
Don Hutter jR. ~ 970.625.5469 - anytime!
Fathers-4-Justice CO.US
Special Advisor to Dr. Klein for U.S. President '2008'
Check out my other links below:
-Depression, best defined: Anger without Enthusiasm.
As I understand it tomorrow will be 'Parents Day'
I would like to wish each and every Parent 'Happy Parents Day'
In as much as I would like to write something wonderful.
Today, I don’t believe I have it in me to write anything I would even consider positive.
It’s been 9 long years next month since I’ve seen my Daughter.
So, if nothing else I’d like to encourage those of us who have not seen our children to keep the faith! And never give up the fight for good!!
Put a Smile on and kick some ass!
Happy Parent’s Day to you all!
Don Hutter jR. ~ 970.625.5469 - anytime!
Fathers-4-Justice CO.US
Special Advisor to Dr. Klein for U.S. President '2008'
Check out my other links below:
-Depression, best defined: Anger without Enthusiasm.
Friday, July 25, 2008
A new book argues for the contribution of fathers to the family structure. In recent years, men have been marginalized in the family structure both in the legal system and popular culture. Mothers are considered essential paragons, fathers are marginal, bumbling wage slaves.
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Thursday, July 24, 2008
Fathers rights USA

Dear Peter,
Last night this story aired on ABC news in Chicago. It's directly related to our issues and speaks to the great need for family law reform. Custody, Child Support, Domestic Violence, Moveaways....every aspect of the present system needs scrutiny and overhaul.
Below is Sergeant Joshua Hinkle's communication to ACFC today and our response. Before reading further please view the story at this link.
I received word of another father suicide today. A man heartbroken after once again travelling hundreds of miles to visit his children only to find they were not there.
Soon we will also be asking you to volunteer and become actively engaged.
Over 6,000 people have now signed the Shared Parenting petition.
63% of those who responded to the recent Parade Magazine poll voted yes to the question: "Should divorced Dads have equal time with their kids?" Public opinion is with us.
Family Law Review Commissions have recently formed in Alabama and Illinois.
The latest Liberator paper is at the printer and will be arriving in your and your legislators mailbox shortly.
Momentum is moving in our direction, please help.
If you are near Washington, DC August 14 - 16, attend the DC Festival. For more info visit
A handful of individuals support the work of this organization with an ongoing monthly contribution. We are indebted to them. There should be thousands. Will you support the effort? I know many people who read this email have lost everything to the courts. I also know many people could afford $5 or $10 a month. We literally deal with life and death issues.
Will you please become a sustaining contributor? Click here to donate.
For those who are actively engaged in reform efforts, THANK YOU.
Mike McCormick, Exec. Dir.
Brooke Hogan apologizes for False Allegations
This lady is so correct.
"But using kids as pawns in a divorce is awful."
Pity the New Zealand Family Court viewed children as pawns in a lucrative chess game of misery and deceit.

Brooke Hogan Apologizes for Allegations Against Father
By Mark Dagostino,,20214485,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines
Brooke Hogan issued an apology for making what she now calls false allegations that her father Hulk abused her mother.
"I did it under significant pressure from my mother," Hogan, 20, tells PEOPLE in an exclusive statement. "It was only after I learned all the facts that I realized I made a big mistake in signing it."
Hogan released the statement after a tabloid reported that she had signed a legal affidavit accusing her father, whose real name is Terry Bollea, of verbally and physically abusing wife Linda during their marriage.
Linda, 48, filed for divorce last November,and her attorney told PEOPLE it was going to be "war."
Her attorney was not available for comment. A rep for Hulk Hogan declined to comment.
In her statement to PEOPLE, Brooke admits to signing the affidavit. But, according to her rep, she later regretted the decision and asked that it not be filed in court. (At this point, according to Hulk's attorney, no such document has been filed.)
Brooke's rep says: "Brooke Bollea is distressed at the latest efforts by mother Linda to fracture the family. This time they let leak out an old document that Brooke signed filled with exaggerations and fabrications about father Terry's behavior during the marriage. The months-old document was signed by Brooke at a time when she was upset with her father."
Brooke is now living with Hulk, 54, and not on speaking terms with her mother.
"I love my mother, and hope to one day reconcile with her," Brooke says. "But using kids as pawns in a divorce is awful. Every day my mother resorts to this kind of behavior makes it that much harder for us to ever have a relationship again."
"But using kids as pawns in a divorce is awful."
Pity the New Zealand Family Court viewed children as pawns in a lucrative chess game of misery and deceit.

Brooke Hogan Apologizes for Allegations Against Father
By Mark Dagostino,,20214485,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines
Brooke Hogan issued an apology for making what she now calls false allegations that her father Hulk abused her mother.
"I did it under significant pressure from my mother," Hogan, 20, tells PEOPLE in an exclusive statement. "It was only after I learned all the facts that I realized I made a big mistake in signing it."
Hogan released the statement after a tabloid reported that she had signed a legal affidavit accusing her father, whose real name is Terry Bollea, of verbally and physically abusing wife Linda during their marriage.
Linda, 48, filed for divorce last November,and her attorney told PEOPLE it was going to be "war."
Her attorney was not available for comment. A rep for Hulk Hogan declined to comment.
In her statement to PEOPLE, Brooke admits to signing the affidavit. But, according to her rep, she later regretted the decision and asked that it not be filed in court. (At this point, according to Hulk's attorney, no such document has been filed.)
Brooke's rep says: "Brooke Bollea is distressed at the latest efforts by mother Linda to fracture the family. This time they let leak out an old document that Brooke signed filled with exaggerations and fabrications about father Terry's behavior during the marriage. The months-old document was signed by Brooke at a time when she was upset with her father."
Brooke is now living with Hulk, 54, and not on speaking terms with her mother.
"I love my mother, and hope to one day reconcile with her," Brooke says. "But using kids as pawns in a divorce is awful. Every day my mother resorts to this kind of behavior makes it that much harder for us to ever have a relationship again."
Dean Tong
One of the pioneer investigators of false allegations in domestic violence and child abuse cases is Dean Tong. In the early 1980's Dean was falsely accused of child sexual abuse of his 3-year-old daughter by his then wife. After several years of heartbreaking struggle he successfully fought the allegations and was eventually awarded sole custody of his children in 1985.
Instead of retreating back into his cave, as so many men do after such nightmarish experiences, Dean began writing prolifically about these problems. His first book, Don't Blame Me Daddy: False Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse appeared in 1992. His second, Ashes to Ashes, Families to Dust: False Accusations of Child Abuse: A Roadmap for Survivors in 1996. His latest, and a book that should be on the shelf of every reader of this newsletter, Elusive Innocence: Survival Guide for the Falsely Accused came out in late 2001.
His web site,, was one of the first to appear on the Internet discussing false allegations. And Dean was the first activist I met personally after beginning my own research on these issues when Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family brought Tong to Colorado Springs in April 2000 to do a radio broadcast with him.
Since its inception in 2001 the Equal Justice Foundation has been pointing out that under current laws a man has to be functionally insane to marry and a drooling idiot to sire a child. Of course men don't think with their big head when Cupcake wants to marry. Some 10 years ago, forgetting the nightmare of his first marriage, Dean married again.
Lily was probably a charming 36-year-old woman when they married but 10 years later she is no doubt in the throes of perimenopause and quite likely much less of an enchantress. While details aren't known, his second marriage went sour, and as many men and women do when their marriages are failing, he sought solace elsewhere. That infuriated Lily. To appease her he moved out of the marital home and offered her a $250,000 divorce settlement, which she declined.
On January 28, 2008, he called for a police escort to retrieve some personal effects. Instead, as in so many cases we've heard, that turned into his wife charging him with domestic violence. She had apparently been bruised, either self inflicted which is extremely common in such cases, or from some other source than Dean who hadn't been near her. Dean's request for a police standby thus resulted in police arresting him at the motel where he was staying. Sound familiar? And of course the woman is always believed in these cases regardless of the evidence, i.e., man bad, woman good.
Six weeks after his arrest Dean was charged on March 12, 2008, with first degree misdemeanor assault involving domestic violence and third degree felony tampering with a witness to evade prosecution. If convicted on both charges he was facing a possible six years in prison. Astoundingly in today's world of DV hysteria, he was released on just $1,000 bail. Bonds of $50,000 to $250,000 have become almost standard in such cases and the Eighth Amendment be damned.
In Florida the rules of criminal procedure allow for the defense to take depositions. In a game known to virtually everyone who has been through one of these nightmares, he and his lawyer tried to serve his spouse with notice to take her deposition nine (9) times, and 9 times she ducked service! Finally, at a divorce court hearing in May she was formally served to be deposed on July 2nd.
Given his prior experience, and work as an expert witness in many similar cases, Dean had amassed a mountain of evidence to prove his innocence and Lily was quite aware of that. Thus, on July 1, 2008, Lily filed filed a formal Waiver of Prosecution and Affidavit accompanying same. On July 10th the State of Florida filed a statement of Nolle Prosequi (PDF) on Dean's behalf to both charges, ending the criminal case against him.
It needs be emphasized that Dean Tong, as with other men in these cases, was once again assumed guilty until he could prove his innocence.
Unfortunately, Dean now faces the horrors of "family" court for a divorce. Online court records show Lily Tong filed for divorce in March. The outcome of the divorce is pending.
Fortunately, there are no children from this marriage. And hopefully Dean will take the EJF dictum about marriage to heart and not marry again.
But the repeated false allegations against Dean Tong send chilling messages to men and society:
* Marry and you face a random (50/50) chance of a unilateral divorce almost certainly initiated by the wife (p = 0.8)
* Once you sign a marriage license you and your children become chattels of the "family" court.
* False charges of domestic violence, child and sexual abuse, and restraining orders are made-to-order tools for women to win in divorce and custody battles.
* Women can make false allegations against men without fear of repercussions.
* The many cases of false allegations, which
* demographics suggest are the majority in Colorado, and likely elsewhere, make it difficult and often impossible for the legal system to deal with actual cases of family violence.
*The principal effect of the draconian DV laws is to deter citizens from calling police even if they may really need help. Current laws provide many disincentives for men to marry or sire children and, ultimately, that will destroy our society as civilization is built on stable families.
Our congratulations to Dean Tong for once again triumphing against the forces of evil that our legal system has become at the beck and call of any vindictive or vengeful woman.
Our condolences that he had to once again prove his innocence in a neo-Marxist radical feminist (redfem) legal system whose gender bias seems to know no limits.
Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A.
Instead of retreating back into his cave, as so many men do after such nightmarish experiences, Dean began writing prolifically about these problems. His first book, Don't Blame Me Daddy: False Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse appeared in 1992. His second, Ashes to Ashes, Families to Dust: False Accusations of Child Abuse: A Roadmap for Survivors in 1996. His latest, and a book that should be on the shelf of every reader of this newsletter, Elusive Innocence: Survival Guide for the Falsely Accused came out in late 2001.
His web site,, was one of the first to appear on the Internet discussing false allegations. And Dean was the first activist I met personally after beginning my own research on these issues when Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family brought Tong to Colorado Springs in April 2000 to do a radio broadcast with him.
Since its inception in 2001 the Equal Justice Foundation has been pointing out that under current laws a man has to be functionally insane to marry and a drooling idiot to sire a child. Of course men don't think with their big head when Cupcake wants to marry. Some 10 years ago, forgetting the nightmare of his first marriage, Dean married again.
Lily was probably a charming 36-year-old woman when they married but 10 years later she is no doubt in the throes of perimenopause and quite likely much less of an enchantress. While details aren't known, his second marriage went sour, and as many men and women do when their marriages are failing, he sought solace elsewhere. That infuriated Lily. To appease her he moved out of the marital home and offered her a $250,000 divorce settlement, which she declined.
On January 28, 2008, he called for a police escort to retrieve some personal effects. Instead, as in so many cases we've heard, that turned into his wife charging him with domestic violence. She had apparently been bruised, either self inflicted which is extremely common in such cases, or from some other source than Dean who hadn't been near her. Dean's request for a police standby thus resulted in police arresting him at the motel where he was staying. Sound familiar? And of course the woman is always believed in these cases regardless of the evidence, i.e., man bad, woman good.
Six weeks after his arrest Dean was charged on March 12, 2008, with first degree misdemeanor assault involving domestic violence and third degree felony tampering with a witness to evade prosecution. If convicted on both charges he was facing a possible six years in prison. Astoundingly in today's world of DV hysteria, he was released on just $1,000 bail. Bonds of $50,000 to $250,000 have become almost standard in such cases and the Eighth Amendment be damned.
In Florida the rules of criminal procedure allow for the defense to take depositions. In a game known to virtually everyone who has been through one of these nightmares, he and his lawyer tried to serve his spouse with notice to take her deposition nine (9) times, and 9 times she ducked service! Finally, at a divorce court hearing in May she was formally served to be deposed on July 2nd.
Given his prior experience, and work as an expert witness in many similar cases, Dean had amassed a mountain of evidence to prove his innocence and Lily was quite aware of that. Thus, on July 1, 2008, Lily filed filed a formal Waiver of Prosecution and Affidavit accompanying same. On July 10th the State of Florida filed a statement of Nolle Prosequi (PDF) on Dean's behalf to both charges, ending the criminal case against him.
It needs be emphasized that Dean Tong, as with other men in these cases, was once again assumed guilty until he could prove his innocence.
Unfortunately, Dean now faces the horrors of "family" court for a divorce. Online court records show Lily Tong filed for divorce in March. The outcome of the divorce is pending.
Fortunately, there are no children from this marriage. And hopefully Dean will take the EJF dictum about marriage to heart and not marry again.
But the repeated false allegations against Dean Tong send chilling messages to men and society:
* Marry and you face a random (50/50) chance of a unilateral divorce almost certainly initiated by the wife (p = 0.8)
* Once you sign a marriage license you and your children become chattels of the "family" court.
* False charges of domestic violence, child and sexual abuse, and restraining orders are made-to-order tools for women to win in divorce and custody battles.
* Women can make false allegations against men without fear of repercussions.
* The many cases of false allegations, which
* demographics suggest are the majority in Colorado, and likely elsewhere, make it difficult and often impossible for the legal system to deal with actual cases of family violence.
*The principal effect of the draconian DV laws is to deter citizens from calling police even if they may really need help. Current laws provide many disincentives for men to marry or sire children and, ultimately, that will destroy our society as civilization is built on stable families.
Our congratulations to Dean Tong for once again triumphing against the forces of evil that our legal system has become at the beck and call of any vindictive or vengeful woman.
Our condolences that he had to once again prove his innocence in a neo-Marxist radical feminist (redfem) legal system whose gender bias seems to know no limits.
Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
YouTube Divorcee Crushed in Court
Tricia-Walsh Smith, who famously took to YouTube to humiliate her husband, must vacate her and her husband's Park Avenue apartment and settle for a lump-sum $750,000 alimony payment as per the couple's prenup. Her husband, has suffered heart problems as a result of her videos and had his reputation damaged, a judge ruled.
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Family Rights Expert Avoids Trial
False allegations of sexual abuse and domestic violence destroy the soul and overwhelm a heartbroken innocent Father.
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Help Susan and Dene
At Church on Sunday I heard two breast cancer patients' share a story that touched my heart.
These ladies were inspirational considering their sad predicaments.One lady Susan and her story can be accessed at
As a fund-raiser, I decided to join 17 others including women and shared in the delights of a head shave as a show of solidarity for Susan. I brought a black Deneie, as Dene is yet another breast cancer victim in our Church. The Deneie helps to keep my crome dome head warm in the good ol’ Cantab winter southerly. My teenage daughter's think I have ears that could be used by intelligence services as portable radars. This has made me think about purchasing a Batman mask for all occasions. Judge Joker will be delighted at my next appearance at the big house, while penguin man pisses himself on the banks of the Avon.Who has the last laugh?
Oh well, cancer sucks and the government doesn’t pay for enough treatment. Skilled radiologists are paid peanuts, because pointless managers suck up all the money in the bureaucratic inertia foolishly named as the health system.
All in the good cause, pity the government couldn’t produce a more compassionate stance and I wish Susan and Dene speedy recoveries.
These ladies were inspirational considering their sad predicaments.One lady Susan and her story can be accessed at
As a fund-raiser, I decided to join 17 others including women and shared in the delights of a head shave as a show of solidarity for Susan. I brought a black Deneie, as Dene is yet another breast cancer victim in our Church. The Deneie helps to keep my crome dome head warm in the good ol’ Cantab winter southerly. My teenage daughter's think I have ears that could be used by intelligence services as portable radars. This has made me think about purchasing a Batman mask for all occasions. Judge Joker will be delighted at my next appearance at the big house, while penguin man pisses himself on the banks of the Avon.Who has the last laugh?
Oh well, cancer sucks and the government doesn’t pay for enough treatment. Skilled radiologists are paid peanuts, because pointless managers suck up all the money in the bureaucratic inertia foolishly named as the health system.
All in the good cause, pity the government couldn’t produce a more compassionate stance and I wish Susan and Dene speedy recoveries.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Women- only scholarships under the spotlight
I thought unlawful male gender discrimination was the norm in New Zealand.
http://www.stuff. .html
Women-only scholarships under spotlight
By DEIDRE MUSSEN - Sunday Star Times | Sunday, 20 July 2008
Women-only educational scholarships are facing a legal challenge under human rights laws because they may discriminate against men.
In what may become a global test case, Victoria University Institute of Policy Studies senior researcher Dr Paul Callister has asked the Human Rights Commission to clarify its position, saying women significantly outperform men in education and therefore there may be no inequality for such scholarships to rectify.
Human Rights Commission's chief commissioner, Rosslyn Noonan, said she would carefully examine the issues and questions raised by Callister before responding.
Under national and international human rights laws, temporary measures such as the scholarships are allowed to address inequality between the sexes and are deemed not discriminatory but must be stopped when equality is achieved.
"Historically, women-only scholarships were justified, but now they aren't disadvantaged in education. My view is these scholarships are discriminatory now because we're past the point of needing special treatment for getting women into universities and degrees," Callister told the Sunday Star-Times.
Instead, he believed women-only scholarships should be made gender- neutral so anyone in need could apply. "Gender is no longer the clear marker of disadvantage that it once was."
Callister is leading a three-year $1.7 million project, funded by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology, which is investigating the gap between men and women's participation and achievement in education.
The project found significantly more women than men in Australia and New Zealand completed university degrees or higher qualifications in recent years. Between 2002 and 2006, 56% more women than men aged 20-24 gained a degree or higher education in New Zealand. In Australia, that gap was 53% over the same period.
By 2006, there were 23,900 more women than men, aged 25-34, with a degree or higher qualification in New Zealand. And Education Ministry statistics show that more women than men completed all levels of secondary and tertiary qualifications in 2006, from Level 1 NCEA to doctorates. Overall, 61% of those finishing qualifications were women and 39% were men.
Callister said it was a global trend and believed a review of women-only scholarships was needed internationally.
Many women-only scholarships were established in the 1970s when women were under-represented in tertiary education but now men had become significantly under- represented, Callister said. Key groups offering such scholarships include the New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women, Zonta, Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust, New Horizons and New Zealand Medical Women's Association plus the Kate Sheppard Memorial awards.
New Zealand Vice-Chancellors' Committee administers about 40 national scholarships at the country's eight universities. Committee scholarships manager Kiri Manuera said only one was available solely to women – the $50,000 New Zealand Law Foundation Ethel Benjamin Scholarship. Applicants had to be high- achieving female law graduates wishing to do further postgraduate study.
Foundation director Lynda Hagen said it canvassed the legal community several years ago about whether the scholarship should be ditched because of gender changes in education. However, its feedback was the scholarship was still appropriate because it was designed to commemorate New Zealand's first female lawyer.
"We will be very interested in what the human rights commissioner says and would follow any guidelines put out about it. If we were informed we had come to a time to make a change, we would open it up to both genders."
http://www.stuff. .html
Women-only scholarships under spotlight
By DEIDRE MUSSEN - Sunday Star Times | Sunday, 20 July 2008
Women-only educational scholarships are facing a legal challenge under human rights laws because they may discriminate against men.
In what may become a global test case, Victoria University Institute of Policy Studies senior researcher Dr Paul Callister has asked the Human Rights Commission to clarify its position, saying women significantly outperform men in education and therefore there may be no inequality for such scholarships to rectify.
Human Rights Commission's chief commissioner, Rosslyn Noonan, said she would carefully examine the issues and questions raised by Callister before responding.
Under national and international human rights laws, temporary measures such as the scholarships are allowed to address inequality between the sexes and are deemed not discriminatory but must be stopped when equality is achieved.
"Historically, women-only scholarships were justified, but now they aren't disadvantaged in education. My view is these scholarships are discriminatory now because we're past the point of needing special treatment for getting women into universities and degrees," Callister told the Sunday Star-Times.
Instead, he believed women-only scholarships should be made gender- neutral so anyone in need could apply. "Gender is no longer the clear marker of disadvantage that it once was."
Callister is leading a three-year $1.7 million project, funded by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology, which is investigating the gap between men and women's participation and achievement in education.
The project found significantly more women than men in Australia and New Zealand completed university degrees or higher qualifications in recent years. Between 2002 and 2006, 56% more women than men aged 20-24 gained a degree or higher education in New Zealand. In Australia, that gap was 53% over the same period.
By 2006, there were 23,900 more women than men, aged 25-34, with a degree or higher qualification in New Zealand. And Education Ministry statistics show that more women than men completed all levels of secondary and tertiary qualifications in 2006, from Level 1 NCEA to doctorates. Overall, 61% of those finishing qualifications were women and 39% were men.
Callister said it was a global trend and believed a review of women-only scholarships was needed internationally.
Many women-only scholarships were established in the 1970s when women were under-represented in tertiary education but now men had become significantly under- represented, Callister said. Key groups offering such scholarships include the New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women, Zonta, Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust, New Horizons and New Zealand Medical Women's Association plus the Kate Sheppard Memorial awards.
New Zealand Vice-Chancellors' Committee administers about 40 national scholarships at the country's eight universities. Committee scholarships manager Kiri Manuera said only one was available solely to women – the $50,000 New Zealand Law Foundation Ethel Benjamin Scholarship. Applicants had to be high- achieving female law graduates wishing to do further postgraduate study.
Foundation director Lynda Hagen said it canvassed the legal community several years ago about whether the scholarship should be ditched because of gender changes in education. However, its feedback was the scholarship was still appropriate because it was designed to commemorate New Zealand's first female lawyer.
"We will be very interested in what the human rights commissioner says and would follow any guidelines put out about it. If we were informed we had come to a time to make a change, we would open it up to both genders."
Friday, July 18, 2008
K-Fed's Lawyer: Britney Spears Ends Custody Battle
Britney Spears ended her battle on Thursday to win back custody of her two young sons from ex-husband Kevin Federline, Federline's attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan told on Friday.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
This is tough
Character Test
This test only has one question, but it's a very important one. By
giving an honest answer, you will discover where you stand morally.
The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation in which
you will have to make a decision.
Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous.
Please scroll down slowly and give due consideration to each line.
You are in New Zealand , Auckland to be specific.
There is chaos all around you caused by a hurricane with severe
This is a flood of biblical proportions.
You are a photo-journalist working for a major newspaper, and you're
caught in the middle of this epic disaster. The situation is nearly
You're trying to shoot career-making photos.
There are houses and people swirling around you, some disappearing
into the water.
Nature is unleashing all of its destructive fury.
Suddenly, you see a woman in the water.
She is fighting for her life, trying not to be taken down with the
You move closer... Somehow, the woman looks familiar...
You suddenly realize who it is... It's Helen Clark! You notice that the
raging waters are about to take her under forever.
You have two options:
You can save the life of Helen Clark or you can shoot a dramatic
Pulitzer Prize winning photo, documenting the death of the country's
most powerful woman!
Here's the question, and please give an honest answer...
Would you select high contrast colour film, or would you go with the
classic simplicity of black and white?
This test only has one question, but it's a very important one. By
giving an honest answer, you will discover where you stand morally.
The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation in which
you will have to make a decision.
Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous.
Please scroll down slowly and give due consideration to each line.
You are in New Zealand , Auckland to be specific.
There is chaos all around you caused by a hurricane with severe
This is a flood of biblical proportions.
You are a photo-journalist working for a major newspaper, and you're
caught in the middle of this epic disaster. The situation is nearly
You're trying to shoot career-making photos.
There are houses and people swirling around you, some disappearing
into the water.
Nature is unleashing all of its destructive fury.
Suddenly, you see a woman in the water.
She is fighting for her life, trying not to be taken down with the
You move closer... Somehow, the woman looks familiar...
You suddenly realize who it is... It's Helen Clark! You notice that the
raging waters are about to take her under forever.
You have two options:
You can save the life of Helen Clark or you can shoot a dramatic
Pulitzer Prize winning photo, documenting the death of the country's
most powerful woman!
Here's the question, and please give an honest answer...
Would you select high contrast colour film, or would you go with the
classic simplicity of black and white?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Associate Minister of Justice has her priorities wrong
I find it appalling that a Minister of the Crown goes to Scotland where the great Robbie Burns aspired from to look at the societal destruction that is caused by alcohol. The Minister concerned Ms Dalzeel's own electorate is debased in a deluge of alcohol and violence. Problematic and dysfunctional families are responsible for widespread lawlessness in Christchurch, where youth are running rampant and crime statistics are disgraceful. Everybody knows Christchurch City is the most violent in New Zealand. Meanwhile in the Northern Hemisphere the Associate Justice Minister sips a few socialist champagnes and possibly whiskey's if the well known sauce head - Ruth Dyson accompanied her? Her sister Kathryn is a City Crown law prosecutor and surely addressing the coal face triggers of criminality would be far better for the hacked -off constituents of Canterbury ? It would be far better for the public and welfare of citizens that we try and work towards harmonious communities.Surely you power tripper feminazi's agree with me? These Labour Party women,who are in power for the lifestyle, couldn't give a hoot about an ever increasing dangerous Christchurch .They radiate their arrogance and stupidity as the police sirens go, go, go. The Labour government is a cul-de-sac down which good ideas and common sense are lured, then quietly strangled by the radical feminist bitches!!
A good quote on the topic , Ruth Dyson will like this one. Norman Brenner correctly said;
"The intermediate stage between socialism and capitalism is alcoholism"
Anyway I spotted a story that Sir David Farrar posted on kiwiblog and I posted a comment regarding Dalzeel's latest wee junket trip aboard . Go girls go !!
(:-) 1000 Demerits)
Surely it must be obvious to the Associate Minister of
Justice that alcohol causes the dramatic rise in kiwi
fatherlessness, family breakdown, infanticide and child
Did Ruth Dyson go with her on the pointless trip?
A good quote on the topic , Ruth Dyson will like this one. Norman Brenner correctly said;
"The intermediate stage between socialism and capitalism is alcoholism"
Anyway I spotted a story that Sir David Farrar posted on kiwiblog and I posted a comment regarding Dalzeel's latest wee junket trip aboard . Go girls go !!
(:-) 1000 Demerits)
Surely it must be obvious to the Associate Minister of
Justice that alcohol causes the dramatic rise in kiwi
fatherlessness, family breakdown, infanticide and child
Did Ruth Dyson go with her on the pointless trip?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Overwhelmed Grand Mother gives up fight
This lovely lady contacted me after reading my comments on the Panic Website( assists people who have difficulties with the dysfunctional CYFS) and I have been helping her since 2004. Sadly CYFS and the corrupt Family Court have produced another potential time bomb who has been shipped off to Auckland after behavioural problems escalated to the point where police took DNA from a 11 year old. Well done Ruth Dyson, you are evil and a drunkard.
Notice of Discontinuance of Proceedings.
Affidavit July 2008.
Christchurch Family Court
TAKE NOTICE that I, C, of Christchurch, grandmother, hereby discontinue my application in these proceedings, all dated 15 April 2005, as follows-
Application for leave to apply for various orders.
Application for variation /discharge of existing orders.
Application for custody orders.
Application for my appointment as additional guardian.
I am discontinuing my applications for the following reasons –
1. My grandson, J, has been so seriously influenced against, and alienated from, me and other members of my (his paternal) family that I do not consider that it is fair to J to subject him to the proceedings relevant to my application presently before the Court.
2. I am so frustrated and appalled by the manner in which the Ministry of Social Development has managed its role as the legal custodian and an additional guardian of J since 2000,and by the consequences of what I consider to be the gross mismanagement of that Ministry( and its relevant social workers),that I do not have the emotional strength to continue my proceedings to determination.My family and close friends have expressed their serious concerns at the impact these proceedings generally have had, and will continue to have, on my health generally.
3. I m unable to tolerate any further or longer the humiliation and character assassination to which I, my son and other members of my family have been subjected over the last eight years, nor the deceit and manipulation of/by social workers assigned to manage the care of J for the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Development, caregivers assigned by those social workers to provide for J’s care, other professionals and K G (J’s mother).
4. I have reached the point where I am unable to put J or myself through the further stress and distress these proceedings inevitably will continue for us.
Notice of Discontinuance of Proceedings.
Affidavit July 2008.
Christchurch Family Court
TAKE NOTICE that I, C, of Christchurch, grandmother, hereby discontinue my application in these proceedings, all dated 15 April 2005, as follows-
Application for leave to apply for various orders.
Application for variation /discharge of existing orders.
Application for custody orders.
Application for my appointment as additional guardian.
I am discontinuing my applications for the following reasons –
1. My grandson, J, has been so seriously influenced against, and alienated from, me and other members of my (his paternal) family that I do not consider that it is fair to J to subject him to the proceedings relevant to my application presently before the Court.
2. I am so frustrated and appalled by the manner in which the Ministry of Social Development has managed its role as the legal custodian and an additional guardian of J since 2000,and by the consequences of what I consider to be the gross mismanagement of that Ministry( and its relevant social workers),that I do not have the emotional strength to continue my proceedings to determination.My family and close friends have expressed their serious concerns at the impact these proceedings generally have had, and will continue to have, on my health generally.
3. I m unable to tolerate any further or longer the humiliation and character assassination to which I, my son and other members of my family have been subjected over the last eight years, nor the deceit and manipulation of/by social workers assigned to manage the care of J for the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Development, caregivers assigned by those social workers to provide for J’s care, other professionals and K G (J’s mother).
4. I have reached the point where I am unable to put J or myself through the further stress and distress these proceedings inevitably will continue for us.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Fugley threatens to rape my daughter !!!!
Unfortunately my recent banning by David Farrar at Kiwiblog and sadly Ian Wishart giving me a telling off at the tbr blog leaves me feeling frustrated and I am considering giving up blogging forever. There is always two sides to the story and when dealing with such a slimy individual such as fugley it becomes impossible to expose his satanic venom.Everyday for the last year he has filled my gmail account with malicious emails.
My last comment on kiwiblog;
"Good bye and why does Alex Burns post under my daughters name ?"
At least six people have righteous souls in New Zealand, they gave the comment a good karma thumbs up.Any genuine parent would react the way I am . What a perverted animal this fugley is!!!!!
I could never torment a man's child no matter what the circustances. I am ashamed such people live in New Zealand.A real coward shines on the internet. They say sticks and stones break bones but threatening children is sickening fugley.
As a concerned parent I can assure you fugley is going have to pay BIGTIME for his vicious child abuse.What about respect, integrity and values? This is NOT fair. Attack me fugley NOT my daughter !!! My daughter is paranoid, tense and stressed. I am getting used to it. They have poisoned my dog, and I have more phone numbers and experienced more bloody shifts than I care to imagine.
I had to withdraw my name as a Republican candidate in the coming election, because I fear for my families safety.
Last weekend I received death threats from fugley.I want people to know exactly what a mongrel he is. He uses the email address's - alex and This cowardly creep has also threatened to rape my young daughter.How he got the name of my child is EXTREMELY worrying. IS SHE SAFE FROM THIS ANIMAL? He rings at all hours and I am at a loss to how they got my phone number?Obviously has connections with the corrupt Clark bitch. I have complained to police but they fobbed me off.He rings claiming to be a police officer ( Constable Darren from Papanui Police). When presented with evidence ( emails and phone calls on a CD) the keystone cops just laugh in my face, so I have decided I will stop fugley myself.
I am angry and my daughter is traumatized.How bad can it get when demented scum like fugley can cause so much anxiety for a young teenager without expecting any consequences. If you have a moral conscience and you know fugley please give me his name. He sounds rather old and odd on the phone and somebody must know him. I appeal to your decency, so I can exact natural justice on this piece of dog turd.
If anybody knows who fugley is please email me . Everyone on the internet has a moral obligation to stop children being used as weapons of war.Fugley only knows how to fight dirty.
These insipid Helen Clark supporters are vile filth and I want to hurt them as much as they have frightened my teenage daughter.
The internet is a place where cowards excel and I have hundreds of emails from the twisted scum that prove these sinister queers have no place in our society.
If anybody knows who fugley is and sits on the information , just think of my daughter who is scared shitless and frightened.Think about her feelings.
Her friends and teachers from school cannot understand such perverted animals.
I will get you fugley - just ask police !!
Proud to be a New Zealander - yeah right!
Are there ANY HONOURABLE PEOPLE LEFT IN NEW ZEALAND ? I doubt it, but we will see.
My last comment on kiwiblog;
"Good bye and why does Alex Burns post under my daughters name ?"
At least six people have righteous souls in New Zealand, they gave the comment a good karma thumbs up.Any genuine parent would react the way I am . What a perverted animal this fugley is!!!!!
I could never torment a man's child no matter what the circustances. I am ashamed such people live in New Zealand.A real coward shines on the internet. They say sticks and stones break bones but threatening children is sickening fugley.
As a concerned parent I can assure you fugley is going have to pay BIGTIME for his vicious child abuse.What about respect, integrity and values? This is NOT fair. Attack me fugley NOT my daughter !!! My daughter is paranoid, tense and stressed. I am getting used to it. They have poisoned my dog, and I have more phone numbers and experienced more bloody shifts than I care to imagine.
I had to withdraw my name as a Republican candidate in the coming election, because I fear for my families safety.
Last weekend I received death threats from fugley.I want people to know exactly what a mongrel he is. He uses the email address's - alex and This cowardly creep has also threatened to rape my young daughter.How he got the name of my child is EXTREMELY worrying. IS SHE SAFE FROM THIS ANIMAL? He rings at all hours and I am at a loss to how they got my phone number?Obviously has connections with the corrupt Clark bitch. I have complained to police but they fobbed me off.He rings claiming to be a police officer ( Constable Darren from Papanui Police). When presented with evidence ( emails and phone calls on a CD) the keystone cops just laugh in my face, so I have decided I will stop fugley myself.
I am angry and my daughter is traumatized.How bad can it get when demented scum like fugley can cause so much anxiety for a young teenager without expecting any consequences. If you have a moral conscience and you know fugley please give me his name. He sounds rather old and odd on the phone and somebody must know him. I appeal to your decency, so I can exact natural justice on this piece of dog turd.
If anybody knows who fugley is please email me . Everyone on the internet has a moral obligation to stop children being used as weapons of war.Fugley only knows how to fight dirty.
These insipid Helen Clark supporters are vile filth and I want to hurt them as much as they have frightened my teenage daughter.
The internet is a place where cowards excel and I have hundreds of emails from the twisted scum that prove these sinister queers have no place in our society.
If anybody knows who fugley is and sits on the information , just think of my daughter who is scared shitless and frightened.Think about her feelings.
Her friends and teachers from school cannot understand such perverted animals.
I will get you fugley - just ask police !!
Proud to be a New Zealander - yeah right!
Are there ANY HONOURABLE PEOPLE LEFT IN NEW ZEALAND ? I doubt it, but we will see.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Seven years suffering under invalid protection orders
Today I filed another application for Discharge of Protection Order and yet another affidavit in the Christchurch Family Court.
This month July, seven years ago my nightmare started. I was forced into a strange world as a respondent client of the Kangaroo Court system. Sadly it was the last time that I enjoyed the fatherly role in a stable family unit with my two daughters.
So much unnecessary litigation, however the gravy train is well pleased with the false allegations.This has been a lucrative file number for the unscrupulous Family Court leeches.
Lawyers, lies , psychologists, lies,judges, lies, cops, lies, maternal family, lies, victim support workers, lies, Prime Ministers, lies, Attorney and Governor Generals,lies, Ministers and Commissioners, lies, CYFS social workers, lies and more bloody lies.
Who said the truth always comes out?
Yeah right!
This lie has been running solidly for seven years.
Well done Family Court and overzealous police!
It is most upsetting that I cannot move forward in my life with the burden of injustice constantly placing restrictions and obstacles in my way.
Sadly seven years enduring invalid protection orders does bring about depression and a invalids benefit from the nanny state.
This month July, seven years ago my nightmare started. I was forced into a strange world as a respondent client of the Kangaroo Court system. Sadly it was the last time that I enjoyed the fatherly role in a stable family unit with my two daughters.
So much unnecessary litigation, however the gravy train is well pleased with the false allegations.This has been a lucrative file number for the unscrupulous Family Court leeches.
Lawyers, lies , psychologists, lies,judges, lies, cops, lies, maternal family, lies, victim support workers, lies, Prime Ministers, lies, Attorney and Governor Generals,lies, Ministers and Commissioners, lies, CYFS social workers, lies and more bloody lies.
Who said the truth always comes out?
Yeah right!
This lie has been running solidly for seven years.
Well done Family Court and overzealous police!
It is most upsetting that I cannot move forward in my life with the burden of injustice constantly placing restrictions and obstacles in my way.
Sadly seven years enduring invalid protection orders does bring about depression and a invalids benefit from the nanny state.
Muriel Newman - Restoring Fatherhood
NZCPR Weekly
Restoring Fatherhood
NZCPR Weekly is the electronic newsletter of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research, a public policy think tank established in 2005 by former MP Dr Muriel Newman.
Amongst the subscribers is an influential audience of policy- and law-makers, news editors and opinion leaders.
Using the power of the internet, each week the NZCPR delivers a thought-provoking research-based newsletter featuring an opinion piece from an influential guest commentator provided exclusively for NZCPR subscribers.
The debate generated each week is recorded on the website, where the rich diversity of opinion - seldom seen elsewhere - can be viewed.
Because these newsletters are free, our survival is totally dependent on the kindness and generosity of readers like yourself. This is an appeal for your help.
lIf you believe the issues being raised by the NZCPR are important to the future direction of our country, please support our work by clicking here>>>
This week, NZCPR Weekly examines the root cause of the social crisis that is threatening the fabric of New Zealand society (printer -friendly view>>>), NZCPR Guest Sir Bob Jones pulls no punches over the growth of the underclass, and the poll asks for your views on fatherlessness.
“10,000 march against violent crime”. “Mayor wants gangs crushed by army”. “75 percent of children bullied at school”. “Toddler in Starship Hospital with critical head injuries”. These recent newspaper headlines highlight the deep-seated social crisis New Zealand is facing.
It is the ugly side of our country: children being brutilised and killed by adults who should be protecting them; escalating levels of bullying in schools; hordes of disorderly youths causing mayhem on the streets; gangs in control of a lucrative drug trade that has infiltrated deep into communities all around the country. These are problems that are now so serious they cannot be ignored.
The reality is that increasing violence is destroying lives on a daily basis. Hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money is being spent on mopping up the damage with massive human resources needed for front-line crisis work. Endless minds are engaged in devising strategies to deal with the problems, but while many well-meaning people come up with many well-meaning ‘solutions’, few – if any – are prepared to deal with the real root cause of this social crisis.
The fact is that endless studies show that virtually every major social pathology we face can be linked back to the breakdown of the family: violent crime, drugs and alcohol abuse, truancy, unwed pregnancy, suicide, psychological disorders – these all correlate more strongly to the absence of a biological married father in the home than with any other single factor.
The majority of prisoners, juvenile detention inmates, high school dropouts, pregnant teenagers, adolescent murderers, and rapists come from fatherless homes. The connection between single-parent households and crime is so strong that controlling for this factor erases the relationship between race and crime as well as between low income and crime.1
New Zealand’s Principal Youth Court Judge, Andrew Becroft, recently released figures from a study of youth crime that confirms that the majority of serious youth offenders – a staggering 82 percent - have lost contact with their father: only 12 percent of the offenders who came through the court were living with both parents, 28 percent were living with one parent (usually their mother) and 60 percent were not living with either their mother or their father.2
That is clearly not to say that every child being raised without a dad ends up in trouble, or that every child raised by a married couple does well, but on the balance of probability, children raised without their natural father, will face greater difficulties in life, than children brought up with their dad to love, guide and protect them.
Fathers play a vital role in bringing up their children. From the rough and tumble play with toddlers, to the crucial task of setting boundaries, enforcing discipline and challenging children to accept responsibilities and become more independent, a father’s influence is crucial. It is especially the case in the socialisation of teenagers, where a father will provide a role model of what men are supposed to be like on the job, in the home, with women, and with children.
Judge Becroft has described the deep-seated need that boys have for a father figure in this way: “14, 15, and 16 year-old boys seek out role models like ‘heat seeking missiles’. It’s either the leader of the Mongrel Mob or it’s a sports coach or it’s Dad. But an overwhelming majority of boys who I see in the Youth Court have lost contact with their father. …What I’m saying is that I’m dealing in the Youth Court with boys for whom their Dad is simply not there, never has been, gone, vanished and disappeared”.
It is this collapse of fatherhood that is at the heart of New Zealand’s social crisis. There are now hundreds of thousands of New Zealand children growing up in fatherless homes. Too many live in crime-ridden neighborhoods where violence is the norm, where alcohol and drug abuse are commonplace, and where disaffected dropouts roam the streets instead of being meaningfully engaged in school.
According to Judge Becroft an astonishing 80 percent of teenage offenders who go through the youth court have drug or alcohol problems and a staggering 70 percent aren’t enrolled in any form of education!3
This crisis is of the government’s own making. While the seeds of family disintegration were sown by the Labour Government in the seventies - with policies designed to progress the feminists’ agenda of independence for women - successive National governments allowed the situation to get worse.
At the core of the problem is the Domestic Purposes Benefit. Labour introduced the DPB in order to provide unhappy mothers with an alternative to a husband. The DPB gave an unconditional state guaranteed welfare benefit to any woman who wanted to raise a child on her own. Over the years the DPB has become a way of life for hundreds of thousands of women and their children. Many of these are now caught up in a cycle of intergenerational welfare dependency to become part of New Zealand’s growing dysfunctional underclass.
This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator is renowned author and commentator Sir Bob Jones. In his opinion piece Homo Degeratus, Bob describes - in his forthright way - how a “welfare-sated under-class … is now thriving in New Zealand; slobbering, tattooed, illiterate, pig-ignorant, prolific breeding, drug-infested, alcoholic, welfare dependent, murdering and robbing, barbaric filth and it is all traceable solely to welfare excess and the DPB in particular. I for one have had enough. Disproportionately Maori, their existence is a disgrace, not to Maoridom but to the human race”.
Bob echoes the despair of many New Zealanders when he states: “I sense and personally feel, a widespread sense of hopelessness about the current state of affairs. The solution lies with our politicians but what odds on a set of political circumstances which would throw up another Douglas to embark on a radical social reform as Roger did on the economic front?
He explains, “Ironically, when I write that the solution lies with politicians I could just as easily say that the problem stems from them. Primarily motivated by the pursuit of power, once in office the record shows that politicians driving modus operandi is not to rock the boat”. To read Homo Degeratus, click the sidebar link>>>
Bob is right, of course. It is difficult to find any political will to reform the welfare system in general and the DPB in particular - even though the politicians are well aware that children are the major victims of a system that is supposed to protect them.
No other country has a benefit payment that is as unconstrained as New Zealand’s Domestic Purposes Benefit. As Bob Jones mentions in his article, when the US realised the damage to children – and society - that was being caused by their equivalent of the DPB, President Clinton abolished it. He replaced it with a system that prioritised getting mothers off benefits and back into the workforce. Independence from the state was seen as the key goal. And in spite of a plethora of dire predictions about the consequences, the results have been very positive for all concerned.
New Zealand desperately needs politicians with the courage to do what is right for the country and replace the DPB with a system of temporary support based on work - similar to that found in many other developed countries. Hardship payments should be available for deserted or mistreated spouses, and the parents of teenagers should realise that the responsibility for supporting their teenager to have children of their own, will largely fall on their shoulders.
Most importantly, it should be signalled loud and clear that it is simply no longer acceptable to bear children if they are not going to be properly raised and supported. Children need a mother and a father who will love, nurture and support them, if they are to have the best opportunity at leading a successful and fulfilling life. That means encouraging marriage, since, despite its intrinsic faults, marriage still remains the bedrock institution of civil society providing the glue that binds mothers and fathers together for the common purpose of raising their children well.
Of course, much more needs to be done to support those parents with children who are presently running amuck: special schools with live-in facilities to give these children the routines and boundaries that they will be missing in their home-life may have a place. More than anything, the priority must be to connect these children with the education system, because no matter how bad a child’s home-life may be, an education can provide a life-line to a better future.
There is also much that needs to be done to fight the growing crime and violence within our society – but that is another subject for another day.
While none of this is simple, what we categorically know is that if we carry on as we have in the past, we will end up with a future that is far more violent and problematic that the one we face today. Doing nothing is not an option.
New Zealand urgently needs political leadership in the area of welfare reform. The DPB needs to be replaced as a priority and fatherhood needs to be restored. It is time the political parties stepped up to this challenge.
Restoring Fatherhood
NZCPR Weekly is the electronic newsletter of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research, a public policy think tank established in 2005 by former MP Dr Muriel Newman.
Amongst the subscribers is an influential audience of policy- and law-makers, news editors and opinion leaders.
Using the power of the internet, each week the NZCPR delivers a thought-provoking research-based newsletter featuring an opinion piece from an influential guest commentator provided exclusively for NZCPR subscribers.
The debate generated each week is recorded on the website, where the rich diversity of opinion - seldom seen elsewhere - can be viewed.
Because these newsletters are free, our survival is totally dependent on the kindness and generosity of readers like yourself. This is an appeal for your help.
lIf you believe the issues being raised by the NZCPR are important to the future direction of our country, please support our work by clicking here>>>
This week, NZCPR Weekly examines the root cause of the social crisis that is threatening the fabric of New Zealand society (printer -friendly view>>>), NZCPR Guest Sir Bob Jones pulls no punches over the growth of the underclass, and the poll asks for your views on fatherlessness.
“10,000 march against violent crime”. “Mayor wants gangs crushed by army”. “75 percent of children bullied at school”. “Toddler in Starship Hospital with critical head injuries”. These recent newspaper headlines highlight the deep-seated social crisis New Zealand is facing.
It is the ugly side of our country: children being brutilised and killed by adults who should be protecting them; escalating levels of bullying in schools; hordes of disorderly youths causing mayhem on the streets; gangs in control of a lucrative drug trade that has infiltrated deep into communities all around the country. These are problems that are now so serious they cannot be ignored.
The reality is that increasing violence is destroying lives on a daily basis. Hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money is being spent on mopping up the damage with massive human resources needed for front-line crisis work. Endless minds are engaged in devising strategies to deal with the problems, but while many well-meaning people come up with many well-meaning ‘solutions’, few – if any – are prepared to deal with the real root cause of this social crisis.
The fact is that endless studies show that virtually every major social pathology we face can be linked back to the breakdown of the family: violent crime, drugs and alcohol abuse, truancy, unwed pregnancy, suicide, psychological disorders – these all correlate more strongly to the absence of a biological married father in the home than with any other single factor.
The majority of prisoners, juvenile detention inmates, high school dropouts, pregnant teenagers, adolescent murderers, and rapists come from fatherless homes. The connection between single-parent households and crime is so strong that controlling for this factor erases the relationship between race and crime as well as between low income and crime.1
New Zealand’s Principal Youth Court Judge, Andrew Becroft, recently released figures from a study of youth crime that confirms that the majority of serious youth offenders – a staggering 82 percent - have lost contact with their father: only 12 percent of the offenders who came through the court were living with both parents, 28 percent were living with one parent (usually their mother) and 60 percent were not living with either their mother or their father.2
That is clearly not to say that every child being raised without a dad ends up in trouble, or that every child raised by a married couple does well, but on the balance of probability, children raised without their natural father, will face greater difficulties in life, than children brought up with their dad to love, guide and protect them.
Fathers play a vital role in bringing up their children. From the rough and tumble play with toddlers, to the crucial task of setting boundaries, enforcing discipline and challenging children to accept responsibilities and become more independent, a father’s influence is crucial. It is especially the case in the socialisation of teenagers, where a father will provide a role model of what men are supposed to be like on the job, in the home, with women, and with children.
Judge Becroft has described the deep-seated need that boys have for a father figure in this way: “14, 15, and 16 year-old boys seek out role models like ‘heat seeking missiles’. It’s either the leader of the Mongrel Mob or it’s a sports coach or it’s Dad. But an overwhelming majority of boys who I see in the Youth Court have lost contact with their father. …What I’m saying is that I’m dealing in the Youth Court with boys for whom their Dad is simply not there, never has been, gone, vanished and disappeared”.
It is this collapse of fatherhood that is at the heart of New Zealand’s social crisis. There are now hundreds of thousands of New Zealand children growing up in fatherless homes. Too many live in crime-ridden neighborhoods where violence is the norm, where alcohol and drug abuse are commonplace, and where disaffected dropouts roam the streets instead of being meaningfully engaged in school.
According to Judge Becroft an astonishing 80 percent of teenage offenders who go through the youth court have drug or alcohol problems and a staggering 70 percent aren’t enrolled in any form of education!3
This crisis is of the government’s own making. While the seeds of family disintegration were sown by the Labour Government in the seventies - with policies designed to progress the feminists’ agenda of independence for women - successive National governments allowed the situation to get worse.
At the core of the problem is the Domestic Purposes Benefit. Labour introduced the DPB in order to provide unhappy mothers with an alternative to a husband. The DPB gave an unconditional state guaranteed welfare benefit to any woman who wanted to raise a child on her own. Over the years the DPB has become a way of life for hundreds of thousands of women and their children. Many of these are now caught up in a cycle of intergenerational welfare dependency to become part of New Zealand’s growing dysfunctional underclass.
This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator is renowned author and commentator Sir Bob Jones. In his opinion piece Homo Degeratus, Bob describes - in his forthright way - how a “welfare-sated under-class … is now thriving in New Zealand; slobbering, tattooed, illiterate, pig-ignorant, prolific breeding, drug-infested, alcoholic, welfare dependent, murdering and robbing, barbaric filth and it is all traceable solely to welfare excess and the DPB in particular. I for one have had enough. Disproportionately Maori, their existence is a disgrace, not to Maoridom but to the human race”.
Bob echoes the despair of many New Zealanders when he states: “I sense and personally feel, a widespread sense of hopelessness about the current state of affairs. The solution lies with our politicians but what odds on a set of political circumstances which would throw up another Douglas to embark on a radical social reform as Roger did on the economic front?
He explains, “Ironically, when I write that the solution lies with politicians I could just as easily say that the problem stems from them. Primarily motivated by the pursuit of power, once in office the record shows that politicians driving modus operandi is not to rock the boat”. To read Homo Degeratus, click the sidebar link>>>
Bob is right, of course. It is difficult to find any political will to reform the welfare system in general and the DPB in particular - even though the politicians are well aware that children are the major victims of a system that is supposed to protect them.
No other country has a benefit payment that is as unconstrained as New Zealand’s Domestic Purposes Benefit. As Bob Jones mentions in his article, when the US realised the damage to children – and society - that was being caused by their equivalent of the DPB, President Clinton abolished it. He replaced it with a system that prioritised getting mothers off benefits and back into the workforce. Independence from the state was seen as the key goal. And in spite of a plethora of dire predictions about the consequences, the results have been very positive for all concerned.
New Zealand desperately needs politicians with the courage to do what is right for the country and replace the DPB with a system of temporary support based on work - similar to that found in many other developed countries. Hardship payments should be available for deserted or mistreated spouses, and the parents of teenagers should realise that the responsibility for supporting their teenager to have children of their own, will largely fall on their shoulders.
Most importantly, it should be signalled loud and clear that it is simply no longer acceptable to bear children if they are not going to be properly raised and supported. Children need a mother and a father who will love, nurture and support them, if they are to have the best opportunity at leading a successful and fulfilling life. That means encouraging marriage, since, despite its intrinsic faults, marriage still remains the bedrock institution of civil society providing the glue that binds mothers and fathers together for the common purpose of raising their children well.
Of course, much more needs to be done to support those parents with children who are presently running amuck: special schools with live-in facilities to give these children the routines and boundaries that they will be missing in their home-life may have a place. More than anything, the priority must be to connect these children with the education system, because no matter how bad a child’s home-life may be, an education can provide a life-line to a better future.
There is also much that needs to be done to fight the growing crime and violence within our society – but that is another subject for another day.
While none of this is simple, what we categorically know is that if we carry on as we have in the past, we will end up with a future that is far more violent and problematic that the one we face today. Doing nothing is not an option.
New Zealand urgently needs political leadership in the area of welfare reform. The DPB needs to be replaced as a priority and fatherhood needs to be restored. It is time the political parties stepped up to this challenge.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Paternal Grand Mothers fight for her Gran Son -Part 1
Christchurch Family Court
File Number - ......
Affidavit filed - 15 April 2008.
To the Honourable judge John Strettell.
I am writing this support letter highlighting the tremendous effort that C has put into trying to re-establish the bonds of love that she once enjoyed with her grand son J. I am appalled at her treatment by a callous government department called CYFS and I appeal to the mercy of the Family Court to grant an emergency hearing, so substantial issues and genuine concerns that C have can be addressed immediately by the Court.
I am disappointed that the shameful tactics of CYFS fly in the face of what a compassionate judge Somerville clearly directed at a family group meditation conference in December 2006. The judge clearly tried to address the issues of alienation and hurt experienced by both C and J. He assured CYFS that they understood that regular phone contact between C and her grand son J was to precede future access visits for her and J. CYFS agreed to act in good faith with all parties involved including myself.
Unfortunately C received one phone call from J in the 2007 year! Despicably, J was returned back to the totally inappropriate caregivers even though the judge had stated that it was not in J best interests to be placed back with these caregivers. CYFS disregarded both directives made by the judge and are responsible for the creation of a walking time bomb, which sadly is called J.
In 2008 Carol and I have attended various meetings where we have had heard all about J problems from two different school principals, police, CYFS caregivers, Minister of CYFS Ruth Dyson and other social workers.
Today C is at a loss overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness, bitterness, sad frustrations and anxiety. It is not acceptable that CYFS have not keep their word again after a recent Family Conference, where they said that they would send on letters and presents from both J father X and his paternal grand mother C. C is upset the packages are still gathering dust in a CYFS office!
I expect the Court should prioritise this, as young J is a troubled young lad who is struggling in a world where he is not feeling loved. It is so sad that he doesn’t know how much his paternal grand mother C has fought to try and bring some much needed sanity in what has become a tragedy in the waiting.
I urge the Court to consider C's application for full custody of J so she can make a start on the deliberate damage inflicted by a dysfunctional CYFS.
Yours truly,
Children Need Parents Trust
Peter Burns
File Number - ......
Affidavit filed - 15 April 2008.
To the Honourable judge John Strettell.
I am writing this support letter highlighting the tremendous effort that C has put into trying to re-establish the bonds of love that she once enjoyed with her grand son J. I am appalled at her treatment by a callous government department called CYFS and I appeal to the mercy of the Family Court to grant an emergency hearing, so substantial issues and genuine concerns that C have can be addressed immediately by the Court.
I am disappointed that the shameful tactics of CYFS fly in the face of what a compassionate judge Somerville clearly directed at a family group meditation conference in December 2006. The judge clearly tried to address the issues of alienation and hurt experienced by both C and J. He assured CYFS that they understood that regular phone contact between C and her grand son J was to precede future access visits for her and J. CYFS agreed to act in good faith with all parties involved including myself.
Unfortunately C received one phone call from J in the 2007 year! Despicably, J was returned back to the totally inappropriate caregivers even though the judge had stated that it was not in J best interests to be placed back with these caregivers. CYFS disregarded both directives made by the judge and are responsible for the creation of a walking time bomb, which sadly is called J.
In 2008 Carol and I have attended various meetings where we have had heard all about J problems from two different school principals, police, CYFS caregivers, Minister of CYFS Ruth Dyson and other social workers.
Today C is at a loss overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness, bitterness, sad frustrations and anxiety. It is not acceptable that CYFS have not keep their word again after a recent Family Conference, where they said that they would send on letters and presents from both J father X and his paternal grand mother C. C is upset the packages are still gathering dust in a CYFS office!
I expect the Court should prioritise this, as young J is a troubled young lad who is struggling in a world where he is not feeling loved. It is so sad that he doesn’t know how much his paternal grand mother C has fought to try and bring some much needed sanity in what has become a tragedy in the waiting.
I urge the Court to consider C's application for full custody of J so she can make a start on the deliberate damage inflicted by a dysfunctional CYFS.
Yours truly,
Children Need Parents Trust
Peter Burns
Transgender ''man'' reportedly gives birth
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Thomas Beatie, who was born a woman but after surgery and hormone treatment lives as a man, has given birth to a girl at an Oregon hospital, People magazine reported on Thursday. Beatie, 34, who kept female reproductive...
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Friday, July 4, 2008
Just Say No To Idiots
Just Say No To Idiots
(A view from the streets)
By George Rolph
3rd July 2008
Don't hate the feminists, pity them. They are locked into an ideological nightmare that even they cannot understand. It is a form of lunacy. Understand that they need treatment to help them recover. Just don't make the mistake of taking them seriously and swallowing their lies.
There are people in society that no one should take seriously, such as, Nazi's, Kelvin Mackenzie, the BNP, Cherie Blair, Amy Winehouse, Vanessa Phelps and most of the domestic media. These and many others, live in a cocoon of self imposed illusion. In their world, they are important kings and queens. In our world, they are mostly mental. In their world, what they say is vitally important, in our world, what they say is often so far from the truth it may as well be the devil speaking. (Come to think of it, it probably is!)
Feminists inhabit a different world in which all men are out to get them and to prove it, they go on, and on, and on, and on, about the bad things SOME men do. They are like paranoid Bee keepers who think that all the Bees want to hurt them for personal reasons. They get stung once and assume the whole hive is after them. To them, all Bees are evil. They cannot see the Bees that make the honey. Only the Bees that sting the Bee keepers.
While, at the same time as bleating that they want absolute equality with men, they get suddenly coy when asked to take the same degree of responsibility men take. Thus, they will talk about male violence and crime until our brains turn to jelly under the onslaught, but refuse to discuss female violence and crime because that means facing the reality that it is not just the patriarchy that is naughty, but the matriarchy has a dubious record also. Child killing is a subject that feminists avoid like the Black Death, for example. Unless it is to invent excuses for it. This is why the BBC will talk about child killers of a female kind, ONLY in terms of miscarriages of justice. Facing the truth is too hard for the average BBC fem.'
The politician hates the idea of facing up to female violence, it seems, because of the economic consequences of having to deal with female criminals. Better to ignore it, make other excuses for it and hope it goes away!
Another thing to avoid is being sucked into the shame game that they play. I am not ashamed to be a man because some men are evil. I refuse to allow myself to be beaten up mentally and emotionally because some sick man went on a rape rampage or beat his wife. I know that the men who do this need help. There is something not vibrating in tune in their minds. It may well be that the trigger for their actions was some misdeed done to them by a woman when they were children. To find out, I have to ask them and then try and help them through it. The Jeremy Kyle/Feminist approach is to just condemn them, beat then up and then ask them. I want to help them, not hate all men because of them.
No! I am proud to be a man and that drives the fem's nuts. They want me to hate myself. I refuse.
Another illusion is to think that because a female is loud mouthed, aggressive and talks fast, that she knows what she is talking about. She thinks she is being, "assertive." In reality, she is just another bitch. Ignore those who are like that. Laugh at them but do not take them seriously.
Respect has to be a two way street. If they show you no respect, show them the same contempt. There are many smart women who are not feminists, not bitches and who *do *know the truth about their own gender. These are the women who are worth talking too and worthy of showing respect.
In a similar way, let's contrast two different gay men.
That cretin that spat in the man's face in the Big Brother house needs a spell in jail or hospital. He is a nutter. Of course, every politically correct idiot in the nation will tell us that we HAVE to respect him because he is gay. NO WE DON'T! It makes no difference if he is gay or straight. ANY idiot that spits in another mans face deserves no respect at all. The fact that this idiot did it while screaming that his victim was "homophobic" speaks volumes in itself. To him, the word 'homophobic' is a weapon to beat straight men with. He is stuck in perpetual victim mode. (A lot like feminists). I refuse to let fools like him beat me with anything! You shouldn't either.
Now, by contrast, consider Peter Tatchell. When he first came to public prominence it was chiefly as a gay man outing other gays. I loathed what he was doing. He was acting like a bully for his own ends and was creating misery and fear in others in order to make his dubious political points. (A lot like feminists really). Then he stopped doing that and became a man of great courage and principle. His rating, with me personally, went through the roof. I began to admire him.
Two different gay men a million miles apart. One deserving of nothing but contempt, the other deserving of respect. The politically correct say, we must respect them both. I say, you are talking from the wrong orifice and nothing you can say will force me to respect that idiot from the Big Brother house and he can call me 'homophobic' until the pink cows come home. It will still not be true.
The point is, that if black people, brown people, white people, women, young or old, other men, gays, the media, lesbians or feminists want our respect as a people, let them earn it. Laws /ordering/ us to respect them are not going to work. Some we CAN respect. Others we cannot. That is reality.
Hey Labour! You remember reality don't you? It's what you had BEFORE you started listening to the feminists and began disrespecting everyone who is not a bra burning, men hating weirdo!
Do we have to respect someone before we will help them? Hell no! If we see someone in trouble (even a feminist) and it is possible to help them, we should. That is what makes us decent people. That is why I still bother to talk to feminists. I have hope that I can deprogram them.
If decent people see a burglar fall from an upstairs window and land on his or her back on the concrete, they should always put aside their feelings about the rights and wrongs of his or her ("his or her" because crime is an equal opportunities employer) actions and offer help until the ambulance comes. The moronic Sun 'Newspaper' approach might be that we should call all our mates and jump up and down on the unfortunate until we are /certain/ he or she is crippled and THEN call an ambulance, but that is the council of fools. Decent people do decent things. Idiots scream, make a fuss, claim their "rights" while abusing the rights of others and try to bully us all into becoming as sick as they are. Just listen to the 'we hate religion' brigade!
How then would I sum up this rant? Well, it's simple really.
Just say no to idiots. And that includes feminists. You listened to that lot and it has led to streets full of dead children with knives sticking out of them and family meltdown. Don't hate them. Just don't respect or listen to them either.
They don't deserve our respect and their lies hurt our ears and our children.
George Rolph. (UK)
July 3rd 2008.
(A view from the streets)
By George Rolph
3rd July 2008
Don't hate the feminists, pity them. They are locked into an ideological nightmare that even they cannot understand. It is a form of lunacy. Understand that they need treatment to help them recover. Just don't make the mistake of taking them seriously and swallowing their lies.
There are people in society that no one should take seriously, such as, Nazi's, Kelvin Mackenzie, the BNP, Cherie Blair, Amy Winehouse, Vanessa Phelps and most of the domestic media. These and many others, live in a cocoon of self imposed illusion. In their world, they are important kings and queens. In our world, they are mostly mental. In their world, what they say is vitally important, in our world, what they say is often so far from the truth it may as well be the devil speaking. (Come to think of it, it probably is!)
Feminists inhabit a different world in which all men are out to get them and to prove it, they go on, and on, and on, and on, about the bad things SOME men do. They are like paranoid Bee keepers who think that all the Bees want to hurt them for personal reasons. They get stung once and assume the whole hive is after them. To them, all Bees are evil. They cannot see the Bees that make the honey. Only the Bees that sting the Bee keepers.
While, at the same time as bleating that they want absolute equality with men, they get suddenly coy when asked to take the same degree of responsibility men take. Thus, they will talk about male violence and crime until our brains turn to jelly under the onslaught, but refuse to discuss female violence and crime because that means facing the reality that it is not just the patriarchy that is naughty, but the matriarchy has a dubious record also. Child killing is a subject that feminists avoid like the Black Death, for example. Unless it is to invent excuses for it. This is why the BBC will talk about child killers of a female kind, ONLY in terms of miscarriages of justice. Facing the truth is too hard for the average BBC fem.'
The politician hates the idea of facing up to female violence, it seems, because of the economic consequences of having to deal with female criminals. Better to ignore it, make other excuses for it and hope it goes away!
Another thing to avoid is being sucked into the shame game that they play. I am not ashamed to be a man because some men are evil. I refuse to allow myself to be beaten up mentally and emotionally because some sick man went on a rape rampage or beat his wife. I know that the men who do this need help. There is something not vibrating in tune in their minds. It may well be that the trigger for their actions was some misdeed done to them by a woman when they were children. To find out, I have to ask them and then try and help them through it. The Jeremy Kyle/Feminist approach is to just condemn them, beat then up and then ask them. I want to help them, not hate all men because of them.
No! I am proud to be a man and that drives the fem's nuts. They want me to hate myself. I refuse.
Another illusion is to think that because a female is loud mouthed, aggressive and talks fast, that she knows what she is talking about. She thinks she is being, "assertive." In reality, she is just another bitch. Ignore those who are like that. Laugh at them but do not take them seriously.
Respect has to be a two way street. If they show you no respect, show them the same contempt. There are many smart women who are not feminists, not bitches and who *do *know the truth about their own gender. These are the women who are worth talking too and worthy of showing respect.
In a similar way, let's contrast two different gay men.
That cretin that spat in the man's face in the Big Brother house needs a spell in jail or hospital. He is a nutter. Of course, every politically correct idiot in the nation will tell us that we HAVE to respect him because he is gay. NO WE DON'T! It makes no difference if he is gay or straight. ANY idiot that spits in another mans face deserves no respect at all. The fact that this idiot did it while screaming that his victim was "homophobic" speaks volumes in itself. To him, the word 'homophobic' is a weapon to beat straight men with. He is stuck in perpetual victim mode. (A lot like feminists). I refuse to let fools like him beat me with anything! You shouldn't either.
Now, by contrast, consider Peter Tatchell. When he first came to public prominence it was chiefly as a gay man outing other gays. I loathed what he was doing. He was acting like a bully for his own ends and was creating misery and fear in others in order to make his dubious political points. (A lot like feminists really). Then he stopped doing that and became a man of great courage and principle. His rating, with me personally, went through the roof. I began to admire him.
Two different gay men a million miles apart. One deserving of nothing but contempt, the other deserving of respect. The politically correct say, we must respect them both. I say, you are talking from the wrong orifice and nothing you can say will force me to respect that idiot from the Big Brother house and he can call me 'homophobic' until the pink cows come home. It will still not be true.
The point is, that if black people, brown people, white people, women, young or old, other men, gays, the media, lesbians or feminists want our respect as a people, let them earn it. Laws /ordering/ us to respect them are not going to work. Some we CAN respect. Others we cannot. That is reality.
Hey Labour! You remember reality don't you? It's what you had BEFORE you started listening to the feminists and began disrespecting everyone who is not a bra burning, men hating weirdo!
Do we have to respect someone before we will help them? Hell no! If we see someone in trouble (even a feminist) and it is possible to help them, we should. That is what makes us decent people. That is why I still bother to talk to feminists. I have hope that I can deprogram them.
If decent people see a burglar fall from an upstairs window and land on his or her back on the concrete, they should always put aside their feelings about the rights and wrongs of his or her ("his or her" because crime is an equal opportunities employer) actions and offer help until the ambulance comes. The moronic Sun 'Newspaper' approach might be that we should call all our mates and jump up and down on the unfortunate until we are /certain/ he or she is crippled and THEN call an ambulance, but that is the council of fools. Decent people do decent things. Idiots scream, make a fuss, claim their "rights" while abusing the rights of others and try to bully us all into becoming as sick as they are. Just listen to the 'we hate religion' brigade!
How then would I sum up this rant? Well, it's simple really.
Just say no to idiots. And that includes feminists. You listened to that lot and it has led to streets full of dead children with knives sticking out of them and family meltdown. Don't hate them. Just don't respect or listen to them either.
They don't deserve our respect and their lies hurt our ears and our children.
George Rolph. (UK)
July 3rd 2008.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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